MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Warnings: Slash


Just One Kiss by coolh5000

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Gellert comes to say goodbye and Albus finally allows himself to show his true feelings.

Pushit by MaiaMadness

Rated: Professors •
“Saw that gap again today as you were begging me to stay. Managed to push myself away, and you as well, my dear. You still love me and you push it on me. And I’m slipping back into the gap again. I feel alive when you touch me. I feel alive when you hold me down. If, when I say I might fade like a sigh if I stay, you minimise my movement anyway, I must persuade you another way. Pushing and shoving and pushing me… There’s no love in fear!”

This wasn’t the way it was meant to be, staring at each other over pieces of broken glass, the air heavy with the echo of angry words and endless regret. This wasn’t how it was meant to be…


Flowers of Innocence by Valentinia

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Two girls, both flowers in their own right, drawn together by flowers. Their friendship was impossible, but it happened. This is how.

Warning: This fic can be interpreted as a frienship fic, but it sort of leans toward femmeslash, though obviously there’s nothing graphic at all (see rating). Still, if the concept itself offends, I wouldn’t read this. The slash warning is just in case.

Golden Lucifer by Stubbornly_appeared

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: His eyes sparkled in the light, and Albus knew they could do great things together.

Disillusionment flies on swift, silent wings, though, and soon the gold fades.

I am Stubbornly_appeared of Gryffindor writing for the Colours of Love Challenge.

The Other Weasley by annie

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Draco hadn't counted on the other Weasley. Rated for one expletive. Warning: This probably doesn't feature the pairing you're expecting :P

Severely Moonstruck by MaiaMadness

Rated: Professors •
Summary: To Sirius it was sometimes a joke, sometimes not. Mostly it seemed that it was, which was why Remus began to long for something else, someone sincere who would understand him and not deny him, and he found that person where he least expected it.

This story was born from a conversation in chapter five of Too Much Love Will Kill You. If you were wondering who Remus' other lover was, this is that story.

It is not necessary to read TMLWKY to understand this fic.

Mission accomplished? by tc015

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: "No one really knows who you are, do they?” Albus Severus Potter is a mystery to everyone, even his boyfriend Scorpius. When his father sends him on a mysterious mission, he realizes that not everything on the outside matches the inside.
An entry into the 5th Gauntlet by tc015 of Gryffindor.

Harry Potter and the Dark Half (Year 8) by AngelicAbyss

Rated: Professors •
Summary: Lord Voldemort has finally been defeated. The Death Eaters have been tried and convicted of their crimes. All the students at Hogwarts have returned to repeat and make-up their last year. Life in the wizarding world should be returning to normal, when a stunning press release in the Daily Prophet dumps everything upside-down once again as the definition of ‘pureblood’ comes into question. New lines will be drawn and sides will be taken. Who is the new leader of the Pureblood Movement? One evil replaces another and the immortal fight between good and evil is resumed.

The Long Hidden Secret of Apples by rev02a

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: A secret taught to Remus at a young age should have helped him trust Sirius for twelve years.

Too Much Love Will Kill You by MaiaMadness

Rated: Professors •
Summary: "Too much love will kill you, just as sure as none at all."

Harry has spent eight months with the memory of one fateful night, not knowing whether his lover is dead or alive. When he learns that his lover has returned and is being tried by the Wizengamot, Harry wants to do everything in his power to save them, but does this lover still want him, or did it not matter to them at all? And how will Harry explain to his friends that he loves Draco Malfoy?

Alternate sequel to Bohemian Rhapsody.

First Comes Friendship by social loner

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Seamus and Dean have been friends since they were eleven. They're basically joined at the hip! But what happens when Seamus has a secret? A secret he's been hiding since forth year? Now that the two boys are in their seventh and final year, Seamus is finding it harder and harder to keep his secret from Dean. But what would Dean think? There was no way that Dean saw their friendship as Seamus did. But one thought keeps penetrating Seamus' head: friendship always comes before love.

P.S. I Love You by annie

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: One hundred letters, written back and forth between Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy over the course of twenty-five years.

Background Secrets by Calaidi

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: What if Harry and Draco were really friends behind all the insults and fights with each other? When would it have started and where would it end? Major spoilers for books 3,4,5,6. HPDM, FGL, BZSF, OWOC, poss RWHG, rating may go up

Fragile by annie

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Above all else, the form love takes depends on the circumstances. Albus/Scorpius, implied Harry/Draco, DH epilogue compliant. This is a follow-up to "After the Epilogue".

Chocolate by Everlasting

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: It’s Christmas time at Hogwarts and the snow creates the illusion of perfection. Sirius has always admired Remus, but now it’s time to see if these feelings are requited.

Borderline by MaiaMadness

Rated: Professors •
“It’s not enough, I need more. Nothing seems to satisfy. I don’t want it; I just need it to breathe, to feel, to know I’m alive. Deep within the Borderline… Show me that you love me and that we belong together. Relax, turn around and take my hand. I’ll keep digging till I feel something!”

Since losing all his closest friends, Remus has nothing left to live for. It’s as though he has lost all sensation, and despair is pressing in from all sides. Indulging in alcohol and casual sex, Remus tries desperately to find something that will make him feel again, but in the end there is only one thing that can…

Destruction Where You Stand by auberus

Rated: Professors •
31 October 1981. Instead of going to Azkaban, Sirius Black goes on the run, determined to catch the traitorous Peter Pettigrew even as post-war violence tears through the wizarding world. Meanwhile, Remus Lupin and a handful of others work desparately to clear Sirius' name, and to find him.

After all, they are not the only ones seeking Sirius Black. The Ministry of Magic has set the Dementors on his trail, and they have been given permission to administer the Kiss the instant he is caught. The remnants of the Death Eaters are pursuing him as well, in hopes that he will lead them to Pettigrew, whom they blame for Voldemort's defeat. (SB/RL slash)

Summoned by SortingHat47

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: It is the Summer between The Goblet of Fire and The Order of the Phoenix. Severus Snape has been Summoned by Voldemort: and recalled to the Order of the Phoenix.

Neither side trusts him completely -- yet.

Schism by MaiaMadness

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
"I know the pieces fit cuz I watched them tumble down.
No fault, none to blame. It doesn't mean I don't desire to
point the finger, blame the other, watch the temple topple over;
to bring the pieces back together, rediscover communication. Cold silence has a tendency to atrophy any sense of compassion between supposed lovers, between supposed brothers.

In May 1945, Albus Dumbledore defeated the dark wizard Grindelwald. A few days after this, Albus ponders his life and the schism which, nearly fifty years prior, tore his life apart. Can his brother forgive him? Can he forgive Gellert Grindelwald?

A Lot Can Happen In a Summer by liquid_silver

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: In an alternate reality, Severus Snape's parents are killed in his fifteenth year. He runs to the nearest wizarding house, which happens to be that of Remus Lupin.

This was originally going to be a Sirius/Severus fic, but it was pointed out to me that it would be a very big stretch for Sirius's parents to take Severus in without first looking into his background.