The Trouble With Being Trusted by PadfootnPeeves
Summary: Fresh in the Order of the Phoenix, young Nymphadora Tonks is sent on a mission to help change the course of history. Accompanied by only a Time-Turner and other small objects, Tonks must save a woman’s life to help a certain Chosen One in the future. Will she succeed, or only fall helplessly into the clutches of her enemies? Danger, thrill, and unexpected guidance and friendship are to come.

I am PadfootnPeeves of Gryffindor for the Gauntlet.

Categories: Alternate Universe Characters: None
Warnings: Alternate Universe
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: Yes Word count: 9422 Read: 14624 Published: 02/17/08 Updated: 02/22/08

1. Chapter 1 by PadfootnPeeves

2. Chapter 2 by PadfootnPeeves

3. Chapter 3 by PadfootnPeeves

4. Chapter 4 by PadfootnPeeves

5. Chapter 5 by PadfootnPeeves

Chapter 1 by PadfootnPeeves
Author's Notes:
I don't own Harry Potter.

I wearily opened my eyes (a casual light brown for today). Darn it, I must have tripped over something. Probably got knocked out, knowing my talent. Remus was right- I was the clumsiest individual he had ever met.

Sweet, green grass tickled my nose and bare, slightly freckled feet. I sat up and looked around- I was in some field. It looked like the Quidditch pitch, only without the goal posts and stands. I laid back down- I felt terribly lightheaded, and didn’t feel like throwing up so soon after supper.

A heavy weight was pressed onto my stomach. First I thought my meatloaf sandwich (yum!) coming up, but then I realized that was only my bag. It was actually an old, grayish brown satchel- Minerva had given it to me about a week ago. I took it off my stomach and emptied it onto the ground.

Inside was a book, so thick even Hermione would probably get a headache from it. It had no title, only plain brown leather for a cover. I opened it up, and out fell a weathered-looking sheet of parchment.

In fancy script was the title- Black Forest and Surrounding Areas. I wrinkled my freckled nose (for today I looked like a Weasley) - I obviously wasn’t in the Black Forest, since the Black Forest was (obviously) black and I was laying on a green meadow. I had no idea what the map was for- someone had probably left it there when they got the book, and forgot to take it back.

The sun was starting to set in a pinkish color, sort of like my favorite hairstyle. I picked up my wand (it was lying a foot away), lighting some grass aflame as I did so. Cursing my clumsiness (I had picked up some bad vocabulary from Sirius over the past few weeks), I put out the fire (making the patch of grass all soggy), and examined the remaining items in my bag.

Another article in the satchel (which had decorative pink rhinestones on it, due to my total creativity) was a small, hard object that sort of looked like those things Muggles use to time the time they brush their teeth with when they have dental problems. Obviously Muggles can’t count to one hundred and twenty, or else they wouldn’t use those. But I digress.

I turned the object over in my hands. It was getting harder to see (the sun was setting quickly), so I whispered, “Lumos,”, and the small object became much easier to observe.

It was a Time-Turner. I scrutinized it carefully; its thin gold chain, its tiny bits of sand inside the glass. I hadn’t been wearing it when I got here; so why was I in another place? Before, I was in the Weasley’s backyard. Something was very strange...

There was one last object on the ground. My pink running shoes, complete with purple-and-orange toe socks balled up inside. I eagerly put the apparel on (for my toes were starting to go numb, even if it was a summer’s night) and leapt to my feet. Something crunched under my left foot. I first thought it was my wand (if it was, Mad-Eye Moody would kill me personally), but my wand was safely in my back pocket (another thing Moody hated).

I pulled off my shoe and searched the inside. I wasn’t afraid of anything creepy being inside; those dead Puffskeins at Sirius’s house were enough to keep me fearless.

Inside my shoe was a thin scrap of parchment. I sighed with relief, grateful it wasn’t anything dead (except for the tree it was made of). I unrolled it, shivering slightly as a cool breeze started to pick up. Scanning it briefly, I could almost hear my Head-of-House from my Hogwarts years yelling at me, telling me to pay more attention to details. Wrinkling my nose at the memory of the woman, I read the letter more carefully. My eyes traveled down the page, widening as I started to remember why I was here.


I know this might seem a little too much for you, but Dumbledore thinks you’re ready for this. First, I’m sending you back in time. You may not be able to remember everything, but this should spark your memory. DO NOT LET ANYONE SEE THIS LETTER!

After you wake up, walk to the local town. Yes, it’s a Muggle village. Ask someone where the local orphanage is; they’ll be able to tell you. Use your Time-Turner if you have to. Then you need to save a dying woman’s life. Give her a potion in your satchel- it’s in one of the pockets. If you save this woman’s life, it will greatly help Harry and Dumbledore in the future.

Find a way back into our time. It won’t be easy, but don’t be afraid to take whatever measures you need to.

I’m counting on you, Tonks. I know you can do this. CONSTANT VIGILANCE !

-Mad Eye

I blinked. I was in for a heap of trouble.

* * *

I read the letter one last time before setting off for the nearest village. I desperately wanted to Apparate, but I didn’t know where I was going and would probably Splinch myself. But it didn’t help that it was dark out and I only had on jeans, a Weird Sisters T-shirt, and bright running shoes with clashing socks.

After what seemed forever, I reached a small town. It looked deserted; all the houses were dark and no one was around. Then I remembered that it was nighttime. Thanks, Mad-Eye, for sending me when everyone’s asleep!

Use your Time-Turner if you have to.

Of course! Now it made sense. Merlin, Mad-Eye, I better be getting I pay raise.

I took the Time-Turner out of my satchel. Should I turn it forwards or backwards? Forwards would be easier; I wouldn’t have to worry about myself coming into town. But what if the woman was dead by morning?

I frantically took out Mad-Eye’s letter again. Nothing about whether to go backwards or forwards in time. Typical! And make that a double pay raise.

I decided to flip a Knut. Cheesy and risky way of saving someone’s life, but I had no other ideas. Placing the bronze coin on my thumb, I flipped it over. Well, I actually just launched it into a gutter.

Patience, Tonks, I told myself. I took out another coin and tossed it, this time away from harm. Heads, forwards, tails, backwards.

Heads. Hmm. Perhaps I should do it again?

Tails. One more time, to see whether it turns on heads or tails.

Heads. Best out of ten?








I supposed I should have stopped after the third, but nervousness was starting to get to me. I put the Time-Turner around my neck, and turned it three times. Three was my lucky number; maybe it would be lucky this time.

Colors flashed before me, and I felt like I was on one of those carousels my Dad had taken me on when I was little. People and animals rushed back and forth, and I closed my eyes to keep the nausea from coming up. At last, the spinning stopped, and the world was back to normal.

I looked around. Men and women walked up and down the narrow streets, some on carts led by horses, others shuffling in the snow. Snow? When had it started to snow? Last time I checked, it had been summer! Perhaps time travel affected the weather. Ugh, I was getting a headache. I really had to stop thinking like Hermione.

People were snickering at me as they passed. I thought they looked pretty darn funny themselves- the women wore dresses with puffy coats, and the men had on breech-like pants and weird hats. How far back had I gone?

I decided to use some of the Muggle money Dumbledore had provided me with to switch clothes. If I was condemned to wear a dress to save a life, so be it. As long as the paycheck got tripled.

“Excuse me,” I said politely (well, as politely as I could manage, I actually sort of screamed at her) to a young woman carrying a straw basket. “Do you know where I could possibly get a change of clothes?”

The bewildered woman directed me to a small shop down the street. Then she quickly left, as though she didn’t want to be seen with a young woman with fiery red hair and a pink-rhinestone covered satchel.

I walked to the shop as fast as my legs could carry me. It was snowing hard, and my skin was a lovely shade of blue that I hadn’t Metamorphed it to be.

Inside the shop was a black-haired lady sitting at a desk. She had on a dark green dress, and her hair was tied back. She had an oddly squashes-looking face, as though she had run into a brick wall several times without any particular purpose.

“Hello,” I said. “Do you have any women’s dresses?”

The woman nodded and stood up. Beckoning me with a pale finger, she gave me an outfit of light grey material, and a matching coat. I changed in the back of the shop, and handed over some money to the woman.

“Thank you very much,” I said as I handed over the cash, noticing how the woman had her eye on me.

“What?” I asked impatiently. I had a mission to go on and this lady was holding me up.

The woman whipped something out of her pocket and whispered something. I was thrown back off my feet, and hit the wall with an unpleasant sound.

The woman’s face was contorting. It evened out, and a maniac glint appeared in her dark eyes. I swallowed, afraid for the first time.

“Hello, dearest niece,” Bellatrix Lestrange said, and I knew I was in trouble.

Chapter 2 by PadfootnPeeves
Author's Notes:
Even though you may find this hard to believe, I don't own Harry Potter, or Tom's teeth (thankfully). Enjoy!
“Are you really that foolish,” my aunt said dramatically, pacing in front of me, her wand pointed at my throat. “To think that my master doesn’t know of that Mudblood-loving fool’s plans?”

Part of me wanted to defend Dumbledore, but the other half just wanted to get out of Bellatrix’s clutches. I had to be sneaky, though- perhaps a distraction would work.

“I wouldn’t know,” I answered innocently. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t be foolish, Nymphadora,” Bellatrix snapped.

That got my attention.

“Don’t call me Nymphadora!” I retorted. I could care less if she called me a fool, but calling me ‘Nymphadora’ was one thing I would not tolerate.

Bella smirked. “Going to let that bother you?” she asked in a mocking voice. “I bet Mummy calls you Dory, doesn’t she? And you’re Mudblood Daddy, too?”

“Shut up!” I shouted, my temper rising. “At least I’m not in love with some bald bloke who goes about killing people...”

I had gone too far, and earned a shiny new scar because of it. I howled as her wand cut a wound into my cheek. I felt nauseous at the blood dripping down my face. Oh, Merlin, how was I going to get out of this one?

“Why don’t you just kill me?” I asked sourly, racking my brains for a plan to get away.

“I should,” Bellatrix agreed, “But I like torturing people even more than killing them straight off. Perhaps a little Crucio? I hear it bends your mind backwards...”

Backwards. My frantic thoughts clicked together. That’s it! I could use my Time-Turner! But should I go to the future or past... oh, Lord, Tonks, don’t start again...

Go to the future, said a voice in my head as my crazy aunt rambled on and on. The voice sounded like Remus’s, and I immediately relaxed. I could do this.

I slowly raised my hand. Bellatrix’s eyes snapped onto me.

“Going for your wand?” she sneered.

“No,” I replied calmly. “My neck itches. I’m quite uncomfortable on the floor, you know. And I think I’ve got a rash form those curtains. Nasty stuff, you know.

Bellatrix rolled her eyes. I reached down and grasped the Time-Turner. Forward once, twice- go!

Bellatrix started to screech at the top of her lungs. She made to grab my arm, but I ducked out of her way and continued spinning, faster, faster... and soon it all stopped.

The shop was thankfully deserted. Bellatrix probably hadn’t arrived yet. I wiped some sweat off my forehead. That was a close one, and I’m not so sure I’ll make it through the next. Moody will be bankrupt by the time he pays me all the money that I deserve for this mess I’ve gotten myself into.

I whipped out my wand (handily stashed the pocket of my coat), and Apparated. I arrived in the Wizarding World, thank Merlin. Someone could actually protect me if Bellatrix came back. I wasn’t the typical damsel-in-distress, but I had no intentions of murdering anyone so early in my life.

A small inn was ahead. I wasn’t sure which one it was; the snow was too thick to see. I ran up to it and walked inside.

It was the Leaky Cauldron, I recognized, but it was much cleaner. It was really quite empty, though, except for a young man at the counter.

“Hello, miss,” he greeted me. “What’ll it be?”

It was Tom, the toothless, wizened old landlord, except many, many years younger. I could tell it was him because of the prominent tooth problems that showed when he smiled.

“Hello,” I said. I ordered a drink and sat on a stool. “Say, do you know what day it is?”

Tom looked at me oddly, a light eyebrow raised. “’Course I do,” he said. “Bit crazy of you, really, to go out on the coldest day of the year. It’s New Years, of course.”

Yes, my traveling had definitely affected the seasons. It had been June 26th the night I left.

“Are you new to business?” I asked, attempting to figure out as much as I could about the Wizarding World. Or, at least, the Wizarding World in this time.

Tom nodded. “Me pa got me this place,” he said. “Dropped out o’ Hogwarts, and I got this.”

I nodded. I had never really been familiar with Tom; I was more of a Three Broomsticks person myself.

We were both quiet for a moment, and I heard footsteps pounding outside. They didn’t bother being quiet, and you could hear them even through the howling wind.
It didn’t take a Dumbledore to figure out who it was.

Bellatrix had followed me once more.

“I have to go,” I whispered to Tom, throwing over some gold to the confused chap. “Please don’t tell anyone I was here.”

Tom nodded again, nonplussed.

“Bye,” I muttered hastily, rushing into one of the back rooms as my aunt walked in.

I crouched in an old closet, silently praying that she wouldn’t find me. I heard her voice (the one I had grown to hate), “Is anyone in here?”

“No, Ma’am,” said Tom, lying through his rotting teeth. “Jus’ me and my drinks. Would you care for one?”

“No,” Bellatrix said rudely. “I heard voices.”

“I do talk,” Tom said, with a pathetic attempt at a fib.

“Enough of this,” I sincerely hoped that Bellatrix wouldn’t curse Tom. “Where are you hiding her?”

“Who?” Tom cried, apparently frightened by the tone of his voice.

“The woman with the red hair!” Bellatrix screamed. “Where is she?”

“She left!” Tom squeaked. “She left shortly after you came...”

Bellatrix stopped speaking, and abruptly left the pub, slamming the door shut. I sighed with relief.

I heard the door creak open. It was probably Tom.

“Well, well,” said a voice that certainly wasn’t Tom’s. “Look what the Kneazle dragged in...”

I shut my eyes, and hoped that the Time-Turner could get me out of this one, too.
* * *

“Long time no see,” Bellatrix sneered.

I was getting sick of her contorting her face like that. It looked painful and was very unattractive.

“Hello,” I said, wondering how I was going to get out of this one. I could just use the Time-Turner, but my dear aunt would probably torture Tom, and I didn’t want that to happen to him. Poor repaying service, you see.

Bellatrix pointed her wand at me, and thick ropes appeared all over my body. I kicked angrily; I was so stupid, staying put, when I could have gone, away from this loony, and rescued the woman. Dumbledore and Mad-Eye were wrong- I wasn’t ready for this, wasn’t brave enough...

I was soon lifted into the air by her wand, and she took great care to bump me into the doorway as she carried me out of the closet. Worry filled me- what if she was taking me to You-Know-Who?

Bellatrix walked into the bar, my body trailing behind her like a balloon. I wish I could pop and float to the ground in useless rubber pieces, just to avoid capture. Remus’s lined face floated in my mind- would I ever see him again?

“Where do you think you’re going?” said a sharp male voice.

This time, it was Tom. He had his wand pointed directly at Bellatrix; I noticed his arm was shaking. Bella’s thin lips curled up again, and she set me on the top of the counter.

“If you dare touch me,” she said delicately, “I will blast you and your filthy little shop to shreds.”

Tom paled; some pimples on his young face suddenly became even more prominent. I decided to put on puppy eyes, staring at him helplessly. He would help me, he just had to...

But obviously Tom wasn’t a prince waiting to rescue a damsel in distress. He lowered his wand and hung his head, his eyes not meeting mine.

“Good,” Bellatrix smirked. “Now, sit in your little store and don’t tell anyone we were here.”

Tom nodded sullenly and shuffled behind the counter. Bellatrix’s grin widened, and she rudely slopped some Firewhisky onto Tom’s shirt. He jumped and glared at her, but Bellatrix was already halfway out the door with my body before Tom looked up.

I sighed, the whistling wind drowning it out. I didn’t want to, but I had to realize that Tom wasn’t going to come and rescue me from the clutches of this loon. I don’t think the man had an ounce of bravery in him. I’d never be able to forgive him, if I lived long enough to actually dwell over it. I guess I had been right- no one was going to save me this time. Why did all Dumbledore’s friends have to be cowards?

I was in a rather uncomfortable position. The winter wind was picking up, and the breeze felt unpleasant on my face. I had always liked winter, but perhaps this would change my views. I’m sort of glad I had ropes on, though- if they weren’t there, my dress would go up and that would be terribly awkward, not to mention humiliating.

“I have a question,” I said, loud enough for my aunt to hear.

The Death Eater turned around. “What?” she said mockingly. “Does your neck itch again?”

There was no one else in the world that I hated more than my aunt, not even Stan Shunpike. I glared at her, seething inside.

“What’s your question?” she asked impatiently, shaking me up and down with her wand.

“Where are you taking me?” I blurted.

“Nosy girl,” she chided. “I’m taking you to where you belong. My master has wanted to see you, Nymphadora.”

I closed my eyes, not even bothering to shout at her for using my first name. I felt the tears hot on my eyelids- my prince was far, far away- and I knew I’d never be able to see Moony again.
Chapter 3 by PadfootnPeeves
Author's Notes:
Ditto to the last chapter's notes. Thanks to Emily (Amber 0_o) for making this chapter smoother! Enjoy as some of the plot picks up!
Suddenly, I fell to the ground. Bellatrix stopped walking, turned around, and snapped, “Get up! And start walking. I’m sick of carrying you.”

“I can’t walk,” I said, hoping I sounded braver than I felt. “My feet are tied up.”

Bellatrix made a hissing noise and cut the ropes on my ankles. I winced as the blade of her knife slide slightly into my skin. The ones on my wrists remained. I stood up, and fell back down, a traditional Nymphadora Tonks action.

“Get up,” she spat. “And walk behind me. If you dare run away, I will kill you instantly.”

I snorted, but didn’t doubt her. However, I decided to fun with my aunt. My mother had implied all throughout my childhood that I was annoying when I wanted to, so I was going to use this to my advantage.

I hurried my walking pace so I was right behind Bellatrix, and stepped on her heels, like an immature boy.

“What?” she barked, whipping her scummy black hair around. I ducked the greasy locks, biting my lip as I hid a giggle and a grin.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, trying to hide a laugh. This was almost too easy, ticking the lunatic off.

Bellatrix sneered and went on with her march. I waited a few moments before doing again, and again, and... again. Mad-Eye had never said that I couldn’t have fun with my job.

Bellatrix whipped her extremely unwashed head around the second time around.

“If you do that one more time,” she snarled, “Then I will-”

But I never got to hear what she would do to me, because suddenly she was flown backwards, her wand shooting out of her hand.

“Never thought she’d go that far,” muttered a voice from behind me, a pant in its tone. “How many bloody miles we walked, I dunno...”

It was Tom. I squealed and gave him a grateful hug. He patted my back awkwardly, looking a bit disheveled.

“You did this to her?” I asked, nodding my head in the direction my aunt had flown.

“If that’s what yeh call it,” Tom shrugged. “I went to go see him when she left wit’ yeh.”


“Dumbledore, ‘course. You know Dumbledore, right?”

“Well duh, who doesn’t?”

“All right. Well, he said for me to give yeh this, and he’ll meet up wit’ yeh later.”

He wordlessly passed me an old boot.

A Portkey.

I took it. “Are you coming with me?”

He shook his head. “Nah. I have to go back to me shop or else that lady will probably come after me and kill me before I have time to spit in ‘er eye.”

“She probably will anyways,” I said darkly. “Especially if you spit on her.”

Tom chuckled. “Ah, well, she’ll be out cold for a couple hours. Mind, she might ‘ave a nasty concussion if yeh run into ‘er.”

I laughed, feeling slightly relieved. I wished Tom could come with me, that way I wouldn’t be so lonely. But apparently I was supposed to meet up with Dumbledore, so I guessed that I wouldn’t be alone for too long. Dumbledore always had nice calming effect on people.

“Better watch out,” Tom warned, shaking me out of my thoughts.

The Portkey had started to glow. I quickly placed a finger on it, and gave Tom a goodbye hug. “Thanks for everything, Tom.”

“No problem,” he said. “Try and visit me sometime, alright?”

“I’ll try,” I smiled, and soon Tom disappeared from view as the Portkey took me to its destination.

* * *

I ended up in the woods. It was very dark; the moonlight reflected off the snow was my only source of light. I quickly whispered, “Lumos,” and held my wand up as I walked through the trees.

My dress bothered me. It was hard to walk through the flurry with it on; my shins were soaked.

I knew your mind plays tricks on you when you’re in the dark, but I seriously (and I don’t mean my cousin) believed that things were popping out at me. Snow crunched under strange footsteps, yellow eyes blinked out from bushed, and strange howling was heard. I wasn’t afraid of werewolves (after all, I was in love with one), but I didn’t feel like meeting any that weren’t named Remus Lupin.

If it was possible, the sky seemed to get even darker. Even my wand beam seemed dull, no matter how many times I said ‘Lumos.’ And, worst of all, I felt lonely. I was never the person who liked to be alone for more than an hour or so. Company made me feel better, but all this darkness wasn’t improving my psyche.

Footsteps crunched on the ground behind me. Paranoid as I wasn’t, fear filled my body. If it was Bellatrix following, I was going to freak out and probably do something stupid.

“Excuse me?”

I screamed, turned around, and punched as hard as I could. I heard someone stumble and fall to the ground, probably from surprise more than force.

I shined my wand at the ground. Lying in the snow was none other than an auburn-haired Albus Dumbledore.

Oh, crap. I had just nailed the greatest wizard in the face.

“Professor!” I squeaked, helping him to his feet. “I’m so, so sorry... I thought you were someone else...”

“Funnily enough,” Dumbledore said, brushing snow off his robes, “I’ve had worse greetings in my lifetime. And who do I owe the pleasure of meeting?”

“Tonks,” I mumbled, still embarrassed.

“Well, Tonks,” Dumbledore said, “I’ve been told that you were being followed. You are in need of some protection, am I correct?”

“Yes, sir,” I said. “I have somewhere I need to be, and I need to get there without... her.”

Dumbledore nodded. “Then I shall accompany you on your journey,” he promised.

I grinned. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.

“Where to?” asked Dumbledore, brushing some hair from his extraordinarily blue eyes.

“I’ll take you,” I said.

Dumbledore gripped my arm, and I turned on the spot, back to the old Muggle town. I felt good right now- I was finally back on my mission.

“Fascinating place,” Dumbledore remarked as we strolled through the village. “I don’t think I’ve ever been here.”

“It’s a Muggle town,” I told him. “I need to go to the orphanage.”

“Adopting a child?”

“Er, no. I’m saving someone’s life.”

“Ah. Well, let’s speed things up, shall we?”

Dumbledore took my arm and whispered, “Might as well try to blend in.”

I nodded, feeling awkward. As long as I didn’t trip or punch him in the face again, I was okay.

We reached the orphanage after a baker’s instruction and several mix-ups. I didn’t like the orphanage- it was dark and ugly and the sharp fence looked like it could stab you to death.

“Does the orphanage know you’re coming?” Dumbledore asked as we walked up the steep steps.

“No,” I said honestly. “Guess we’ll have to improvise.”

Dumbledore smiled and knocked on the door. It was opened by a tall girl around ten or so.

“Yes?” she said, eyeing my tomato-red hair and Dumbledore’s dark robes.

“Hello,” Dumbledore said pleasantly. I had no idea what he was going to say. “I am the doctor for a town away, and I have received news that a woman is dying?”

The girl looked confused for a moment, but then nodded. “This way,” she called, turning around with the swish of an apron.

The girl led us down a gloomy-looking hallway into another room.

“Mrs. Cole!” the girl said. “A doctor’s come to see the mother.”

Mrs. Cole, a strong but sad-looking lady, looked up at us from her sharp-rimmed glasses. “What? Marsha, no one sent for a doctor. The girl wants to be left alone.”

She stared at Dumbledore and me, her eyes narrowed.

Dumbledore bowed. “With all due respect, dear lady, I had heard of a dying mother. Is it a crime to want to save a life, as it is my career?”

Mrs. Cole stood up. “No one knows of the girl!” she snapped. “And if she did want saving, we have our own doctor to talk to. Good day!”

She beckoned for the girl to shoo us out.

Oh, no. Nymphadora Tonks wasn’t going to give up that easily.

Dumbledore sensed my emotions and grabbed my arm. “Thank you, Mrs. Cole. My wife and I can find the door ourselves.”

He half-led, half-dragged me out of the office, talking about the weather.

“What’re you doing?” I hissed.

“Improvising,” he replied. “I do recall that’s what I was instructed to do.”

I rolled my eyes. Dumbledore glanced down the hallway, and finding it deserted, turned to face me again.

“Now,” he said. “I’m going to put a little spell on you.”

“Really?” I said. So much for wise words from dear Dumbledore.

“Yes. It’s sort of like Apparition, except I don’t know where I’m sending you. I know it’ll be in the orphanage, but I don’t know which room. We’ll have to keep doing this until we find the woman. I’m very sorry, but it’s the only option without sneaking around the place like thieves.”

I stared. “Um... okay.”

Dumbledore beamed. “Good. Now, you may feel some intestinal discomfort, but it’s only temporary. Okay? One, two, three... go!”

Some intestinal discomfort... oh dear lord, that little ride through the building had my body aching.

I ended up in a room. It was all dark and chilly, and I was sitting on the floor. Deciding to shine things up, I whispered, “Lumos,” but no light appeared. I tried again, but still no luck. Frustrated, I kicked the wall, which probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do.

I started shouting other spells, but nothing worked. Angry now, I crawled around, feeling for a door. I finally hit a doorknob, and eagerly turned it. It was stuck. No spell seemed to work on it, either.

I sat back, annoyed. I did have enough tact, however, to refrain from using some of Sirius’s favorite curse words.

“Hey,” said a weak voice form the opposite side of the room. “Can I have some water?”

I inched down the room and found a glass. Squinting n the darkness, I saw a young woman’s face, a few years younger than I was. I tipped the glass and poured the liquid into the girl’s mouth.

“Thanks,” she said weakly.

“Who are you?” I whispered.

“I’m Merope Gaunt,” she said tiredly. “I just gave birth to my baby. His name is Tom. But I can’t take care of him. I’m dying.”

Chapter 4 by PadfootnPeeves
Author's Notes:
Despite my frantic arguements, I still don't own any rights to Harry Potter. Enjoy some... unexpected romance.

The wheels turned inside my head until I found the answer.

Voldemort’s mum.

Realization hit me. That’s why Dumbledore had sent me on the mission. Of course! It all made sense. If Voldemort’s mum was there to love and take care of him, then why would he ever dream of killing everyone?

And I thought Dumbledore’s love speeches were pointless.

Oh, wait! In all my excitement, I had forgotten that Merope was dying (sounds terrible, but I really did). I opened up my satchel and dug through it, feeling around for a bottle in one of the pockets. Of course, my bag just so happened to have a lot of pockets, so it was a couple minutes before I produced a vial.

It smelled awful. At first I wondered if it had spoiled, but then I remembered that potions, especially medical ones, couldn’t spoil. That extra Auror training hadn’t been put to waste after all.

“Here, Merope,” I said, unscrewing the cap of the vile-smelling stuff. “Drink this. It’ll make you feel better.”

“I don’t want to,” she whispered. “I want to be put to rest. My heart can’t take any more living.”

Needless to say, that wasn’t what I wanted to hear.

“But you have to!” I insisted. “What if your son grows up to be someone awful? It’ll be your fault that you weren’t there to take care of him! You can still live, Merope. Your son needs you.”

Merope was quiet for a moment. At first I thought she was dead, but then she murmured, “I carry a heavy heart, miss. My husband has left me. I have nothing to live for. Tom will be a good boy. He’ll do fine without me”

“No he won’t!” I cried, almost in tears. “Just drink it, Merope. I don’t want to force you.”

Merope’s next words were soft and hard to hear. “I’m going, I know it. I hear voices... Tom’s voice... goodbye, miss...”

Desperate, I jumped to my feet and bent over the sickly woman. Thrusting her mouth open, I poured the liquid down her throat. Merope gasped, her eyes wide and bulging, and then she was still.

It was all for nothing. I was too late. The potion was wasted. Merope Gaunt was gone.

Numbly, I sat back on the floor. Fat tears rolled down my face. I felt worse then when I had with Bellatrix. I had really, truly failed this time. Nothing to save me, nothing to save the life of the woman who now lay dead beside me. No Time-Turner- its magic wouldn’t work in this room; I had tried. Nothing.

I wondered how I would get out of here. Probably rot, or starve to death. It was a chilling thought.

Suddenly, there was a cough. I jerked my head up, eyes widening. I frantically wiped away the tears. Another cough.

“Merope?” I said.

“That was some potion,” she wheezed.

I laughed, warmth and joy flooding back into me. I was so happy she was alive, that I gave her a hug. She laughed too, and patted my back awkwardly.

“Who can I owe the pleasure of knowing saved my life?” she asked.


“What’s your name?”

“I’m Tonks,” I said.

“Merope,” she replied, sitting up. “Let’s get out of here, shall we?”

“We can’t,” I said. “Magic won’t work.”

I could almost hear Merope’s smirk. “Oh, it does. I placed some on the door so I wouldn’t be bothered. Powerful stuff, you know- my Pa taught back when I was still living at home. Whoever sent you must be a really good wizard.”

“Oh, he is,” I smiled.

I heard Merope stand, and she pulled me to my feet. “Let’s go. I have a feeling my baby wants to see me.”

I was starting to see how ironic Merope’s mood was. First, she told me she wanted to die, and afterwards she can’t wait to get out and see her baby. It was a good thing, I supposed, but it was a bit unnerving.

Merope pointed her wand at the wall (I supposed that one had the door on it), and a sudden light filled the room. I blinked, blinded, but Merope grabbed my arm and daintily stepped out.

I blinked some as my pupils dilated. Merope seemed unbothered, as if she had light flashed in her eyes on a daily basis. But I wasn’t going to ask; I really didn’t want to know.

We headed to the nursery, where Mrs. Cole was feeding a dark-haired baby boy a bottle. She looked absolutely bewildered to see the two of us, healthy as hippogriffs, walking in together.

“Hello, ma’am,” Merope said, “May I feed my son now?”

“Er, yes, of course,” Mrs. Cole stuttered, passing Merope the baby, her eyes wide. “I see you’re feeling better?”

“Much,” Merope nodded. “Thanks to Miss Tonks.”

Mrs. Cole eyed me. I grinned widely and innocently. The older woman glanced away, shook her head and left.

I studied Merope. She might not be very pretty, but she was somebody’s baby once. The young girl seemed completely at ease as she held her child. The baby, in terms of looks, was far better off. Already sprouting tufts of dark hair, his dark eyes glimmered in the light. I couldn’t understand why Voldemort would go for the bald look with some facial features missing- he looked adorable as a child.

“I hate to break the tender moment,” I said, breaking my eyes away from mother and son. “But I need to go look for my friend.”

Merope looked up. “Excuse me?”

I nodded. “Yeah. He’s been waiting while I was with you.”

Merope stood, her arms wrapped protectively around her baby, who yawned. “I’m coming with you.”

I shrugged and walked out of the nursery. My plan was to get Merope to Dumbledore, so she could be safe. And figure out the rest of my mission, specifically, how to get back home. Safely.

It didn’t take too long to find Dumbledore. He was standing near the entrance, talking quietly to Mrs. Cole. She seemed to be getting along better with him, and was nodding her head, saying things like, “I see,” and “I understand.”

“Ah, Tonks,” he said, brushing invisible dust off his robes. “Ready to go?”

I nodded, and so did Merope, explaining she wanted to travel with us. Dumbledore accepted, telling her “The more the merrier.”

That man was strange.

We said our goodbyes and left into the chilly winter wind.

“Do you know where to go now?” Dumbledore asked me as we passed through the narrow and pointed gates.

I shook my head. I hadn’t thought of what to do after I found Merope.

“Well, we can go to my home,” Dumbledore offered. “I do have an old crib for young Tom.”

Merope looked surprised as to how Dumbledore knew her son’s name when no one had told him. I bite back a grin.

Dumbledore Apparated us to his house. It was nice and decent sized, and very Dumbledore-like. Dumbledore left with Merope to hunt for a crib, telling me to ‘make myself at home.’

I decided to explore; curiosity had always been one of my weak points. The room that struck my interest was the one with a huge door with a strange-looking brass handle.

I opened it, and stepped inside. It was nicely lit, for which I was grateful. All of the sudden, a thin sheet of paper appeared in front of me. I grabbed it, and read:

Your next job is to search in Dumbledore’s library for papers on time-travel. You need to get yourself back into our time before anything bad happens.
Constant vigilance,

Oh great. The room was filled with books, scrolls, and bits of parchment, but it was completely disorganized. This was not going to be easy.

Ah, well. Better start somewhere.

As I poured through the books, I heard footsteps. I stood, turned, and drew my wand.

“Yeh find him okay, Tonks?” said a familiar voice.

* * *

“Tom!” I exclaimed. “Will you help me?”

Tom kneeled down next to me. “What’d yeh need?”

“I need to look in this-” I gestured to the mess, “For information on time travel.”

Tom nodded. “I’ll see what I can do.”

For about an hour, Tom and I poured over the papers and pamphlets, searching for something that would help me get back.

“Find anything?” I asked after awhile, slumping back and wiping sweat off my forehead.

“I think so,” Tom said. “Here’s a set of instructions for going to the future.”

I held out my hand, but Tom didn’t give it to me. He scanned it over, a wide, uncharacteristic smirk forming on his face.

“Tom?” I asked.

Suddenly, Tom grew taller, thinner, and his hair turned black and grew into long black knots. His face shifted into a slightly insane one, and his cheery eyes turned cold and crazy.

Bellatrix had found me again.

“You know,” she said, “It’s a great deal easier to work with you than sift through this all on my own. You shouldn’t trust people so much, Nymphadora.”

I was seething. How could I have been so stupid? Bellatrix reached down her robes and pulled out a gold chain. A Time-Turner...

“Give me that back!” I demanded, drawing my wand.

Bellatrix snickered. “Put your wand away, fool, your Time-Turner is right where you left it.”

Sure enough, the object was safely around my neck.

“You have one too?” I asked thickly.

“Of course,” she said. “How do you think I kept tailing you?”

“You shouldn’t be tailing me in the first place,” I said angrily. “I’m only trying to make your master’s life happier- do you have a problem with that?”

Bellatrix raised her eyebrows. “What did you say?”

I repeated it, glaring daggers at her. Perhaps I shouldn’t have said so much; I was too angry to care.

Bellatrix spoke, confusion replacing the madness in her dark eyes. “That’s impossible.” Wordlessly, she pulled a thin piece of paper, and unfolded it for me to read.

It read, in fancy script:

I have entrusted you in a mission worthy for my cause. You shall be sent backwards in time, to the year I was born.

My spies have said that a member of the Order is being sent back too. Let him do all the work, and then come back before he can. Kill Albus Dumbledore if possible. And don’t let the Order member get back!

Your life is at risk. Use it wisely.

Man, I thought Moody’s letter was bad.

I gasped, and it wasn’t because Voldemort had gotten my gender confused. Kill Dumbledore? They were in the same house right now- maybe she already had...

Bellatrix realized too late how much I had read. Swiftly drawing my wand, I stripped her of her wand and bound her with ropes.

Well, how do you like that?

“You didn’t kill Dumbledore yet, did you?” I asked, pointing my wand at her face.

Bellatrix shook her head. “I didn’t find him. The bar boy, on the other hand...”

“You killed Tom?”

“Not exactly.”

“What’s that supposed to mean, you great stupid prat?”

Bellatrix bristled. “Watch your tongue, you filthy half-blood.”

Rolling my eyes, I continued to press her. “What did you do to Tom?”

“He’s tied up in the doorway,” Bellatrix admitted. “And I thought Trip Jinxes were useless.”

Shaking in fury, I Levitated my aunt.

“What should I do with you now?” I quipped. “Send you to Azkaban?”

“Why bother?” she sneered. “I broke out of it once, I can do it again. And you’re forgetting something.”

“What?” I snapped.

“We have the same mission,” she said, choosing her words carefully. “Maybe we can work together. After all, I have the time-travel papers.”

“You’re lying,” I said automatically. “I’m a filthy half-blood, remember?”

“I know that,” she spat. “But two minds are better than one, aren’t they? Even though yours is a half-blood’s.”

I was seriously starting to believe this was a new type of insanity my aunt had become addicted to. It was hard to tell whether she was fibbing or not- her face remained expressionless.

“I’m taking you to Dumbledore,” I decided after a few moments’ hesitation. “He can decide.”

Bellatrix rolled her eyes, made a snide comment about ‘trusting old Mudblood-loving fools’, but made no objection. I think she was secretly glad she wasn’t going to Azkaban.

I opened the library door and stepped out, Bellatrix’s body trailing behind me. I thought about what Dumbledore would say. Maybe he would force her to drink a Truth Potion, or use Legimency.

Whatever it would be, I trusted Dumbledore, partly because Remus wasn’t there and partly because I had no other choice. I just hoped everything would turn out okay.

Or else Mad-Eye was going broke.
* * *

Several minutes later, after the talk I had planned with Dumbledore, I stood with Merope and baby and young adult Tom, seething.

The prat had sided with her.

“If she has information you need,” he had said, “And you for her, then why don’t you work together? You could start by taking the ropes off her body.”

Bellatrix’s triumphant smirk was almost too much to bear.

Tom had taken my side; he had met Bellatrix during one of her mood swings and decided she was playing a trick. Merope was quiet, keeping her thoughts to herself and cooing softly at her beautiful baby.

“Are you going to take his advice?” she asked after awhile.

I thought for a moment. “Yes.”

Tom raised his eyebrows; the pimples on his forehead scrunched together. “Really? I thought you’d do just the opposite.”

I shrugged. “Yes, well, I have to get back somehow.”

Tom and Merope’s faces fell.

“What?” I asked, nonplussed.

“Nothing,” Merope said quietly. “We just thought you’d just stay with us, you know...”

Guilt stabbed me, like that one particularly painful trip down the stairs at Sirius’s house.

“At least I’ll see you in the future,” I mumbled, not meeting their eyes.

“Yes, when we’re old and wizened,” Tom muttered. “Can’t marry people who are fifty years younger than you.”

My head shot up, introducing another pain to my body. Did Tom really just imply that he... liked... me?

No, stupid. Tom doesn’t like you. That’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever said. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Then why did he make it sound like...

“What?” I spluttered, as my consciences battled each other.

Tom looked at me, his face solemn. “You should have figured it by now, Tonks.”

Something icy cold grabbed my heart and squeezed it. I liked Tom, but I liked him as a friend... but as for Remus, that was something totally different. Remus was special to me, but Tom... I hadn’t known him for so long.

Oh, Tonks, what have you gotten yourself into?

Merope watched me closely. “What is it, Tonks?”

I backed away. “Nothing. I- I- I gotta go. Bladder problems.”

I darted out the room, guilt weighing me down.
Chapter 5 by PadfootnPeeves
Author's Notes:
Here it is; the last chapter. Enjoy some twists, turns, and Time-Turners. And don't forget to review!

As you should surely know by now, Harry Potter isn't mine.
Bellatrix was standing outside, reading something over, deep in thought. I skidded to a halt from my running, thinking she’d probably hex me if I scared her. Irritated by her concentration, I picked up a book and threw it at her. Not the nicest thing to do to someone, but I had to vent my frustration somehow.

She cursed and glared at me. “You filthy half-blood...”

“Save your breath,” I spat at her.

She sneered. “Having a bad day, Nymphadora?”

“It’d be better if you weren’t here.”

She bowed. “Thank you, you nasty little brat. I take that with great pleasure.”

I sighed and flopped on the ground, toying with the hem of my dress. Bored, I started changing my nose. My aunt watched me, her mouth contorted into a funny shape. I think she wanted to smile, but didn’t know how.

“Can you do a pig snout?” she asked, in a softer voice then the one she usually reserved for me.

I obliged, and Bellatrix’s mouth upturned. She frowned immediately, as if she had done something wrong.

“You know,” she said after a minute, “I would have never thought I’d be working with one of you.”

“Likewise,” I said, turning my nose back to normal.

“But we have to deal with it.”


Maybe this would work after all.

I didn’t come in contact with Bellatrix until after supper, when she was sitting in her bedroom.

“Er,” I mumbled, my knuckles barely tapping her door. “I guess we should work on the mission now.”

“You do, do you?”

“You want to get home, don’t you?”

She shrugged. “I don’t see why. I’ve got no one to see.”

“What about your master?” I asked, curious but trying not to sound too eager.

But she suspected it, with her vulture-like instincts.

“I don’t believe it’s any of your business, Nymphadora,” she chided. “What if I pestered you about that werewolf you fancy?”

“I would tell you he’s beautiful and I love him very much,” I said delicately. “Can’t say that about anyone, can you?”

Bellatrix scowled. “We’re getting off-topic, Nymphadora. Let’s focus.”

“So,” I said, sitting on the bed beside her but inching away slightly. “What’s on the paper?”

“Tells you how to get back,” she answered vaguely. “I’ll let you read it on one condition.”

“What’s that?” I asked scornfully. Bella was more like my mother than I had ever known. At least when she was acting halfway sane.

“You need to go fetch the item needed,” she replied. “I’m not running through the snow and ice.”

“What item?” I snapped, ripping the document from her grip.

It was short, and written in poor handwriting:

It has been searched for centuries, but the only way professionally trained travel-wizards have found to journey into the future is to take a regular Time-Turner and fill it with a combination of different mixes of alcohol.

“Alcohol?” I asked incredulously.

“That’s what it says. Keep reading.”

I did.

Only precious few barkeepers know the exact measurements and beverages to be placed inside the Time-Turner. Only five are known in all of Europe- three in Italy, one in Russia, and one in England.

“There’s one in England, Bellatrix!” I said excitedly. “Maybe we can find him!”

Bellatrix looked at me with disgust. “Do you know how big England is, half-blood?”

“It’s not that big.”

“How many barkeepers are in England, you fool?”

“We can ask Dumbledore,” I said, my spirits remaining high. “He’ll know.”

Bellatrix rolled her eyes and followed me as I raced out the room.

Dumbledore was sipping tea in the sitting room with Tom and Merope. He looked amused to see me bound in to the room, my hair pink in excitement.

“Dumbledore, where’s the barkeeper in England who knows how to send people to the future?” I asked in a rush.

Dumbledore raised an auburn eyebrow. “Pardon?”

I repeated it. Dumbledore took a large swallow of tea and patted his face with his handkerchief.

“Delicious,” he commented. “Yes, I do know this said barkeeper. He runs the Hog’s Head. I trust you ladies know where that is?”

The both of us nodded.

“Excellent. Tell him the ‘special’ Time-Turner, and he’ll understand. Any more questions?”

“No,” said Bellatrix. She sat on an empty armchair, and buttered herself a crumpet. “Get lost, half-blood.”

Sticking my tongue out with grace, I Apparated on the spot.
* * *

I walked in the bar, wrinkling my nose at the smell of fresh goat, er... potty and stale drinks. I walked up to the barkeeper, who was feeding a goat a carrot. He was skinny and tall, with long and uneven auburn hair and dirty-looking stubble.

It was Aberforth, only quite a few years younger.

“What’ll it be?” he said without looking up.

I leaned forward and dropped my voice. “I need the Time-Turner. The special one.”

Aberforth stared at me for a full thirty seconds (I counted), and bent down out of sight. He straightened and shoved a worn-looking box into my stomach. I stumbled and clutched the counter for support.

“Two turns should do it,” he grumbled, and then as an afterthought, added, “Use it well.”

I thanked him and left.

Bellatrix was pleased at my timing. Together, with the other three (baby Tom was napping by the fire), we opened the lid and took out the Time-Turner.

“This is it,” I said, a bit sadly. I glanced over at my new friends.

Merope smiled and gave me a hug. I was impressed and pleased that she wasn’t weeping. Tom sniffed, but sobered immediately when Bellatrix gave him a sharp look.

“I’ll come back to visit,” I promised.

Merope’s smile became wider. “You won’t have to.”


Merope went to the crib and returned with her son on her hip. “We,” she said, gesturing to herself, son, and Tom, “Have decided to accompany you in search of a new lifestyle.”

I grinned and hugged them both. Bellatrix looked impatient.

“Come on,” she snarled.

I ignored her. “You coming, Dumbledore, sir?”

He shook his head. “I believe it’s wisest that I stay put. I daresay I’m with you in the future?”

“’Till death,” I nodded.

We said our goodbyes and Bellatrix pulled out the gold chain and threw it around our necks.

“How many turns, Nymphadora?” Bellatrix asked.

Even though I knew that she felt little to no affection for me, I couldn’t help but grin as I said, “Two.”

As soon as the travelers left, Albus Dumbledore smiled, and chuckled deeply. He picked something up off the floor.

He wondered how long it would take Bellatrix Lestrange to realize that she had forgotten her wand.
* * *

We arrived in summertime. We ended up on a stray field, with most of the Order sitting around impatiently. I was hugged by numerous people, and was slightly startled to see Dumbledore’s hair a silvery white, instead of the auburn I had become accustomed to noticing.

I introduced everyone to Merope, Tom, and Tom. Dumbledore had a boyish thrill on his face and started a deep discussion with Merope.

“Oh, wonderful,” Sirius growled when he saw Bellatrix. “My darling cousin is here to celebrate.”

“Don’t hurt her, Sirius,” I said hurriedly. “She helped me come back.”

Sirius didn’t put away his wand and eyed her with dislike, his jaw set.

Bellatrix inclined her head to me, her eyes never leaving Sirius’s wand hand. “I suppose I’ll see you around, Nymphadora.”

“I doubt you will,” I told her. “But it’s the thought that counts.”

Bellatrix shrugged. “Put your wand down, Sirius. I’ve misplaced mine.”

Sirius snorted, and earned a glare as his cousin left, her head held up high.

“I’m surprised she didn’t at least hit you,” Remus remarked.

“Not with a group of Aurors and Order members by my side, she wouldn’t. But it might also have something to do with my wonderful looks.”

I had missed these two.

Sirius and Remus stuck by my side as the Order went back to the headquarters.

“I’ve missed you,” Remus whispered, hugging me tightly.

“Who hasn’t?” I smirked.

Remus laughed softly and kissed me. We broke apart when Sirius wolf-whistled. I laughed, but still felt the need to avoid Tom’s eye.
* * *
Tom cornered me later, when I was walking up the stairs to give Merope a bottle for her son. The three were staying at Grimmauld Place, for lack of anywhere else to put them.

“So that’s why you wouldn’t marry me?”


Tom sighed, exasperated. “Because you’ve got that bloke?”


“If that’s what his name is.”

I nodded, and pitied his sad look. “Don’t be down, Tom. I’m that wonderful. But hey, Merope could use a new hubby.”

Tom playfully hit me, but I knew he considered her.
* * *

Even later, Mad-Eye came up to me, watching me with his magical eye. The rest of the order was inside Grimmauld Place, but I had lingered around to get some fresh air.

“I’m proud of you, Tonks,” he said gruffly. “Not many could go through that.”

I thanked him, deciding not to mention how many times I had almost died.

“Constant vigilance the whole way?”

“Of course,” I grinned. “And Mad-Eye?”


The grin was getting wider, I could feel it. “I’ve been thinking, and, you know, especially after this mission, you really owe me some cash...”

This story archived at