Summary: A retelling of Severus Snape's time as Headmaster, an account of Wizarding Britain hiding Muggle-born refugees, and the untold story of an unorthodox witch.
Categories: Alternate Universe Characters: None
Warnings: Book 7 Disregarded, Mild Profanity, Violence
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 13
Completed: No
Word count: 77726
Read: 33351
Published: 01/03/16
Updated: 06/24/16
Story Notes:
The idea for this fiction came from an amazing essay I read. The author's pen name was "Swythyv". I have since been unable to find this essay but wish to credit the author and will do so in the pertinent chapter.
1. Chapter 1 by Meadowsweet
2. Chapter 2 by Meadowsweet
3. Chapter 3 by Meadowsweet
4. Chapter 4 by Meadowsweet
5. Chapter 5 by Meadowsweet
6. Chapter 6 by Meadowsweet
7. Chapter 7 by Meadowsweet
8. Chapter 8 by Meadowsweet
9. Chapter 9 by Meadowsweet
10. Chapter 10 by Meadowsweet
11. Chapter 11 by Meadowsweet
12. Chapter 12 by Meadowsweet
13. Chapter 13 by Meadowsweet
A light burned in the headmaster’s windows long after the castle was silenced for curfew. Severus Snape hadn't slept in many nights. The timetable was shorter than even Albus had predicted. The Dark Lord’s minions were creeping triumphantly closer to their goal and all he had was a portrait to consult. Dumbledore’s portrait only winced a little and smiled sadly as Snape kicked the desk on his third turn around the room. It was the Granger girl, he was sure of it, keeping them from being seen. All he needed was one sighting, one witness, but half of the frames in the office had been empty for weeks, their occupants visiting other portraits, watching, listening, for nothing. If one sighting was all it took he should assume Mulciber was equally close. Mulciber. It naturally had to be him sent to track down Potter and his associates. One witness, one Imperius Curse, and the Chosen One would be delivered to the Dark Lord. He could count on Mulciber favoring the Imperius Curse but that wasn’t enough to predict when and where he would use it. Would he dare to kill Potter or deliver him alive?
Snape stopped before the headmaster’s portrait. As far as he was concerned Dumbledore was still headmaster acting by proxy beyond the grave. He remembered the Carrows gleefully trashing the office, Scrimgeour’s clinical search, and all the time the sword of Gryffindor slept quietly behind Dumbledore’s portrait. How was it not obvious? The Minister was too exhausted to notice the sword left in Dumbledore’s will was a fake, or maybe he wasn’t worthy and to him even the real thing would have felt like any other sword. What was the sword of Gryffindor supposed to feel like? He’d avoided finding out.
The stone hearth flared green and Snape cleared his mind with practised ease, thoughts toppling like wooden blocks.
–Missing old friends?â€
There was something about Bellatrix’s voice that always made Snape wince or itch to throttle her. He turned away from Albus’s portrait.
–Hardly. Not when they can pop in whenever they like. But even you’ve got to admit, none of this would have been possible without him.â€
–I’m sure you enjoyed having him eating out of your hand. Oh I’m a reformed character, oh how kind and gracious you are, the great all knowing headmaster…†Bellatrix drawled in poor imitation of Snape’s laconic speech.
–Tell me, is there some point to your being here? Or has the Dark Lord finally grown tired of you fawning over him and you’ve come to curry favor with me?â€
–Don’t pretend you’re still his right hand,†Bellatrix spat. –Stuck here babysitting a bunch of blood traitors and Mudblood brats! You’ve been sidelined and you know it. With Dumbledore gone there’s no need for you.â€
Snape let his face contort, a loyal Death Eater insulted. After a moment, his voice shaking with anger, he answered.
–I only hope to continue to be useful to our lord. Now tell me, why have you been sent here?â€
Bellatrix triumphant was better than Bellatrix suspicious, nauseating as her smirk was.
–The Dark Lord requires the sword of Gryffindor. After the ridiculous smash and grab attempted by the blood traitors the sword is no longer safe here. I assume the fake provided passed muster?â€
–Yes, the minister accepted it without hesitation. Where did you manage to find such an excellent copy?â€
–That’s for those yet in his inner circle to know.†Snape snarled but she cut him off. –The sword, Snape.â€
He sat down slowly behind the desk and let the pause grow.
–Oh, I’m to give it to you? I’m sorry Bellatrix, but I don’t keep it here. Naturally.â€
His smugness rubbed her wrong.
–What? I thought this school was the safest place to keep anything.â€
–It was, once.†But then trash like her kept showing up. –It’s not in the condition it was, and in order to keep free egress for all of the Dark Lord’s followers it needs a certain...flexibility.â€
Even if it hadn’t been the truth Bellatrix wasn’t much of a scholar and could hardly disagree. She chewed her lip and poked at an instrument on the desk; it had once puffed and whistled if Snape remembered correctly, but now it swayed silently in the fire’s draft. Snape poured a drink with laborious care.
–Well?†Bellatrix could never stand still for more than a minute.
–Of course, would you prefer firewhisky or…â€
–The sword! Tell me where to get it, you should know better than to keep the Dark Lord waiting. And if you’ve been keeping it elsewhere, why did the Weasley bitch try to steal it?â€
Snape settled back comfortably. She had no way of checking the truth of this.
–An illusion in a glass case, that’s all there was,†he lied. –The Dark Lord trusts my precautions, the Dark Lord knows the instructions he gave regarding that sword and that keeping it here, should the ministry discover I gave them a fake, would be rampant carelessness which is why he told me to hide it because I am never careless. All of this tells me, Bellatrix, that either he didn’t send you and you want the sword or he sent you with a message I was to deliver it. To him.â€
–You’re to deliver it to me, tomorrow, at Gringotts,†Bellatrix said sulkily. –It’s to go into my vault. Our master wants every piece under his eye at the end of the game.â€
Snape smiled. –Which is why he is our master. Tomorrow, six o’clock.â€
–Six? Why not—â€
–Because goblins do not keep banker's hours, Gringotts is always open, and because it’s convenient for me. If it’s urgent, you’re welcome to wait here for a few hours…?â€
Bellatrix grinned and Snape’s skin crawled.
–Can’t stay tonight, sorry, love. There’s a little place, just outside Reading, that’s due for a purge tonight. Too much seditious talk, too many Mudbloods disappearing without a trace. Muggle lovers, all of them. We fly after dark.â€
She stalked back to the fire and threw a pinch of Floo powder on flame. Over the sudden blaze she called back, –I’d invite you to come and purify in the name of Wizard kind, but it seems you have a such an important job here. Don’t forget to kiss all the tiny tots nighty-night!â€
He let her have the last word, anxious she leave. Less than twenty-four hours to duplicate the sword and get a copy to Gringotts, or failing that, find Potter and give him the original sword and tell him what exactly? Everything before Voldemort discovered his betrayal and killed him? Was it only hubris that made Severus feel that dying too soon would ensure disaster? Snape stood up and raised his arm. A grey owl roosting high above in the rafters of the tower fluttered to him. Outside Reading, she had said, could be anywhere. Snape tied a cryptic warning to the owl’s leg and reached for more parchment. He would have to produce a sword of some kind tomorrow. In the next hour six more owls slid noiselessly into the night until they were followed by a much larger object that hurled itself into the cold air and with a fluttering of robes lifted above the trees of the Forbidden Forest and was gone.
The back alley behind the Hag’s Ankle was a good place. That is, it was good if what you were up to wasn’t. Mundungus Fletcher would have protested he was always on the right side, but he’d agree that a majority of his living wasn’t necessarily to the good. In war time black markets always flourished, and he had his eye on a few things that were really good, or good to some types. There was a witch trying to sell her grandmother’s cellar, excellent vintage, and she had a few bottles aside for him. In the meantime he was watching a wizard displaying a dragonhide to a few customers who clearly didn’t realize it was an Egyptian Swordtongue and planning how he was going to keep its owner from realizing its value too. Someone wandered over to where he hovered, hands over a smokeless blue fire in a trash bin, and joined him in the warmth. Mundungus nodded politely and shifted a little, as not to lose sight of his mark. The stranger also shifted and blocked his way.
–Look, mate, no worries but would you mind —â€
Mundungus almost pitched forward into the barrel of flame but the stranger steadied him.
–Er, yeah, I’m fine,†said Mundungus, who was experiencing a pleasant muzzy-headedness while feeling entirely lost. –But, if you don’t mind, what was I saying just now?â€
–You were just telling me about that fake you pawned off, the one no one caught onto?â€
–Plenty of those, oh yes, I have my ways.†Mundungus went to tap the side of his nose and missed. –What was it exactly?â€
The stranger hummed a little. –Jewelry I think, something heirloom? But you managed to forge it in so little time.â€
Mundungus shook his head modestly. –It’s not about having skills, it’s organization, mate. Sure, you get some knock-off jewels from one fellow and a bit of old silver from another bloke, and give it all to a third party who don’t know nothin’ about the others, and you think you’re sitting pretty but really now...what you need is a craftsmen. A real artist.â€
The stranger’s hood lowered closer. –And where would someone, if they were as clever and resourceful as you, find an artist like that?â€
–I know a chap!†Mundungus sang cheerfully and clapped the stranger on the shoulder. –Good kid. Knapp is the moniker. Bit strange...but he knows his stuff. Wood, metal, any style you want like pict artifacts, goblin made—â€
–Ah, but of course it would be silly to tell anyone about him.â€
–So of course you didn’t, and you haven’t.â€
–I haven’t?â€
–Where does he live?â€
–Just outside London. He works in back of the apothecary in Reading.â€
–Reading? The address, quickly!â€
As his new friend hurried away, Mundungus waved after him happily. He thought he turned to wave back but really he was just waving his wand. At that moment Mundungus Fletcher shuddered, looked around bewilderedly, and saw that the dragonhide had disappeared while he’d been asleep.
It was well after dark when Snape landed in a low meadow outside Reading but the sky flickered red. Something was burning. Outside Reading, Lestrange had said, but that could be anywhere. The apothecary was well within the city, and hopefully she and her monosyllabic henchmen were wreaking havoc far from this Knapp.
Snape wasn’t unfamiliar with Reading, it being close to Cokeworth, but it took him some time to find the 24-hour convenience with the old shed in back. Circumventing the dumpster Snape stepped straight through the corrugated fence and into a smoky haze. Haven Alley was the source of magical emporiums for West Reading and surrounding hamlets, but tonight it was unrecognizable. Shop windows were blown out while the interiors blazed. Carts were turned over in the street, which was strewn with rubble and wares. It was silent. Whatever violence had occurred had moved on. Against the burning sky the black forms of Death Eaters could be seen flying above the smoldering rooftops.
Keeping close to the shadows, Snape moved swiftly, refusing to let his gaze linger. He encountered the first body outside the bookstore on the corner of Sythe and Goodbeaste. Snape stooped a little, found no sign of life, and kept moving. It was less than half a mile on, but his progress was hindered by the lowering flights of Death Eaters. He kept an eye to the sky and cast a concealment charm.
One Death Eater flew lower than the rest, soaring down the street, rattling the windows, and landed almost in front of him. Short, dark hair, an intense face. A witch. That wasn’t common amongst Death Eaters. He didn’t recognize her but she seemed to know her way. After getting her bearings she pulled her hood over her face and ran towards the part of town still burning. Snape gave her a head start and followed. She was out of sight by the time he reached the apothecary.
The store wasn’t on fire, but that was the only thing that could be said about its condition, or its owner. Fletcher had called the forger a ‘kid’, so Snape doubted the grizzled man coughing blood in the street was Knapp. Snape looked both ways before kneeling down. This was the work of the Cruciatus Curse. The man was terribly twisted, and blood ran from his ears and nose. It was the damage that Snape couldn’t see that would be impossible to heal. Snape raised his wand and put his hand behind the man’s head who struggled weakly.
–Hush, be still. Dormias.â€
Snape lowered the now sleeping victim. He would sleep for some hours. Hopefully help would arrive before he woke, or died. Even so, little could be done for him.
No sound had come from the shop. The interior was dark. If this Knapp was intelligent, he’d be hiding inside. The Death Eaters had had their entertainment from this place; they wouldn’t be back. Wordlessly he cast a silencing charm over the broken glass in the doorway. It was impossible to enter in complete silence but he didn’t fancy Apparating into a dark shop with a terrified wizard inside.
Creeping in, he searched in the dark before daring to conjure light. The ground floor seemed clear as did the cellar, but if forgeries were being made on the premises...Snape found the most cluttered corner of the cellar; people always tried to hide things visible or not. He waved his wand slowly. The iron bed frame, lumber, and broken rocking horse rippled and became a cunningly painted curtain.
The hidden room behind it was utilitarian. Here was a workbench set for tea, a cabinet with an innumerable amount of small drawers, and a kettle sitting over a cold hearth. Scrap metal was neatly sorted and stacked next to a small, self-hammering anvil that was still working on whatever project Knapp had left in a hurry. Snape looked in the cabinet. Diamonds; not real of course. He picked one up and scratched it against a glass jar filled with nails. It cut easily. Or maybe not. A true artist indeed. Snape waved his hand and drawers fluttered open and closed until he caught a glimpse of sullen red. Rubies.
–Are you looking for someone or just looting?â€
It was the witch who had nearly flown into him. She was standing at the bottom of the steps, her wand pointed at him. Her voice had a lilt to it, West country no doubt.
–I’m looking for a Mr. Knapp. When I find him, he’s going to need these.†He slowly pocketed the rubies. His wand was still in his other hand, but lowered.
–Did you see where they took him?â€
–He was gone before they got here.†He gestured to the anvil, clanging away, –That has been hammered so thin it could slice unicorn hair and the fire is cold though the kettle is filled. I’d say he left before his tea.â€
Her eyes didn’t leave him. She stood like someone practiced in dueling. Still, if she knew Knapp, no need to hex her right away.
–I very much need to contact him,†Snape insisted.
–People are dead in the streets and you’re shopping? It must be important.â€
What was she playing at? Time to show the Dark mark and reveal himself as an ally.
–You should know all about the dead in the streets. I arrived late. I saw you fly here.â€
Her frown cleared, –Oh, I see the mistake. I’m not with them.â€
–No need to pretend,†Snape sneered. –I saw you. Only Death Eaters fly.â€
–We’ve been flying for generations in my family.â€
Enough with playing twenty questions. His hand came up and the witch’s wand flew from her grasp. Just as quickly her other hand came towards him, and he barely managed to sidestep something that smashed into the cabinet like a kicking hippogriff. Jewels, bobbins, and screws bounced everywhere, cutting painfully against him. Snape cursed and flicked his wand. She was lifted off her feet and suspended, immobile. He caught hold of her left wrist and dragged the sleeve up. No dark mark.
–The hell is this?†Suspended above him, she showed no fear but her eyes were fixed wide. –How can you fly unmarked? Flying is a dark magic of which only the Dark Lord is capable and only through their link with him can his servants fly. Who are you working for? Lestrange?†And did she know who he was?
The witch tensed; her gaze slid sideways. A soft rattling came from behind. A silver ingot flew by his ear, scraping his cheek. He dove behind the workbench as, with a mighty tinkling, the contents of the broken cabinet flew into the air. His curse released, the witch dropped to the floor but would have been shredded by the precious shrapnel had Snape not shouted, –Protego!â€
Like rain on tin the gems rattled and bounced off of the invisible barrier shielding her. Saved from a painful death the witch, instead of diving for her wand, just stared at him.
–That,†Snape snarled, –was really, very, stupid.â€
His face was bleeding and he had wasted enough time. A memory charm looked like his best option. She hadn’t seemed to recognize him or realize he was a Death Eater.
–I don’t think you’re in any position to criticize.†The witch sounded bemused.
–Theophany Knapp.â€
He stared at her offered hand. Weren’t they supposed to be dueling?
–Jethro Knapp is my brother.†She smiled.
Not a Death Eater, then, but definitely a mental case.
–Just tell me where to find him, time is short.â€
–I have no idea, but I’m also certain I’m the only one who can find him. Call it...a family bond.â€
His secret keeper maybe?
Knapp tilted her head back. –What do you need him for?â€
–Doesn’t matter, there’s no time now—â€
–Three hours. I’ll have him in three hours at most. I tracked him from Edinburgh to here in two. Tell me what you need. And I’ll tell you what I want in return.â€
–You did just try to turn me into a pincushion a moment ago.â€
She didn’t move.
–And you just saved my life anyway. Like I said, you’re in no position.â€
He could still obliviate her. Or he could use her to reach her brother and then wipe her memory.
–I heard your brother can copy things. How good is he?â€
–So that’s what the little rat has got himself...sorry. Yes, yes, I’m sure he’s good. Jethro is talented, to say the least. What do you need?â€
Snape produced a sketch. Her memories of it wouldn't be long lasting anyway. She expressed no unusual interest in the sword.
–It’s beautiful.â€
–He will, of course, be paid well. I need it tomorrow.â€
She laughed. Snape raised an eyebrow.
–You’re serious. Okay, tomorrow.†She looked at the sketch again, –You wouldn’t tell me what it’s for if I asked important is this?â€
–Life and death. For everyone.â€
She studied him carefully. Snape closed his mind, just in case.
–This item is ancient, very ancient. I want you to make a copy that could fool the most powerful wizard you know and then some.â€
–Your price?â€
–Jethro’s price will be gold. My price is a name.â€
–For whom?â€
–The person in the Muggle-born Registration Commission who keeps leaking false arrest lists of Muggle-borns. We don’t know who is safe and who is in danger.â€
Fair exchange. But was it worth the gamble? He had to keep the sword for Potter. If she was trying to protect Muggle-borns, then she was on the right side.
–Arthur Pinstick,†he said, –and he won’t be the only one spreading false information, but a ringleader, I’m sure.â€
–Then if your information is correct, you may expect me with your sword by…?â€
–Tomorrow at five. Knockturn Alley, the Spiny Serpent. You know it?â€
This time he did shake her hand. Before releasing it he leaned closer and hissed, –Let me impress upon you the need for confidentiality. If you betray me I will personally make you and your entire family regret it.â€
The dark eyes gave nothing away but her voice was grave. –Understood. Until tomorrow.â€
And with a turn she Disapparated.
Author's Notes:
To be up front: contains a scene of torture and very mild language.
There were three detentions before breakfast. Snape just managed to catch two students hurriedly hiding their Extendable Ears and sent them to Hagrid for –punishment†before the Carrows found them. The third, a tall Ravenclaw girl, almost spat in his face and raised such a row the Carrows came running. The fighters always made it worse for themselves, but then again they were the ones who could bear the punishment. He’d noticed several lightning rods emerging amongst the student body. He would patrol the dungeons again tonight in case they had left her in chains somewhere. That is, if he was still alive after pawning a forgery off to Bellatrix before dinner.
The trick to avoid interruptions was to look engaged. He’d started to wonder how many times Dumbledore had faked occupation; the amount of paperwork made it too easy. With enough official looking parchment Snape managed to avoid the Carrows until after lunch.
–Have you looked at the scroll I gave you?†Alecto stopped him in the hall. –The sentiments that student expressed were truly alarming. I would like your permission to take steps.â€
–You have been appointed by the Ministry to do just that, Alecto. And such an exemplary job you’re doing.â€
Alecto simpered. She resembled her brother too much for such a feminine expression.
–I only wish to please my superiors and bring the truth to the unenlightened. We are making progress, aren’t we? Amycus is close to identifying the ringleader of the rebelling student body. This student has been frequently in need of adjustment. We’re just waiting for him to lead us to the rest of the inner circle.â€
–Well, tell Amycus that’s most excellent.â€
They parted and he turned back to ask, so casually, –Which student?â€
–That blood traitor.†Alecto could barely speak for disgust. –Longbottom.â€
Longbottom? Dumbledore’s Army was relying on Longbottom? In frequent need of adjustment? No wonder he could never push the boy enough if torture was what it took to give him spine.
Back in his study he cast the usual anti-eavesdropping spells. Two hours. Of all the owls he had sent, all the strings he had pulled, not one contact had offered an alternative solution. It was all on the Knapps. Damn them, why had those idiots tried to steal the sword? Voldemort would have never demanded it had they not attempted it. A useless gesture of defiance. Typical Gryffindor thing to do.
–Anything you need, Severus?†The portrait looked up from the book he was holding. It lay opened and the title obscured. What book had the headmaster chosen for his likeness to read for all time?
–Of everyone you knew, who was the most proficient in wandless magic?â€
Dumbledore pursed his lips.
–I think the obvious answer would be Grindelwald, but as he reached levels of ability unheard of in many fields, I think we should discount him as an anomaly. I knew a witch in Little Gaddesden who could make curry without lifting finger or wand. Decent curry too.â€
–The other night I saw a disarmed witch cast a stunning spell that broke a quite solid cabinet into kindling. Then she made a nice little whirlwind out of the debris while I had her immobilized.â€
–Wandless and nonverbal casting? Impressive though not unprecedented. There are some who believe children should learn wandless spells first, but I always found it too volatile.â€
Snape was about to mention Knapp’s ability to fly when the silver puffer, linked to his warding spells, started to steam. Someone was ascending the gryffin stair. If the Carrows buttonholed him in his office, they might ask pressing questions about his engagement elsewhere. He quickly silenced the alarm and hurried to the fire. Floo powder could be traced, so make it somewhere benign.
–Kings Cross!â€
From there he could take his time getting to Knockturn Alley and be sure he wasn’t followed.
Theophany was seated in the Spiny Serpent. Loitering in Knockturn Alley meant you were either selling or looking to buy. Sitting in the corner with her sulphurous smelling drink seemed the least suspicious thing she could do. Her fellow drinkers either conversed in low voices or stared moodily into their tankards. Maybe she shouldn’t have come so early. In her magically augmented carpet bag lay a thing of beauty and it was making her nervous. She was sure she had done the right thing. The Ministry contact, Otho Aubuchon, had confirmed that Arthur Pinstick had been leaking false information. So the intelligence had proved accurate, but should she trust on so little?
–Waiting for someone?†The speaker was a white-haired wizard, a little too well dressed to be a regular customer. His eyes were smiling and bright blue.
–What? Oh, no, please have a seat.â€
–Glad to hear it. Shame for someone with a face like yours to be stood up.â€
Theophany doubted the Spiny Serpent had much of a dating scene. For hags maybe. If they were really lonely.
–Nice of you to say. Sadly I take after my Dad and not my Mum. She’s the looks in the family.â€
–Aw, no, that’s sweet.â€
He wasn’t alone. She could see his partner watching closely from the bar. Tall and hungry-looking type.
–Now what I like about your face is how open and honest it is. See, I can tell you’re only going to speak the truth." He leaned forward, and Theophany saw the tattooed black tail of a serpent slide from under his cuff. Left wrist. The rest was obscured.
–Now, what’s in the bag?â€
Snape stormed through Diagon Alley for the second time. He’d turned Knockturn inside out and found no trace of Knapp. Now he prowled Diagon Alley, hoping to catch her on her way. There was no time. After twenty minutes he returned to Knockturn Alley. Had he missed her?
He turned.
–Severus! Over here!â€
It was Jugson. One of the Death Eaters currently working at the Ministry. He’d been disgraced after failing to secure the prophecy in the Department of Mysteries two years before and had been assigned to work as an under clerk in Umbridge's newly formed Department for Muggle Registration. Jugson smiled widely, his eyes brimming like Snape was a long lost relative.
–Fancy running into you. Shopping? Never mind, never mind. I’m sure it’s none of my business. Something important for our master, eh?â€
Snape allowed his face to stiffen.
–As you say, Jugson, it’s no concern of yours.â€
–Quite, quite. Anyway something’s come up. Rum really. We’d appreciate your advice.â€
–I’m sure any bureaucratic problem…â€
–Oh, no! Really this was a routine snatch and search but, well it’s rum. And this girl’s rum too.â€
Snape slowed his breathing. It could be anyone. But a small witch with a bloody great sword would qualify as rum.
–Regretfully my mission is time sensitive, however should you still be occupied this evening...?â€
–Only show up for the good part, eh? Sure we’ll have her cracked by then. Borgin’s old place has a tidy little shed in back. Everyone’s been avoiding Borgin and Burke’s like billyoh...not to be seen associating.â€
Snape bore the man’s comradely wink and clap on the shoulder with a tight smile. He watched Jugson fade into the dinner shopping crowd.
Was this a distraction? If it was Knapp they had captured, more than her life was at stake. He couldn’t afford to ignore it. Dodging behind a banner proclaiming that Miss Phillida Whipperspeck would be signing copies of her new novel Two Souls Entwined at Flourish and Blotts, Snape cast a disillusionment charm. The trick wasn’t staying unseen but remaining untrampled as he crept back to Knockturn Alley. Borgin and Burke’s was deserted, but once he’d slid between it and the wig shop next door, he could see a dim light in the shed behind. The door was ajar, the better to keep watch, so he positioned himself by the boarded window.
–Crowe tells me you’ve been unhelpful,†Jugson was speaking, –so I’m going to try this again.â€
There was a scraping sound as he drew up a chair. There was a sound of soft crying.
–What’s your name?â€
Then a burning hiss and a stifled scream. An unpleasant smell was detectable. The Cruciatus Curse was too fast; they wanted more time with her.
–Who are you meeting?â€
Silence. And again a scream.
–Where did you get the sword? Antiques like that don’t belong to scum like you. Did you steal it from some Wizarding family?â€
After each question he paused and the only answer would be more shrieks. There were two that Snape was certain of; surely the shed couldn't hide more than two Death Eaters and a captive? Or had they magically augmented the inside for regular use?
–I stand by what I said,†Jugson continued. –You’re honest, which is why you aren’t even trying to lie. I could see it in that nice, open face. Not really my type, so consider this a favor, a few scars might provide some...visual interest. Segmentum.â€
More bubbling cries were coming from within. Snape focused on getting noiselessly to the door. Jugson stood with his back to the door facing his restrained victim. Another wizard crouched by the girl’s side tracing with his finger the long cuts Jugson’s wand opened across her skin.
–Say the Dark Lord has conquered.â€
Another slicing movement with the wand, more blood.
–He is victorious! Hail the Dark Lord! Say it!"
Either man was in a position to take her hostage if Snape attacked, but they couldn’t spot him right away. He waited until the girl lifted her head. A long crescent slice lay open her cheek and temple. Her eyes were filled with pain but focused when Snape revealed himself. Theophany stared back at him. He counted down from three raised fingers.
–Protego!†Theophany yelled the shield charm.
Both Jugson and Crowe were thrown violently back, and Theophany’s chair knocked over, her weak shield charm protecting her only against the worst of Snape’s sweeping curse. Jugson's head cracked on the opposite wall but Crowe was up again. His wand was in his hand. Theophany pointed at him with her right hand. Crowe began, –Avada—â€
He choked as his neck was turned too far to the side. Snape checked Jugson's pulse. Nonexistent. He stepped over the late Crowe and knelt by Theophany. Burns covered her neck and arms along with several sickle-shaped cuts through her robes. The cut on her face was cruel but shallow.
–Not exactly a defensive spell.†He nodded towards the crooked Crowe.
Theophany’s eyes opened. –I figured,†she whispered. –There couldn’t be any survivors to report you.â€
So she had known he was a Death Eater. Then why she was helping?
–The sword?â€
She smiled but stopped when the wound on her face started to bleed.
–They saw it, but no one other than me can remove it from the bag. Here.â€
Snape prevented her from rising and brought the carpet bag to her. Theophany’s arm disappeared to the shoulder and she drew the sword of Gryffindor into the weak light. Even here the silver’s edge was ice and the rubies smoldered most convincingly. She presented it, hilt first, to him. Snape raised an eyebrow.
–It’s not a trap. Here.†She gripped the pommel, –See? Not poisoned or cursed.â€
Carefully Snape closed his hand on the grip. A soft, not unpleasant, warmth rose up his arm. He dropped it and drew his wand, but Theophany was shaking her head, hands raised in surrender.
–No, no! I enchanted it. If you’re going to hand over the sword of Gryffindor to a dark wizard, they’ll expect some sort of reaction from an ancient artifact.â€
Snape was none too pleased she’d identified the sword. –So you made it heat up like a party trick?†he snarled. –Is that what you felt?â€
Theophany was looking at him closely. –That’s funny. I used the same principle as a sneakoscope. Only I tied the sword specifically to my own well being. Anyone who would hurt me would feel something hostile when they touched it.â€
Clever. And her point was valid—the sword of Gryffindor would certainly react to Lestrange, and in addition Knapp had neatly tested his own intentions. The sword itself was excellent, there was no doubt of that. He lowered his wand.
–I have no time left. Can you get yourself to St. Mungo’s?â€
She was shaking her head again but stopped and pressed her palms to her forehead.
–Can’t stand, much less Apparate. Anyway, you can’t deliver the sword without me. The spell is strongest near me. Like I said, a sneakoscope.â€
Cleverer still. Or maybe not. –You wanted to know what I’m doing with it,†he hissed. –What’s to stop me killing you and taking my chances?â€
–Because you took a hell of a wild chance when you showed me that sketch,†she snapped. –For some reason this sword is important and this fake must work and I—â€
She stopped and gulped for air, then slowly crumpled forward. Time was against arguing. Snape forced her back up. He held her head up with one hand and drew his wand with the other. Carefully he traced the gashes muttering the incantation, passing over her face, arms, and body. Whatever Jugson had used was nothing like Sectumsempra. These cuts had a uniform shape; the spell was emulating some specific weapon. He passed over the wounds a second time, and by the third pass Theophany’s eyes were watching him.
–Vulnera Sanentur.†She repeated the incantation. –What is that?â€
–That is going to prevent you from bleeding out. I can’t do anything about the burns or scars without dittany, and your physical exhaustion will have to wait. In the meantime don’t exert yourself with wandless casting, much as you seem to enjoy it.â€
Theophany wrapped her arms around herself and shivered. –That’s not fair. Of course it had to be wandless. Whenever we’ve met I’ve been disarmed…you’re so disarming.†She chuckled and her shudders increased. Snape shook her.
–Stop it. You can’t go into shock, not yet. You’ve forced your way into this, now you have to see it through.â€
She pressed her hands hard over her mouth. When she looked at him her gaze was sober but shaken. –I’m sorry. What do you need me to do?â€
–Stand up.â€
She clutched his robes and he gripped her arms. Like an amateur ice skater her feet slid and her legs wobbled but she remained upright.
–You can’t be seen with me. I need you to follow me to Gringotts. Keep me in sight but no closer.†His fingers dug at her arms. –This isn’t a question of trying.â€
–I’ll stay close but out of sight. I won’t lose you.â€
Snape took Jugson's cloak, his being the only one present not covered in blood, and gave it to Theophany. Obediently she covered her own soiled and torn robes. Snape pointed to the door.
–Straight to Gringotts. I’ll follow. –
She wrapped the hood closely around her face, a little too well bundled for a mild autumn day, and slipped away. Snape collected the wands of the two Death Eaters and strapped the sword under his cloak, carefully wrapped in a torn section of Crowe’s robes. The carpetbag, the chair spattered in Knapp’s blood, the bodies, nothing could be found. Using Jugson's wand, he cast an incendiary spell. No smoke, slow burning. In Knockturn Alley, where it’s better to avoid asking questions, it would be hours before the ruin was found.
There was no sign of Theophany in Knockturn Alley, or Diagon. Snape paused by a well lit shop window, a perfect beacon for anyone keeping tabs on him. He didn’t see anything and tried touching the pommel of the sword. If she was close it’d be stronger. This time the heat shot up his arm and into his shoulder like a steam from a pressure valve. Quickly he released the sword but the warmth had settled gently into him. What incantation had she used?
It was on the very steps of Gringotts that he spotted her. She had dropped her purse and was busily picking up spilled coins. Snape swept past her and the wizards which had replaced the goblin doorman into the main hall. Two minutes until the hour. He had guessed Bellatrix would be early. She stood in the middle of the hall, expecting the crowd to move around her, as they seemed glad to do. The moment she spotted him she let out that annoying piercing cry and swooped at him like a harpy.
–You have it? Where is it?â€
–If you will stop yapping like a pekingese...â€
He drew the bundled sword from his cloak. Hastily she clawed away the wrapping, heedless of who might see, revealing a slick silver edge. Bellatrix sighed in appreciation and shook off the remaining cloth. She grasped the sword by the pommel, the better to hold it high.
–Ah!†she laughed, then put on an outrageous pout. –Oh, I don’t think it likes me. But why? We’ve just met, sweetie, and you are just gorgeous.â€
Tongue between her teeth, she ran a palm down the flat side of the blade.
–What an idiot the Minister must have been to be fooled by a copy, as if anything could copy this. How did that old goat make a copy anyway?â€
Snape looked like an offensive smell had been placed under his nose.
–Dumbledore didn’t confide everything to me, Bellatrix. Information didn’t fall into my hands, I had to work at it. He wasn’t the beneficent old innocent he pretended to be. Perhaps he did it himself.â€
–Transformed something to look like the sword, you mean? Seems too risky, it would wear off, and then where will you be, Severus?â€
–That would be very careless...wouldn’t it? But even if the sword is revealed a fake, what could the Ministry do? Our master is their master. Look at them.â€
Around them wizards and witches were queuing or hurrying to and from the vaults. Valuables were handed over to goblin clerks, papers and receipts drawn up, all so beautifully efficient and official.
–Everything’s the same as always, but now Gringotts belongs to the Ministry—â€
–And the Ministry belongs to our lord,†Lestrange finished in a throbbing voice. It looked like she was about to get emotional, so Snape thought to hurry things along.
–Unless you need me to escort you and the sword to your vault—â€
Bellatrix wouldn’t want him within miles of the Lestrange vault, he knew. She threw her head back and said dismissively, –You’d just slow me down, seeing as you wouldn’t know the way.†The Snapes, of course, never had had a Gringotts vault. –Besides, I’m sure you’re very busy. Such a vital mission you have, Severus, I shouldn’t keep you away from the class reports and runny noses a minute longer.â€
Snape took a step closer using his height to force Bellatrix back.
–We shall see, at the end, whose mission is vital, Bellatrix. Don’t expect me to forgive and forget.â€
He turned away swiftly, forcing her to shout after him, –It shall be sooner than you think! I look forward to it!â€
Now that Bellatrix had so thoughtfully broadcast his departure, he was certain Knapp would meet him outside. Snape kept his stride purposeful and headed towards the apothecary as a likely enough destination for a former potions master. There was no sign of her, even when he paused outside of Obscurus Books. It wasn’t until he reached Twilfitt and Tatting’s that he saw her leaning against the corner. How had she got ahead of him? He rode out the crowd, not moving directly towards her.
–Don’t look like you’re waiting for someone,†Severus hissed. –You stand out.â€
He couldn’t see her face behind the swaddling scarf and her voice was muffled. –If I move away from this wall I’m going to fall over.â€
–There must be internal damage. You should have been at St. Mungo’s from the first, had you not insisted—â€
–I can’t go there. They’re keeping records now, who visits when and with what injuries. It’s difficult to explain to Magical Law Enforcement why one keeps turning up with duel wounds or other obvious signs of resistance. The Cruciatus Curse is hard to mistake.â€
So they had employed the curse. She couldn’t Apparate and he had no one he could take her to. A year ago Grimmauld place would have been the obvious choice.
–Come.†He hurried her back towards Knockturn, one hand under her arm. Whenever she stumbled he would catch her, but it obviously caused her a lot of pain. He mentally added cracked ribs to her injuries.
–Damn, this place again,†he heard her mutter as they entered the Spiny Serpent.
–We need to use the Floo,†he barked at the barman. There was a token protest which abruptly ceased when Snape tossed a few Galleons on the greasy counter.
–Excuse me,†he drawled, –I mean we would like to access the Floo now.â€
The miserable smoldering fire leapt up joyfully when Snape pointed his wand at it. He took a pinch of Floo from the tin box provided and threw it on the fire.
–The Railway Hotel†he said, –It’s best if you go first. I’ll follow.â€
Knapp disappeared into the green flames. Snape took a last look at the barman and decided he didn’t need to be threatened. Better not make themselves too memorable. He stepped into the fire and emerged into a dim little sitting room.
A counter along one wall separated the room from a wall of keys. A sign on the counter read ‘Vacancy.’ It looked dusty, like there hadn’t been any need to move it for a while. The walls were covered in yellowed chintz and the smell was of musty wool. Above the mantle was a bit of fancy work with the name ‘The Railway Hotel’ in faded silk thread. Theophany Knapp was sitting on the floor, practically on the feet of a elderly Muggle woman who was asleep in an old wingback chair.
–What are you doing?†Snape hissed.
–Can’t get up.â€
–All right, well, we Apparate from here.â€
–Then why—â€
–Harder to be traced, and a shorter distance to Apparate will be less damaging.†He knelt and took her by the forearms while she in turn grasped his. –In your condition this will be painful.â€
She nodded and clenched her jaw. The room around them dissolved with a crack, hopefully not waking the armchair snorer, and they appeared with a slight bump on the dark wood floor of Spinner’s End.
Theophany bit off a cry and slumped forward, knocking her head against Snape’s chin. Stifling a curse, he lowered her the rest of the way to the floor. He had planned to Apparate closer to the sofa. Best to levitate her, she’d been jarred too much already. It was a well stuffed sofa, if a little musty. He settled her as best he could and summoned the smaller potions cabinet.
–Miss Knapp, can you hear me? Knapp?†He lifted her head and sharply patted her face. –Theophany, wasn’t it? Theophany, wake up.â€
She opened her eyes with obvious effort.
–You can’t lose consciousness until you’re stable. I’m going to prop you up.â€
She groaned; some of the wounds had opened again.
–Why didn’t you just tell them what little you knew?â€
–I couldn’t,†she whispered. –This is deep magic, ancient. When you believe, no amount of pain can make it untrue.â€
–But you can only say, you don’t have to really recant, just say something to make them stop. Hail the Dark Lord if you’re feeling traditional. Could you not lie?â€
Theophany was shaking her head. –I was dead already. They wouldn’t have believed me unless I believed it myself. Old magic.â€
She stretched her arms wide. Snape winced at the display of seeping wounds, the tattoo of burns, but she didn’t seem to notice.
–They can only kill this body.â€
Snape pushed her arms back to her sides. She was either feverish or completely barking.
–Hold this to your face.â€
Theophany accepted the cloth doused in dittany and pressed it to her face. The cut was a thin red line now. Quickly, Snape rolled up her sleeves and began applying dittany to the cuts and burns on her arms.
–Legs?†he barked.
–No, not hurt. But—â€
She plucked at her bloody robes. They had been slashed through across her her chest and stomach and were a scabby mess of threads.
–I have a screen,†Snape said briefly. –First I’m going to fix any compromised bones, then you can treat the remainder yourself. Episkey.â€
Theophany hissed a little but held still, letting him continue to the next rib. Snape briefly summoned an antique screen from another room and wrenched open the potions cabinet. This was very inconvenient. It hadn’t been his intention to show this witch, who already knew too much, his house. Not that she knew where she was. Worse, wiping her memory in her current condition would be a dangerous and unconscionable act. He would have to put her together again as best as possible in a short amount of time.
–Drink.†He handed her the first vial while letting the other self-decant.
She sniffed it. –Dr. Ubbly’s Unction? Surely that’s applied rather than drunk.â€
–Not Ubbly’s, mine. It will help with the shock without making you sleep.â€
–Cheers then.†She gagged it down. –I assume a blood replenishing potion next?â€
If she was a student, he’d taken points off for insolence. As it was, he selected the second vial and poured it into a beaker.
–Are you a Healer?†Theophany’s voice was still shaky. She was doing her best to stay alert.
–You should be.â€
Snape stared at her. –I can guarantee you are, and always will be, the only person to suggest it.â€
Her eyes closed again.
–Knapp!†He shook her. Groggily she woke again and swallowed the blood replenishing potion. He kept a finger on her pulse waiting for it to strengthen. Best to keep her talking.
–The other night when you said your family had been flying for generations, what did you mean exactly?â€
–Well, we don’t exactly use it to fetch the milk, but it’s been a family trait passed down for years.â€
–Not only is it foolish to employ in these present times, but surely you learned at school that it’s a Dark Art? And one presumed forgotten.â€
–I went to a Muggle school.â€
Snape frowned. –But your whole family flies, so you’re not Muggle-born.â€
–There are only eleven wizarding schools in the world, and not every child gets to attend.â€
His evening kept getting stranger. –You are a Dissident?â€
Theophany smiled a little. –That is a very insulting term. No, I’m not an anti-institutionalist who believes that a return to the pre-plumbing era, segregated from all Muggles, will return us to the power of wizarding origins. My family follows the Tuatha De Dannan.â€
Snape sneered, –Oh yes? ‘People of the Goddess’? The original wizards who flew to Ireland on a cloud?â€
Insult woke her up a little. –Don’t be so dismissive. It is only a legend, and I doubt there was a goddess, but come to think of it, there was probably a powerful witch. Not every witch and wizard gets to go to Hogwarts. We coexist with Muggles, we learn our magic from our elders, and stress the importance of understanding the ancient roots of magic, not just waving a wand around.â€
Snape remembered his conversation with Dumbledore’s portrait. –Let me guess, you begin with wandless casting first.â€
Theophany nodded, then winced. –Makes the room spinâ€, she muttered. –Yes, that’s right. My mother was teaching me incantations before I showed any actual ability.â€
–Hurrah for you.â€
Her pulse was finally regular and strong. He stood and waved the screen into place around the sofa. –I can now trust you to not faint while treating your wounds. I’ll be back momentarily. But first…â€
Snape pointed his wand, and Theophany’s own flew from her robes’ pocket into his hand. He tucked it away. She had the gall to look hurt, as if being disarmed was a personal insult. Though she didn’t protest, she failed to suppress a rueful grin.
–Something amusing?â€
That smile was a little unnerving, ironic, and a little too knowing.
–Just the opposite.â€
He didn’t like it. Not her unusual calm, her unpredictability, or her unorthodox background. Knapp was an unknown factor in every sense, and she knew far too much. Even though he would ensure she remembered nothing, there was still the brother who had copied the sword. Maybe the money would keep him silent. Snape summoned the screen over to the sofa, gave her a clean cloth for the dittany, and left the library.
He stood in the hall for a moment with the full horror of the situation weighing on him. He had to get rid of her as soon as possible. Snape snatched a blanket, a roll of bandages, and other miscellania from various cupboards. Something in the linen cupboard scurried away and he was sure a ghoul had moved into the cellar again; the pipes kept clanking. Every long vacation he cleared Spinner’s End and fortified against infestation, but the house had been cheaply built for factory employees in the first place. Merlin, he hated this place. Even more he hated feeling like an idiot, knocking on the door to his own library.
–Come in.â€
Theophany had used the remaining bandages and even managed to repair her robes somewhat, though her wand was needed for a more thorough mending spell.
Wordlessly Snape handed her a glass of water.
–Thank you, it’s too bad sugar renders so many potions useless.â€
–More importantly, you need to hydrate. Blood replenishing potion can cause fevers, sometimes severe, so we’ll have to guard against that. Here." He snapped the blanket open and tossed it over her. Then he handed her the next item.
–Mrs. Ludo’s Long Lastingly Hot Hot Water Bottle,†Theophany read off the rubber lid, her face carefully blank. –Are they really that long lasting?â€
Snape was equally expressionless. –Hopefully. I’d rather you didn’t contract influenza with replenishment potion complications and die before the morning.â€
–Speaking of consequences,†Snape dismissed the screen. He didn’t intend to have her out of his sight until she was safely obliviated. –The foolhardy and extreme danger of flying needs to be impressed upon you. Not only can it get you mistaken for a Death Eater, itself an unpleasant prospect as the misunderstanding would be revealed in a matter of seconds, but it is a Dark Art. There is always a price for using such— â€
–What’s the price? I understand the unforgivable curses—one must intend to kill and commit murder in one’s heart in order to cast the killing curse, or intend pain for the Cruciatus; the cost to one’s soul is very high even when used justly. But what’s the harm in flying?â€
She really was as bad as a student.
–The Dark Arts not only encompass all that is harmful and evil but that which is not understood or curable. Werewolves are taught in the Dark Arts, not because they themselves are evil, but the disease and its consequences on one’s humanity and relations is amongst the most debilitating known to Wizarding kind. Employ the Dark Arts only if you desire your humanity corroded and the penalty forever on your soul.â€
Theophany was frowning thoughtfully. –I see what you mean. On the one hand, I would reject the argument as an appeal to tradition, but I can also accept your experience as superior. Moreover you seem genuinely concerned and disturbed. Is it a promise you’re looking for? You have it. No more flying. But I would very much like further research on the subject.â€
–You give out promises too easily.†He checked her forehead. No temperature.
–It’s the least I can do after such hospitality.†She carefully lowered herself prone onto the couch. –And I owe you a bottle of dittany.â€
–Consider it part of your payment, which you will be given in full —â€
Theophany was asleep and looking very young. How old was she? If she had other family, why was she the only one tracking done this wayward brother, Jethro?
Snape pulled the armchair away from the fire; too close to the warmth could make him drowsy but, Merlin knew, he didn’t sleep much these days. When was the last time he had slept? Not last night, or before, though the previous morning he had fallen asleep at his desk, much to Albus’s amusement. Even in sleep he couldn’t quite unwind his thoughts, let the guard go. There was always a chance, always a danger. Snape started the process of carefully emptying and barricading his mind. It was harder here in his father’s house; so much of the past interfered, his focus seemed to be off.
Theophany sighed in her sleep, jerking him from his reverie. Of course, he wasn’t alone this time. The room was affected by another presence. Snape listened, letting his breathing relax, finding a common pace with the sleeper, and when his breathing finally hit a regular rhythm his mind emptied easily. He sat for a little time, not planning, not thinking, as close to rest as possible. Then he opened his eyes. It was morning. Impossible. It had only been a moment. He couldn’t have slept. But Theophany was gone. The blanket was neatly folded and atop it was the hot water bottle holding down a note.
Sir, (you never offered your name)
I thought you needed the sleep so I let myself out. Thank you, most humbly, for saving my life. I hope that whatever was at stake was worth the trouble I gave you, the effort you expended, and that all is well. I wish you continued success,
Theophany Knapp
P.S. Mrs. Ludo tells no lies. I recommend the water bottle.
The water bottle was indeed still hot though the blankets and hearth were chill. Snape swore aloud. He had slept. She must have hexed him; how else could he have made such an elementary mistake? But her wand was still in his pocket; how had she managed?
–I don’t sleep, I never sleep, I can’t sleep,†he muttered under his breath while tearing the front door open. No sign. It was a desperate act as she had probably Apparated from inside the house. Cordial as the note had been she must have guessed he wouldn’t let her go with her memory intact. Who was she that she was so keen on knowing his business? All his suspicions freshly awakened, Snape slammed the door shut.
–So be it, Miss Knapp.â€
He stalked back to the library. He carefully unfolded the blanket, spreading it on the floor. It yielded nothing. He searched the cushions until he found a single, long, dark hair.
–I found your brother and I most certainly will find you.â€
Using the tip of his wand he slid the hair into a clean vial.
–I cannot let you jeopardize this mission.â€
End Notes:
Thanks for reading!
Theophany Knapp Apparated into a Surrey tomato patch and promptly fell over. Hard as the frosted ground was, it was better to lie still staring at the grey sky. No part of her body didn’t hurt. The alarms would have been triggered. Let them find her. Moving any further in her condition was madness. Honestly, Apparating was feeling like a bad idea. The thought of Lolli, face creased with worry, finding her blood-spattered remains in his garden made her groan. With many more grunts and hissing she got to her feet, covered her stained robes with her cloak, and staggered to the cottage. The doorknocker failed to rouse anyone, so she went and rapped on the kitchen window. Lolli’s face popped into view, thin grey hair hanging into his eyes, smile as wide as ever. Theophany’s own smile cracked her face painfully, but she had to try. Lolli didn’t deserve to be worried, innocent as he was.
–Whatever you’re cooking smells just heavenly!†she shouted through the window.
Grinning Lolli opened the kitchen door. –If I’d known, I would have made your favorite. Maevan is here, but he just ran outside because the warding spell—oh, I’ve forgotten I’m not supposed to let anyone in without asking the questions.â€
–It’s okay, just ask me now. I won’t come in yet.â€
Lolli’s face creased into childish worry. –But...we never decided what questions to ask each other.â€
–Ask me...what’s my favorite breakfast?â€
The elderly wizard became very serious. –You, friend or foe,†he recited faithfully, –who appears before me as Miss Knapp, what is Miss Knapp’s favorite thing I cook?â€
–Sunny side eggs with cheddar sauce.â€
Lolli applauded and let her in cheerfully. Theophany was sure he didn’t understand the danger but dutifully followed Maeven’s instructions. He had lived at Maeven’s cottage for years, ever since he had wandered into Frog’s Hollow with only one shoe and one name.
His appearance didn’t make Maevan out to be a bleeding heart. He entered the kitchen and glowered at Theophany. Tall enough he had to stoop through the narrow door, yet he didn’t carry himself as erect as he once did. His shoulders were stooped and his dark skin was tinged with the grey of exhaustion, but his deep eyes swept keenly over her ruined robes. Maevan noticed everything.
–Lolli, get some tea for Miss Knapp. I’m going to take her to the study.â€
While Lolli scurried off he lowered his voice, –Think you’ll make it that far?â€
Maevan didn’t raise an eyebrow at the state of her robes and patiently waited for Lolli to fuss over the tea and bring Theophany some toast. Even after she’d eaten, he didn’t press but watched as Theophany stared into her empty cup. There was only so much she would tell, but so much more she needed to ask. Ask without telling.
–I know that if I needed something that looked legitimate but wasn’t, I would come to you,†she began. –Everyone else knows that too, right?â€
–I’ve provided pureblood status registration papers, birth certificates, minor black market items.†He raised a brow, –All for our cause, yes. There are few others so capable, if I say so myself. Do you need something?â€
–No...someone approached me,†Theophany said slowly, –looking for something, I think. And if it was for the cause, I would have thought they would come to you. Has anyone reached out to you?â€
Maevan leaned forward. –Somebody’s looking for something and you’re wondering if they’re with us and if they asked me first? Why would they ask you? You’re not a provider of goods, not widely known in the organization…â€
Theophany shifted a little.
–And why do I have a feeling you’re not going to tell me anything about your injuries?â€
She looked him in the eye. –I’ve received treatment, I’ll be fine. But until I know more, I can’t say.â€
–Fine.†He sighed. –What was it he wanted? Papers?â€
–It artifact.â€
–Unusual. What would an artifact have to do with the war?â€
She shrugged. –Well, I’ve received only legitimate requests from trusted comrades and they’ve all been papers as required by this puppet regime at the Ministry.â€
Maevan looked like he was about to spit but recalled himself. The Ministry left a bad taste in many people’s mouths. Theophany looked into her cup but it didn’t offer further inspiration.
–One more question, Maevan. How would you go about identifying someone without being seen to be?â€
–This same person who approached you? Are they dangerous?â€
–You don’t have a name? In that case you only have a description, and if you ask around you might find something, but they might also hear you’ve been asking. You could cover your tracks, but it would take some spell work, Confundus maybe, but the Imperius Curse or a memory charm would best withstand questioning.â€
–Yes, but it would be obvious such a spell was used, and that would still alert him.â€
–Him? What exactly are you afraid of?â€
–I want to find out how he fits in, before he finds where I do.â€
–Maybe he simply thought you were dealing in black market items. Resisting You-Know-Who forces some unsavory associations. Use a repelling or masking spell so he cannot find you by owl. Stay close to home in the meantime.â€
–Speaking of home, would you mind terribly helping me repair myself a little? If I show up like this, Dad will have apoplexy. I lost my wand.â€
–That may be hard to replace with Ollivander missing.â€
Theophany dropped her cloak, the Death Eater’s cloak she remembered with a shudder, and presented her robes for repair. She held her arms, bandaged elbow to wrist, out from her sides like she was being fitted for dress robes.
–Maevan, that’s the least of my problems.â€
On the side of the hill northmost of Frog’s Hollow stood an old mill. The dam was yet sound, but the mill works were long since dismantled, and a sign proclaimed the property to be featured on the historical register. The croft nearby was owned by a local farmer, Knapp, who acted as steward for the site. Knapp’s pastures were postcard-perfect and rolled away from The Mill and farm into gentle meadows inhabited by a docile cow and a large amount of sheep. The idyllic valley was heavily protected with anti-Apparition spells, so Theophany was forced to walk the sloping path up to the house, a weathered stone building with more charm than glamor.
Sweet and trusting Lolli was one thing, her family another. She hoped only the youngest were home. She hesitated at The Mill, longing to just bury herself in her workshop. A Muggle would only see the derelict building, but anyone magical could see otherwise and probably notice the water wheel that turned itself and the gnome burrows in the garden. The garden was bare and ready for winter, but the little greenhouse was slightly fogged with warmth, and against the glass pressed tendrils both poisonous and benign.
Theophany dragged herself away from the soothing creaking of the millwheel and ascended the scrubbed steps to the front door. At least Maevan had repaired her clothing somewhat, and the dittany had faded any obvious wounds.
–Tiff!†The door was torn open from under her hand. Silyn looked like he hadn’t slept, pale hair on end and colorless eyes wide. –What happened? Why didn’t you contact us—â€
–Why do we even bother with security if you open the door to the first person who waltzes up the garden path?†roared Merryn, the eldest.
Theophany started to panic. Were all of her brothers here? Merryn had his own family to look after; Lissy his wife wasn’t well. If he was here, they must have been truly worried. Silyn was about to protest when a third brother entered the hall. Boniface crossed his arms and regarded them all sternly, which was annoying as he wasn’t even of age yet.
–Dry up, Merryn. Silyn could sense Tiff a mile away and know it was no trick. Tiff, come into the kitchen. Dad’s having fits.â€
–Really, I’ve been gone for days at a time before, I don’t know why you’re all so…â€
Silyn pointed a finger at her. Theophany guilty checked her robes. No stains, and Maevan had repaired all the tears. Was the cut on her face still visible?
–You’re different.†Silyn said. And if Silyn sensed something, they all knew better than to dismiss it. –Also, we can see the bandages on your arms.â€
Boniface guffawed. –I was really impressed there for a minute, Silsâ€.
Silyn cuffed his younger brother. –Doesn’t change my previous statement, Bonnie. There is something different about her.â€
They continued to bicker while Merryn steered Theophany through to the kitchen. Dad was seated at the table having yet more hot tea pressed on him by a sympathetic house-elf improbably named Ike. Judging by the amount of cold cups sitting on the table, it had been a long night.
–Tiff’s here, Dad.â€
Insensible to Ike’s squeal of delight, Mr. Knapp lifted his head from his hands, blinked at Theophany and slowly got to his feet. He was a big man, with something of the old-world squire about him. He might have seemed intimidating to some, but his children knew better. Recently he had grown frailer and moved with more care. Yet Theophany found herself a little nervous as he walked slowly towards her, eyes fixed on her face.
–You could have said something. Sent us something,†he said hoarsely.
–I’m sorry Dad, but I couldn’t. I don’t even have my wand…â€
Mr. Knapp grabbed her and crushed her in a hug. Her brothers were in uproar.
–You lost your wand?â€
–Taken? Were there Snatchers?â€
–Of all the idiotic things—â€
–Did you find Jethro?†Mr. Knapp cut them off.
–Briefly.†This was the worst part. –There was something I had to do, and I had to leave him, so he disappeared again.â€
The faces around her were grim.
–But I have a really good idea where to start to find him.â€
–Maybe we should stop trying.†Merryn looked at Mr. Knapp, –We can’t force him to come home.â€
Their father sighed. –I honestly thought he’d come home out of starvation. Did he look well?â€
–Well enough. He seems to be getting work.â€
–Doing what?†Silyn looked baffled. –The little snot—sorry…â€
Mr. Knapp waved it away. –Your mother always insisted he was talented; he may be more capable than we gave him credit for. Theophany, don’t go out for a little yet. There’s bad news. The Hughes boy was killed in a skirmish last night. Reading was attacked.â€
–I know.â€
They all froze.
–About Reading. Not—not Hughes. I’m sorry...when is the funeral?â€
–They haven’t set a date.â€
Theophany looked around at them all and sighed. –You all must have been—I’m sorry I didn’t send word.â€
She shifted awkwardly. Maybe a tearful embrace would be appropriate but it felt beyond her.
–I’m—I’m taking a bath. Then I am going to eat.â€
With that she marched upstairs, refusing all questions. The bath proved a little tricky. First, she had Ike place an Impervius spell on her bandages to repel bath water and ordered the borrowed cloak burned. Safest not to keep anything that could tie her to the burnt-out shack in Knockturn. Next she categorically refused anyone’s assistance in climbing into the old stone tub. Once in she felt muscles yet knotted and sore from the Cruciatus Curse relax a little, though it would be some time before that curse left her entirely. The cut on her face was nearly invisible, but she soaked a cloth in dittany and laid it over her face. Except for the occasional ripple it was blessedly silent, and Theophany let herself think for the first time in twenty-four hours.
What looks like a Death Eater but doesn’t act like a Death Eater? A spy. What spy is unconnected to a body of resistance? He had to be connected to someone. Then why hadn’t he reached out to his own contacts instead of coming to Jethro, a stranger? Jethro who’d barely escaped Reading in time. Graeham Tricklebank, the Dagda’s contact in Reading, had gone missing in August. Jethro probably chose Reading for that reason to better evade his family. Without Tricklebank, information concerning the area was dodgy, though Jacka and his contacts did their best. When she had finally tracked him down, Jethro said some wizards had been forewarned scant hours before and had tried to evacuate Muggles and Muggle-borns alike. The destruction could have been worse, but it was hard to imagine. The poor Hughes. There had been so many funerals of late. Her only black dress robes hung permanently pressed, ready for condolence calls, funerals, wakes and vigils. At least the Hughes boy had been killed outright. She’d been at the bedside of too many too broken for repair, like the poor apothecary last night.
Still, some had managed to escape thanks to...a few wizards with mysterious foresight? Jacka’s people perhaps? Theophany lifted the washcloth from her face and stared at the ceiling. A few minutes later she ran into the kitchen with her hair streaming puddles on the tile.
–That’s my robe!†Boniface said indignantly.
Theophany ignored him and fixed her eyes on Merryn. –How did Reading know they were about to be attacked?†she demanded.
The Carrows were in high spirits all morning. Apparently they had caught some students in the act of sabotage. Maybe it was because he wasn’t viewing them through a sleep-deprived fog, but Snape was finding it more difficult than usual to stomach them. They were like anti-poisons; becoming more lethal with exposure instead of building immunity. He couldn’t look at the teachers on either side. Mcgonagall was like a burning torch to his right, and he could only shield himself from her anger and disgust. Snape jerked his head towards Carrow, who was trying to speak to him.
–I merely asked if you would be joining us in the dungeons, Headmaster.â€
–Do you expect a couple of adolescents to give you so much trouble?†he snarled.
Carrow muttered a negative.
–Good.†Then, after a pause, –I’m happy to let you deal punishment. Those menial tasks are behind me at last. Albus was never one to get his hands dirty.â€
Another nail in his own coffin. McGonagall changed from a blaze to a mortally cold wind. She never said anything, couldn’t make herself speak to him at all. The others weren’t so disciplined, and Snape could hear uncomfortable shifting and whispers from the rest at table.
He returned to making the students uncomfortable under his glare, but his gaze was really inward. He’d tried sending an owl to Theophany Knapp, merely a preliminary step. She had, of course, warded herself from being traced by post. He’d spent the morning casting Priori Incantatem on her wand. Thirteen inches, ash wood, rigid. The reverse spell effect had recalled a certain amount of defensive spells, household charms, and a few arcane spells of protection that were interesting but not revealing. He would have to use the hair he’d found—an involved business that would require more time than he could spare.
Snape had hoped for an uneventful day, for a little breathing space, but it wasn’t to be. As the late autumn light faded to dusk, the Dark Mark burned. Time, he thought briefly as he stepped from the window into the night, to once again have time that is my own.
–We have no idea where the warning came from?†Theophany repeated. –It wasn’t Jacka or—?"
–Well, it was, but not directly,†Merryn hedged. –Someone heard something and told someone else, and so on. I think it was someone in Kent who told Jacka. People must guard their sources, Jacka more so than others. It’s a murky business, counterintelligence.â€
–Tricklebank has been missing for four months, so we have no ground operative in Reading and you’re telling me the Dagda, a so-called organized resistance, is operating on hearsay?â€
–Not hearsay but a—a trusted source.â€
Theophany stared at Merryn. –You’re just as uncomfortable about this as I am, aren’t you? If this really was a proper source, then surely our response would have been more prepared?â€
–It may have been too late.â€
–From Kent?†Theophany retorted. –If a trusted source in Kent knew about it, we should have been prepared days ago.â€
–If you go about inferring that someone has an unproven source—†Merryn began again, but Silyn cut him off.
–No one is trusted, no one, who hasn’t been interviewed by three members of the organization. If someone is flaunting protocol, it could be a trap or—â€
–I don’t care.†Theophany looked around at them all. –Really, I couldn’t care less about someone breaking protocol. There’s something much bigger going on, and I’m in danger because I came too close."
"Then surely the safest thing is not to get involved," her father interjected.
"I'm involved, Dad.†Her gaze stared beyond them at something they couldn’t guess. –I can either inform myself, or wait to be discovered. I mean, I could always turn a memory charm on myself, but I doubt that would protect me.â€
–That’s not funny—â€
–And you are protected, you will be here,†Merryn declared. –Protected by us.â€
–You forget Boniface is only fifteen, and what of the twins?†Theophany shook her head. –This isn’t a fortress. It’s a home and an important meeting place. I can’t endanger it. Too many people depend on us being here. Where else would they go if the Mill was discovered?â€
She stood up from the table and carried her empty breakfast plate to the kitchen where Ike was doing dishes, making the high buzzing sound which is the house-elf’s hum. What would she do when she was discovered? She had no doubts the wizard from last night would ensure her silence somehow.
–Silyn?†she called from the kitchen. –I’m going to need a replacement wand, just something to get by for a while. And Merryn? I need a name, just one name, of someone who knew about Reading before anyone else did.â€
Merryn came into the kitchen, ducking his head to get through the door.
–Silyn says he can probably get a captured wand for you; a wand from a defeated wizard is easier to use than a found wand.â€
He closed the kitchen door. –If you start questioning about how the Dagda does things, you’ll be out on your ear, Secret Keeper or not.â€
–I know that. I also know I can get someone else to answer my questions.â€
–You’ll ignore my advice on this? Your brother?â€
Theophany swallowed. –If you make me.â€
Merryn scrubbed his face with his hand. –Well, if you’re going to go talking to people at—at least I can make sure they can keep a secret. Look, I heard about Reading from Otho. I don’t know how he heard, or if he knew beforehand. Tiff,†Merryn put a hand on her shoulder, –I know you don’t behave rashly—â€
Theophany flushed in shame. Merryn kept talking. –I agree, you need to be prepared. But don’t go out again, not right away. You need to heal and, please, just be safe for us for a little while.â€
She nodded. Ike wiped his hands on his tartan dishcloth kilt.
–Everything alright, miss?â€
–As it can be.â€
Between all the Knapps this was the answer when one couldn’t say more. Ike hopped from his stool and started levitating plates to the cabinets.
–I promise,†Theophany continued in a low voice to Merryn. –I have things I need to do here. It’ll take a few days.â€
Before Silyn returned with a wand, there was only so much she could accomplish. The workshop beckoned. The door unlocked under her touch, and Theophany stepped gratefully into the old mill. Shelves of ingredients were on the western wall, potion bottles on the southern. A large hearth dominated the north wall, capable of encompassing whole trees. A cellar, kept cool by the nearby stream, had been dug beneath, and there heat sensitive potions were stored. A pile of mail was on the work table, and Hero, a barn owl, was asleep in her cage.
Theophany was drawn to the unsealed bottles of potions in progress but made herself open the mail first. There were numerous orders of common types, a few personal letters, and three encrypted only for her eyes. Two were appeals for sanctuary, five people all together. A family of three and a Muggle-born mother with a Squib son. Theophany frowned. Two people could maybe stay together, but where would she put the family? The third letter was brief and hastily scrawled.
Your father wrote to me asking if I’d seen you. Are you all right? How long do you intend to be gone? I hope there is no emergency. Please forgive my selfish panic, but as you know it will be a full moon next week. Let us know when you are safely back. Col sends his best.
Your servant,
This was something she could handle right away and use to further her own plans. She called for Hero and quickly wrote on the reverse side of the letter.
I’m fine. Please don’t worry. Expect me in three days time. –T.K.
Theophany sent the message with Hero and turned to the shelves. She had potions in progress; the wolfsbane would take another day to complete before the final stage. Theophany carefully decanted it into a small cauldron. It would need to sit over low embers until tomorrow. She hesitated, then opened another. It wouldn’t hurt to see they were well supplied, given her uncertain future.
Theophany spent the rest of the morning starting new batches of wolfsbane in addition to sleeping draughts and burn healing paste, and purifying both Bundimun secretion and dittany for use.
She let herself take a break while waiting for the dittany to cool and must have nodded off. It could only have been for a few minutes, but she woke in a cold sweat from some nightmare. For a moment she was confused where she was and looked about her for the thing that had chased her in the dream. Just a dream. A manifestation of her own worries. A vial of dittany, the sample drawn to check purity, was still in her hand. Theophany tucked it into her pocket, allowing herself a wry smile. If she would be meeting him again anyway, might as well pay him back.
His desire for secrecy was obvious; he wouldn’t let a loose end like her go free, but what did he intend to do exactly? He could have killed her many times over and instead patched her up so diligently and thoroughly. She could only lie low and try to discover what was really going on before he caught up with her. Theophany pushed the thought aside; she couldn’t do anything until Silyn got back.
She ate lunch with Mr. Knapp and the twins, Compline and Prosper, who, at ten years old, hadn’t been unduly worried by her recent disappearance. The afternoon went quickly in writing letters to different farms and businesses who were interested in taking on extra –help,†or rather wizards and witches fleeing the Ministry’s Muggle Registration Department. How many had been sent to Azkaban already? And how many had died there, driven to death and insanity by those things. Her nib broke and she impatiently sharpened another quill.
–You’ll use up the entire bird at that rate.â€
Silyn stood in the open door. Theophany was surprised to see it was dark out, but the days were so short now.
–Just trying to find space to put them all; the refugees keep coming.†Theophany waved a hand at the letters. –Do you think we brought this on ourselves? I think it’s punishment for the decades Azkaban has been in use, exiling people to be fed on by those creatures. I can’t believe it’s more merciful than death. I know which I would prefer.â€
Silyn put a hand on her head, –It’s more than just Azkaban. The doctrine of blood purity, high office only for the privileged, derision of non-humans, all of it. As a society we’ve been dying of a cancer for years.â€
–What do we do?â€
Silyn scoffed, –Glad you asked, I have a master plan ready to go after I become Minister of Magic.â€
–I was serious!â€
Her brother smiled down at her. –Try and fix the world tomorrow, Tiff. Tonight,†he leaned over and placed a wand on the workbench, –you try and master this. Willow and dragon heartstring, whippy. I’d say start with some simpler spells, level one stuff.â€
Theophany grinned wryly. –Thanks. I’ll just be here practicing my swish and flick.â€
She followed Silyn’s advice and tried a few basic spells. Her own wand was so rigid she found herself forcing the new willow wand—too much like trying to use putty as a battering ram. When they called her for dinner she came, more for appearances sake then out of hunger. Ike had been happy to take over meals for the next few days while Theophany was recovering.
Merryn left after dinner, stopping at Theophany’s side to whisper, –Remember what I said.â€
–Won’t move a muscle without warning you,†Theophany reassured him.
Merryn had his own family, his own work to worry about. He worked in the depot, working with the magical express trains that crisscrossed Britain. Being in transportation, he had excellent reason to travel, listen, and carry messages
Silyn preferred to be in the front lines. Wherever Death Eater activity was reported, there he would be. Theophany suspected he also used his talent for Divination for the cause but he didn’t speak of it.
Boniface knew that at fifteen he couldn't expect more than to help his father on the farm and Theophany with rehousing refugees but he chafed anyway.
And I hold everything together, Theophany reminded herself as she returned to the workshop. After Mum died, she had become mistress of the house in a ceremonial as well as practical role. Such was the tradition of the Tuatha De Danan. Who warded the house? Who was Secret Keeper for the community? Her mother, and now her.
Theophany picked up the willow wand and summoned potions at random. When she could both summon and return them to the shelf without a wobble, she tried a little Transfiguration. Never her best skill and now nearly impossible. After an hour she did manage to turn a mousetrap into a very stiff mouse which creaked away under a pile of parchment. Theophany walked to the window and checked the path. The lanterns of her father and Boniface were bobbing gently in the meadow below. She sat by the fire and made a list.
Reading/Jethro’s workroom
The Spiny Serpent
Spinner’s End
Theophany had checked the name of the street before she’d Disapparated. It was in Cookham of all places. This was the list of events which she had to make sense of, somehow. Perhaps writing it down was too dangerous if someone found it. Theophany remembered her dream of being hunted and shuddered. Maybe she had gone too far and learned too much. But there was no going back, only forward. If there was only a way to secure this list…
Theophany raised her head. It was crazy. She hadn’t done it before. She didn’t even have her own wand. But—
She looked at the list again. As long as she could picture it all exactly. Everything until the Spiny Serpent was easy, but after she had been captured and tortured, it had been harder to pay attention. The memories were foggier. Theophany tried mentally isolating each item on her list. If she focused on one detail too much, would it distort the memory? She had to remember every word that was said. Theophany forced herself to be still. This wasn’t her forte at all.
After an interminable time she glanced at the clock and found it was after eleven. She reached for the wand but held back. Finish the list. Make sure you have it all. It was another half of an hour before she felt sufficiently prepared.
Swiftly she gathered as many empty vials as she could, made sure they were clean, and then reached for the wand. Trying this for the first time with a borrowed wand probably wasn’t the smartest thing. She just hoped she didn’t take an ear off. Wand tip at her temple, she focused her mind on Edinburgh, on speaking with the landlady of the Crooked Broomstick and learning Jethro had left for Reading. The memory solidified in her mind; it was suddenly crystal clear. She drew the wand away and opened her eyes. Dangling from the tip was a twisting silver thread. Theophany crowed aloud then bit her tongue. Six more, and they mightn’t be as easy.
The shed proved the hardest. Her eyes had been closed in pain and resistance much of the time, her ears stopped against listening to their promises that it was in her power to stop the pain. Her head had been pounding so painfully that Gringotts was a blur, though she had overheard everything.
In contrast, the library flowed smoothly from her mind to her wand. Every word, every expression was there. Doubtfully she regarded the little helix of memory in its jar. Had it been too easy? Had she really been paying such close attention? Theophany closed her eyes. The library came into being around her, the sofa comfortable yet dusty, and a face frowning over her in sharp relief. Theophany shook her head and opened her eyes. She was almost certain she’d seen him before somewhere, but who was he?
At twenty past twelve she put her memory vials in a jar, sealed it, and lowered into the the larger jar of frogspawn. How long before he located her? Better not count on more than twenty-four hours. So much to do, and she didn’t even know his name yet. Theophany blew out her candle and locked the workshop behind her. Her healing body needed rest, and if she would indeed be facing a memory charm, best be in fighting form.
Malfoy Manor was looking the worse for wear even since last September. It was as if the presence of so much evil corroded. The Dark Lord had been in fine spirits then, planning the fall of the Ministry and the capture of Potter. Tonight he had been less so, though Snape himself was rejoicing in Mulciber’s obvious discomfort. If Mulciber had nothing to report, then Potter was yet well hidden and there was still time. Following Mulicber’s report, or noticeable lack of, Voldemort cast his eyes around the table. The silence tightened, each relieved when his gaze passed them.
–The wandmaker,†the Dark Lord said at last. –You all know he has been a fellow guest of our own friend Lucius for some time.â€
Lucius braced. Narcissa paled. Snape kept an eye on Draco, who appeared so colorless he might fade away in a moment.
–I learned something of interest from him…†Voldemort watched their every breath. –And so was forced to go abroad to meet someone.â€
He’s not going to tell us. Unless... Snape kept his mind echo empty, simply absorbing information.
Satisfied he had surprised them, the Dark Lord avidly watched the responses. Recognition, confusion, a few presuming to comprehend. Snape’s eyes were blank. The model servant patiently waiting to be instructed.
–I see he is known to some of you.â€
–My lord,†Rowle all hesitancy, –Why would you require another wandmaker when Ollivander is here?â€
–Fool!†Yaxley broke in, –Gregorovitch has long been known to experiment beyond anything that timid whittler has attempted. If anyone may approach being worthy of making a wand for our lord it is not that blood traitor but Gregorovitch.â€
Further protest and speculation erupted. Draco didn’t seem to hear, he was attentive but somehow not wholly present.
–Silence,†Voldemort hushed them almost lazily. –You are like fishwives gabbling over what is fresher. I do not require a wand to be made, I have no interest in a blood traitor wandmaker or a foreign mongrel who is also very dead. I do have interest in something Gregorovitch possessed.â€
Snape felt the spell at work and quickly countered any attempt to search his thoughts. Voldemort’s eyes moved hungrily among them.
–I must know who it was that stole from Gregorovitch. I want his name, and I want him. I don’t care in what order or how.â€
No one reacted, no one had any idea what he was talking about and apparently his
legilimency hadn’t yielded any results, for the Dark Lord jerked his head and his followers stood as one. They bowed, and Voldemort added, –Let me stress I want this thief alive. Whoever harms him will watch themselves fed in pieces to Nagini.â€
Slowly rising, they filed from the hall, with murmured honorifics. Snape fell into step beside Draco. The boy didn’t respond, didn’t seem to notice him.
–Professor, er, that is, Headmaster. I’m sorry, I didn’t see you.â€
He made eye contact, he spoke confidently, but Snape could sense Draco was still withdrawn into some inner place.
–I’m sorry, Headmaster, but my father is waiting.â€
Snape saw Narcissa watching them and let him go. She looked pained, her eyes anxious. He didn’t dare answer her aloud, only barely shook his head. Draco was giving up, withdrawing to a place they couldn’t reach him. Behold what you have wrought, Narcissa. You tried to protect him too late.
–Any ideas, Severus? Your duties will prevent you from actively joining the search, but I know you would contribute any theories you have for the sake of our master.â€
Snape turned towards Mulciber. He couldn’t refuse to respond to Mulciber’s taunt, though he resented the blatant attempt to pick his brain and take the credit.
–Surely your own search takes priority? A further lack of results would be unfortunate.â€
Mulciber clenched his teeth. –No reason why I can’t keep an open mind while searching for Potter.†He tried to smile, –Might hear something.â€
–One never knows.†Snape drawled. –Gregorovich, while a talented wand maker, was never a proficient wizard. He was Stunned while trying to prevent his own shop from being robbed. I would assume a petty thief could have managed it, but, as he was looking for something in particular and didn’t harm Gregorovich, I’d look for someone personally connected to the family.â€
It was all so plausible. He returned Mulciber’s tight smile, bowed, and left. It was disturbing how many of his fellow Death Eaters assumed his appointment to Headmaster was some kind of punishment. Albus had foreseen his promotion, had counted on it, even insisted that Snape make this ambition common knowledge. If the Death Eaters saw it as being sidelined, did the Dark Lord too intend it that way? Was he no longer trusted or was it because he was still the most trusted?
Snape nodded curtly to Lucius, standing pale sentinel at the door, and stepped into the night. More alarming, did the Dark Lord guess it was his preferred occupation? That he didn’t enjoy the raids, didn’t hunger after destruction and thuggery like the others? Was that counted against him? He’d always offered his intelligence for service over his dueling abilities.
Once, he felt, the Dark Lord might have confided to him what he was seeking. But he’d become more secretive of late, even paranoid. Albus hadn’t counted on Voldemort learning of the Elder Wand, but now that he knew, he would never stop looking. Snape had wondered what the Dark Lord was seeking when he’d left the country but hadn’t suspected, not until the portrait had told him of Gregorovich’s significance. He had to prevent this. The Dark Lord could not, must not, make the connection between Gregorovich and Grindelwald. Snape would have to consult Albus how best to obfuscate this search.
He returned to Hogwarts and locked himself in the headmaster's study. From a drawer he took the vial with Theophany’s hair and placed it on his desk. So many loose ends to tie up.
Theophany received four responses by owl the next morning volunteering places for her refugees. As she suspected, there was no space for a family of three together. They would have to choose who took the child and who went separate. In response she set up meeting times with the hosts and notified Feagle Allsopp, her contact in London, that she had found room and board. In addition she penned a quick letter to Otho Aubuchon. They had only met occasionally, but she was certain he’d make time for Merryn’s sister. To Merryn she sent a brief note, humbly asking permission to travel to London to transport Muggle-borns to safety. It was her job; he couldn’t very well refuse. Praying that she received quick responses from everyone, she threw herself into housework.
The horklumps were again chased from the garden, the last of the fall produce stored in the cellar, and the doxies in the attic repelled. She even had time to coerce the twins in from the garden where they were tending the rabbit hutch. In the end they compromised, doing homework at the kitchen table with a newly orphaned baby rabbit swaddled in a tea towel. Not much work was done as they tempted the tiny kit with vegetable scraps and complained that teachers were much sterner than when Theophany had attended the village charter school. Theophany was hotly defending Mrs. Teague, who had been teaching maths since before Theophany attended school, when Hero flew through the open window and landed on the breakfast table. The owl swooned dramatically onto the pile of textbooks, pointedly offering her leg with its large bundle of letters.
–Yes, yes, you’re a trooper. Thank you, Hero. I hope it wasn’t too heavy.â€
Hero harrumphed but allowed Prosper to pet her and offer part of his biscuit. Theophany quickly rifled through the envelopes. Allsopp’s she kept on top, hiding the others from view.
–I have to go answer these, but when I get back I expect both of you to have finished Mrs. Teague’s assignment.â€
The twins studiously bent their heads over their work. Theophany doubted this pose lasted long after she left the kitchen.
Allsopp had sent times, meeting places, and photos. Mrs. Honeysett and Felix, her son aged twelve, smiled widely from the photograph. It had been taken in a garden. Felix squinted at the camera and grinned. His mother shaded her eyes shyly but her smile was as bright as her son’s. The Poindexters, Quintus and Piper, cooed and smiled over their baby, Daisy. The picture was taken shortly after her birth. How could she ask them to split up their small family? There’s no other choice. Theophany gave herself a mental shake. Just keep them safe.
She’d meet the Poindexters and supply them with temporary papers and train tickets. She’d accompany the Honeysetts herself. Otho’s response was brief and barely cordial. Anytime she was in London, he wrote, she had only to present herself at the Portkey Office and Apparition Test Center between the hours of one and three o’clock.
Maddeningly there was nothing from Merryn. Theophany forced herself to relax. It had only been a day. Here she was warded and safe. She couldn’t be found. Once she stepped beyond The Mill, that’s when the clock started ticking. She’d given herself twenty-four hours before the spy pinpointed her location.
The Revelio Spell had many forms. Snape was most interested in Homenum Revelio. Usually used only in the caster’s immediate vicinity, it could still reveal at longer distances when paired with a location spell. Such was the principle behind simple homing spells cast on enchanted objects. He was reminded briefly of the Weasley’s fine clock. He’d always intended to ask how they acquired it; too late now.
The four point spell recommended itself for its simplicity. Again, it was a local spell but when tied to a physical object, person, or part of a person, the results were satisfactory. He held the vial to the light; the single hair inside changed to a bronze hue. Of course there were a dozen dark spells he could cast. Most of them causing great pain to their target. Wizards and witches of old had been cautious to the point of paranoia of guarding themselves. Why else bother burning hair from a brush? But he had no wish to harm Miss Knapp or commit more dark spells than necessary. Snape first cast Homenum Revelio. The hair in the vial curled a little, but no other indication of the spell working was visible. He then placed his wand on top of the vial.
–Point me.â€
The wand spun, wavered, spun again, and wavered between two points. Indecisive. She was under heavy magical protection still. Blocked herself from being traced by owl and more, it seemed. He retrieved his wand and pocketed it. He’d have to keep watch; she couldn’t stay warded forever. In the meantime, the Elder Wand was a pressing concern.
–Yes, Severus?â€
–You’re sure Grindelwald stole the Elder Wand himself?â€
–How else could he have become its master?â€
–He could have hired someone or discovered the true thief and overpowered them.â€
–The prevailing interpretation is that one can only become the master of the Elder wand through murder. I convinced Gellert otherwise.â€
–Then it’s more than plausible,†Snape pressed, –that someone who didn’t know about the wand stole it during a petty robbery and that Gregorovich remains its master. Since the Dark Lord has interrogated and murdered Gregorovich, he’d be more than pleased to learn he is already master of the wand; he only need find it.â€
–Thus preventing him from realizing Grindelwald ever had it.†Albus mused.
–If he learns it was Grindelwald’s, it’s over. Everyone knows who defeated Grindelwald.â€
Albus sighed. –Our past actions, even our so-called feats, come back to haunt us. So,†he looked over his spectacles at Snape, –you intend to lay a false trail.â€
–Long and obscure enough to delay him while Potter…†Snape sank into a chair, –while Potter tries to accomplish whatever he’s doing.â€
–You sound defeated already—â€
–I still don’t understand!†Snape was back on his feet, pacing. –You’ve sent a teenager on some secret mission when instead the whole Order should be—â€
–A large scale operation would have lost us the element of surprise and Harry would have been killed—â€
–But isn’t that the point!†Snape spat. –Does it matter to you at all when he dies? It seems you were resigned to the fact that it is his ultimate purpose.â€
Albus said quietly, –You’ve said this before.â€
–When you told me that the result of all my actions led to this, that our goal, is the murder of a teenage boy. Yes, I might have mentioned it.â€
–Believe me, Severus, there is no other way. And I believe that if Harry succeeds in his task there is a—a possibility…â€
Snape looked around sharply. –Go on. What? A possibility of what?â€
Dumbledore shook his head. –This magic is too old and with no precedent I can’t be sure.â€
And that was all Snape could get from him. He stormed a little longer, more for the sake of venting than for hope of an answer. Snape collapsed into the armchair by the fire and sat silently for a few minutes.
–So,†Snape said between his teeth, –we need a substitute for Grindelwald. A false trail leading to a different thief. Any suggestions for a scapegoat?â€
–The lore is unclear after Loxias’s death, and the wand did not reappear until Gregorovitch claimed it.â€
–It is assumed Gregorovitch somehow acquired it from the previous master, but in a duel?†Snape scoffed. –That short-sighted windbag? More likely he discovered it after its master had died or, what is more obvious, he stole it himself. No, no that won’t work. If he stole it then, according to the lore, he wouldn’t have killed for it, wouldn’t be its master, and the Dark Lord wouldn’t have won it by killing Gregorovitch. If we—if I—can create a theory that would make the Dark Lord already master of the wand, he is more likely to believe it.â€
The wind was picking up outside. The portraits, always cast into slumber before these little chats, shivered and snuggled deeper into their respective cloaks, tunics, or armor.
–So he acquires it without winning it,†Snape continued, –and uses it for his experiments in wandlore, spreading the rumor that he has an ancient artifact as the source of his study, lending credence and status to his work. Then what?â€
Snape pinched his nose in thought. Dumbledore hushed the portrait of Edesa Sakndenberg, who was muttering in her sleep.
–Arcus and Livius.†Snape said at last. –No one knows which of them was master after Loxias and, surely, whoever wasn’t the master desired the wand. How aggravating to be the most powerful wizard in the world by rumor only. So when they hear their old rival is dead and a wandmaker has it, they take it for themselves.â€
–And which is it, Arcus or Livius, must be discovered,†Albus said approvingly.
Snape leaned his head back and stared at the tower ceiling. –I can’t say as much. Some evidence must be discovered by a different servant for the Dark Lord to interpret on his own. He isn’t unintelligent, but if the story favors him already having mastered the wand, he’ll believe it.â€
Albus smiled beatifically down on him. –I’m sure I must have said so before, Severus, but I’d like to thank you for never flattering me. It’s disturbing to see how easily manipulated it can make one. Even Riddle.â€
Snape summoned the ottoman and propped up his feet. –Who’s flattering who now? Unlike you, the Dark Lord gives me some material to work with. Now, I need to think.â€
–You need to sleep,†Dumbledore’s portrait insisted softly. But his successor gave no indication he heard, and the candles were left to gutter low again that night.
Merryn contacted Theophany via Floo that night. He couldn’t very well forbid her to go but insisted on learning her itinerary.
–After you contact Allsop, what then?â€
–He’ll take me to meet the Poindexters and Honeysetts, separately.†Theophany recited from Allsop’s letter. –The Poindexters will split up and meet their designated host families. I’ll accompany Mrs. Honeysett and her son to their new home.â€
Her brother looked tired; the flames revealed deep shadows under his eyes.
–And that’s all?â€
–I’m meeting Otho Aubuchon,†Theophany blurted.
Merryn closed his eyes. –Well, you did warn us you were going to look into it. But, Tiff, the risk to you is also a risk to the community—â€
–That’s not true. The task of Secret Keeper passes on to the next person.â€
–You do so much more than merely keep the secret. It may not be as it looks. Why not trust our superiors?â€
–Because I think they may be receiving anonymous information that—that I might be able to verify as trustworthy.â€
If I can get close enough, she added silently.
–What then? Otho won’t have all the answers; you intend to go back tomorrow and the day after that and question everyone?â€
She shook her head. –I won’t have time. It’s tomorrow or never.â€
Merryn wanted to know more, but that was all she could say. If this spy really was a spy and operated alone, unconnected, anything she did could compromise his cover.
Which was another reason why, the next morning, Theophany had multiple butterflies in her stomach. Silyn saw her to the edge of the valley, and she tried not to blench as she stepped out of the protective spells. That was it, she was visible, the clock was ticking. He could find her anytime, but even with the best spellwork she had at least today.
Apparating to London was easy, but the random checks made by Ministry officials slowed her down. She was Theophany Knapp, a potions and ingredient supplier for Cornwall, in town for some ordinary shopping. Her papers were all in order; Maevan saw to that. All of it truthful; she even did some shopping to prove it but stayed away from the more heavily patrolled Diagon Alley.
Allsop was waiting at the Hand and Heretic. As previously agreed, Theophany entered carrying multiple bags, looking footsore and hungry. While she was peering around for an empty table, Allsop called out and waved. Theophany responded with cheerful surprise and dropped gratefully into his corner booth.
A round, hearty-looking wizard, Allsop acted the part of favorite uncle with ease. As it was getting on towards lunch, the pub quickly filled while they chatted. Shortly before their food arrived, a young couple entered. They looked haggard, but the laughing baby in the pram made a reasonable explanation for their apparent exhaustion. No tables were left, so Allsop graciously offered his booth and Theophany fussed over the baby.
–How old is she?†she asked Piper Poindexter.
–Ten months,†the mother tremulously replied.
Theophany kept her eyes on baby Daisy, letting her chase and grab Theophany’s wriggling fingers. Mrs. Poindexter took a few deep breaths while her husband held her hand tightly. Allsop cast an eavesdropping spell from under the table, then nodded to Theophany.
–We have a place for you†Theophany said simply. –But families can rarely stay together. You have to decide who keeps Daisy.â€
Quintus Poindexter paled but didn’t move a muscle. His wife, to her credit, quickly brought her sleeve to her face, as if overcome by heat.
–Will we be close enough to see each other?â€
Theophany kept her voice even. No amount of sympathy could make this better.
There had been another home in close proximity, but Theophany had been forced to place the Honeysetts there instead. Not everyone had been willing to take a Squib, unfortunately, and the Hughes were willing accommodate Felix Honeysett. Most hosts wanted someone useful.
Allsop nudged her foot. Theophany glanced at him; it wouldn’t help but she could try.
–I’m sorry,†she added to please him but kept her tone still professional. –If you would rather wait…â€
Quintus was vehemently shaking his head, then recalled himself and tried to relax a little. No one seemed interested in their table, but the Ministry had willing eyes everywhere.
–There’s no choice. We’re grateful to whomever will take us in. What do we do?â€
Theophany blew on her hot pasty. –Look into your glass, Mr. Poindexter. You’ll take the train from King’s Cross from this platform at that time.†As she spoke, the foamy surface of Poindexter’s tankard rippled, displaying the platform and station clock. –You’ll disembark at this destination.†The station changed to a rural scene, the train station name and time again visible. –You will be met by this man.†A wizard’s face swam into view, with frothy eyebrows and beard.
Theophany repeated the process in Mrs. Poindexter’s lemonade. She would be traveling with an elderly-appearing couple presenting themselves as day trippers. It was agreed she would keep Daisy with her.
–For both of you the password is gribbleyskunk. Your guides will identify themselves by that word, and you must respond in kind. You will be provided new names and papers by your guides.â€
Theophany placed her napkin in her lap and cut into her meat pie.
–Any questions?â€
The Poindexters were silent. For appearances sake they picked at their food, but Quintus looked wary and impatient while Piper wilted like grass.
–So,†Theophany smiled, –is Daisy talking yet?â€
Piper brightened a little. –Babbling mostly, but just the other day she said ‘no’.â€
Theophany kept her talking while Allsop made his departure with great ceremony, shaking hands with the Poindexters, kissing Theophany on the cheek and reminding her to visit, and remembering himself to a fictional extended family. When Theophany finished her pie, she leaned over the pram and said goodbye to Daisy, adding softly, –Split up, don’t return home. Pack nothing.â€
They managed to smile as they waved goodbye. Theophany gathered her bags and left with a final, casual wave and a nod to the barkeep. Allsop was waiting for her around the corner.
–I know I’ve said this before,†he began, –but you could be a little less...well abrupt. Professionalism may inspire confidence, but they want to know you are human.â€
–You can be hearty and reassuring.†Theophany replied, –but if I’m sympathetic, it only forces their sorrow back onto them. By acknowledging it, I’m asking them to display it. If I don’t mention it, they bear up.â€
–Still, a little human emotion?â€
–Won’t make it any more pleasant.†Theophany was grim. –Where are the Honeysetts?â€
–A safe house. Their home was attacked and raided. They’ve been in hiding ever since.â€
–That makes it easier. They’ve already left their lives behind.â€
Allsop offered an arm and Theophany took it. Side-along Apparition would protect the location of the safe house. Even she wasn’t to know. They Apparated into an underground garage.
–Sticklers for security, these old buildings,†Allsop apologized. –We have to take the stairs, I’m afraid.â€
The building was old but clean. The fixtures and woodwork from a bygone, more grandiose era. Theophany calculated they were only a few streets from the Leaky Cauldron, but she kept that to herself.
Allsop knocked on the door of apartment 213. A whispered exchange was held through the door before it opened. Lavinia Honeysett was beautiful. Theophany found herself wondering if that was her real name; it suited her too perfectly. Her hair and eyes were the color of wild honey, her eyelashes long and hair gently waving. Felix had his mother's eyes but with darker hair and stronger features. Theophany didn’t ask after Mr. Honeysett. Allsop would have been informed if he was in the picture; there was no need for her to know.
–We try to mix parties as much as possible for travel. If the Snatchers are looking for a young couple, we age them and add a fake son or daughter,†Theophany explained. –You will both be traveling with me. I will not be disguised, but Mrs. Honeysett, you will need to drink this.â€
She drew a potion bottle from her bag. –Felix isn’t so noticeable once the family resemblance is removed. He shall travel unchanged.â€
Lavinia took the bottle and opened it. The potion was cloudy blue and smelled of pine.
–Who will I be?†she asked.
–My brother Silyn. He provided duplicate identification papers for the purpose. The potion is quite strong and will last twelve hours. Allsop has wizard robes for you. Drink the polyjuice at 2 pm. I will collect you at four o’clock You should use the time in between to become accustomed to your new person and clothes. The smallest slip has betrayed others. You must practice your movements. Your voice won’t change, so avoid speaking in public. Is there anything you need?â€
Lavinia looked at Felix; whatever they communicated silently was satisfactory. Lavinia took her son’s hand and looked at Theophany.
–We’ll be ready.â€
Allsop saw Theophany to the door.
–You can Apparate from the hall. May I ask,†he inquired carefully, –why the two-hour gap?â€
–She does need the practice but I also have an errand.â€
–But the Polyjuice potion, shouldn’t we use every minute she’s affected?â€
–Have you ever known my Polyjuice to last less than fifteen hours?â€
–You said twelve!â€
–That’s because I’m humble.†Theophany winked. –Oh, and Feagle, when did you first hear that Reading was under attack?â€
Feagle Allsop blinked, and shook his head.
–Tragic, tragic. With Tricklebank gone, there was no warning, and I didn’t hear until long after it began. In the wee hours it was.â€
–Thanks. Hold these for me until I get back.â€
Interrupting his questions, she dumped her shopping bags into his arm and Disapparated.
The visitors’ entrance to the Ministry of Magic was the same, thankfully, though she’d heard the employees’ entrance had moved. Theophany stepped into the telephone booth and took a deep breath.
–Hello!†Theophany trilled into the phone and winced; she sounded like a teenager at her first job interview. –Theophany Knapp. I have a meeting with Otho Aubuchon. Portkey Office.â€
The visitor badge rattled into the slot and her lapel and checked her watch. Ten minutes until two.
– are required to submit to a search and present your wand…â€
The box was finally lowering. Theophany tapped her foot.
–...We at the Ministry of Magic wish you a pleasant day.â€
She stepped into the Atrium. With a quick glance around she located the visitors' desk and presented both herself and her wand for inspection.
–Willow, twelve inches, dragon heartstring.†The ministry clerk read. –Been in use…â€
Theophany caught her breath. Would it count the previous owner’s use? If it said two days, she might be arrested on the spot.
–Six years.â€
She breathed again.
–Lifts are straight ahead.â€
–Thanks!†Theophany flashed him a smile and he blushed. Theophany mentally got a hold of herself. Stop overcompensating for nerves. She requested level six in a crisp tone. The long corridor was unmarked, so Theophany marched its length, reading doors as she went. Broom Regulatory Control, Registration of Temporary Magical Transportation, Portkey Office.
–Hello. I’m here to speak with Otho Aubuchon,†she informed the witch with impossibly blond hair who sat behind the desk.
–Sign in, please. He’s straight on, fifth door on the left.â€
Theophany thanked her and stepped through. The first door was open, revealing a witch struggling with a crate full of old toddler toys. Some were spinning, others glowing, and their number was in constant flux as toys appeared and reappeared at random. The second office door was shut but she could hear raised voices.
–I thought Portkeys were supposed to be safer than Apparition! If we hadn’t noticed it was off, we could have been picking up the pieces from here to—â€
Offices three and four were silent. The fifth office too was still. Theophany knocked.
–Come in.â€
Otho Aubuchon was a slight wizard, about Merryn’s age. He had the mild expression of all civil servants. Combined with his indifferent dress sense and curly hair, he seemed harmless.
–Theophany Knapp.†She put out a hand. –We’ve met only briefly.â€
–Yes, of course.†Otho shook her hand. –How can I help you?â€
–Should we go out? Have you eaten?â€
Otho understood her. –My office is always protected against eavesdroppers. Some of the work I do is sensitive, so it’s expected.â€
–But to discuss this here—?â€
–Being seen meeting someone outside of work would attract more attention. This way you’re the sister of a friend, looking for a Ministry job, and I felt obliged to give you some time.â€
Theophany smiled back. –Nice of you.â€
As if put off by her genuine smile, Otho became professionally cordial again. –So, what can I do?â€
Theophany held his gaze. –Feagle Allsop, my London contact, only heard about the attack on Reading in the early hours of Wednesday morning. Assistance didn’t arrive until eight in the evening. Haven Alley was attacked after dusk, which being November was roughly four forty-five. The wizards and witches who arrived in aid were mostly relatives or had connections in the area and were contacted individually and privately for help. We, we the resistance, were alerted and arrived at eight forty-seven to discover there were members of our organization already present who had been warned in advance and arrived at four in the afternoon. Mr. Jacka, of Frog’s Hollow, received word through contacts in Kent. Our counterattack was non-existent. We were few in number and had evacuated as many as possible in the short time we had.â€
SIlyn had given her all the details. As usual he had been one of the first to respond.
–These early arrivers were informed by Jacka. You, Mr. Aubuchon, sent word to my brother, Merryn Knapp, at eight o’clock that an attack was underway in Reading. That makes Jacka the first to know, and he only had it on hearsay. So why were we, the Dagda, so late in finding out?â€
Otho Aubuchon probably played cards. His face hadn’t changed from polite concern. She might have been complaining about her plate to an experienced maitre d’.
–I receive my orders anonymously,†Otho said slowly. –For security reasons, obviously. As to why I received this information later than others...I can’t guess. We’re a wide body, forced to operate and communicate obliquely. These things happen.â€
–Croydon, Bristol, Beccles, Slough. All since last July. These things happen with disturbing frequency recently. Each village was attacked, and each time there was an early response with an untraceable origin, except that Jacka or another werewo—â€
Otho gestured frantically. Perhaps certain trigger words would release the anti-eavesdropping charms.
–—Friend of Jacka’s,†Theophany substituted, –was the first to receive word. Where are the tips coming from?â€
Otho leaned back.
–Why don’t you tell me what you’re accusing me of, exactly?â€
–Oh no, I’m not accusing you of anything! Well, maybe I’m saying you’ve been turning a blind eye. Someone isn’t using the channels of communication as they should. Information isn’t being verified by three members and presented to the group as agreed but being directly sent to active groups for immediate action, specifically communities of—of people like Jacka. If this intelligence is originating from outside of our organization, then our people may be sent into a trap at any time. If it is coming from inside, but from a single person—â€
–Then someone has real time information. A direct source—â€
–And they’re keeping it from everyone else,†Theophany finished. –I knew you had to have noticed it. And it’s not just the attacks, is it? Other information is being fed directly into our intelligence collection, but no one knows where it comes from.â€
Otho looked at his clasped hands.
–Suppose a reasonably intelligent, somewhat high ranking member of our organization did indeed notice this phenomenon.â€
Theophany raised an eyebrow. Otho gestured her to keep silent.
–Let’s say someone trusted with transporting materials and people for the resistance. Someone, in, say, in the Portkey Department, noticed people being moved just before certain events transpired. Or goods being ordered and delivered just before they were needed.â€
Theophany leaned in. –And what would this person do, in such a situation?â€
–Tracing orders, comparing times, much the same as you have done yourself, Miss Knapp. Should such a person actually exist.â€
–Of course.â€
–And as we have established, this person would be, or could be, of some standing, so he would apply directly to leaders within the resistance. Would he do so?â€
Theophany studied him. A little fusty, very conscientious. –He would.â€
Otho brought his hands down on the table with a smack.
–Aha! And there’s the catch. Such a person—who bears no resemblance to myself —would find his inquiries into such a delicate subject instantly shut down, his motives examined, and his person under suspicion. Simply for questioning his superiors.†He resumed in his former bland tone, –That would be the conclusion to this hypothetical situation.â€
Theophany nodded. –If it leads nowhere, then why tell it?â€
Otho looked at her hard. –Consider it a cautionary tale.â€
She stood and offered her hand. –In that case I’m very grateful you shared it. Thank you.â€
Otho shook her hand and said goodbye. When Theophany reached the door he spoke suddenly.
–If I had remembered, before you left, I would have told you that our hypothetical protagonist would have shed some light on the matter. He might have theorized that the safest course for an informant in such a situation would be to inform several people simultaneously but separately. In that case everyone knows but everyone thinks he is the only one who knows.â€
Theophany didn’t turn around. Otho added sadly, –As I said, should have mentioned it. Only you’d already left.â€
So she did. Theophany signed out, took the lift to the ground floor, and returned her badge.
When she stepped from the telephone booth, she checked her watch. Twenty to three o’clock. She would meet Allsop at King’s Cross, they’d Apparate together to the safehouse and collect the Honeysetts at four. What could she do in an hour?
She had been right, Otho had confirmed it, but she had nothing to connect the two sides. On the one hand, an anonymous source giving real time information and apparently through channels of the werewolf community. On the other, a Death Eater who showed compassion. She sighed. How to connect them? The sword? Could it be connected to some resistance plot? It was her only evidence he was involved in any Anti-Death Eater activity. But why pass off a fake? What was the sword needed to accomplish? It was locked away in a vault, and any inquiries she made from the resistance side would be swiftly dealt with, as Otho had experienced. It wasn’t like she could enquire from the other direction—yes, excuse me, Mr. Dark Lord, were you looking for a sword by any chance? Besides, the only Death Eater of her acquaintance had withheld his name. Who’s Who should come with pictures and descriptions.
Theophany continued to walk briskly but had no real destination. Her adrenaline simply pushed her forward. Muggles brushed against her and moved on, confused by her strange clothes for a minute before forgetting her entirely. The clock was ticking. Five past three. She was annoyed with herself. She was sure she’d seen the Death Eater somewhere before. If only she could think of a place to associate him with, or find someone to ask. Who, other than the enemy, had seen him? Theophany stopped. Someone had. Glancing both ways she stepped into an alley and Disapparated.
Diagon Alley was a crush of people. Quickly, quickly, she pushed herself through. The press of shoppers carried her along to Knockturn. Out of breath and disheveled, she fought out of the crowd and into the dim light of the back alley. The Spiny Serpent was empty. Maybe she’d missed the lunch rush, though she’d be surprised to see more than half a dozen tables occupied if it was the last pub on earth. Hallelujah, the same barkeep was behind the counter. Dropping gratefully onto a seat at the bar, she ordered something strong. She didn’t care. Theophany grinned over the top of her glass.
–Thanks, it’s mad out there.â€
The barkeep grunted. Theophany concentrated on slowing her racing heart. The drink was fire whiskey, she believed, but a higher proof than she’d ever tasted. She wondered if it was legal and took another sip. With a look at her watch and a theatrical start she called for a glass of water. It came in a grimy glass but she downed it anyway and slapped a tip on the counter.
–By the way, I was in here the other day, you might remember, I was a bit off colour and you kindly let us use your Floo. Anyway, chap I was with, seen him since?â€
The bartender eyed her once and went back to scraping scum off the counter with a bent knife.
–Certain. Now bugger off.â€
Theophany added more Galleons to the tip. Slowly.
–I’ve got to run, just want to leave a message for him. I know he’s in occasionally. Say I’ve got what he’s looking for, right? Got that?â€
Eyes on the gold, the barman nodded. Theophany slid off her stool, keeping her hand on the coins. She chewed her lip, simulating coy uncertainty.
–Sure you’ll know him again? Tall, dark, hooked nose, bit sickly looking?â€
–Yeah, yeah, I know what Severus Snape looks like. Bloody hell. He owe you money or something?â€
Theophany gave him a warm and sincere smile. –Something all right. Cheers!â€
She stepped outside, and Knockturn Alley had never looked so beautiful. Theophany grinned to herself. At last a name. Severus Snape. She was certain it was right, could almost picture it in type, but where had she seen it printed before? Her watch showed nearly half past. She had half an hour to get the information she needed.
Out of Knockturn and back into Diagon Alley, she turned south. If she vaguely knew the name, remotely as she lived, it must be common enough knowledge. The front of Whiz Hard Books was crowded and a queue spilled into the street. Theophany slid through and reached the offices of the Daily Prophet. The atrium was almost empty excepting the guard and the young wizard sitting in reception. He looked Theophany up and down and waited for her to speak.
–Archives, please,†she said crisply.
–Sub level three.â€
He signed her in and then wrote her name and purpose on a slip of parchment and folded it. At the touch of his wand the memo leapt into the air and fluttered off.
–I’d try and keep up if I were you,†he said in a bored tone.
Theophany chased after the interoffice memo. It took her to the lift, fluttering agitatedly while she punched the button for B3. She could smell the ink and paper, and the dust, as soon as she stepped off. The hall was full of wheeled shelves, squeaking back and forth on brass wheels, each loaded with wheels of undeveloped film or document boxes. At the far end of the hall an elderly wizard halted each shelf, checked its contents against his clipboard, and waved it on. The paper memo bonked against his clip board until he caught it and opened it.
–Miss Knapp?†he asked.
–Excuse me, sorry to bother. I’m here for a little research…â€
The wizard barely glanced up. –Follow me.â€
The carts abruptly stopped their to and fro, though a few seemed confused which way they should go and followed Theophany and her guide into the archives. There were print archives, microfilm, undeveloped reels, carefully preserved scrolls and even a shelf with carefully wrapped stone tablets.
–Subject and dates of interest?â€
Now or never.
–Everything you have on Severus Snape.â€
He blinked at her. –Anything in particular?â€
Was the librarian a reporter too? Two-faced propaganda pushers. She quirked an eyebrow.
–Is he such an unusual subject?â€
–No, no, I mean, given his position, one might say it’s unusual that there aren’t more inquiries. Still it’s a little early for a biography.â€
–Not a full work, no, but a biographical piece.†Theophany replied sunnily. –Maybe a professional profile only. It’s sort of a labor of love, a series…â€
She was stammering a little but hoped it would be mistaken for self consciousness.
–Well, it won’t take you long; there’s not a lot. Some of it’s been compressed for storage, but the recent article from August will be in print.â€
He continued to chat while he settled Theophany at a desk and fetched some newspapers sealed in brown paper and a roll of microfilm. It was indeed a very small amount. She assured him she could do the rest without assistance and spun the wheel on the Camera Aperient. Unlike the Camera Obscura Louis Daguerre had patented for Muggle use, his Camera Aperient was intended for enchanted wizard film. After she set the wheel spinning, the Obscura began to puff, and Theophany set the first wheel of microfilm on the spindle. It slowly unwound itself, and she put her eyes to the lens. The news page was dated February 8th, 1981. The picture showed a seated panel of grim-faced Wizards. They weren’t speaking to each other and looked exhausted.
Wizengamot Sits for 102nd Day: For what some are calling the longest court session since the trials of 1944 the end is in sight. The court expressed hope that the last Death Eaters in custody will be tried by the end of the week. The names of those yet to appear before the court are listed here for our readers. Those who have been tried may be found below as published previously. We will continue to update the list….
Theophany’s eyes slid through the dishearteningly long list. Sabithine, Adonis. Sellers, Daniel. Shortteeth, Ruel. Skint, Adam. Snape, Severus… That wasn’t much of a surprise. He looked the right age to have been an early supporter. She continued to read, but his name only appeared in lists, never alone or with details. No pictures. The final list appeared under the headline, Ministry Official Against All Pardons:
–...head of Central has issued a statement regarding the pardons and alleviated sentences passed by the Wizengamot. –Imperius Curse or not,†he told reporters on Tuesday…†Typical politician, post-crisis grandstanding. Taking the so-called hard line, Theophany thought. –...our readers can find those pardoned and found innocent, or acting under an Unforgivable Curse, on page...â€
And there he was again. Severus Snape. No details. No picture. Frustrated, Theophany removed the reel and tried the next. The roll of film spanned the next decade, Snape appearing only in name and never the principal subject. Usually in tandem with Hogwarts School. Anonymous, forgettable.
Ten till four. Theophany switched off the Aperient and unwrapped the newsprint. It was from only four months ago. The headlines were full of the new regime, the –untimely death†of Minister Rufus Scrimgeour. Theophany wasn’t sure why the newspaper was included in her search until she turned past the front page. Severus Snape Confirmed as Hogwarts Headmaster.There he was, scowling at the camera like it offended him personally. Theophany let out a triumphant gasp and ran to the front to demand a copy.
This is what she had seen, she could remember it now. The months of hearsay and confusion after Severus Snape was witnessed fleeing Hogwarts by Harry Potter after Albus Dumbledore’s murder. Then in August the famous Potter, in absentia, and Dumbledore, posthumously slung with mud, were attacked by the likes of correspondents like Rita Skeeter while Snape was installed as Headmaster. Such a position would grant him influence but also place him under public scrutiny. On the other hand, the degree of trust You-Know-Who must have in Snape threw doubt on his motives.
She placed the rolled copy in her pocket and jabbed the button on the lift. With aching slowness it rattled upwards. Four minutes until the hour. Six hours since she left the protection of The Mill. How long did she have until he found her? Theophany briefly thanked the unresponsive receptionist and asked if it was possible to Disapparate from the atrium. With a vague wave the young wizard invited her to be his guest and, surprisingly enough, winked at her. Theophany turned on the spot and arrived at Kings Cross just as the bell struck.
End Notes:
Thank you for reading!
It was sometime after Madame Pomfrey’s tremulous report that the amount of injured students in her ward was unacceptable but before Alecto Carrow started screaming that Snape noticed the vial on his desk was moving.
His morning had already been wasted in meaningless correspondence with the Ministry. Yes, he had received their letter and yes, he’d heard that Muggle-borns were going into hiding. No, he was certain none had been spotted within Hogsmeade. Yes, he fully approved searching any suspicious premises and monitoring all modes of transportation. No, he would not submit a concerned statement to that effect to the press.
Shortly after he’d tossed the last Ministry owl from the window, Poppy had turned up. Snape really prefered having these conversations at the teachers’ table in the Great Hall, but the school nurse had formally requested an audience. It seemed he was to be treated with chilly outward respect. So Poppy spoke succinctly, never quite looking at him. Her eyes did flick to the portrait hanging behind the desk with something like horror. Maybe she thought he’d hung it like a trophy. One finger to his temple, he only half listened. His head ached horribly. Unabated Occlumency or sleep deprivation? Just audible under Poppy’s recital something was clicking. He thought all of Albus’s contraptions were still; they appeared to have stopped with their owner. Poppy continued for ten minutes, the tapping sound gradually putting his teeth on edge. They both knew the majority of student injuries were caused by the Carrows, while the remainder were casualties of student guerilla warfare.
Why, why won’t they keep their heads down? The battle isn’t here, what are they accomplishing here?
–The infirmary is well stocked?â€
Poppy stammered to a stop. Tick Tick went the noise.
–W-Well, Horace has been brewing everything I need. But we’re well above our average injury intake, and when the school governors see the quarter health report—â€
–Are parents complaining? Are the students claiming abuse?â€
–I have no idea what the students are saying in their private correspondence,†Poppy replied coldly, –but I’ve received no inquiries or complaints.â€
–Then any further discussion is pointless, so if you’ve finished wasting my time…â€
Tick Tick.
His eye fell on the desk lamp. At its base an empty vial was rolling. Or seemingly empty. One long, dark hair was curling over itself inside. It would pull itself forward like an inchworm, taking its glass shell with it, only to be stopped short by the unyielding brass lamp.
–Then I suppose that will be all,†Poppy said tartly, having waited sometime for him to speak.
Snape looked up sharply, bit his tongue against the automatic apology there, and nodded curtly. That was when they heard it. Alecto’s voice, magically augmented, screaming furiously.
–We’ve been too lenient with you! If you will not learn you will comply! All students are to return to their houses at once. Any student found in the corridors will be punished severely. Any student in or near the dungeons is to report directly to my office, and God help anyone who thinks they can deny they were ever there!â€
Poppy’s eyes were teary, her face pale. Snape stood.
–Screaming is so...unnecessary,†he drawled. Under cover of the billowing professors’ robe, so unexpectedly helpful for espionage, he palmed the vial and swept from the office. Whatever attack Dumbledore’s Army had perpetuated had to be dealt with swiftly. He had no idea how long Knapp would be visible. He only hoped it was something harmless, perhaps dungbombs, anything that could be passed over lightly. A detention with Hagrid at most.
They descended the stair and entered the hallway below. Students were filing obediently towards their houses and parted silently for Snape and Madam Pomfrey. As they descended towards the dungeons, the crowd of students became much more scarce. They past the Potions classroom and continued towards the part of the dungeons which, until the Carrows, hadn’t been in use. Alecto was pacing from one locked cell to another while Crabbe kept his wand pointed on the student leaning against the far wall. Longbottom was using his sleeve to mop at a vicious cut on his face.
–Gone!†Alecto hissed. –Would you care to explain how six students held for detention have disappeared?â€
–Don’t know, Professor. I was upstairs in class with you—â€
–Silence!†she shrieked.
Snape walked to the first cell. It was locked, the key visible from the inside, and a neat little pile of clothes lay on the stone floor as if the student had simply vaporized. Of course no such thing had happened, but someone in the D.A. had a sense of humor. Snape wouldn’t recommend mocking the Carrows. Bloody Gryffindors.
–What exactly has happened?â€
Alecto smoothed her face, adopting a concerned oily tone.
–I had just finished teaching, Headmaster, when Crabbe ran in and informed me he’d spotted a few students, known to be in detention, leaving the dungeons. This excellent student was suspicious and came to me at once so as to not alert the culprits. I dismissed my class when this boy, here, this—this blood traitor,†the struggle seemed great but she managed to control her voice again, –asked me, me, that as I had just lectured on the importance of proper registration and documentation of bloodlines, I must know how much Muggle blood I had. Can you believe that, Severus? He practically called me a mudblood to my face.â€
She dabbed her eyes. Feminine distress did not suit her.
–How regrettable. We can’t have students using language like that. This is a school, after all. Poppy, would you please see to Mr. Longbottom’s face? He seems to have hurt himself.â€
Madam Pomfrey, restraints released, leapt forward, but Alecto flung out an arm.
–No! Headmaster, seeing this is a personal offence, I ask that I may oversee his punishment myself.â€
Longbottom showed no distress but explored his split lip with his tongue like no one else was in the room.
–Certainly, Alecto. It wouldn’t be harmful for Mr. Longbottom to learn a little matter his family.â€
Alecto blanched. She could barely claim half-blood status. Certain relatives had been disregarded in her family tree to raise her to that status. Longbottom, had he been in Slytherin, would have been her pet student.
–We wouldn’t want other parents to hear he had been roughly treated. They might accuse us of abusing our position,†Snape continued calmly.
Blood traitor or not, certain exalted families would not be pleased to hear a pureblood student was severely punished. They expected that status to protect anyone, even a traitor. Alecto drew herself up haughtily.
–I will bear that in mind, Headmaster. Even wounded in spirit, I can be reasonable.â€
Snape turned to leave.
–But there is the matter of the accomplice!â€
Damn them all to hell with wood nettle in their—
–Accomplice?†he said blandly.
–Obviously Longbottom was providing a distraction. It was another student who actually let them out. Corner. Ravenclaw. I ask you oversee his punishment personally. I don’t trust that moronic mongrel, Hagrid.â€
Snape seethed.
–Fine, send him to my office.†He took a step closer, letting his voice drop. –But I don’t like having my time wasted on petty detentions. If you can’t handle adolescent pranks then I will find someone who can.â€
He couldn’t guess if she was furious or terrified. He hoped she was afraid, hoped he was still seen as having the Dark Lord’s ear. She broke eye contact and he whirled around to leave. The vial was dancing a little jig in his pocket, and the minutes were slipping by.
Alecto must have dispatched Crabbe to fetch Corner, for he arrived in the Headmaster’s office minutes after Snape himself. He was sporting no injuries, unlike Longbottom, and carried his chin high. They stared at each other for a few minutes.
–What do I do with you?â€
Corner’s gaze didn’t flinch.
–Answer me when I speak to you.â€
–Sorry…Professor. I thought the question was rhetorical.â€
–No, I want to know what you think is going to happen.â€
The boy’s face looked wary, looking for some trick.
–Nobody really knows what to expect with your detentions, now that you’re headmaster, sir. The Carrows punish most everyone, or Hagrid. And nobody talks about what happens in detention with you, sir.â€
Snape stayed silent. It usually worked.
–Some say it’s because of trauma, others reckon you wipe their memories,†Corner finished.
–And why would I do that?â€
–Psychological warfare†Corner replied promptly before remembering to add, –sir.â€
Snape sighed.
–I’m glad to hear I’m putting such effort into it.†He drew his wand and saw Corner’s hand twitch reflexively towards his own. So they were practicing defense in secret. –Today, let’s try something different. Confundo!â€
Snape could see the boy relax, then blink.
–You just put the Confundus Charm on me.†He didn’t sound accusing, just interested.
–Oh very good, considering your state. Yes, you’re right. I do usually Obliviate the students placed in detention, but maybe it’s time someone carried a story back. Now, what do you fear I will do to you?â€
Michael Corner frowned in concentration. The charm seemed to make some sleepy, others muddled, a few intoxicated. The boy seemed to be merely unconcerned.
–Well,†he scratched his chin, –you could string me up by my thumbs. It’s the sort of thing the Carrows would do.â€
–Surely the student body gives me a little more credit than that?â€
–Yah, not enough finesse. You could make me write lines in my own blood like Umbridge did to Harry.â€
–Did she? How nauseating.â€
–Um. I’m terrified of heights. Maybe you could put the full Body-Bind on me and make me stand on the window ledge.â€
–Imaginative but infantile. I’m looking something more befitting a dark wizard - not an Unforgivable Curse.â€
–Dark Arts but not an Unforgivable? That’s tough.â€
Snape raised an eyebrow.
–Thank you for noticing.â€
–Got it! You interrogate me for hours, asking the same questions over again. Names, where we meet, that sort of thing. I’m exhausted and thirsty and you make me stand until I collapse.â€
–Then you regain consciousness on my office floor, I’ve forgotten all about you and gone about my business, and your memories of the whole affair are vague. But you know it happened.â€
Corner was nodding.
–You can see it in your mind.â€
Snape stood. –Well done. You have a bright future, though it may not come to pass, should you continue jailbreaking classmates. The Carrows shouldn’t be pushed; restrain your activities to minor infringements.â€
Corner was frowning in confusion. Snape sighed. Nothing he said would stick anyway. He appreciated the ridiculousness of the situation, but that didn’t make it bearable.
–Much as I’ve enjoyed this little chat, I’d rather not have it repeated.â€
He brought his wand up. The Stunning spell hit Corner between the eyes, and he toppled heavily to the floor. Snape walked over and felt his pulse. There’d be a few bruises to lend credence to the story. He quickly locked the office door, though no one was likely to come. Corner was breathing softly.
–Poppy will murder me.†He shook his head. –If no one else does first.â€
Snape pulled the vial from his pocket. The hair inside was still active but it was impossible to know how much longer. He opened the window, and the cold wind howled into the room. It was daylight for a few hours yet. Holding the vial in his hand he balanced his wand on top.
–Point me.â€
The wand spun and then stopped. Southwest. London? Or closer. Apparating would be faster, but he could overshoot his target. Best keep an eye on the wand point and should it reverse, he’d know he’d gone too far. Snape sighed; this was going to be tedious. Stepping from the window, he took flight over the forest and was out of sight before Corner began to snore.
It seemed Theophany’s excitement was visible; Allsop kept glancing sideways at her. Fortunately the Honeysettes prevented any private conversation. Lavinia was wonderful. She swung along, unselfconscious, in her borrowed wizard’s robes. It was strange to see Silyn, faux Silyn at least, without his wide-eyed smile. Theophany only had one critique.
–Don’t look worried for him,†she whispered.
–Felix. You keep checking on him and looking anxious when he’s walking ahead. Look annoyed, like he’s your kid brother.â€
Lavina put on a bored scowl and widened the distance between herself and her son. Their tickets were booked in advance, and the conductor paid them no extra attention. Within a few minutes they were seated in a nearly empty compartment. Their companions were an elderly couple and a young witch buried in a book with the partially visible title ‘Entwined—’.
Theophany itched for ink and parchment. If only she could write it neat and orderly, maybe something would make sense. Severus Snape, Headmaster of Hogwarts, Death Eater...spy? It was a leap; she could almost laugh at herself. But that night in Reading she had come to the front lines, and instead of the enemy she had found, what exactly? An ally who would most certainly hunt her down.
After a delay, security checks were interminable, the train slowly pulled out. Felix, chin in hand, watched the scenery. He was fantastic, even looked bored. Theophany glanced at him sharply; he was bored. Maybe this was all a little anticlimactic. With Silyn’s long legs stretched in front of her, Lavinia perused The Daily Prophet, but she was tense. Theophany felt the reassuring crinkle in her pocket of the Prophet article. It contained little to no useful information, but the picture might be important. An hour after their departure Felix dug into his bag and pulled out a packet of sandwiches. Bless Allsop. Felix politely offered one to Theophany, but she declined and volunteered a game of gobstones. She had lost two games when the train shuddered to a stop.
–We can’t be there already,†Lavina said sharply.
–Probably a rural station, shouldn’t be a long delay,†the old wizard volunteered.
Theophany smiled and nodded. Felix took his turn and captured two more of her pieces. She stared at the board but wasn’t really playing. There were footsteps further down the corridor, still a few compartments down. Should she alter their tickets so they could disembark immediately? But any official would check for forgery if the train was really being searched. The party of footsteps slowly grew closer. If they were pausing in each compartment, then it was surely a search. Manhunt or random check? Don’t change a thing, do nothing defensive.
Theophany paused, halfway to choosing a piece, when the compartment door slid open. Two wizards entered. Neither wore the uniform of the train. Definitely Magical Law Enforcement. One wizard leaned against the door, wand drawn but at his side, while the other checked papers and tickets. Felix was the only one with false papers; Prosper’s name was there but the picture and information were false.
–You’re brothers and sister?â€
–That’s right.†Lavinia replied hoarsely. Silyn’s pale eyes and hair were nothing like Theophany’s dark ones, but they both had their mother’s pointed face and short nose.
After a moment he returned their papers.
–Report to the official at Frog’s Hollow, when you disembark.â€
He wanted the local Ministry rat to confirm, as he could easily ask around about the Knapp family. Silyn-who-was-not-Silyn nodded, lips tight in annoyance or fear.
–Is there something wrong with our—†Theophany began.
–Report to your local census official,†he repeated curtly.
They moved on. The other passengers avoided eye contact like erroneous papers were catching. A while later the second ministry official returned and took up a position two compartments down from theirs. Random arrests weren’t unknown. Anyone could be detained for questioning at any time without evidence. If they were stopped and the Polyjuice wore off, it would be over. Theophany checked her watch as the train began to move again.
–Was there something wrong with the sandwich?†she said softly to Felix.
He looked up in confusion.
–You’re looking a little green.â€
–Oh? oh! Just a little motion sick, I guess.â€
Theophany smiled at him. He looked carefully back and she winked. Over the next quarter of an hour Felix did an admirable job of becoming listless. He slumped further back in his seat and Theophany saw him surreptitiously pinch his face for flush.
–I-I think I need to go to the loo,†Felix mumbled.
Theophany leaned forward and felt his face.
–Do you feel chilled?â€
He shrugged.
–Silyn, go with him.â€
–Why do I have to—â€
Lavinia sighed tragically. –Come on.â€
The two of them left the compartment. Theophany packed up the gobstones into Felix’s bag and placed the bag on the overhead shelf. Then she settled herself with the newspaper. She made herself really read it, just to pass the time. They would be worried, she knew, but they wouldn’t budge from the loo without instruction. After a few pages she leaned over to try and look into the corridor, checked her watch with a frown, and went back to reading. She’d finished the headlines and started the editorial when she folded the paper with a sigh and stood up. Conspicuously leaving Felix’s bag on the shelf, she left the compartment and edged down the corridor to the toilets. She knocked on the men’s loo.
–Felix? Felix, are you okay?â€
The door opened an inch. Lavinia peered out.
–Not entirely.â€
–Oh poor thing. I’ll come in, you wait out here.â€
They changed places, and Theophany squeezed into the tiny closet where Felix was sitting on the covered toilet.
–There’s an empty compartment three back, not as far as our own. We’re going there, ok?â€
Felix looked like he had questions but kept quiet. Theophany took his hand and led him out to Lavinia.
–Maybe something cold will help. Let’s find the refreshment cart.â€
The fake Silyn was looking definitely pale and panicky. Please let the compartment still be empty, Theophany prayed desperately. There was no one else in the corridor or, better still, the compartment. Theophany pulled Felix in and Lavinia shut the door. Theophany walked over the to window and unlocked it.
–Wait, what are we doing—â€
–This is where we get off, kids,†Theophany said and winced inwardly. She always sounded more manic than hearty whenever she tried. True, her own heartbeat was thundering, but best not to show that to the refugees. Don’t get excited, be steady.
–Through the window?â€
The scenery ripped by. Dusk had fallen by four o‘clock and now it was almost complete dark.
–Cast a Shield Charm on yourself and Felix.â€
–But the speed—â€
–I’ll handle the speed. You just protect yourselves from being battered.â€
Lavinia pulled out her wand and Felix held still, his eyes fixed on the window.
–When I open this window, it’ll be too loud to talk much, so let’s get this clear. I’m going to guide your fall. Felix first.â€
–Who’s guiding your fall?â€
–When you land, this is important, lie flat. Do not look back. Do not look for me. I’ll be there.â€
And before she had any further doubts, Theophany tore the window open. The wind was cutting, the howl deafening. Theophany drew her wand and held out her hand to Felix, but he shook his head and climbed onto the sill. She pounded his shoulder briefly and mouthed jump. Felix, face screwed up fearsomely, leapt from the sill.
–Aresto momentum!†Theophany shouted, the wind almost forcing the spell back down her throat.
Felix, as if swimming not falling, slid into the bushes below. Lavinia, hovering anxiously, barely waited for him to land before flinging herself after him. The larger the object, the heavier the fall, but Lavinia rolled out of sight seemingly uninjured. Theophany put away her wand and pulled herself onto the sill. It was tempting but she’d promised.
–You’d better be right about this flying thing, Severus Snape. Because it would be really useful right now.â€
She pointed her wand at the night sky.
It was dark enough to prevent anyone seeing a mad witch rocket from the train. Once she was in the air, Theophany twisted herself forward, guiding her body away from the train.
Deep breaths.
Just like Silyn had taught her. Maintain control. The trees offered some screen; as long as she landed safely, it would be fine. She could feel her momentum lessening and, with a lurch in her stomach, started to fall.
Keep calm.
The trees were rushing towards her; she swiped branches out of her way with her wand.
Calm...forget it.
Theophany shrieked and threw up her left hand. Trees threw themselves out of her way, wildlife scattered, branches snapped. The Cushioning Charm had to wait until the last second, the exact spot she was going to land. Her wand hand shot out and the next minute she was bouncing, a little too hard for comfort, in suddenly spongy dirt and moss. She lay for a second listening. The train was already rattling away, growing faint. It hadn’t stopped. Nobody had seen. Theophany whooped and bounced gleefully. A forceful bounce landed her on her feet and she posed like a gymnast.
–Ladies and gentlemen, hold your applause.â€
An owl burst into flight and reminded her of the immediate predicament. She had to rendezvous with the Honeysetts. The forest here was ancient, and Muggles had proclaimed it a reserve, deploring its shrunken size due to deforestation, and would have been horrified to know a train ran through it, though they couldn’t see the train, or how large the wood really was. It was indeed a preserve, but for creatures not found on any Muggle endangered list.
Theophany found her way back to the rail and followed it back. Only a quarter of an hour after her own landing she saw her two charges walking towards her.
–How did you do it?†Felix demanded.
Theophany winked jauntily though truthfully she was exhausted.
–All right, Felix?â€
–Yeah, but—â€
–What now?†Lavinia still looked like Silyn, but the potion wouldn’t last halfway through the night.
–We get you to your hosts.â€
–But what about the census?â€
–I, Silyn, and Prosper will report. Our paperwork is perfectly in order; he just chose us at random. Come on. You’ve done side-along before?â€
Felix nodded and gripped her arm. Theophany took Lavinia’s hand.
–Sorry, location to remain undisclosed a little longer.â€
They Disapparated from the lonely tracks, and Theophany tried to ignore the fleeting sensation she’d seen something in the sky above them.
Frog’s Hollow wasn’t a roaring metropolis at the busiest of times, and the dinner hour saw it nearly abandoned. Light came from the Whistling Ghoul, but all the other houses were shuttered tight against the cold. Theophany peered from the shadows behind the robes shop; no patrol was present.
–Okay, just one door down, opposite side of the street. But we should avoid being seen; we’re supposed to be on a train after all.â€
Theophany stepped out from their cover and turned the corner. She just as quickly stepped back, pushing the two behind her close to the wall
–There’s someone there,†she hissed.
Cautiously she looked around the corner. Every wizard in his right mind was toasting his toes at the pub or home having dinner. This one was stamping his feet in the cold, right across from the Hughes's tearoom, and wearing a terribly official-looking badge. Magical Law Enforcement. They must have heard the Hughes were expecting company and came to investigate.
Theophany couldn’t take them to The Mill; no refugee was allowed to see the center of operations. Too many Ministry spies were posing as Muggle-borns. Theophany took Lavinia’s hand, then Felix’s, and squeezed them tight. Responding to her pressure, they clung on as she Disapparated. Lavinia looked about her. They were back in the woods, by the train tracks again. Theophany was already striding ahead, leaving the tracks behind.
–Come on, I’m taking you to a friend. I have to see you safe first, then I can find out if the Hughes are secure or not.â€
–But if they knew we were coming—â€
–They knew the Hughes were expecting guests, that’s all. But we couldn’t be seen.â€
Theophany moved quickly. She should have had the Honeysetts safely settled by now. How could she help them when her time ran out? Felix trotted after her.
–We can’t Apparate there?â€
–There’s an Anti-Apparition jinx that covers this part of the forest. For security.â€
–So...are we going to your house then?â€
–No, though I’m nearby. That’s also under the Anti-Apparition jinx.â€
–So no one here can Apparate? For how far?â€
–Felix…!†Lavinia warned.
–He’s fine.â€
They had left the path and were walking west, away from the Valley and The Mill.
–There’s not many people out here. Of course we can Apparate in the village, but the farms in the Valley and the eastside of the wood are covered by the jinx. You can Apparate from the path between the woods and the valley.â€
–So is the Valley Frog’s Hollow too?â€
–The Valley doesn’t have a name anymore. But the forest still has the old name, Dagda Wood.â€
Felix seemed to be out of questions until they passed through a clearing. It was a stone circle. The rocks were worn smooth by water and half covered by moss.
–How old is that? What’s it doing here?â€
–Only a few years actually, though the stones are old. Lavinia, should something happen, the circle marks where you can Apparate.â€
Lavinia looked up at the stars through the bare trees, and Theophany could see she was orienting herself should she need to find her way back.
–Don’t worry. You’ll be perfectly safe with my friend.â€
The further in they went, the larger the forest became. The fauna changed from tame conservation landscaping to wilderness. Theophany nearly stumbled into the low meadow—it opened so suddenly beneath their feet. It wasn’t very large but deep. On the opposite side a cottage protruded, its back half submerged in the meadowbank. Theophany slid down the bank, releasing a fragrant haze of crushed leaves and herbs from the frosted ground. Felix tumbled after her with Lavinia more cautiously behind. Theophany climbed the erratic steps cut into the opposite bank and gained the cottage door.
–Jacka!†She rattled the knocker, a griffin’s head. –Jacka!â€
The door opened and she heard Felix gulp. The wizard was easily over six feet and seemed at least half that again across the chest. His rough, curly hair and beard completed the impression of a large friendly bear. His expression was neither alarmed nor annoyed, but deep worry lines creased his swarthy face as if he was perpetually expecting bad news. Jacka lightened a little when he saw his guests.
–Theophany?†Jacka’s voice was surprisingly soft for his size. –We didn’t expect you until tomorrow at the best. I see you brought Silyn with you, but who’s this?â€
–It isn’t Silyn. It’s Polyjuice. Jacka, the Ministry is watching the tea shop. Have you heard anything?â€
Jacka was shaking his head. –Not been into town for weeks. Was that their host family?â€
–Yes. I have to ask you a favor. Could they please wait with you while I scout it out?â€
Jacka seemed a little embarrassed.
–We don’t have many guests, so I don’t have a lot to offer, but of course, come in. I can at least make some tea and something to eat, yes?â€
Felix grinned. –Yeah, thanks!â€
The interior was humble. Built into the hill, one would expect it to be rather like a cave or a cellar, but it was really like the inside of a tree. The walls and furniture were made of wood, beautifully crafted and lovingly polished. Jacka certainly favored the utilitarian over the decorative, but the natural beauty did much to turn the space from a cabin into a home. While the Honeysetts gratefully moved towards the fire, Theophany stayed by the door and caught Jacka by the arm.
–I’ll be back soon as I can. Jacka, thank you. I know it’s a lot to ask.â€
–Always happy to help...when I’m capable,†he added softly.
Theophany waved to Felix and tried to smile reassuringly at Lavinia, who was making Silyn’s face look more drawn and worried than she’d ever seen her brother.
Theophany tore through the wood. She would Apparate from the stone circle to the path. She had to go to The Mill, they would fill her in, and she had to ensure those vials of memories were complete before...before whatever happened. Once out of the wood and in the valley, the path to The Mill seemed distortedly long.
–Dad?†Theophany flung open the front door. –Silyn?â€
Silyn hurried down the stairs, his hair damp from the bath.
–What is it? What’s happening, Tiff? Dad went into town and that Ministry bloke was asking for you.â€
–Did he see you? You’re supposed to have been on a train with me.â€
–No, I stayed in all day. Out of sight. Dad spoke to him.â€
–I don’t know what’s going on. Someone’s watching the Hughes tea room. Silyn, has there been any suspicious activity in town? We got spot-checked on the train and have to report to the registrar...Mr. Smithers? Or was it Withers? Wake up Prosper and take him with you to the station—â€
–Prosper?†Mr. Knapp entered from the kitchen; he’d probably just come in from the barn. –Theophany, I don’t like involving the children.â€
–I know, Dad, this is the first and last time I use their papers. But I can’t present a fake brother tonight. Silyn, the train is due in...forty-three minutes. I’ll meet you there to report to what’s-his-name.â€
–Heathers. Mr. Heathers is our local gestapo—â€
Mr. Knapp raised a finger. –Be careful in your language, even privately, you don’t want to slip—â€
Theophany threw up her hands. –This can wait. Silyn, has there been any news? How did the Ministry know I was taking people to the Hughes tonight?"
–I don’t know why the Hughes specifically, but there seems to be some new initiative; we heard it on the wireless. There was a massive search on the railway, delays all day on every line. The Floo was also being spontaneously rerouted and checked. Then this evening Heathers stopped Dad on the street, said someone was looking for you. Didn’t say who, but he seemed pretty agitated.â€
Theophany felt her breath knocked out of her. She’d run out of time. Severus Snape, or an associate, had found her. Just under a day.
She looked up at Silyn, still halfway down the staircase.
–Silyn, be at the station.â€
He looked at her curiously but only nodded once. Theophany started towards the kitchen, headed for the back door.
–They’ll be safe with Jacka for tonight. Why don’t you come with us to the station and settle any suspicions Heathers and the Ministry goon have?â€
I don’t think Heathers’ guest is from the Ministry.
–I have to take care of this.†She didn’t turn around. –I’ll be there, don’t worry.â€
From the back door she ran through the garden to the workshop. Locking the door behind her she took a piece of parchment and wrote.
–Speak to Jacka.â€
Touching her wand to it, she wiped it clean, only to be read by her. Next to it she placed the copied photo from the newspaper. Quickly retrieving the spawn-slimy jar of stored memories, she sat down and tried to compose herself. No time to rehearse. Bringing her wand to her temple, she extracted it all. Allsopp, the Honeysetts, the Prophet archives. One long curl of memory, the past twenty-four hours, dancing from the wand tip. If she needed to wipe her memories, they would all be here, waiting for her. She sealed the recent memory in the last bottle and put it with the others in a satchel. Satchel over her shoulder, she locked the workshop behind her, even against family members interfering, and turned down the path. She would have even a greater favor to ask tonight.
Theophany scanned the sky as she walked down the path. The valley was under the Fidelius Charm, but she would be unprotected the brief moment she was on the path before she Disapparated to the stone circle.
Back in the woods she ran for the safety of the cottage, unmappable, feeling eyes on her back.
The cosy tableau broke up as she burst through the door. Felix and Jacka’s son, Col, were toasting cheese and rolls in the fire, Lavinia not yet in her own form was sipping tea, while Jacka sat in the farthest corner, a beneficent observer. Lavinia looked up questioningly and Theophany tried to appear unconcerned.
–Jacka, a quick word.â€
He followed her outside. Theophany looked up at him, lost for words. She offered her bag.
–I need you to keep these for me.â€
Jacka pulled the flap open and quickly closed it. –What — Theophany, I can keep these but—â€
–Yes, I know. If I need these, that means I’ll need a Pensieve, and I know it’s against the rules, but maybe if you use it with me…â€
–That won’t be necessary.â€
Jacka put out a hand, then dropped it. Theophany blinked in surprise. Jacka wasn’t really one for physical contact; she was flattered he would even attempt to comfort her. Already a little overwrought, she found herself tearing up.
–Whatever you’re running from, whatever’s out there tonight, stay safe. And if you need these, if you need me, we’ll be here.â€
–Thanks.†Theophany pressed her cold hands to her cheeks, trying to compose herself. –Can the Honeysetts stay tonight?â€
–Of course.â€
–Jacka, I’m — thanks. Thank you.â€
–Go. It’s no trouble. Keep everyone safe.â€
That was her job. Theophany stepped back into the cottage, smile in place.
–Okay, you’re staying the night here. Trust Jacka like you would me. I’ll be back tomorrow. Okay? Cheers, then. Well done today, the worst is over.â€
She ducked quickly out, hearing Felix say to Col, –Is she always like that?â€
–Like what?â€
–Kind of, you know, excited. Manic. Today I was—I was scared, but she was totally cool with it. Like she liked it…â€
Do I like it? Theophany scaled the deep bank, up to her elbows in dead leaves and half-dead herbs sleeping under the frost. Do I enjoy danger? For the first time in what felt like days, she paused. A few stars were visible through the bare-branched trees. No, I don’t like anything about this situation, she thought. But I am happy to do it. I like that I am fighting.
Theophany released a long breath and stepped from the woods onto the path. Please, please, no matter what happens tonight, let me remember that I was protecting everyone. It was time to be found.
End Notes:
Thank you for reading! Reviews, comments, questions, complaints, confessions, any feedback at all is welcomed :)
In Winthrop Heathers’s office Severus Snape sat completely still. He’d circled this tiny hamlet for an hour and the spell refused to budge away from this twee paradise. But the moment he tried to get closer it would start spinning in all directions. Knapp was here, somewhere, but had gone under protection again. He must have briefly caught her between wards, otherwise he’d have overshot Frog’s Hollow altogether. Rather than knocking on doors, he’d presented himself at Heathers’s office. The Ministerial representative would have access to all the registered locals. Heathers had been pompous at first, but once Snape had revealed his Dark Mark he’d cooperated beautifully. True to Ministry type, Heathers was an idiot, had even asked a member of the Knapp family where their daughter was. Now that she was forewarned, would she go underground? Snape gritted his teeth. Everyone knew the Knapps locally but could only give a hazy idea of where they lived.
–Some distance away,†Heathers had explained. –Not really locals, but we’re the closest town, so they are registered here.â€
Snape kept his eyes on the vial. The hair inside was still. Heathers had been delighted when a message had arrived informing him that the Knapps would report to him when their train got in.
–So she’ll come to us, very law-abiding, these Knapps. You say she has valuable information for you?â€
Snape hadn’t answered. If Heathers thought that Theophany Knapp was going to walk meekly into his office, he was thicker than dragonhide. Besides, the wand had pointed him to Frog’s Hollow, and the train wasn’t due for another thirty minutes. She was already here. He’d bet she’d left the train shortly after being told to report. Snape heard the office door open and didn’t bother looking up.
–Just wanted to let you know, sir, the train is reportedly on time and should be here—â€
At the same moment the wand spun. Spun and pointed northeast. Knapp was unshielded again. Snape snatched up the wand and pointed it at Heathers, stopping him in mid sentence.
The official rocked back on his heels and hit the door frame. Snape left him blinking dazedly, sitting on the floor. He wanted no trouble for the Knapps; best Heathers forgot they were ever of interest.
Snape slipped out behind the station house. Here it was unlit and he could take to the air without being noticed. His wand was still pointing him steadily northeast, towards the forest. If the Knapps were indeed farmers, as he had been told, then surely they would be to the south of town where the land was level. The far side of the forest was another village, no place for a remote farm. Was she leading him away from the nest? It’s what he would expect. Let’s get this over with.
Theophany wished she had brought another vial with her. She could store memory until the last possible minute. But if it was discovered, all would be lost. Hiding it wouldn’t make sense, as she wouldn’t remember to look for it. She sighed and shivered. It hadn’t snowed properly yet, but the ground was frozen hard and the forest crisp with cold. Was she really prepared for this?
She was in the western side of the forest. Beyond Jacka’s house and outside the anti-apparition jinx. Theophany stopped walking and took a few deep breaths against the rising nausea. She could have stayed hidden, but for how long? How long would this war last? Theophany continued walking along the forest path. It was a very pleasant path; Muggles interested in bird watching and seasonal foliage would walk it, their arms full of picnic baskets and those funny cameras you throw away. Of course for them the path was much shorter and appeared to cut straight through the wood.
Theophany considered a bench, placed picturesquely away from the path overlooking the frozen stream. She saw no reason to continue walking; she had no way of knowing exactly how close he was. Theophany turned her back on the path and sat down. Her cloak was warm, and if she lowered her chin into the high collar, she was quite comfortable. This was it, no planning, no running, just waiting. Theophany stopped trying to imagine what the memory charm would be like and focused on staying warm. After a while she experienced that curious sensation of not being aware of her extremities and found her mind floating in bemused observation.
When she heard the crunch of leaves behind her, she came to herself with a jolt. Pleased to find her breathing continued to hold steady, she was able to ask calmly, –Is that you?â€
Snape came alongside her bench.
She was oddly glad it wasn’t someone else.
–What do you intend to do?â€
–A Memory Charm.â€
Theophany sucked in her breath. Partly in apprehension, partly in amusement. He couldn’t guess that she’d prepared for this, could he?
–Do you intend to leave me any memory of the past few days?â€
–I could, yes. Shall I?†His wand was already at his side. –Shall I rifle through your mind, learn everything about you, your family and associates, and purge only those memories pertaining to me? Could you even stop me?â€
Theophany looked up at him.
–I’d die trying.â€
–I believe you, which is why I won’t be selective.â€
–That’s three nights and two days....gone. So much has happened and there are people who depend on me—â€
–You brought this on yourself by getting involved,†Snape snarled. –Had you just delivered the sword, I would have wiped your memory then, but you decided to be clever. Even after Gringotts, once you’d healed, it wasn’t too late. You would have lost the memory of one night only. Since you seem to have guessed my intention, why sneak out in the night? Why not just let me—?â€
–I didn’t sneak out in the night. I left at seven in the morning and you were sound asleep.â€
–Satisfy my curiosity. How did you manage casting a bewitched sleep without your wand?â€
Theophany blew on her hands and stood up.
–I didn’t. You were just really tired.â€
Snape blanched a little. She couldn’t tell if he was embarrassed or furious.
–You did something! I rarely sleep.â€
Theophany put her head to one side.
–You look it.â€
And Disapparated. She heard him shout, felt a hand snatch at her robes, and together she and Snape Apparated to the foothills north of the valley. The forest was west of them now, and the lights of the valley were few and distant. Theophany had intended a destination further from her home than Phiny’s Peak but he’d thrown her off.
Snape’s wand was already in his hand and he’d a hold on her shoulder but Theophany had the advantage of anticipating the slope of the hill. As he regained his balance she lashed out, aiming for his kneecap with her boot. The contact made an awful cracking sound and he fell to his other knee.
–Sorry!†she cried, and took off running.
She had only a minute’s head start before sensing the invisible ropes reaching for her. Theophany slashed her borrowed wand.
He was up again and limping after her. He didn’t seem in any hurry. Theophany blocked a Stunning Spell and two more Restraining Spells before she stopped running. The jinxes were coming too fast; she couldn’t run and defend herself. He couldn’t move swiftly with that knee but, Theophany wondered as she blocked another spell, did he really need to? She was annoyed with herself. Apparition had been a mistake. In the forest she had more cover and ammunition. The hillside was bare, no place to hide here, no chance of running and losing him. The spells came quickly; if she paused to Apparate, she’d be hit.
Snape stopped walking—his leg was in terrible pain—and focused on Stunning Knapp. Her pace was erratic, and he was beginning to see it was intentional. Her rhythm would change, forcing her opponent to change pace with her. She’d switch seamlessly from defense to offense, and she certainly wasn’t afraid to use any means. Twice now he’d blocked an attack from the front, only to dodge some piece of rock or branch flying at him from behind. Her free hand could cast simple spells even as her wand finished hurling something at him.
Theophany had nearly clipped him a couple of times; his injury was definitely slowing him. She sent a burning jinx past his shoulder. He flinched as he sidestepped it, probably a combination of the heat and his bad leg. Using his pause Theophany pressed forward. Her Expelliarmus Spell nearly got through his defense, and she followed it quickly with another Stunner. Snape stepped backward for space, gritting his teeth as his knee crunched painfully under him
–I...really...don’t have time for this,†he hissed between spells.
Theophany was close enough he could see her eyes, wide and burning bright.
–So sorry to be an inconvenience,†she panted. –You...could...just...leave!â€
Snape waited for her to come closer, then staged a stumble on his bad leg. Theophany hurried to attack, and as she raised her wand he quickly righted himself and went under her guard. Theophany’s wand flew from her hand and landed at his feet. Instantly she raised both hands, and he felt that same forceful jinx that had shattered the cabinet wash over a Shield Charm he’d barely managed to cast in time. He again cast a Restraint, and Theophany’s head whipped back as cords wrapped around her and brought her to her knees.
Snape dropped his wand to his side and cursed softly. Gingerly he inspected his leg; it seemed the kneecap was split.
–This was all so unnecessary,†he drawled.
Theophany lifted her face. The intensity had left her eyes, and she smiled that crooked smile. Her cheeks were wet.
–Can’t blame a girl for trying to keep her head.â€
Snape limped toward her.
–This won’t hurt.â€
–Have you ever had someone take your memories away? No? Then shut up.â€
–I’m sorry.â€
Theophany squinched her eyes closed and bowed her head.
–As the person about to Obliviate me, you’re allowed no opinion or sympathy. Just hurry up.â€
Her hair hung over her face but he could hear her breathing was ragged.
–Nonetheless, I regret its necessity.â€
She didn’t answer or open her eyes. Her clenched fingers were trembling. Snape raised his wand,
–But I can spare you experiencing this.â€
The Stunning Spell knocked her over. There’d be a few bruises but she was the one who had resisted. At least she wouldn’t feel her thoughts slipping from her mind.
The light from the charm lit up the grass around them briefly, startling something in the hedgerow below. Then the only sound was Theophany’s gentle breathing.
–It would have been more fair, perhaps, had I returned this to you earlier.†He drew her wand from his pocket and dropped it by her unconscious body. –But I don’t take chances.â€
Snape released her restraints and then turned his wand on his knee. Once he could move comfortably, he Apparated to Hogsmeade and then walked thoughtfully up to the school. He met Filch briefly in the entrance hall, but neither of them felt compelled to speak, for which Snape was grateful. Snape ascended the stair to the Headmaster’s office and cast the usual Anti-Eavesdropping and Warding Spells before falling into a chair.
–All right, Severus?†Dumbledore’s portrait asked.
Snape reached into his pocket and removed the vial with its single hair. He placed it on the desk.
–Albus,†he sighed. –I’m a complete bastard.â€
Which woke her first, her headache or the cold, Theophany wasn’t sure. Her body was stiff, her knees and right shoulder bruised, and she couldn’t remember where she was.
Jethro. She’d been looking for Jethro, but hang on. Theophany stood carefully, her head swimming. She was home, or nearly, the valley was just beneath her. How had she got back when she’d just left? Had she even left to find Jethro? Had that he wouldn’t attack her. Run, definitely, but not hurt her.
Theophany looked down. What was her wand doing on the ground? She picked it up and tried to pocket it, but there was already a wand in her pocket. She drew it out and looked at it, and didn’t recognize it. Whose was it? Why was there dittany in her other pocket? Was someone hurt? Theophany started to feel queasy and not just from her headache. Home, she should go home and figure out what had happened. Theophany looked about. She was on Phiney’s Peak, so she’d Apparate to the path and walk home from there. Easier said than done. Apparating made her promptly sick. Feeling green and shaky Theophany walked down the sloping path to The Mill.
–Dad?†she called, in case he was in the barn or back garden. –Concord?â€
The front door unlocked under her hand, and she stepped inside. Maybe everyone was asleep. It was dark, but she was completely uncertain of the time. It could be evening, or the small hours. There was a little light coming from the kitchen.
–Dad?†Theophany whispered, in case the twins were asleep.
She heard the scraping of a chair and Mr. Knapp hurried toward her.
–Oh, God, I was terrified. Silyn and Prosper already left, you have six minutes to get to the station. What happened, dear? You’re all over dirt and leaves.â€
Theophany held him back.
–Wait, what? Why did they go to the station, Dad? I have to go find Jethro. Why is Prosper at the station? I know I just left but…â€
–What are you talking about? Sweetie, you said the official on the train told you to report to Heathers, and because you had those people pretending to be Silyn and Prosper with you—you decided—â€
–Dad! Stop!†Theophany held her head. –What train? I left just after dark to find Jethro, after he sent that letter. Next thing I know I’m coming to on Phiny’s Peak. I wasn’t on a train…â€
Mr. Knapp gently removed her hands from her head.
–Oh oh, my little girl, I don’t know what to say.â€
Theophany was horrified to see he was fighting tears.
–I wish—oh you have no idea how I pray—that I was useful. I can’t do anything to protect you.â€
–What are you saying…â€
–Theophany, listen to me.†His mouth worked then stiffened. –You left
almost three days ago—â€
–No, what’s important is that you Apparate to the station, right away. Heathers is expecting you, Silyn, and Prosper to present your papers for inspection. Tell Silyn—tell him you don’t remember anything after you left; he’ll take care of you and bring you home. Then, then we’ll talk. Okay? You have to go now.â€
Theophany took a step towards the door.
She ran. The path away from The Mill was painful, her head pounded mercilessly with every step, and when she Apparated into Frog’s Hollow, she was sick again. The station was just around the corner. If she had been on a train as Dad said and was supposed to disembark, she shouldn’t be seen entering the station. Casting a quick Disillusionment Charm, she made her way through the station to Heathers’ office behind. Frog’s Hollow was too small to really have town offices, so the Ministry official had taken over a small office behind the stationmaster’s. Silyn and Prosper were hovering just outside, moving slowly and glancing at the clock. Theophany waited for a couple of wizards moving crates containing kneazles hybrids to pass.
–Theophany Knapp!†Silyn hissed murderously, –Where—?â€
–I don’t remember anything after I left Tuesday night.†Theophany cut him off in a low voice. Prosper was happily distracted by the one of the kneazles who seemed intent on unlocking his crate. –Dad sent me here, my head's splitting, and I might be sick again any minute.â€
Silyn’s mouth had slowly widened then shut tightly. He eyes quickly scanned her face.
–I’ll do the talking. Tiff, I—I can see there’s something very wrong.â€
–No kidding,†she muttered.
Silyn shot her a look, equal parts worry and exasperation, and led the way into the office. He addressed Heathers politely but with a definite edge of annoyance, as befitted a law-abiding wizard undeservedly detained. Heathers starting nodding politely halfway through Silyn’s explanation and just couldn’t seem to manage to stop.
–Yes, yes, yes, happening all the time now. Random checks, random! Aye, that’s our watchword.â€
Heathers' eyes glazed over. Silyn waited, but he seemed disinclined to continue speaking though he was still nodding cheerfully while gazing vacantly at the ceiling.
–So, our papers are in order?†Silyn prodded pompously.
–Papers? Oh yes, papers. Let me just…â€
His nod became more affirmative as he looked them over. Opening a lower drawer on his desk, he produced a set of scales on which perched a brass owl. When he placed their registration papers on the scale, the owl began to squawk metallically,
–Seal, correct. Stamp, current. Watermark, positive. Paper grade and weight, Ministry issue. Ink, India black—â€
Heathers winced and held his temples. Before the scale finished speaking, he lifted the papers off, silencing the grating voice.
–Well, that seems all in order.†He started nodding again, then stopped, holding his head. –Have a good evening, Mr. Knapp, Miss Knapp. So long, sonny.â€
He waved at Prosper in a friendly manner. Prosper waved politely back as Silyn ushered them out. As they left, Heathers again subsided to smiling glassily and nodding at nothing.
–Looks like a Memory Charm to me; do you have anything to do with that?†Silyn whispered to his sister.
–I wouldn’t know!â€
–Pipe down, sorry. Let’s get you home first. Come on, Prosper.â€
It turned out there would be no discussion that night. Mr. Knapp had contacted Merryn, and Theophany found herself bundled into bed with a quick draught for her headache. Merryn sat by her bed and asked her some questions, none of which she could understand or answer. After a few minutes he seemed satisfied and told her to sleep. Theophany closed her eyes to please him. It felt like she lay awake for hours, chasing her mental tail. Frustration, fear, and anger all shook her in turn, but beneath it all was a greater sense of betrayal.
Like a recovering invalid she was served breakfast in bed, which she only submitted to under the condition that Merryn fill her in concerning the last three days. He did the best he could, but it was little more than confirm that she’d spoken to Otho and gone to London to meet with Allsop.
–You play your hand close to the chest. There was something bothering you, but you wouldn’t say. Otho could tell you why you needed his assistance.â€
–He could. But maybe it was talking to Otho that got me Obliviated.†Theophany pushed the crumbs around on her plate. –Other than that letter, we’ve heard nothing further from Jethro?â€
–No, and that letter was more than enough. Jethro’s definitely gone too far this time—actually supplying the black market. He’s not underage anymore; he could be arrested.â€
Theophany nodded soberly. Merryn was watching her, forehead wrinkled. They were all watching her all the time, and it was hard to think. She handed the tray to her brother and swung her legs out of bed.
–I’m going to the workshop.â€
–I’m fine.†She pulled her coat over her dressing gown and started hunting for her galoshes. –At least physically. I’m not going to faint or lose my head.â€
–Last night after you...came back...â€
Theophany suppressed a groan. It was like she had a chronic illness. Would they be forever tiptoeing around the words Memory Charm?
–...Dad and I went out to the shop and it was locked up pretty tight. Do you remember doing that?â€
–I always lock it.â€
–Yeah, but I mean, I got blown off my feet just for trying the handle. Dad almost had a nasty burn.â€
Theophany stared at him, then dropped the single galosh she’d found. Taking the stairs at a run, she was opening the back door while Merryn was still yelling at her to take it slow.
A light snow had fallen in the night, covering the frosted stone path. It melted away beneath her socks. Theophany ignored the unpleasant chill. There had to be something there. If she had thought she was in danger...could she have really known it would be a Memory Charm? The door didn’t unlock instantly but grew very warm under her hand. With a crackle and short burst of light it popped open and the inside Warding Spells shivered away.
It was tidy, nothing looked interrupted or disturbed. There was quite a large batch of Wolfsbane aging. Why had she made extra? On the worktable were two pieces of parchment; one looked like a newspaper and the other was torn from a larger scroll. Probably scrap.
She picked up the newspaper first. It wasn’t a full spread, just a copy of an article. Severus Snape pictured read the tiny print. It was dated September, so she must have read it at the time, but why did she have a copy now? This Ministry puppet headmaster didn’t spark any recollection. Theophany looked closely at the picture. The wizard seemed to be listening to someone outside the frame, then directing his attention at the camera. As he squared his shoulders and shifted uncomfortably, Theophany was reminded of the twins having to sit for a school picture. The picture scowled impatiently at the camera, eyes constantly sliding away, only to square off against it again. The photo was hardly his idea, it seemed. His posture was belligerent. The Ministry seemed to attract mostly thugs and knuckle-draggers these days.
She looked under the worktable, in her ingredient cabinet, and checked her work notebook. Nothing. She reached for the news copy again and brushed the scrap of parchment out of her way. It quivered. Theophany snatched it up and watched as her own handwriting scratched.
Talk to Jacka.
Why Jacka and not Silyn or Merryn? She trusted her own brothers surely? Or perhaps this was a reminder of something else. The extra wolfsbane maybe. But it was charmed so only she could read it. Someone was calling from the house. She stuffed the parchment into her coat pocket guiltily as Silyn ducked into The Mill. He was carrying her galoshes.
–Merryn sent me out. Find anything?â€
Theophany hesitated, but really she didn’t know what she was hiding. Why not?
–Y-yes. I need to talk to Jacka. I think.â€
Silyn took in her soggy socks.
–Come inside and get dressed, then get him on the Floo.â€
Theophany hated the Floo. Their parents had always been careful, so she’d been spared any accidents, but she couldn’t get over the uncontrollable sensation of being launched through spinning space. Flying was much preferred. She shivered. Now why did she feel there was something wrong? Flying...
–What?†Silyn asked, holding the door for her.
–Nothing, just a goose walking over my grave.â€
Brushing one’s hair and tidying up seemed rather pointless when communicating by the whirlwind that is Floo, but Theophany made the effort. Settling herself on the kitchen hearth, she carefully enunciated, –The Forester’s Cottage,†and thrust her head into the green flames.
With a sickening lurch she was aware of her hands clutching the weave of the hearth rug at home but also of a sudden distance between her head and her shoulders. She opened her eyes and saw Jacka’s kitchen, the breakfast things still on the table.
–Jacka? Hello? Oh, Col! Hi.â€
Jacka’s son didn’t looked surprised to see her. Maybe she’d left a message she was coming? Feeling hopeful, Theophany asked if Jacka was around.
–Sure, he’s just outside. Come in, have some tea. I’ll get him for you.â€
Theophany thanked him and withdrew her head. She’d collected the wolfsbane that was ready from the workshop and was sitting on the rug next to her. In another breathtaking, nausea-inducing moment she was through the hearth and in Jacka’s kitchen. No one was about yet, so she unpacked the basket of potion bottles. The back door swung open.
–Jacka! I’m sorry for coming so early. I really needed to talk to you —â€
Someone else entered the room. She was tall, much taller than Theophany, with perfect waves of hair and long curling eyelashes. Behind her Jacka carefully wiped his boots.
–Ah, um.†Theophany tried to school her expression. –Sorry, um. I didn’t realize you had guests.â€
The horror this statement received was beyond her comprehending. The witch paled and staggered to a chair, but somehow looked graceful the whole time. Jacka swore and covered his face with his hands.
–I’m sorry, what did I say—?â€
The woman spoke shakily.
–I’m Lavinia Honeysett. You brought me and my son here last night...if you don’t remember that, I can only assume something terrible has happened and we’re in danger.â€
Refugees. She’d had her memory wiped while transporting refugees. It was a miracle they were safe at all.
–Well, I guess there’s no point in pretending I’m okay then. Jacka?â€
Jacka’s eyes were full; he looked terribly crushed.
–I had hoped you wouldn’t—I’m so sorry Theophany...come with me.â€
Lavinia stood and made to follow, but Jacka raised a hand.
–I’m sorry. Some things remain secret, even to guests like you.â€
She nodded and turned away. Poor woman, Theophany thought, entrusting yourself and your son to someone who can’t remember meeting you.â€
They descended to the cellar where Jacka did something complicated with a sliding panel in the wall. He produced a satchel Theophany recognized.
–That’s Jethro’s old school bag. I’ve been using it for shopping and such—â€
Jacka opened the bag. Glowing in the dim cellar, misting under her breath, were half a dozen or so memories. They crawled and idled in bottles and vials of various shapes and sizes. Theophany bent over the bag, scared to touch.
–Are these mine?â€
–You gave me this, saying someone was looking for you.â€
–I knew? We’re all in danger of losing our lives, my brothers face it every day. How could I know someone wanted my memories?â€
Jacka squinted at her.
–I was under the impression you were going to wipe them yourself.â€
–...Huh? What now -â€
–There’s only one way to find out.â€
–How? I don’t have a—oh Jacka. I didn’t. Did I ask you to let me use it?â€
–You didn’t have to. As the guardian, I protect the collective memories of our ancestors, and as you are Secret-Keeper to our home, I think you have a right.â€
–But any interference with the Pensieve could be detrimental to any memories. Some of them are ancient—â€
Jacka raised a hand. His voice was remained soft but like the quiet sound of a knife being sharpened.
–I am the guardian. I have spoken. Late tonight will be safest. Nine o’clock. I will attend you but these—†he pointed to the bag of memories, –are only for you to see.â€
Theophany handed the bag back to him.
–Then I’ll leave these with you. Thank you, Jacka.â€
With a formal bow he accepted the bag and returned it to the sliding panel. His position was an ancient one, keeper of the memories of the Tuatha De Dannan, and tonight Theophany could see him wearing the office like a stole. He led her from the cellar, and in the light of day his royal demeanor fell from him and he became large but apologetic Jacka again. Theophany felt awkward saying goodbye so casually. She shook his hand and thanked him.
–See you tonight then.â€
–Yes. Oh, and thank you for the wolfsbane.â€
There was a loud crash as Lavinia dropped the teapot. She’d just entered from the kitchen.
–Wolfsbane?†Lavinia repeated faintly.
Theophany stepped protectively in front of Jacka but he brushed her aside.
–Go home, Theophany. I’m sure your family is worried about you.â€
Jacka sounded weary but firm. Theophany hesitated. What if the Honeysetts demanded to be moved immediately rather than stay in the home of a werewolf? Last night Theophany had left them with Jacka for some reason. It wasn’t safe to move them, or act at all, until she’d reviewed those memories and found out what was going on. She raised a hand but didn’t quite touch Jacka’s shoulder. He was too tall and too shy.
–I’m sorry to land you in my mess,†she said softly and stepped back into the flames.
Silyn put down the Quibbler as she stumbled back into The Mill.
–What’s next?â€
–Bed. I think it’s going to be a long night.â€
The last solid date was Barnabas Deverill. Born late in the seventeenth century, died 1730 or 32. It was a little uncertain when Loxias murdered him, or indeed where he was buried, if at all. Loxias was the beginning of a slippery slope into the shadows. So many people had claimed to have killed him over a range of dates, his lifespan was difficult to bookend. His activities seemed to have been kept exclusively in the west of Ireland, and there, according to legend, a great monolith marked his grave. Anybody could be buried under that rock, but it wasn’t entirely unlikely.
After Loxias’s demise the Elder Wand was claimed by either Livius or Arcus. Dates unknown. No family name. They were thought, by some, to be mere filler in the legend to bring the story up to present day.
Snape scowled at the book in his hand and tossed it on a discouragingly large reject pile. Fine, he would continue with what he did know. The wand had somehow passed from one of their hands to Gregorovitch but must have lain dormant for sometime. Until Gregorovitch started running his mouth, there were no rumors of a master wand anywhere. At last, Grindelwald. If the height of his power, and the year of his defeat, was 1945, how long had he possessed the wand? Albus said Grindelwald left the country in 1899, which left forty-five years for his slow rise to infamy.
Dumbledore wouldn’t say how he knew when Grindelwald left, and Snape didn’t press. There were no lights in the sky, no miraculous acts or shows of power until the early thirties. Did Grindelwald have the wand all that time and suppressed its power? Either way, Snape had to create a path for the Elder Wand from 1830 to roughly 1900, when Gregorovitch lost the wand, and continue that path after that point, carefully editing Grindelwald out of the story. Everyone knew who had defeated the last dark wizard. Grindelwald pointed irrevocably to Dumbledore, and he had to remove that glowing sign post.
The portraits in the Headmaster’s office were all asleep; he always cast this spell to ensure ultimate privacy and security. No portrait could betray the school’s current head, but he didn’t want any witnesses to his extra activities, even oil-based ones.
He picked his way past his scattered books to the shelf. The Wizarding Who’s Who of the magical world, fondly nicknamed Whizoo, dated much further back than the seventeenth century, unlike the Muggle editions named after it. It seemed a simple minded place to start, but Snape flipped through anyway. Beginning at an obvious point was better than casting about helplessly. He was nothing if not thorough. It was what had made him a good student.
Thoughtfully he checked against the Muggle editions, despite Livius and Arcus most likely being purebloods. The hierarchy of blood and family had forever underscored magical society. There was no indication of any powerful person matching the names or the theoretical dates of Livius or Arcus, but there was a family named Archer who caught his interest. They seemed to own vast amounts of land.
The industrial revolution had done wizards no favors. Magic could not be put on an assembly line, and so many of the magical arts were dependent on nature. Moreover, after the Secrecy Act in 1689, the need for privacy and space for wizarding communities became more desperate, the more urban Britain became. Was Arcus being anglicized to Archer too much of a stretch? Was it plausible enough for his purpose?
–Severus? Have you found something?â€
Dumbledore’s portrait leaned forward as if to leave the frame and peer over Snape’s shoulder.
–Hum? Yes, I can make it work.†Snape returned the books to their respective shelves with a wave of his wand. –It will be a paperchase at first so I know the field; and then I make a paper trail of my own, one that The Dark Lord will follow. Hopefully.â€
He pinched his nose bridge,
–What I need right now is access to the sort of books not kept in your study, Albus. I need to tie Arcus or Livius to some ancestry. The Dark Lord isn’t as much of a pureblood snob as a general snob. One great ancestor is, to him, greater than an unbroken line of inbred aristocrats.â€
–I didn’t know you were such a champion of the bourgeois, Severus.â€
–And the most complete collection of pureblood directories‗ Snape chose to ignore any commentary from Albus—–would be in the possession of one of the ‘Sacred Twenty-Eight’.â€
He checked the clock.
–I’ll be at Malfoy Manor all evening.â€
–And they’ve offered you their private library?â€
Snape swept books and papers off the mantle in search of the Floo pot.
–They will now.â€
–What if Riddle is there and finds you in the library?â€
–You forget Albus, I’m an academic.â€
He was gone in flash of green flames, hearing Albus sigh, –I wish you wouldn’t smile when nothing is funny.â€
Author's Notes:
All belongs to the author, J.K. Rowling. I'm just playing with what she has so graciously shared.
The lyrics quoted in this chapter are from the song 'Vogue' by Madonna. Released 1990. I am, shockingly enough, not Madonna and don't own the song or lyrics in any way.
Malfoy Manor was dark. A house-elf opened the door for Snape, and when he inquired after its master, it fearfully answered in the negative. In their grubby assorted rags he could never tell the sex of the Malfoy elves. They could have five or fifty and he wouldn't know, interchangeable in their terrified expressions and lowered ears. He swept past the unfortunate elf, and it didn’t dare contradict him. It knew he bore the mark.
–And what of the young Mr. Malfoy?â€
–Please sir, I don’t know, sir,†it squeaked in distress, –only that he left this morning with t-two others.â€
Draco was on some errand then. He dismissed the elf and made his own way to the library. Even in the half dark of a winter evening he knew this manor well enough. He remembered being brought to this same library when just out of school. A large part of their biography and history collection was particular to their ancestry only. But he only needed a name, a likely culprit. A contender for the Elder Wand.
The pace was slow. He didn’t want to leave indicators of his line of research, so he reshelved volumes as he read, forced to retrieve them to cross-reference, and even to take notes. He doubted anyone could keep so many second cousins three times removed without quill and parchment. Scratching another date, Snape was struck by a memory of Lucius, already a prefect, standing over him in the Slytherin Common Room.
–It shows you have a Muggle parent, taking notes by hand like that. I mean it’s alright in class, the professors don’t want us fooling around with self writing quills or writing with wands. But if you do it in here…â€
Snape had primarily been wary. Why was the pureblood golden boy speaking to him?
–My notes are more accurate than anyone else’s. Anyway, writing things out aids memorizationâ€.
That’s what he’d said. Not that he enjoyed it, not that the smell of parchment was still new to him, a boy born and raised among Muggles. Or that it gave him an excuse to be alone, to look preoccupied. He didn’t even register having to lie. He had already accepted never saying what he really thought or felt.
Snape paused over his notes of lineages and land rights. How foolish he’d been then, thinking he was being so cautious. Hearing footsteps, Snape rolled his parchment up and opened a book on mushroom species, an innocuous red herring. It was Lucius, and he looked terrible. Snape marked his place with his parchment. No trying to slip it out of sight, no subterfuge.
–I hoped it was you. Couldn’t see any of my regular guests using the library.â€
–Careful, Lucius.â€
Malfoy raised a still perfect eyebrow but his eyes were bloodshot.
–Not going to lecture me? Bellatrix informs me it’s an honor to to our Lord.â€
–You should know better than to compare me to that.â€
Lucius restlessly turned through the books on the desk. Snape saw his nails were bitten and ragged.
–No, Severus, you were never a fanatic.â€
Snape waited. Malfoy kept his head down but his shoulders were tense.
–Lucius, did you want something?â€
–Lots.†The master of the manor gave a hacking laugh. –But...Severus? Do you know where my son is right now?â€
–No, I—â€
–Neither do I! Draco’s my son and I’m forbidden to ask. I thought the Dark Lord was pleased with him. Draco did everything—everything he was told! I hoped he’d escaped being tarnished by my failures, but he is being sent away over and over on these useless missions. Speaking to obscure mystics and kidnapping scholars…what is happening Severus? I thought victory was ours.â€
–The Dark Lord is not victorious until—â€
–I know, yes, this fixation with the ‘boy who lived’. And why must he be the one to kill Potter? Mulciber is on their trail, why not let him take care of it?â€
Severus studied the carpet.
–Lucius. Do you know how you fly?â€
–By the power of the Dark Lord,†Lucius said as easily as a child recited a lesson.
–But how?â€
–Er—I just intend to fly. The power to do so is with him, I suppose. We just use that power through our obedience.â€
–Just so. The Dark Lord has undergone transformations and experiences so deep into the arcane arts that we cannot imagine them. If he says something must be done just so, I will believe it.â€
–Don’t believe I doubt him, Severus!†Lucius begged, a little panic in his voice. –It is only that I fear for Draco. I tried to convince him to return to school, but he said it didn’t matter now. But I would be much happier if I knew he was at Hogwarts where you could still watch over him.â€
Snape opened his book and dipped his quill.
–Draco has refused my help, I didn’t even realize his plans for the vanishing cabinet. He has stepped out from under us both, Lucius. Never again will he obey me as he did.â€
His tone was brusque; effectively signaling the end of the conversation. Lucius hovered a moment longer, then retired to the armchair by the fire. He sat looking more scarecrow than sanguine, hunched, face thinned by worry.
Snape continued to work steadily. He made no attempt to hide the sort of books he was using; Lucius would never notice. Some time must have passed in silence. After a time Snape noticed Lucius's chin was resting on his chest; he was probably sleeping very little.
The next volume of interest was entitled A Treaty on Land Ordinances of the 19th century; Effects and Repercussions to Wizarding Families of Property and Title...purebloods in other words. He was stifling an anticipatory yawn when a noise rattled the inkpot and raked across the back of his neck. He blinked stupidly while Lucius scrambled to his feet. It was a scream.
Snape had heard something like it only once before. He drew his wand and ran to the door. Ever since Voldemort had chosen Malfoy Manor as headquarters, the immediate grounds and interior were spelled against Apparition. Lucius grabbed his arm,
–Wait!†He snapped his fingers once. A house-elf appeared. This one was more wretched than ever, wringing its hands sore and sniveling horribly.
–P-Please sir it—it’s the young master—â€
–Take us!â€
House-elves could Apparate whenever and wherever they wished. Spells could not prevent them. Without letting go of Snape’s arm, Lucius caught the elf by the scruff of the neck. With a crack and a sudden enormous pressure they were in the entry hall. Like every room in the Manor, it was excessively lofty, filled with dark corners the candle light could not reach and seeming to dwarf the people huddled in the center.
Narcissa was screaming. Macnair was bent over something on the floor. The two Death Eaters with him were still hooded. Lucius dropped the elf and ran to Narcissa and caught hold of her arm, but she shook him off, pointing frantically, never stopping her hysterical screams. Lucius cried out, but Snape had already seen the faint shimmer of pale hair under Macnair’s arm. He swooped on Macnair and pushed him aside.
Lying on the stone floor, the boy was barely alive. Draco was pale and losing more color as they watched. A terrible bluish tint was gathering around his nose and mouth. Snape knelt and placed his hand over the boy’s mouth. He could feel nothing.
–You don’t think I tried that?†Macnair sneered, –It only gets him breathing for about a minute. He got hit with something. His chest went cold, he said, then he stopped talking—â€
–Draco!†Narcissa wailed.
Snape was thinking furiously.
–Lucius, Lucius?†The man seemed Stupefied. Snape had to keep his wand on Draco, keep him breathing. –Lucius! Open his robes.â€
He was obeyed. When Draco’s collar was unbuttoned it revealed a welt across his neck and chest. The frosty blue tint was creeping vein by vein up his neck to his mouth and face.
–What is this?†Lucius whispered.
Draco’s breathing was fading again.
–Aspiro! I haven’t seen it before. Do you have Bitterroot? Bezoar? Powdered bicorn?â€
Lucius kept shaking his head. Snape wasn’t even sure he had heard the question. Draco twitched suddenly and was still again.
–I already tried a Reversing charm.†Macnair said noncommittally.
He seemed to view the situation as purely academic. They were out of time. Something had to be done now.
–Hold him still.â€
Snape placed his wand on Draco’s chest, over the welt, and held his free hand against his own chest.
–Epotavi!†he barked.
The chill bit into him so savagely he felt his lungs empty with a rush. Some species of smothering jinx, he thought clinically, even while he gasped for air, that copies symptoms of hypothermia. Even now the spell was still clinging to Draco,
–Epotavi...†he hissed again.
He pulled his wand slowly away from the boy’s chest. Draco gasped, choking down air. Snape couldn’t examine him closely, as a new wave of cold was attacking his spine, running up to the backs of his eye sockets and blurring his vision. He cast about for a target. The entrance was only sparsely furnished but the hearth was large enough for several small trees. Snape raised his hand and the kindling started to flare alight.
–Out of the way!†he snarled.
Macnair was already hanging back, only mildly interested. But Lucius had to force Narcissa away from Draco. From the tip of his wand to the center of his chest Snape could feel the cold thrumming. As he forced it from his heart back towards his wand, he whipped his hand towards the fire and the spell spun from the wand tip. It smashed into the flames, snuffing them out completely and knocking ash from the chimney, but the spell had been spent.
For a moment the only sound was the tinkling of ash and Draco coughing. Narcissa would have rushed to him, but Snape kept her back with a look. The skin on Draco’s throat was slowly flushing pink and the blue tinge had left his face. Snape rolled him onto his side and placed a hand against his back.
–Deep breath.â€
Draco sucked in air and started coughing again.
Snape felt the boy’s ribs lift. It seemed his lungs were filling fully. Snape sat back on his heels. Narcissa ran forward, Lucius only a step behind.
–What did you use?†Macnair asked idly.
–A Draining charm. It will draw and contain most things into any receptacle. Though not often applied to charms or other spellwork—â€
Macnair made a face,
–Enough, professor. Merlin’s beard, you do like to lecture.â€
The Malfoys were in a tight huddle over their son, who hadn’t spoken yet. Snape got to his feet. Macnair pulled his hood on.
–I have a report to make. Though next time I want a lesson, I know where to come, can always get a free seminar out of you, Professor.â€
–We all serve in our own way,†Snape responded blandly.
Always ready for blood, Macnair didn’t really fear him. His own barbarism prevented him seeing Severus Snape, the fussy academic, as a threat. Snape watched him gather his two cohorts and leave, mostly so he didn’t have to turn and face the Malfoys.
–Severus?†Narcissa’s voice was damp.
Snape didn’t turn.
–Is Draco still breathing?â€
Snape turned. Draco was sitting up. Narcissa clung to him, but Draco managed to look like he didn’t notice her or his father, who was hovering at his shoulder.
–Thank you, Professor.â€
For that moment it was as if the last year hadn’t happened, not Hogwarts burning or the terrible flight after Albus’s death. As if Draco still trusted him.
–Severus, if you hadn’t—â€
Snape cut Lucius off,
–What happened, Draco?â€
The boy’s face shuttered closed. The moment was over.
–I can’t tell you that.â€
–I’m not asking you to reveal your mission. I want to know who attacked you.â€
–We don’t know.â€
Snape’s voice grew quieter,
–Where were you and what did they look like?â€
Draco averted his face and tried to get shakily to his feet. Lucius gripped his shoulder. The boy’s breathing was labored still.
–Surely this is no betrayal? We need to counter any attack efficiently.â€
–Well, sir, you have always been efficient.†Draco’s lip curled. –We were in Durham. Six of them Apparated, they knew exactly where we were…†He paused for breath. –We were forced into a dead end, so we left the road and ran for the wood. It was two to one. I don’t know what happened after I got hit. They were masked so I didn’t see their faces. But they wore armbands. Just a white cloth with a mark on it, like a backwards F.â€
–I’m not familiar...I would suppose then someone alerted them to your location. Perhaps whomever you were seeing in Durham?â€
Draco set his jaw. Lucius quickly intervened.
–Surely that’s enough, Severus. He needs to rest.â€
–Of course,†Snape smiled tightly, –I’ll just collect my notes from the library.â€
Narcissa seemed to think the sudden coldness on the part of her son should be smoothed.
–We are so grateful to you, Severus. Please don’t doubt—Draco’s just such a conscientious boy. He know’s you’re only concerned for him—â€
–What notes?†Draco's voice was sharp though he was still unsteady on his feet. –What were you doing here anyway?â€
–Yes, Narcissa, I see what you mean. Very grateful.†Snape let his sarcasm snake out like a whip. –Don’t wait up. I’ll see myself out.â€
He returned to the library. After fooling McGonagall and turning the rest of the staff against him, it was easy to play his part with the Malfoys. But he didn’t want to alert any suspicions in Draco, who could barely contain his disgust for Snape. His parents assumed it was some kind of general disdain for a spy, perhaps even jealousy that Snape had stolen Draco’s glory in killing Dumbledore.
Snape knew otherwise. It was the murder of Albus Dumbledore alone. Draco was revolted to find Snape was capable of killing someone who had put their trust in him. Someone who had, apparently, begged him. It was the most cheering thing Snape had realized for a long time. There was hope for the boy after all.
Slowly and deliberately he finished his search in the library; he had only limited time for research before he would have to act. He collected the most helpful volumes to take with him. Lucius would never notice. Now he had an additional task: discover who it was in Durham that Draco had been sent to find. It would be someone who Voldemort thought could lead him to the Elder Wand.
Theophany was so sick of resting that she insisted on getting out of bed before dinner. The twins' desperate pleas that they be allowed to cook curry were gladly agreed to, much to their surprise. Theophany sat comfortably by the fire while Ike supervised the curry, the house-elf graciously ignoring the extensive mess they were making. Their enthusiasm was furthered by being allowed to listen to their music on the wireless, Theophany gamely singing along when invited,
–Oh, you got to let you body move to the music,
–Oh, you’ve got to just go with the flow,
–Oooh, you’ve got to vogue.â€
Mr. Knapp was doing chores so the volume was turned up, causing Merryn to leave the kitchen in mock horror while the twins giggled fiendishly, their feet jigging and tapping along even as their hands whisked and chopped. A large portion of curry was set aside for Silyn and anyone else who might appear after dinner. Silyn was known to bring unexpected guests and The Mill was generally accepted as a meeting place. Theophany had learned to copy her mother’s habit of keeping food ready.
Dad was bringing the sheep in from the lower meadow, and Theophany waved to him on her way to the barn. She climbed into the loft and lit the lamp with her wand. This time of year the hayloft was full, and she had to climb over scratchy, square bales to the far end where, dangling grotesquely from a rafter, was a pillowcase dummy. Old straw poked through the cloth, and a pillow head lolled from the hanging rope. Some older brother had painted a squiggle of a mouth and X’s for eyes. Theophany untied the other end of the rope and lowered the dummy to the barn floor below. The barn door slid open and Mr. Knapp watched the dummy descend.
–Been awhile since I’ve seen him,†he said blandly as his daughter scrambled back down from the loft.
–Yeah. Not since Concord was a kid.â€
–Getting in a little extra practice?â€
Theophany picked straw off her robes, then sighed and faced her father.
–Someone got around me, Dad. I messed up.â€
If it was in fact someone else who had wiped her memories and not herself.
–And you think throwing spells at a pillow will improve you?â€
–I’ll get Concord to duel with me, Silyn too if he has time.†Theophany looked over her shoulder at the dueling dummy. –It does feel a little childish though, at my age.â€
Mr. Knapp scoffed,
–When you’re my age remembering being your age, you can talk like that. Here, I’ll swing him for you.â€
–Thanks, Dad.â€
Mr. Knapp raised and lowered the rope, causing the dummy to jump and jig. Each time Theophany hit it with a spell, the manikin spun crazily. The goal was to hit it again before it made a complete revolution, simulating an opponent’s response time. It would have been a quiet practice were it not for Theophany. She hissed, she growled, she shouted and cursed. After a while Concord poked his head around the door to find the source of the noise.
–I thought Tiff was murdering someone. But I see it’s just you, Dad.â€
Mr. Knapp let the rope slide from his fingers.
–Concord, get in here and fight your sister.â€
Concord glanced at his sister. Theophany was breathing quickly, her hair wild and eyes on fire.
–Nope. Make Silyn do it.â€
His father swatted at him,
–Don’t let a fragile old Muggle make you look bad. Me and the pillowcase were putting up a good fight.â€
Concord gave a teenaged sigh.
–Fine, give me a minute.â€
Mr. Knapp waited until he had left before turning back to Theophany.
–Be careful about pushing yourself.â€
She seemed to hear him from a great distance.
–What? Oh. Okay, I’ll be careful.â€
–You remind me of her. Kind, but ferocious when threatened.â€
Theophany looked up, the fog of battle falling from her like a popped bubble.
–Mum? I always thought Silyn was most like her.â€
Her father came and leaned against the wall, indicating a low stool. Theophany sat down obediently.
–That’s true. Your mother told me once that I reminded her of you. Though you were only a little girl when I met your Mum. Maybe it’s because we’re so similar, you and I, that she married me, Muggle and all.†He rested a hand on her head. –She told me to ‘watch out for Theophany; she could get in trouble one day’.â€
Mr. Knapp tilted Theophany’s head back to look her in the eye.
–I don’t know what’s going on, love. And I know you don’t know either; just remember you’re at your strongest when fighting to protect those you love, but don’t let it rush you into danger. For our sake.â€
Concord came loping back into the barn. He was wearing an old Keeper’s helmet and knee pads.
–Alright†he said. –Let’s get the beating over with.â€
Despite his grumbling Concord was more than proficient for his age. Theophany had to work hard to get past his defense, but her victory was always just a matter of time. She wasn’t sure how long they had been fighting when Silyn joined them. Concord had just been flung onto his back.
–Silyn! Brother! Save me!†he gasped from the floor. –She just shattered my Shield Charm.â€
Silyn pulled Concord to his feet.
–Lucky for you, Tiff has an appointment tonight.â€
–Huh? No fair! I wanted to watch you take a turn, you can actually beat her.â€
–Go take a shower, you’re sweaty and gross.â€
–Well, Tiff isn't much better—â€
–She’ll be in in a minute.â€
Concord raised an exaggerated eyebrow at Theophany and left with pointed diffidence.
–Hey, Tiff,†Silyn said quietly, suddenly serious. –If you want practice, you should come with us tomorrow. We could use you.â€
Theophany wiped her face on her sleeve.
–If I’m not unhinged by what I see tonight, I’m in.â€
He reached into his pocket and tossed her a piece of white cloth. Theophany unfolded the arm band so the distinctive mark showed starkly.
–Whose was this?â€
He shook his head.
–I don’t know everyone’s names. It’s better that way.â€
From some deep reserve Silyn retrieved a reassuring smile. Theophany, somewhat calmer but exhausted, followed him back to the house to change.
Curiosity and anxiety took turns leaving goosebumps across her arms and neck. She had never entered the Pensieve of the Tuatha; it was used for very specific duties and ceremonies that hadn’t occurred in generations.
The problem of an oral tradition is things get a bit muddled. Sometime in the 1100’s the Tuatha decided a Pensieve, stocked with ancestral memories, would guide their posterity. Ancient memories, passed down, were locked within the basin, which was sunk deep underground within a forest. There were only a few such Pensieves. No one knew which was the first.
One such forest sheltered the village of Frog’s Hollow, once known as the Vale of Dagda. Around each Pensieve a small community had grown, attracting other outcasts and wanderers. Each Pensieve had a keeper, each community a Secret-Keeper. But as far as Theophany knew, the Secret-Keeper had no right to access the Pensieve. She was there on Jacka’s sufferance and authority.
The air felt like snow, heavy and hushed. It was nearly December, and very little snow had fallen to cover the frozen ground. Even the weather, Theophany thought standing on the front step, isn’t the same. The world is wrong.
–Hey!†The door behind her opened, and Concord stepped out, shivering.
–Silyn sent me out. You forgot.â€
Theophany accepted the scarf and wound it around her neck and face.
–He says he and Dad will be waiting for you. They were going to walk to Jacka’s with you but thought perhaps you’d prefer not. Putting on a show of confidence for them, all that.â€
–Thanks,†she mumbled through the scarf.
–Is this about your….memories? Are you trying to get them back?â€
–Fingers crossed.â€
The cold quiet invited Theophany to take her time, but a peaceful walk was impossible this side of the Pensieve. She needed to know and quickly. At the end of the lane she Disapparated. The oak wood was familiar from childhood, but tonight, from recent events, it felt sinister.
Theophany didn’t stop until she climbed the earthen stairs, panting slightly, to Jacka’s door. The Honeysett woman opened at her knock. Even though there was no where else to go, Theophany was a little surprised they were still here. Many would rather risk detection than stay with a werewolf.
–Good evening. I’m sorry, am I early?â€
–Not at all,†Mrs. Honeysett replied evenly. –Mr. Jacka is late.â€
She said his name gently, like it was fragile. Theophany was sat by the fire and was given tea which she couldn’t drink. She found her stomach was clenching and rolling. For a moment it was awkwardly silent.
–I need to apologize—â€
–I’m so sorry—â€
They both stopped in embarrassment. Mrs. Honeysett coughed.
–I need to say I’m sorry about my earlier behaviour. It was selfish to be worried when you have been so—so horribly attacked.â€
Theophany waved her hands.
–No, no, of course. Mrs. Honeysett, you’ve done nothing wrong. You have a son, he must come first. Of course you must be worried. I’m so sorry that I’ve put you in this situation. But if you can believe me, after all that’s happened, please believe we will keep you both safe. After tonight we'll have a better idea how to proceed.â€
–Jacka won’t say how you plan to do that. I suppose—?â€
–Not my secret to tell.â€
Mrs. Honeysett nodded. The silence was more comfortable this time.
–May I ask,†Mrs. Honeysett said shyly, –what is Mr. Jacka’s first name?â€
Was it just the fire making her face glow?
–Jacka is Jacka.†Theophany proceeded cautiously. –It’s the only name he had when he came to us. I was seventeen. Col was five.â€
Something about the expression of the other woman caused Theophany to continue.
–He came from a...clan of werewolves. The most brutalized and stigmatized coming together in a kind of pact or community. They felt the world had abandoned them. They became self-destructive, refusing to try and live in society, engaging in ritual biting. He tried to run away with Col when he was little and still unbitten. But they caught them.â€
Theophany caught Mrs. Honeysett’s eye and held it. This woman needed to know. She couldn’t say Jacka’s name like that, look like that, and not know. If she couldn’t accept everything about Jacka, Theophany wanted this stopped sooner than later.
–They locked Jacka in a room with his little boy at full moon.â€
–Oh God, no. Col? Oh how could they? What about his mother?â€
–Turned the key on them.â€
Theophany watched her shudder in horror. Leaning forward she lowered her voice.
–Mrs. Honeysett. I was seventeen when I accepted Jacka into the protection of the valley; my protection. I was young enough to be his daughter, but he still whole-heartedly accepted me as Secret-Keeper. Long before there was this war, he was my first refugee. I will hurt anyone who harms him. I am very protective.â€
Mrs. Honeysett removed her hand from her mouth just as the door swung open. Jacka clumped loudly into the room, shedding his cloak and hat.
–I see you’re here, Theophany. Are you ready? I need only collect your things from the cellar.â€
Theophany’s stomach, briefly forgotten, took a dive. She stood up wordlessly. Mrs. Honeysett hurried to the coat rack by the door. A bag was hanging there.
–Just a thermos of tea and some sandwiches.†She blushed under Theophany’s gaze.
–Thank you,†Jacka said sincerely.
Mrs. Honeysett turned purple. As Jacka descended into the cellar she whispered to Theophany,
–No matter what happens tonight, if you remember us or not, I know we’re safe with you. Both of you. But I know we can’t stay here long term; it wouldn’t be fair to Jacka or Col.â€
Theophany could only nod, a little taken aback. Jacka returned with the old satchel.
–We may be out late. Good night, Mrs. Honeysett.â€
–Good night,†she returned, –and please,†aside to Theophany, –call me Lavinia.â€
–Good night, Lavinia.â€
Jacka held the door for Theophany. She stepped out and caught her breath, pulling up her hood. It had started to snow.
They were headed for the oldest part of the forest, the true forest, some said. It was primarily an oak wood, and deeper in, the trees were thick and heavy with age. The snow made a soft rattle as it fell onto the crisp leaves and frosted undergrowth. The sinister looming was gone, now that she was with Jacka, yet Theophany still had to quash a childish urge to hold his hand.
–Have you ever used the Pensieve?â€
–What’s it like?â€
–Disconcerting. It doesn’t show bias, or emotion. You will see only what happened; your actions will be presented honestly, objectively.â€
Jacka smiled. They moved on in silence. Theophany could detect no path, but Jacka was sure-footed. At last the ground begin to rise slightly and then steeply until they left the trees behind and stood on a small hill. Half buried stones marked a ring on the bald top. A tightness in the air that had nothing to do with the modest elevation made Theophany’s blood thrum. It grew stronger as they approached the stone circle. It wasn’t exactly dread, but there was a curious sense of resistance pushing against her that made her move slowly.
Jacka stepped in first before giving Theophany a hand to step over the barrier. She felt a pressure almost like Apparition as she entered the circle and found the pressure was gone. Jacka pulled her to the center and raised his wand.
With an earthy groan the stones shifted, scraping through the frozen soil. The ground beneath them lurched, and Theophany unashamedly clutched Jacka’s arm with both hands. They were lowering slowly into the hill, and Theophany wasn’t sure what they were standing on, if anything at all. The rocks above moved faster until they spun in their circle with a grating thrum. Inside the hill it was even colder and lit only dimly. Beneath their feet was a soft silver light, shifting on the walls like water, but there was no sound other than the rasp of stone against stone. At last her boot struck stone and they stood in the center of the hill.
The circular opening above appeared no bigger than the palm of her hand. Jacka moved forward and spoke a word. Torches lit around them, burning with the same silver light that shone from below. Theophany realized she was only at the edge of the room and followed Jacka towards the source of light. The chamber was entirely of stone and her steps were loud.
Jacka descended out of sight and she hurried forward. There was a short flight of stairs and at the bottom a pool. But it wasn’t. Theophany paused. About four feet across it was a basin of silver set into the stone floor. It seemed a small thing for such a large chamber, but its light carried far into the blackness and up the cold walls. Jacka was waiting for her.
–It’s beautiful,†she said.
–It’s safe.â€
–I’m not afraid of it; I’m afraid of what I’ll see.â€
Jacka pointed and Theophany knelt at the Pensieve edge. Jacka placed the satchel gently by her and moved to the far side where he sat cross legged. In the shifting light he was barely discernible.
–I don’t know what I’ve done,†Theophany whispered.
He lowered his head.
–Only what you thought best. I will stay here. You may trust me not to look into the Pensieve. I am merely the keeper.â€
Theophany steeled herself and opened the satchel. The odd collection of bottles and vials winked up at her, contents glittering. She chose one and saw a number three scratched on the cap. She’d had time to prepare, apparently. Finding the vial with a number one inked on the top, she uncorked it and poured the strand within into the swirling Pensieve. The mists thickened and cleared. She was looking into a street at dusk. Theophany took a deep breath and lowered her face into the Pensieve. Her breath made tiny ripples across the surface, and then the floor gave way and she was falling.
Author's Notes:
So sorry for the long delay! I can only cite midterms. I can promise the next update will be soon.
Again I own nothing this is all J.K. Rowlings, only Theophany is mine. Also more song lyrics! The brief quote is from 'Wannabe' by the Spice Girls released 1996.
Falling into a street in...Edinburgh? She believed she was somewhere south of Morningside, but it wasn’t the nicest spot. There were a lot of tired-looking buildings housing identical flats. No one much was about. A bus came roaring around the corner, and Theophany instinctively jumped back but much too late. It ripped through her and continued obliviously on its way. Theophany tried to slow her heart and reminded herself that everything here was vapor. Including the witch striding so purposely towards her. Did she always walk so assertively? Did she always look so serious? Self esteem isn’t the point here, Theophany reminded herself and followed her Pensieve self into one of the resident buildings. There was a grimy cement courtyard, surrounded by flats that looked more like a barracks. The stained steps took them to number 472, and Theophany watched herself unlock the door and then quickly step to one side as about a dozen protective charms blew up simultaneously. A quick suppression spell stopped the conflagration. Through the smoke a curly haired figure could be seen, huddled on the peeling linoleum with one shaking hand pointing a wand.
–The effect is a little ruined when you’re hiding your face like that.†Theophany said.
The watching Theophany jumped. That’s what I was thinking, but is that because I already thought it? But I don’t remember that. So are my responses predictable?
–You got my letter?†Jethro was saying. –Did the Holts send you? Is that why—â€
–Firstly, the Mill is protected by the Fidelius charm, as well you know, so no, nobody has come looking for you. No owls, howlers, official inquiries—â€
–Why would you assume there’s an official inquiry—†Jethro squeaked indignantly.
–Secondly†Theophany continued, –I’m here to not become an accessory after the fact by learning whatever it is you did, but I am here to haul you home.â€
–Now hold on! I’ve got work, I can’t just drop everything and leave!â€
–Work? Really? I’m guessing your employer isn’t the sort who will report your absence to the officials?â€
Jethro stood up and sulkily dusted himself off.
–There’s rent due.â€
–Ugh. So much for this so-called employment. Pack a bag. I’ll see the landlord.â€
With a last contemptuous glance she left the room. The real Theophany hurried after her. Oh no, you didn’t! He’s going to run the moment you —
With a hollar and a whoop Jethro ran from the flat and leapt from the balcony. Both Theophanys ran to the concrete edge in time to see him fly safely to the balcony opposite, do a cheeky dance, and Disapparate. The memory faded, to be replaced by a scene in a grimy office. An elderly woman was fussing with a key.
–I don’t normally turn over my tenants’ mail, but since you’re a relative…â€
–Thank you for your understanding.â€
Theophany watched her past self tear through the bills, raising an eyebrow at receipts for odd materials, and finally pausing on a letter from someone named Burlip. The return address was marked 31b Haven Alley, Reading. The office faded away and Theophany sat up.
The Pensieve was again empty mist. Jacka hadn’t moved. He sat chin on chest. His eyes flicked a question, and she tried to smile reassuringly. Theophany fumbled in her pack and found vial two, written in blurred ink. The Pensieve swirled and changed to a scene of fire. With a shorter hesitation than before, Theophany plunged in.
Haven Alley was burning. This attack was only hours old. She watched herself fly down the street, landing just short of the Hag’s Ankle. The dead were everywhere. Theophany kept her eyes on her own figure, picking through the rubble, shoulders taut and defensive. Suddenly she froze, then began walking again. What am I doing? 31b was right there, she was passing it. Theophany saw her other self turn down the next block and then slowly circle back. What had warned her? Had she heard something?
They approached the apothecary from the other direction, creeping low against the wall. Theophany found herself sneaking quietly along by instinct. Someone was standing outside the shop. A wizard. She must have heard him behind her. A Death Eater? He stooped down. She couldn’t see. Oh for heaven’s sake I’m not really here!
Theophany left her past self and ran towards the wizard. He was bending over the remains of a man. No, not the remains, Theophany realized sickly, he was still just alive. The poor man coughed blood and struggled weakly. The wizard drew his wand and Theophany tensed.
–Hush, be still. Dormias.â€
WIth a soft sigh the tortured man fell asleep. Theophany bent, but the stranger stood up swiftly and regarded the shop. It was too dark to get a good look at his face. Pretty distinctive profile though. She watched his cautious entry into the shop and the slow search of the ground floor. Oh yeah, what was I doing all this time? Oh, pretty much what I’m doing now. The past Theophany was a safer distance away, watching through narrowed eyes. Eventually she rose and entered the shop as well, wand at the ready. Following the light she descended into the cellar and through the revealed doorway into a work space of some kind. The stranger was pocketing something.
–Are you looking for someone or just looting?â€
Allsop was right. I really am too abrupt, Theophany thought. The stranger turned slowly, almost insolently slowly. Damn, that is a distinctive face. Do I know him? Theophany watched their exchange in confusion. Wait, he thinks I’m a Death Eater because I flew? So he’s only acting like a Death Eater? She flinched as she watched herself lifted into the air, her arm checked for the mark. So he is a Death Eater! But what’s a Death Eater doing casting mercy sleep on victims in the street? Wait —
Theophany ducked as the cabinet exploded, even though the debris went through her. What was I thinking?
She saw the wizard dive to one side. Damn it, he should have got the worst of it. How did I block this?
Theophany watched dumbfounded as the Death Eater rolled onto his shoulder and cast a shield charm. She saw her own shock mirrored on her past face. The following conversation was equally surreal. The memory faded and she sat back on her heels, staring at the Pensieve. Okay. So he had saved her from her own spell. That’s not an excuse for her to be that friendly. How could she trust him so readily? What had she been thinking? Not a Death Eater, then, but he really wanted that sword. So she exchanged it for information. Had it worked?
–Do you need to take a break?â€
Theophany jumped. She’d forgotten Jacka.
–No, no absolutely not.†She tore open the satchel. –Come on number three...aha!â€
It was a phone booth. Was she still in Reading? She was leaning against the phone, waiting. It rang.
–Hello? Otho?†There was a pause for the security question before Theophany gave the password. –Conmaicne of Connacht.â€
The observing Theophany tried to press closer to the receiver but could only catch the muttered voice of Otho Aubuchon.
–You’re kidding. It was Pinstick? You’re certain?†Theophany bit her nail. –Yes, yes anonymous so we can’t — I know. Listen, I’ve got to go.â€
She hung up and pulled the drawing of the sword from her pocket. In it were wrapped three rubies. Theophany checked her watch; it was a quarter past nine.
–Okay, Jethro, let’s see how good you are.â€
The memory changed. She was behind the bar of some seedy pub. The barman was scrupulously looking the other way, probably heavily tipped, while Jethro and Theophany argued behind the barrels on tap.
–Do you have any idea what time it is?†Jethro was hissing. –I’d have to work all night, what’s left of it, and even then I might not make it.â€
–Yes, I know what time it is, which makes me wonder why this pub is still open. You’re going to make good on this promise.â€
–On a promise you made! Why should I? And how did you find me?â€
–Your bills, Jethro. I’ve spent all night going to the nasty places you owe money until I hit the right place. You do this, I pay off your current debt. Right?â€
Jethro squinted.
–You said he’s paying.â€
–Yes, so you’ll be ahead of the game…for about a week,†Theophany finished sarcastically.
–I’ll show you…â€
Theophany’s memory took her through a long night. Eventually Jethro was so absorbed in his work she had allowed herself to sleep. He was as good as he said.
The fourth vial found her in the Spiny Serpent, and she felt no other memory could be harder to watch. She was jerked from her chair by Jugson and Crow, and no one made a move to help her. Knocked down, searched, and blindfolded. Theophany had experienced the Cruciatus Curse only once before and she was glad she had no memory of this second time.
She paced in the shed, not quite able to watch the torture, thankful she didn’t remember this. By the time she was rescued, it was obvious she could barely hold her head up. She was covered in burns and cuts. Theophany watched the hook-nosed stranger heal her as best he could, efficiently but gently. Surely not a Death Eater? He could have claimed the sword without helping me. It was stupid, but I had to enchant that sword, I have to know what he’s up to, how he knew about Pinstick. But he could have risked it — just taken it.
The journey to Gringotts was physically grueling and hardly illuminating. Theophany nearly had a heart attack when she saw who was waiting and, from the look of it, her other self had barely hidden her horror. Bellatrix Lestrange. It was a wonder she hadn’t turned and ran.
She had heard only snatches of their conversation and had no answers. Why give a dummy sword to Bellatrix Lestrange? Wasn’t that tantamount to palming it off on You-Know-Who himself?
Theophany was so intent on what was happening she almost missed her own collapse. A little ahead in the street the Pensieve Theophany stumbled and her legs seemed to give out. She stumbled drunkenly to the corner and waited. The not-death-eater wizard came alongside her shortly, and they made their painful way back to the Spiny Serpent. Through the Floo Theophany chased the dark wizard and her bleeding self. The memory was growing dim, indicative of her deteriorating physical state. When the Floo dumped them at the chintzy hotel, her vision was hazy around the edges, and when they Apparated, everything went black.
–Miss Knapp, can you hear me? Knapp?†He lifted her head and sharply tapped her face. –Theophany, wasn’t it? Theophany, wake up.â€
The memory swam into focus as Theophany regained consciousness. The real Theophany winced as the Death Eater who didn’t seem to be a Death Eater peeled bloody sleeves back from her arms.
–Why didn’t you just tell them what little you knew?â€
–I couldn’t.†She whispered, –This is deep magic, ancient. When you believe, no amount of pain can make it untrue.â€
I must have been really dazed to speak so freely.
–...They can only kill this body.â€
Whoa. I must have hit my head. Why? Why do I keep talking?
After treating all her visible wounds and mending her ribs, he placed an old screen—it had a faded design of white blossoms on black lacquer—around the sofa. He dosed her, while the observing Theophany screamed at herself not to drink it.
–The other night when you said your family had been flying for generations, what did you mean exactly?â€
–Well, we don’t exactly use it to fetch the milk, but it’s been a family trait passed down for years.â€
Shut up, Chatty!
–...My family follows the Tuatha De Dannan.â€
Merlin’s underpants. Just serve yourself up on a silver platter. You idiot! You didn’t even try and fight when he took your wand!
Proving a perfect gentleman, the Death Eater left the library while she treated her own wounds. Theophany watched herself partially disrobe and daub dittany over circular wand burns and the now closed cuts. She was relieved to see she had at least tried to investigate a little. But other than an impressive collection of books the room was quite bare, and Theophany was hardly capable of walking. After a brief search of the desk, and nearly passing out, she made her careful way back to the couch just a minute before he knocked.
He brought a glass of water? And a blanket and a hot water bottle? How...shockingly domestic.
–...The foolhardy and extreme danger of flying needs to be impressed upon you. Not only can it get you mistaken for a Death Eater, itself an unpleasant prospect as the misunderstanding would be revealed in a matter of seconds, but it is a Dark Art. There is always a price for using such — â€
Is that why I got goose flesh about flying? Because I promised? How could I still remember that?
–You give out promises too easily.â€
–It’s the least I can do after such hospitality.†She carefully lowered herself prone onto the couch. –And I owe you a bottle of dittany.â€
So that’s why she had had dittany in her pocket when she came to on Phiny’s Peak. Theophany watched herself fall asleep and the library fade, to be replaced by the same room in the light of morning. The wizard was sitting in a chair by the last embers of the fire, breathing deeply and steadily. Theophany saw herself rise quietly and approach him. It was too risky to recover her wand, what was she doing? She just stood there. For about two minutes she had watched him sleep. Then she’d folded the blanket, scribbled a quick note, and weighed it down with the water bottle.
Outside the winter dawn was grey, but she had a feeling this street never looked cheerful even in the rosiest summer light. The brick houses on either side looked empty, but so did the residence she’d just left. To her left was a dead end, so she turned right and walked to the main road. On the corner was a sign: Spinner’s End was the street.
This main thoroughfare was unmarked but had a few sad shops, not yet open. Theophany followed herself and they walked slowly to the edge of the village street where a slushy trickle ran through a frozen streambed filled with old cars, bedsteads, and other junk. An abandoned stone building loomed over the stream, as if about to slide into it. Its sign in rusty iron letters proclaimed it once ‘Cokeworth Mill’. Theophany Disapparated, and the memory changed to the much pleasanter view from Maevan’s Cottage. After speaking with Maevan the memory was complete and she was once again in the chamber with Jacka. Theophany stood up slowly; her legs were cramped and cold.
–Is that all?â€
She looked around at Jacka quickly.
–N-no. I just need a minute.â€
A slow pace carried her about the circumference of the chamber in a few minutes. She did two more circuits before settling down at the basin again. Too many connotations and consequences to consider. If this wizard was truly on their side but appearing as a Death Eater...and how was he operating alone? Theophany unstopped the last bottle. Please, she thought, have answers for me.
The conversation with Otho was illuminating but provided only further complications. Had she discovered nothing? Theophany followed the memory into the offices of the Daily Prophet. Her frustration was growing. What was she trying to prove?
Severus Snape.
That much is progress, at least. I knew I’d seen his face before. At last she saw herself meet the Pointdexters and the Honeysetts. It was reassuring to discover that while the Hughes’ house was under observation, the Honeysetts themselves had not been discovered. Theophany witnessed her last desperate memory stash and the mist turned dark. Theophany knelt, holding her head.
Why was the sword necessary?
If he really was working alone, how had he known about Arthur Pinstick?
Was he the anonymous intelligence source Otho investigated? Was that the assumption she had made?
If she’d been aware he intended to use the memory charm on her, why did she trust him? Or had she not been aware he would wipe her memory?
If he was the anonymous source, why should that make her trust him?
Why did she trust him still?
Theophany jumped when Jacka touched her shoulder.
–What’s wrong?â€
–Jacka, I know what but I don’t know why I did what I—â€
Jacka squeezed her shoulder.
–Shh. You don’t owe me any explanation. What do you need?â€
She wiped her face with her sleeve. The chamber was cold, but a clammy sweat made her robes stick.
–I need to see this again, I need to try and understand what I was thinking — what I felt.â€
Jacka pulled her to her feet and led her away from the pool.
–First, eat something and have some tea. You’ve been at this for hours.â€
Lavinia had even packed a blanket. Jacka draped it over Theophany’s shoulders while she ate.
–Nice woman, that Lavinia. They’re going to be okay. Nobody found them; it was me they were after.â€
–That’s good and bad news,†Jacka said carefully.
–All good news. She has a little boy and they’re both safe. Me, I’ll be fine. As long as I’m protecting the valley and everyone in it, I’ll always be in danger. I just need to figure out why I went looking for it this time. How do I revisit a memory?â€
–Place your wand in the basin and call it to mind.â€
She insisted Jacka keep the blanket and walked back to the basin. Prodding the mist with her wand tip, she concentrated on the house at Spinner's End. The library swam into view and Theophany lowered her face into the mist.
–...Theophany, wake up.â€
She watched him settle her on the sofa. Severus Snape. I feel like there’s something I know about you but I can’t remember… No, don’t watch him. She was the puzzle here. Theophany turned her back on Snape to watch her own face. It slid from painful grimace, to patient pain, to crooked smile. How could her own face be so hard to read? It was obvious she trusted him; that wasn’t an act. She’d even been hurt when he hadn’t returned that trust and taken her wand. That was clear from her tell tale, ironic smile. She went through it all twice more without further enlightenment. Frustrated, Theophany retraced her steps to the moment she first opened her eyes in the library. Her face had been blank, confused, and then tight with pain.
–What are you thinking?†Theophany asked aloud. –Is it just because he saved you? Is it because he’s kind? How could you not still be suspicious of him?â€
She watched her face clear as the pain eased, the amused smile that quirked her mouth while Snape was bent over the cuts on her hands.
–What is it? What are you thinking? What do you see— oh! Idiot! I need to see what you see!â€
She had been looking at the wrong person. All being vapor, Theophany couldn’t actually lie on the sofa but she could inhabit the same space. She tried again from the beginning, sitting on the floor with her hands clasping her knees. From this vantage point she could see his face as he shook her awake. He was concerned but impatient, exasperated. He kept glancing at the clock.
–...Theophany, wake up.â€
Was this concern for her? Or was she only a liability? If he was worried about wasting time, why not leave her with someone else? Unless there was no one he could trust. Theophany watched him frown ferociously or meet her with a sarcastic sneer. But sometimes he would glance up, almost interested, then his face would be empty again. Always wary. But mostly...Theophany held her breath. He was, Theophany realized, incredibly sad.
She walked through the memory again. Saw that he chose every word, censured every movement. Always guarded. She watched him sleep while the library fire burned down and the weak morning light woke the sleeping Theophany. She saw herself bend over him, study him carefully. He slept the heavy sleep of the exhausted.
How and why she had decided to trust him she might never know, never remember. She could feel the space it had occupied, like a missing tooth. Theophany and her past self seemed to agree that here was a person greatly burdened. The memory of herself prepared to leave, but Theophany stood a minute longer by the chair until the memory began to melt away. She stood up. The Pensieve swirled at her feet, empty.
–Theophany? Theophany, you’re crying.â€
Surprised, Theophany wiped her face. Sweet Jacka, always so concerned for everyone else. She smiled up at him. Jacka looked a little alarmed.
–That’s enough. I shouldn’t have let you stay so long.â€
–No. I needed to. Thank you for letting me — letting me see that I — damn...â€
The tears welled up again. Jacka wrapped the blanket around her, clucking gently.
–Ah now, it can’t be that bad. No one’s hurt, everyone’s still safe. Yes? You always keep us safe.â€
Theophany nodded tearfully.
–It’s fine, I’m okay. It’s — It’s fine. We should get back, I’ve kept you long enough.â€
Jacka helped her recall her memories from the Pensieve and reseal them. He insisted she keep the blanket as they walked back. It was after midnight by Jacka’s watch, and he kept it scrupulously wound. They were neither of them surprised to see Lavinia still awake. Col sat with her at the kitchen table over tea and buttered toast.
–Felix insisted on waiting up but fell asleep an hour ago,†Lavinia whispered, nodding to the chair by the fire. Felix was curled like a cat under his mother’s cloak.
–You should be able to sleep soundly too; neither of you are in danger.â€
Lavinia leaned forward.
–Then who attacked you and why?â€
–That’s a different matter entirely. The Hughes probably let it be known they were hiring a new shop assistant, and Heathers had them watched. Probably to check the registration papers of whomever they hired. We’re a small village, not very exciting for the local enforcement. They can be overzealous.â€
–What happens to them now?†Col asked.
–And what about the Hughes?†Lavinia added.
–There was another family we moved the same day as you. We had to divide them up. Now we’ll put one of them with the Hughes so it looks like they were expected all along. As for you, I’ll have to find another place.â€
–It’s not that you’re not welcome —†Col broke in hurriedly.
–— But it isn’t possible,†Jacka finished quietly. He smiled at his son. –Nice as it’s been, in’it?â€
Lavinia spread her hands on the table. Her whisper sharpened.
–We’re safe here. And we’d love to stay. Moreover you have limited places to hide people, and there will be only more like us, I’m afraid.â€
Jacka bent forward.
–Listen, it’s not possible —â€
–— To stay here, I know. Mr. Jacka, I noticed you have a tent in the attic. Felix found it. It’s quite charming inside, reminds me of my parents’ cottage.â€
Theophany liked the look of total stupification on Jacka’s face.
–So you’re going to camp out then?†she asked Lavinia.
–Yes, I’m sure we aren’t the first to disappear from society entirely. No fake identities needed. No need to endanger a host family. This forest is already protected from Muggles; we’ll ward our campsite, and if trouble comes, we can always run to Jacka and Col.â€
Jacka was wagging his head,
–Absolutely not. There’s no safety net for this plan if something goes wrong—â€
–If we were discovered, we’d run,†Lavinia pointed out. –Isn’t that what we would do anyway, if we were discovered at the Hughes'?â€
Col looked hopefully at his father. Despite their differences in age he seemed to enjoy Felix’s company. Theophany shifted in her seat.
–Jacka —â€
–I don’t think —â€
–Jacka! They’ve lost everything, but still they are happy here with you and Col. If this is what she wants, if being here makes her happiest, then—then why can’t you let her…â€
Theophany pressed a hand over her mouth. It wasn’t up to her to save all the lonely people of the world. Col looked embarrassed. Lavinia was peering at her in the firelight.
–Are you alright?â€
–Y-Yes.†Theophany prayed she wouldn’t start hiccoughing. She stood up. –Since you’ve withdrawn your request for asylum and prefer to find your own place, this is no longer my business. You will have to settle it between yourselves.â€
Fight hard. She wanted to yell. Don’t let him push you away!
Col offered to see her home, but Theophany brushed it aside.
–This is your decision too, Col. You’ll share responsibility for them.â€
She wanted to walk — no she needed to run. Theophany picked her way down the steps from the cottage but as soon as she had crossed the meadow out of sight, she began to run. Until she reached the edge of the wood, until her heart was hammering so hard she couldn’t breathe and she felt her blood pulse in each fingertip. On the path to the mill she walked slowly to catch her breath. Ahead she saw the front door standing open, a square beacon, and put on a reassuring smile.
–I’m fine, Dad. I — I don’t know everything but I have what’s important.â€
–Oh my God!â€
Silyn stood in the door behind their father with Merryn and Boniface just behind. Silyn pushed his way past and grabbed Theophany by the shoulders.
–What’s wrong?â€
–N-Nothing! I just said—â€
–Don’t you lie to me! I can see it! There’s a shadow on you and your aura is — is bright, it’s way too bright, like it’s burning up.â€
–Whoa, what?†Boniface yelled.
They crowded around her. It was unusual for Silyn to speak of auras or other phenomena. He hated the terminology of popular Divination; dismissing it as invented by hacks and frauds. Mr. Knapp managed to get a word in.
–Keeping her out here in the cold isn’t going to fix anything!†His sons subsided. –Now, dear. Do you need anything? Is there something we can do?â€
Theophany shook her head.
–Then, go to bed. I can’t see your aura but I can see you, and you look exhausted.â€
–Thanks, Dad,†Theophany said sincerely.
Silyn looked mutinous for a minute. Left to himself he would probably have cross-examined her then and there. Instead he pulled Theophany into a tight hug. Theophany felt a little claustrophobic, but fortunately she started hiccoughing and everyone started exclaiming she should be in bed. By the time she crawled between the sheets, her hiccoughs were regular and loud. Pressing her face into the pillow, she cursed Severus Snape and ever meeting him.
Why did she feel so sorry for him? It wasn’t her responsibility, but she lay awake anyway, wondering and worrying.
She must have slept because suddenly the ceiling was bright with morning sunlight. Theophany let herself stay a little longer after Ike rang the bell for morning chores. Dad was a heavy sleeper. He’d grumbled that a Muggle alarm clock was good enough for him, but any model he bought went haywire around his magical offspring. After the last one started belting Gilbert and Sullivan numbers at odd hours, he appointed Ike the role of back up alarm, much to the house-elf’s delight.
Theophany felt as if she’d been taken apart and rearranged. Was an emotional response common to Pensieve use? She supposed this was better than last night’s tears. She cringed with embarrassment. Poor Jacka. Theophany wasn’t even sure what had upset her, but in the Pensieve she had felt overwhelmed with sorrow and betrayal. Well, she couldn’t start wallowing in her feelings.
By ten o’clock she’d made breakfast for the twins, it being a school holiday, answered the post, brewed three potion orders and was halfway through cleaning the workshop. When she reentered the house to grab a can of Godeby’s Degreaser and Cauldon Polish, she could hear the radio playing upstairs. The ceiling thumped to excitedly dancing feet.
–...tell you what I want what I really really want—â€
–You two!†Theophany hollered. –More cleaning, less dancing! I expect both of your rooms to be pristine when I check.â€
The thumping stopped and the volume lowered. Merryn poked his head from the study. He was going over accounts while Dad was with the livestock.
–Congratulations, your ability to divine when they’re goofing off has reached parental levels.â€
Theophany muttered something.
–We really need to talk. All of us. Are you considering eating at some point today?â€
She paused at the door. She really couldn’t resent it, much as she dreaded it.
–At lunch. Bring Lissy and the girls over. We can all talk then.â€
Hopefully with Merryn’s wife Lissy and their two girls it would be more of a family conference and less of an interrogation. Not that they wouldn’t handle her with kid gloves, Theophany reflected as she scoured the bottom of the five gallon cauldron; that almost made it worse. She did owe them some explanation. A ringing rap on the outside of the cauldron made her drop her cloth and cover her ears.
An owl was perched on the upturned cauldron. As Theophany watched, it impatiently banged the brass edge with its beak.
–Okay, okay!†She untied the letter, –Hey, at least wait for an answer!â€
The owl stopped trying to flutter away and hopped onto her work desk to peck a cork to pieces. It was a brief note from Jacka. Theophany read that Lavinia and Felix would indeed be camping in Dagda Wood.
Further down the page Jacka wrote,–...This worries me to no end. I’m thankful you delivered such an amount of Wolfsbane, it is reassuring to have it at hand, but myself and Col have never been exposed to others while under its influence. I don’t doubt your brewing capabilities, but is it enough? If she ran to us for help at the full moon, would she be in danger? Could we even help her?â€
Theophany grabbed a spare piece of parchment. Scraps of recipes and notes fluttered onto the freshly scrubbed floor, but she ignored them. How could Jacka not remember? He had helped her at the full moon, once. In that first year she had not been cautious enough; she had never been around werewolves. She wasn’t used to following the cycle of the moon when visiting Jacka.
In her defense, she had been seventeen, but it was carelessness to get lost and even stupider to knock on Jacka’s door. Theophany paused, her quill dripping. She would never forget what she saw that night. The door had swung open at her touch, and the room had been dark and cold but full of something that breathed raggedly, that unfolded itself from the corner and kept growing larger. It had advanced on her, its rangy frame stooping under the low rafters, its eyes picking up the moonlight. She hadn’t been able to move, and if Jacka hadn’t been taking his potion she would never have moved again. Would Lavinia manage an encounter like that? Theophany didn’t mention her terror, only reminded Jacka that she had once been perfectly safe with them, ten years ago.
As for Lavinia’s reaction,–We can only wait and see,†she wrote. –Until the time comes, none of us knows what we are capable of.â€
The bell rang for lunch. It was a relic from their childhood days when Mum had to call them in from wandering in Dagda wood or throwing dirt clods at the Squirting Inky Caps in the lower field. Theophany felt a familiar pang. Not a day passed she didn’t want to speak to her mother, but today she would have given anything for her advice. Theophany gave the owl her reply and sent it on its way. She bent to pick up the scattered papers from the floor. Under her notebook was the copy from the Prophet.
Theophany held it to the light and studied the face. Snape’s lip curled, he twitched and shifted. Impatient and dismissive. Cold. Nothing like what she’d seen in the Pensieve. What was the word? Harrowed. Haunted, even. So which was the mask? She placed the photo deliberately on the table and pinned it down with an inkwell. If only its subject could be so easily pinned down. Theophany took a deep breath. She had to relocate the Poindexters, she had to warn her family that information was leaking into the Dagda resistance and that had got her memories wiped, and Silyn needed her tonight. If the Dagda needed an extra witch, Theophany couldn’t afford to be distracted if it came to dueling.
End Notes:
Thank you you lovely people you. Reviews, comments, and critiques all welcomed.
Severus Snape was studying a map. Rather, he’d finished studying it and was still staring at it while he ran scenarios. There were many respected witches and wizards in Durham and a good number of the opposite. Which would Malfoy have been sent to consult? Academic or criminal? It would be better to approach it from the other end and pinpoint the disturbance they’d caused. Draco had said they were forced off the road and into the woods; that could only mean they were by the College.
While there may not be witnesses to the fight, the Dark Lord was unlikely to let resistance go unpunished. Especially if it occurred in pursuit of the Elder Wand. He would send more Death Eaters, those experienced in rooting out local pockets of dissent.
Additionally Draco had left without accomplishing his goal, so Snape was doubly certain another attempt would be made soon. There was the problem. He had to be there to discover if this mission did in fact concern the Elder Wand, but he couldn’t afford the time or risk of surveillance. Would he have to rely solely on guess work?
–No problem is insurmountable, Severus. What are you working on? Is it that young witch who evaded you so easily?â€
–I wish you wouldn’t — it was pure luck on her part! Anyway, she’s no longer a concern.â€
–Forgive me, Severus, but by that you mean…?â€
–Not dead. I had to restrain her and wipe her memories, but there should be no long term damage.â€
–Then what’s troubling you?â€
–Unlike you, I don’t have a spy. I don’t have resources. I must discover everything for myself but not be seen to be looking.â€
–So use the sources you do have.â€
–I can hardly set Death Eaters to watching other Death Eaters. If there is a mission to Durham, it is my duty as an obedient servant of the Dark Lord to shut my eyes and ears and ask no questions.â€
–However where Draco is concerned, you might be seen to take liberties.â€
–I might, just might, be able to bring this resistance movement to the other’s attention and on the pretext of protecting Draco ask any sightings of people wearing this mark to be reported to me.â€
Snape winced and clutched his arm. The mark burned. He dismissed the map with a wave of his wand.
–If I present these people as a threat, it could lead to their eradication.â€
–Always the question. Who do we risk in trying to preserve lives?â€
–Who do I risk. I must bear it. You’re dead.â€
He glanced at the clock. Almost midnight. Why these late summons? They no longer needed to operate under cover of darkness. He opened the window and the portrait called after him.
–What are you going to do, Severus?â€
–I have a plan.â€
It was cold and the wind cut cruelly. After a long season of rain and frost it had finally snowed. Winter. And was Potter any closer? To what? The sword was a heavy burden, constantly on his mind. Whatever progress Potter made would be curtailed if he couldn’t use the sword, but for what? Dumbledore’s portrait would not specify. Snape stopped himself from thinking, imagining, what Potter was seeking. Potter was supposed to be in hiding; no one would believe he was actively seeking a way to defeat the Dark Lord. As Headmaster of Hogwarts there was no reason for him to be thinking of the boy.
He landed at Malfoy Manor with a mind properly full of Hogwarts, Reform, and the Education Initiative for a New Order. He now had letters from the board of governors, those who had been allowed to remain on the board, pledging their support to the new direction of the school. While sundry reports were made, Snape could appear pleased; his work at least was successful. Any Legilimency quietly at work would reveal only smug satisfaction.
The Dark Lord was preoccupied. These random meetings were more to keep his disciples on edge. A formality. After the first searching gaze around the table, when Snape could feel his mind being seared open, Voldemort lost interest and stopped listening. More important to him were the whispers in his ear from the unnamed spies who passed freely through the manor and the infrequent owls he eagerly awaited.
The Elder Wand. Why was he so certain he needed it? Was this desperation, or simply lust for power? Snape had wondered this only at his most secure and private times. Here, his mind was a box with a tightly sealed inner compartment and nothing could pass from one to the other in the Dark Lord’s company. Snape didn’t allow any change of emotion to wrinkle his mind until they were dismissed, and had bowed from their master’s presence. As Death Eaters poured silently out of the manor into the night, Snape caught up with Lucius. Around them wizards were taking flight or Disapparating as they crossed the barrier warding the manor.
–How’s Draco?â€
–Gone again.†Lucius glanced around them and added in a fierce whisper, –He’s being intentionally removed from my influence. As if I - I am not loyal! I raised him to be the valuable servant that he is!â€
Snape silenced him. Dolohov and Birtwhistle were close.
–Dolohov,†Snape said quietly. –A word?â€
Dolohov seemed reluctant to stop, but Birtwhistle was always a brown noser and readily stopped to talk. Snape raised his wand and was amused to see the involuntary twitch the others made towards their own wands. In the air he cut a glowing vertical line. From its middle he made two parallel lines branching to the left.
–There are some exceedingly foolish individuals hindering the work of the Dark Lord and his servants. They hide their faces and wear this mark on their arm. Dolohov, am I right in assuming you are still Lestrange’s watchdog? Sniffing out traitors and rebellion for her to purge?â€
The Auror bristled.
–I serve our lord, not Lestrange. This group is obviously too small to be relevant or a threat, or of course I would have known long before—â€
–A threat? I doubt it,†Snape said smoothly. –I wouldn’t expect you to waste time or resources. Only they did cause trouble for Mcnair and Draco recently. Draco must not be seen to fail; there are a jealous few who would take advantage. Foolishness, after he’s proved so valuable to our lord.â€
There it was, the personal motive. Propping up the godson. Envious of Draco’s popularity though they may be, they could not be seen to work against him. Dolohov would do the bare minimum to assist and then wash his hands of the matter.
–What does the mark mean?†Birtwhistle asked.
–That depends. It’s an ogham rune, Dagda. It represents the oak tree.†Snape grimaced. –But its meaning depends on what field of mythology or divination one prefers. I never cared for such studies.â€
Dolohov mumbled something about keeping in touch and moved on.
–I’m overseeing different teams of Snatchers,†Birtwhistle volunteered. –If we find anyone or see anything, I’d be only too happy…â€
Snape bowed and walked away, leaving Birtwhistle still bubbling enthusiastically. Lucius hurried after him,
–Why just Dolohov, why not inform everyone?â€
–Because, Lucius, it isn’t a grave threat and the Dark Lord has made his priorities clear.†Snape lowered his voice. No need to lose his only ally, such as he was. –You should not be seen to be acting contrary or hindering our master’s plans, even for the sake of your son.â€
Malfoy blanched but set his jaw.
–If it saved him...I would do it.â€
Snape stopped short and caught Lucius by the robes urgently.
–Don’t say that again. Don’t even think it, Lucius.†He added slowly, –Now is a very dangerous time.â€
Most everyone else had left; to linger longer might raise suspicion. Snape told Lucius to return quickly before his absence was noticed and flew back to Hogwarts School.
It was five a.m. Theophany wasn’t sure if she was more desperate for food or sleep. Maybe just a cup of tea.
–I find tea is always best,†Silyn agreed.
–Did you just read my mind, or did I say that out loud?â€
Silyn laughed. –You were talking to yourself.â€
–Merlin, that’s no good on a mission, is it?â€
They were stumbling down the path to The Mill. Theophany had been prepared for anything but not, as it turned out, for nothing. From dusk until the wee hours she and five others had hidden themselves in a place called Little High Wood. There were other approaches to the area, but the house of interest to them could only be approached by the south road. The far side of the wood gave way to undevelopment country. A strategic weak point. Sitting stiffly and overly alert, Theophany had watched the back field with Maevan.
–You did fine,†Silyn reassured her. –Tomorrow night, er, I guess that’s tonight actually, we’ll be patrol and the others will take watch.â€
No one had told Theophany what or who they were protecting. What they were watching for didn’t need explaining. She frowned, and Silyn caught the look.
–As far as I know,†Silyn volunteered, –someone alerted a friend, or a friend of a friend, who knows our person in the Ministry. However it happened, we prevented them from being kidnapped the other night, but we lost contact after they went to ground somewhere in the area. Now we have to locate him before we can move him. You can be sure we’re not the only ones watching.â€
–Should you be telling me this?†Theophany asked, sagging against the door jamb while Silyn unlocked the door.
–Probably not,†he answered with a straight face, –but something tells me you can keep a secret.â€
–Shut up.â€
Ike, bless him, had stayed up. The fire was lit and the warm kettle was whistling in a few minutes.
–Good morning, sir!†Ike shrilled to Mr. Knapp as he entered the kitchen.
–Oh Dad, did we wake you?†Theophany asked.
Mr. Knapp kissed his daughter.
–Not at all. The kettle was perfectly timed. My alarm didn’t go off this morning.â€
He placed a banana on the table. It was ticking.
–Is that…?†Silyn wondered.
–My alarm clock, yes. I found it a little disturbing so thought I would leave it here until it, er, reverts.â€
The latest in a long line of clocks gone bonkers at The Mill, the banana chimed the quarter hour. Silyn started laughing, which set Theophany off, and they sagged against each other in helpless giggles.
–I think it’s perfectly reasonable not to want a ticking fruit on one’s bedside,†Mr. Knapp huffed. –I mean, how would I stop the alarm if it rang?â€
–Stop, stop!†Theophany gasped.
Ike handed her a tea towel to wipe her eyes. Weak-kneed, Theophany declined the tea and stumbled upstairs. A few minutes later Silyn knocked on her door, already clad in pajamas and robe, to deliver a beaker of sleeping draught.
–That stuff makes my head feel stuffed with wool,†Theophany sighed.
–You won’t sleep without it. Tonight may be our last night, so at least get a few hours sleep.â€
Theophany sank gratefully into bed, hoping that indeed this would be the last night in Durham.
It wasn’t the last night. Not by four more nights. On the third night Theophany had been relieved. Silyn insisted it was best to use as many fresh volunteers as possible. She was afraid of receiving preferential treatment but, as Silyn pointed out, all new recruits needed rest.
Theophany was paired with Isha Korrapati tonight, the fifth night. Durham was quiet after dark, at least on this tree-covered road winding through the colleges. They both used the Disillusionment Charm and moved in the shadows. With their hoods pulled low over their faces there was little chance of recognition. Besides, they would spot anyone abroad before they were seen. At least that was the idea.
Somewhere between Grey College and St Mary’s the moon came out in full brightness. The recent snow had covered enough ground to create a resplendent reflection casting light back up towards the heavens and splashing the reserved brick houses with silver.
Revealed in the sudden light Theophany and Korrapati froze. Less than twenty meters ahead another figure, equally exposed, stood still and vulnerable. The pointed hood cast slowly side to side. He had apparently been walking ahead of them. As he looked over his shoulder Theophany saw the mask with snake-like slits for eyes. Death Eater.
Korrapati’s wand came up, but Theophany grabbed him by the elbow to pull him flat against the wall. Too late, the motion had caught the Death Eater’s eye. He sent a hex flashing towards them which Korrapati blocked. It was two to one, but the Death Eater came running towards them and Theophany realized he wasn’t shouting for reinforcements.
As her returning hex lit up the road, Theophany hissed, –I think he’s alone. Keep him from—â€
Too late. The Death Eater’s pace changed from a sprint to a glide and in a moment he was a curling black blur rising towards the moon.
–He’ll be fetching reinforcements,†Theophany pointed out. –If he was the reconnaissance, we can assume they are moving in tonight.â€
The rendezvous point was in Little High Wood. It was neither thick nor large but with the proper spells could provide proper cover. Maevan was waiting for patrol pairs to check in. Briefly Korrapati explained the situation. Maevan raised his wand and, without speaking, conjured a Patronus. Theophany watched the flickering fox with envy while Maevan spoke his message and dismissed it.
–You two watch the rowhouse. As each patrol receives the message, I’ll send them in. We need to move now before the Eaters arrive. Theophany, if there’s anyway Silyn can figure out which house is the right one…?â€
Theophany nodded. With Korrapati she cut through Little High Wood to the South Road. On the wooded side of the street, facing the row house, Silyn crouched by the tumbled stone wall. Though he had cast a Disillusionment Charm, Theophany knew where he would be.
–Death Eaters,†she whispered. –One spotted us and left in a hurry. We don’t have a lot of time. Maevan was wondering if you could take a look.â€
SIlyn nodded.
–Isha, we need a watch set in both directions. You head north up the road, Tiff, south.â€
Korrapati noded once and slipped away, running low along the wall.
–Anyone in hiding for this many days must be terrified, not to mention impatient,†Silyn continued to his sister. –But the problem is, luv, everyone’s scared these days. Muggles too. I can’t pick up on anyone inordinately afraid nearby.â€
–So...I’m not really taking the south end.â€
–Afraid not, you have to babysit me. The next one Maevan sends along can play lookout.†Silyn leaned back against the tree behind him and closed his eyes. –If I start talking, shut me up but pleaseâ€, he opened an eye, –no gags or socks.â€
Theophany made to retort, but Silyn had slumped forward and she nearly didn’t catch him. His eyes flickered beneath their lids and his breathing deepened. Then without warning he convulsed. Theophany, poised to move, had caught his arms before he hurt himself. Silyn’s eyes snapped open; their pale gray reflected the moonlight like flat coins. He started whispering. He seemed to be counting. Theophany knew to disregard most of what he said, it hardly ever made sense while using the sight. He had never prophesied that the family knew of.
Theophany struggled against him as he tried to sit up. Why hadn’t anyone else checked in yet? Maevan should have sent others by now.
–...two sixes is twelve, three sixes is eighteen.â€
Times tables? Theophany released one arm to gently shake his shoulder. Non-responsive. He was too deeply engaged. The seconds ticked by as Silyn counted higher. His inflection changed, catching his sister’s attention.
–One hundred and three. One hundred and three.†He had been repeating it for some time. –Remember one hundred and three.â€
Was he talking to her or himself?
–Blue room, blue chair. Blue room...very, very tired.â€
He finally fell silent, but his body was still rigid, still trying to flail.
But he was still under. Was he aware she was there?
–One hundred and three.†He paused. –He’s coming.â€
Silyn went limp. Theophany released him. He would come around in a minute. There was a flash of light across the wall. Headlights? But there was no car motor. Theophany cautiously crawled to the wall and looked over. Nothing in the street. Then a spark crackled through the woods some distance behind her. Another crackle and a spell arched above the trees. In its light Theophany saw two figures facing each other, wands drawn, and behind them the flickering light of distant spellwork. The Death Eaters had arrived with uncharacteristic silence and stealth.
–Silyn, come on!â€
Theophany shook her brother hard. It was usually only a minute before he woke, but tonight he stayed unconscious.
Damn it, damn it!
She couldn’t leave him, nor could she leave their mission. Theophany pointed her wand.
Silyn lifted into the air, dangling loosely from his shoulders. Theophany kept her wand low, which forced Silyn’s feet to scrape along the ground. Keeping this low profile, she moved him north along the road. If the Death Eaters had attacked the checkpoint in the wood, hopefully they hadn’t split up yet. As the road began to twist north-east, Theophany spotted Korrapati ahead, crouched behind the ruined wall.
–It’s me,†she said softly.
–Who are the sons of Conmac?†he whispered, wand ready.
–The Conmaicne of Connacht,†Theophany replied.
Korrapati clambered down from the wall and hurried over.
–Is Silyn hurt? What happened?â€
–He’s unconscious. But I think he got it. One hundred and three. That’s the house, I think. Look for a blue room with blue furniture.â€
–Where’s everyone—?â€
–We’re under attack. I can’t leave him, but I can cover you while you enter the house.â€
Korrapati hesitated for only a second.
–Keep Silyn close. I’ll only need a minute to get in.â€
Theophany grinned,
–I’ll be fine. Just snatch whoever it is that we’re protecting and sound the retreat.â€
Leaving the road behind, they approached the one hundred block from the other side. This meant leaving the sheltering wood behind and working their way through St. Mary’s. When they got within sight of the brick row house, Korrapati motioned Theophany to stop. She lowered Silyn as comfortably as she could. Korrapati crawled forward past the wall to get a good look around before slithering back.
–One hundred and three is the opposite end from us,†he whispered, –This is one hundred and seven. I’m going to go around back. Hopefully everyone’s keeping the Eaters busy across the street and they haven’t crossed the road from High Wood yet. I need you to keep an eye on the front. If there’s another way in, I’ll take it but shouldn’t count on it.â€
–I won’t engage anyone if they don’t see me or you. If they do, I can hold them off long enough for you to get in. I can keep the front busy, so plan on leaving out the back.â€
The light show in Little High Wood was closer than when Theophany left. No way of telling how many were the Dagda. Korrapati stepped slowly onto the open lawn. Turning, he winked at Theophany and loped off. Theophany looked back at Silyn. Still comatose. She hadn’t seen him in a trance this long. Was this common? His breathing was light, no cause for concern.
Keeping an ear tuned to his breathing, Theophany watch the road with her wand at her side. How long would it take for the fighting to break out of the wood and reach the road? Ten minutes? Fifteen? Unless Maevan was intentionally holding back the Dagda, hoping that Korrapati and the Knapps would complete the mission.
A shadow moved around the far corner of the building. Korrapati. He slid up to the front door, unlocked it, and edged inside.
Theophany shifted her weight, trying to remember Silyn’s advice. Don’t lock your knees, relax, be ready. Count to four, inhale. How much time had passed? Count to four, exhale. There were other attack jinxes she could use, but ever since her lost duel with Snape she was reluctant to try anything elaborate. Keep it simple.
She felt a few drops fall on her neck and wand hand. There hadn’t been any mention of rain or snow on the wireless. Theophany frowned. The moon was so bright, there couldn’t be clouds. Slowly she raised her head. The branches above her were rustling. Just falling snow then. But why weren’t any of the trees in Little High Wood moving too?
The rustling grew stronger and a rush of wind swept across the treetops. Someone had flown over. Theophany threw herself on the ground and pressed against the inside of the stone wall. Looking up through the skeletal branches, she saw them whip back as three black figures flew over. Whoever had flown by first must have landed; she didn’t hear them continue over the road into Little High Wood. Until the moonlight caught them, Theophany couldn’t see the next two until they were right over the trees. These she heard land in the road only a few meters on. They talked together in low voices and were hailed by the first three.
Theophany twisted slowly in the dirt, finding a crevice in the wall to peer through. Yes, there were five. Where was the first? A creaking overhead announced a late arrival. Theophany didn’t move and saw him land only from the back. He didn’t wear a hood. Slight, blond. And, when he spoke, she realized, ridiculously young.
–I didn’t realize you’d be here, Dolohov.â€
–Our master has entrusted the recovery of Professor Oglethorpe to me.â€
–Then I’m here on sufferance?â€
–You’re here as a favor to your godfather.â€
The blond boy turned away slightly as if the speaker was beneath his notice.
–They are stationed in the wood? Do they have the professor?â€
–The professor hasn’t been sighted. It’s our guess they have as little idea where he’s hidden as we do.â€
–So then.â€
The boy drew his wand and strode towards Little High Wood. The one called Dolohov called after him.
–An organized search might be more profitable—â€
–Do as you please,†the boy said calmly, and the wood swallowed him up.
Dolohov muttered something and jerked his head at his companions. One went up the road east, the other south, and the last stationed himself with Dolohov outside the house.
–What do you think? It’s a little obvious isn’t it?â€
–There are only a few private residences around. Of course we have to take a possible Fidelius Charm into account,†Dolohov replied. –Check the woods around and behind.â€
Theophany braced herself. The Death Eater might walk by, or he might scrupulously look through the underbrush. If he saw Silyn, she had to be ready. Dolohov hung back watching the house, so effectively the odds were even. As the wizard crossed the wall, he studied the house, looking for exits, movements. The woods weren’t his main concern. She noticed he didn’t use a light. They didn’t know the numbers of their enemy and were wary of attracting attention. He’d reached the back corner when somewhere a door creaked. Theophany held her breath.
Not now, Korrapati. Don’t come out!
The Death Eater turned and motioned silently to Dolohov. Together they pulled down their masks and hoods. Theophany pulled herself up to a crouch. They were well in sight of her but facing away, looking behind the house, but when the fighting started, the others would come running. If only Korrapati would wait long enough.
But the door squeaked again and an elderly voiced gasped and was quickly silenced. The two Death Eaters moved as one. Wand hands came up to strike as they slithered around the corner, using the shadow as cover for as long as possible.
Theophany followed them. Her mind was reaching for the incantation, her breathing still regulated and steady, but one of them glanced back. Theophany lashed out and the Stunning Spell hit him squarely. He crumpled, and the other, Dolohov she thought, pressed in to attack. Theophany quickly deflected his spell. Where was Korrapati? She couldn’t get a good look behind her opponent, who moved erratically and swiftly.
Dolohov was pushing her towards the front of the house, to the road. His spellwork was exploratory. He’d try a different attack each time, getting her measure. She nearly caught him once but only because he took the time to raise his wand and emit bright sparks into the air. Theophany’s back was to the road, she wouldn’t see who came at her from behind. She gritted her teeth.
Don’t get flustered. Breathe in and count to four…
Her Full Body Bind ricocheted off of Dolohov’s shield and burned past her shoulder.
Focus. One...two…
The hairs on the back of her neck lifted; his reinforcements would be here in any minute. Dolohov’s attacks were almost lazy. He wasn’t even trying to beat her, just waiting her out. If Korrapati was in trouble, she was the only one close enough to help, but she couldn’t get to him.
If she was surrounded, she’d be cut off from Silyn. Theophany stumbled. She lost count and her breath came quickly. Dolohov pressed in and she knocked aside his curse with a flick of her hand.
Silyn. I can’t let that happen.
Her wand came up. Theophany forgot to keep a rhythm. She whipped the stupefying jinx from her wand tip. As the spell left her wand, she was bringing her other hand up, shattering the crumbling wall nearest the Eater. Dolohov sidestepped, but flying stone fragments caught him on the shoulder. Theophany’s next curse almost broke through his hasty Shield Charm. Dolohov parried wildly for a minute while retreating; then, before Theophany could gain further ground, he Disapparated. Theophany ran from the road and scrambled over the wall. Silyn was still sleeping. She checked his pulse.
Her wand was still in her hand and she brought it up so quickly she nearly took out Korrapati’s eye.
–Where have you been?†she whispered.
Korrapati joined her and crouched by the sleeping Silyn.
–He was right, blue room and all. Professor Oglethorpe is very elderly and moves like it. We couldn’t Disapparate in the house, so I had to get him out first. Sorry it took so long. He’s at Maevan’s cottage now.â€
–And Maevan?â€
Korrapati jerked his chin at the wood opposite.
–Fight’s still going strong in there. First we need to get Silyn safe.â€
–If you help me lift him—â€
–I think you should put him down,†suggested a third voice pleasantly.
They were caught from all sides. Crouched on the ground, neither could make any sudden moves. A tall Death Eater leaned over the wall, his wand pointed at them. Ivory tusks curled delicately from his silver mask. From the trees around emerged three others. One was Dolohov, cradling his right arm gingerly. Korrapati stood up slowly, keeping his hands in sight.
–This man is injured.â€
–I really don’t care,†the speaker said conversationally. –But if you care, then you should do what I say or he won’t wake up again. Now, where is the professor?â€
–Had to get your friends, did you?†Theophany addressed Dolohov with a confidence she didn’t feel. –Was I playing too rough?â€
Dolohov barely glanced at her. He kept his eyes on the Death Eater who had assumed command. This was someone higher ranking. Someone he feared.
–I need you to pay attention,†the masked Eater continued. He casually flicked his wand and Korrapati flew back from the wall, crashing through the foliage. He might have been seriously injured, but his body slowed suddenly before he drifted gently to the ground.
Dolohov and the others glanced around. Theophany’s wand quickly left Korrapati and pointed at the leader, but her left hand moved to Dolohov and the other three — they cried out and collapsed in quick succession. The tall Death Eater drew his wand but hesitated while the others struggled to summon breath to heal their broken legs. The leader was staring at Theophany’s left hand. Theophany didn’t give him a pause and scaled the wall. Through the slits in his mask she saw his eyes slide towards Silyn.
Fear forgotten, Theophany leapt from the wall. She hadn’t even decided on a hex but she knew, somehow, Stunning Spells were not an option. This would be a fight to the death. Korrapati could manage himself long enough, though they were outnumbered. She would have to make this fast.
A red light grew at the end of her wand with a high pitched buzz. It lengthened and shot towards the Death Eater, who scrambled out of the way. Her spell left a smoking burn in the road where he’d been standing.
Theophany wasn’t monitoring her own wand work or using the focus techniques SIlyn had taught her; all she knew was she was furious. The Death Eater dodged the next hex that sliced off a bit of his cloak. Theophany blocked his attack impatiently and gestured again with her hand. Gravel from the drive flew in his face and he cursed, spitting. Even so he didn’t falter.
Somewhere behind her Korrapati shouted. She had no time. They were in the road, in plain sight of the enemy. Theophany sped up her attacks. She used Ammentum again, and this time the light lengthened a few meters, lashing out in burning sparks. Hard pressed, the Death Eater called out, but Theophany sliced her wand and his voice gurgled to a stop. He fell to his knees and then pitched forward.
Theophany ran back to the woods. Silyn was there. Korrapati must have drawn the others deeper into the forest. Theophany pulled her hood over her face to hide the gleam of her skin and moved as quietly as she could into the trees.
It was unlikely they had all followed Korrapati; someone was bound to have stayed to capture Silyn or herself, should their leader prove unsuccessful. She heard the first one before she saw him. He was pacing a perimeter from the house to the wall, keeping an eye on both fights probably. Theophany slowly raised her wand, but before she could stun him, a dark figure passed between them. It swept through the trees with arrogance and no pretence of stealth, moving purposefully. The Death Eater had turned and began to speak but crumpled to the ground. The figure paused and listened before moving on. Impossible to make him out in the dark, but Theophany had a hunch, so she followed at a distance.
The figure circumvented another body; Korrapati had accounted for one of his pursuers. That would leave Dolohov and one other. The ground rose a little and the wood thinned. Ahead of them the remaining two Death Eaters crouched on the slope, using a downed tree for cover. One was Dolohov, still favoring his other leg. His fellow Death Eater was half standing, sending hexes and curses up the hill towards an outcropping where, Theophany presumed, Korrapati had gone to ground.
The figure watched Dolohov painfully start to crawl from behind the log. With Korrapati pinned down by his companion, Dolohov could approach from the other side. The figure raised his wand and with an irate flick knocked the two Death Eaters aside. The standing one knocked his head painfully on the log and collapsed. Dolohov was flung deep into the brush. With a quick Stunning Spell he was unconscious before he even knew what had happened.
The wizard turned to look over his shoulder and moonlight caught him clearly. Theophany froze. He didn’t see her. But Korrapati did. Coming cautiously out of cover, Korrapati momentarily froze at sight of the wizard, then drew his wand and shouted for Theophany to duck. Instead Theophany hit him with a Stunning Spell and he crumpled.
She stepped into sight and pulled back her hood. She gave herself a minute to relish his expression before saying, –Hullo, Severus Snape.â€
Her smile widened.
Chapter 10 by Meadowsweet
Snape kept his wand trained on her. He knew he was taking too long to answer, but he couldn’t formulate a response.
–You may remember me, Theophany Knapp,†the girl continued, politely.
He eyed her.
–Who are you?†he asked quietly.
–I just said-â€
–Theophany Knapp has no memories of me, so who are you?â€
She smiled again.
–I’m Theophany Knapp and I owe you a bottle of dittany.â€
Snape didn’t lower his wand. It was possible, just possible, that Knapp had been captured and tortured. Such a detail could be used by anyone trying to impersonate her.
Knapp sighed, –Long story short, I don't have my memories back nor do I remember losing them. But I have a - a record of certain events I thought best not to forget. There are people who depend on me.â€
Snape lowered his wand. She’d said that before, and no one else could know. Moreover she couldn’t remember she had said so before, could she? She wasn’t manipulating this conversation. Their duel on the hill left no time for her to even write herself a note. How had she preserved her memories?
–How much do you know?†he managed to ask.
Knapp pursed her lips thoughtfully.
–Well, you’re Severus Snape, supposed Death Eater.â€
Her voice, so obviously Cornish, shortened his name to an accented cadence, Sev ’rus Snape.
–Then there’s sword. Gringotts. Knockturn Alley, and, of course, Spinner’s End.â€
–You were never to know where I had taken you,†Snape growled. –You’re forcing my hand.â€
–Please, I have a failsafe in place. Wiping my memory again wouldn’t help, and it’s not an experience I care to repeat. Besides, it’s not just my knowing about the sword or Spinner’s End you should be worried about.â€
Snape stepped closer, lowering his voice.
–Would you care to elaborate, Miss Knapp?â€
–Werewolves,†she whispered softly. –You are feeding sensitive information regarding Death Eater movement and attacks to underground contacts. We call ourselves the Dagda, and we know we aren’t the only organized resistance, but it seems some of our channels of communication have crossed with yours. That is, werewolves. Names on the Muggle Registration list, when the Ministry fell, these have all been reported by werewolves. I bet you informed someone that Reading would be attacked.â€
Snape’s fingers bit into her arm.
–Shut up.â€
Theophany nodded.
–I understand you might not want to talk about this here but I can’t leave my brother too long.â€
Snape hesitated, and glanced back and the forms of Dolohov and Korrapati.
–Let me get both of them safe, then we’ll talk.â€
–There’s no time-â€
–Again, you seem to be in a hurry and with no reinforcements to take care of a troublesome witch.â€
Theophany put her head to one side. –Was I right? I think you really are working alone, Professor.â€
How could she know so much, far too much? Wand still in hand, Snape let his gaze bore into hers. She seemed unaware of any Legilimency and looked curiously back. She was either innocent or practised Occlumency on a level near his own. He found it hard to believe either.
–Where’s your brother?†he asked at last. Time was against him.
–Unconscious. Oh, by the cottage. I can’t leave him too long, the fight might leave Little High Wood or that blond boy could return-â€
Snape swore. If Draco was here, he must avoid being seen. Dolohov must have informed Draco after his owl had reached Snape.
–Let me help,†Theophany said.
Snape looked at her. She was serious.
–What?†he said again.
–Let me check on my brother; then I’ll help you do whatever it is you’re trying to do behind the Eaters' backs.â€
Legilimency showed nothing. Snape could feel the seconds ticking by. He had to make a decision. An image of Theophany, sliced and bleeding, came to mind.
–They can only kill this body.â€
She had borne his trust once before. Severus Snape pocketed his wand.
–Do you even really have a brother?†he asked dispiritedly.
Knapp smiled; she seemed relieved.
–Five, actually. This way.â€
She led him through the forest back to the South road. When they reached the wall, she dropped low and crept forward cautiously. There was a young wizard lying beneath a tree. His hair was silver blond, almost Veela pale. Snape glanced at the witch next to him, her dark hair dragging in the leaves as she bent forward. There was no resemblance he could see. She glanced up,
–I’d introduce you but as you can see, he’s in no state. You’re here about Professor Oglethorpe? The house is 103. I’ll meet you there.â€
–While I walk into a trap laid by your friends?†Snape hissed sharply. –You’re coming with me, now.â€
Knapp seemed about to protest, but she bit it back. With a quick Disillusionment Charm Silyn was hidden from view, and they moved past the wall into the side yard of the row house.
The Southern road was empty, but the pavement was cracked and scorched. There was no telling which direction they’d gone, North further up the road or down. The fight had moved through the wood. She listened, but wizards’ battles were much less noisy than Muggles’. She crept forward slowly, Snape following and feeling foolish. How was he reduced to trusting a stranger? The whole situation was ridiculous.
Knapp paused, then put a hand behind her and caught hold of Snape’s sleeve. Just when he thought it couldn’t be more ridiculous. He tried to pull away, but she clung tight and led him around the back of the house, carefully pulling him around possible pitfalls and the sprawled body of a masked Death Eater.
At the backdoor she did a quick check for security spells before easing it open. It had been left unlocked when the premises were evacuated, presumably. The front hall was really a landing; one could go upstairs to the upper flat or enter the lower directly.
–Upstairs, I think. His room is blue,†she whispered.
At least she had let him reclaim his arm. Knapp climbed the stairs ahead of him, wand ready. The flat at the top wasn’t blue but covered in old wallpaper. They passed through the tiny front room and even smaller kitchen. A door beyond opened into a study and that was indeed blue. Walls, furniture, even the lamp shade. The carpet may once have been similarly colored but was so worn down and faded it was impossible to be sure. The room was tidy. They could safely assume the Death Eaters hadn’t found it yet. Knapp looked around.
–Probably used to be owned by the college. Student digs, or for visiting faculty originally. Got the air of something institutional and neglected about it, don’t you think?â€
Snape didn’t bother answering. From beneath his cloak he produced a satchel. It wasn’t very large, but it contained all of his research and more. He started pulling books from the bag.
–How long was he kept here?â€
–A little over a week.â€
–Place the books I’ve brought about the room like they’ve been used.â€
Knapp obediently picked up a stack of books. She placed Hubbart’s The 19th Century in Wizarding Britain, Free or Feudal? and The Art of Aristocracy: Public Lives Post Secrecy Act authored by Whisplet, Dredger, and Trent together by the reading lamp. She left some books open at pages Snape had dogeared; others she bookmarked at random with bits of parchment.
Snape trusted he could leave her to finish while he worked at the desk. According to the professor’s dull and convoluted notes, Oglethorpe had been recreating the Goblin rebellion of 1643. Snape swept Oglethorpe's books and parchment out of sight into the satchel. He staged the desk with a scroll he’d brought with him, smaller pieces of parchment he pinned to the corkboard by the desk, and some scribbled notes in the right hand drawer.
Placing his wand tip on a bit of Oglethorpe’s writing he murmured, –Transcribi Specei.â€
He lifted the wand and moved it to his own writing. A trail of shadow letters clung to the wand tip, trailing like a smokey comet. Snape swept his wand across the page and the letters scurried across, fitting themselves over his own. For a moment one was atop the other and their differences clear, then Snape’s swift, spiked, writing began to stretch and wriggle to fit Oglethorpe's round hand.
–Neat.†Knapp was at his elbow. –But illegal.â€
–Legality didn’t seem to concern you when you offered to help a Death Eater tonight.â€
Knapp grinned again.
–True. From henceforth I’m forever disqualified as a role model.†She held up a book. –Do you want Tufter’s heretical claims concerning the Pendragon myth and Pureblood genealogy in the place of honor?â€
Tufter was a crackpot, but a respected one, of the late 1750’s who had tried to claim all pure bloodlines traced back to the original Pendragon. His research had been the basis for founding many of the Sacred Twenty Eight. It would also, Snape hoped, be the book that sparked the theory. The theory that Arcus, possible master of the Elder Wand, was ancestor to the Archers, a formidable pureblood family long since thought extinct.
–You already have it marked and everything,†Theophany added.
Snape accepted the book from her and placed it on the desk, underneath a pile of notes. There were multiple references in the bogus notes he had compiled. It would have been kept close as a main reference.
Knapp was at the window.
–There are lights in the woods, but there’s no telling if the main force has been scattered or not. We could be found any minute.â€
Snape slung the satchel over his shoulder and glanced around the room. The job was thorough, but discreet. Knapp joined him at the door, but he descended first. He no longer expected a trap from these so called Dagda. Death Eaters were the real threat now.
He hadn’t realized how stuffy it had been inside until he opened the back door. A cold wind had picked up; it would probably snow again before dawn. Snape heard only the creaking of the wood around them. The night was startlingly clear and quiet.
Knapp slipped out and stood next to him, listening. She cocked her head and smiled a little, a quick signal of confidence, and moved back towards the treeline. Snape considered Disapparating then and there. But no, he had to clean this up as best he could. Knapp was bent over her brother, looking, for the first time he’d seen, worried.
–He should have woken up by now. I’ve never seen it take this long before.â€
Snape hesitated. So he hadn’t been simply knocked unconscious?
–Could it be...he’s in a trance?†he couldn’t help but ask.
Knapp was pulling the slumbering wizard into a seated position. Snape got an arm behind and helped prop him up.
–More like recovering from one. I’ve got to Disapparate and get him to safety but,†she glanced up at Snape, –I’ve a feeling you’re not going to let me go.â€
–Go,†Snape said simply. –You have to come back for your friend you so casually stunned earlier. I’ll wait for you there. After he’s safe, we will have to discuss your inconvenient interference.â€
Knapp got her brother under the arms and heaved.
–Fair enough,†she gasped. –Could you-â€
Snape got the pale-haired boy upright while his sister got her arms around him. He was of a height with Snape and her head was just level with his shoulder.
–Ta,†she said breathlessly, and they Disapparated.
Snape looked towards the wood. What was its name? Little High Wood. Draco would be in the thick of it, redeeming himself from last week’s ignominious attack and failure. If he spotted Snape, there was always the excuse of coming to check on him, but it was thin. Snape turned away and headed deeper into the trees. Best he stay out of sight and figure out what in hell to do with Theophany Knapp.
Amongst the frozen remains of Maevan’s garden again, Theophany tottered dangerously. Straining against Silly’s weight, she managed to stagger a few steps before falling heavily. Keeping her grip on Silyn, she managed let him tumble backwards on top of her. Not the best solution perhaps, she thought, pinned to the hard ground. At least he hadn't hit his head.
Theophany lay still for a minute to catch her breath. Everything had happened so fast. Four uneventful nights of mind-numbing patrol, and now this. Bloody Severus Snape walking right into their operation. Theophany grinned swiftly but sobered. It’s terribly exciting but don’t let it go to your head.
–Maevan?†she called. He probably wasn’t back if the fight was still on. –Lolli?â€
A door creaked.
She pulled herself up onto one elbow, Silyn lying crosswise over her.
–Boniface? Why are you here?â€
Frozen twigs snapped as her younger brother came hurrying through the garden.
–Taking attendance. Maeven’s not back yet, but most of our people are. I’m to check roll call.â€
The fight was winding down. Maevan must have led the main force of Death Eaters away from the Oglethorpe to buy Korrapati time. Boniface helped roll Silyn off their sister.
–Blimey, haven’t seen him like this in a while.†He conjured a stretcher and Levitated the now snoring Silyn onto it. –You look like you’ve been in the wars too. Oh, I suppose I should ask you the security question and make sure you’re not a Death Eater masquerading as my sister.â€
Theophany paused in exploring the burnt tear in her robes and picked a leaf out of her hair.
–The answer’s Peachy-kins.â€
Boniface nodded solemnly.
–And a fine rabbit he was too.â€
–Listen, I have to go back. Korrapati is still missing.â€
–Just come back here before you go home. Maevan wants everyone’s report tonight.â€
Theophany Disapparated. She had a feeling her report would be much expurgated, which was a pity, as it had been a most interesting night.
She Apparated in the treeline, just below the outcropping where she’d revealed herself to Severus Snape. To Theophany’s relief Korrapati hadn't regained consciousness. However, her absence seemed to have wrought a change in Snape. He’d had time to plan, and the element of surprise was lost to her. He was standing, arms folded, deep in thought. She knew he’d seen her, but he didn’t acknowledge her until she spoke.
–Where are Dolohov and the other one?â€
He looked up, scowl in place.
–You know Dolohov?â€
–Fortunately, no. But I heard someone call him that.â€
–Thank God for that, at least, something you don’t know.â€
Theophany knelt and checked Korrapati’s pulse.
–He’s breathing. Why did you decide to Stun him?†Snape asked.
Was he playing for time? Or was there an ulterior motive to the question? Theophany thought it best not to spar with him.
–He would have seen you. You don’t want anyone to know about you, that’s clear.â€
–But you know it seems.â€
Theophany stood up and faced him squarely.
–I have guesses.â€
–You guess far more than anyone is supposed to know. Your behaviour has been foolhardy at best but for the most part stupid.â€
He pinched his nose for a moment, glanced at her and then away. So much for winning his confidence. The very sight of her annoyed him. Theophany felt like she was twelve years old again, being reprimanded by the Dean of the charter school. That was exactly it, she realized. He was treating her like a student. He was a teacher, after all. It was suddenly so obvious the thought made her smile.
–I don’t see what you’re so pleased about. Your position is dangerous, to say the least.â€
Theophany smiled wider. It seemed to annoy him.
–You’re not going to hurt me.â€
In a twitch his wand was out and inches from her chin.
–Don’t forget,†his voice was chilling, –don’t forget what I am. Not for a moment.â€
Theophany didn’t move, but she let go of her smile.
–That’s exactly what makes me so pleased,†she spoke earnestly, trying to make him understand. –You’re a Death Eater, yes, but on our side. I know your information is good; we aren’t walking into a trap. Do you have any idea how terrified I was that my brothers’ marching orders were coming from an anonymous source? But if it’s you-â€
–No one can know that!â€
–Does it look like I’ve told anyone?†She gestured at Korrapati. –I’m very good at keeping secrets.†Technically, it was her vocation. –I’ve been tortured for a fake sword and never said a word. What else can I do to have you trust me?â€
Snape leaned closer. He had this trick of looking into her face like he was boring into her mind through her eyes. Was he? Could he? Precious little she could do about it.
–Understand this,†he hissed. "I have trusted no one for nearly twenty years. I have sacrificed everything to put myself in this position, even those who trusted me, and I will not have my mission jeopardized because a young idiot wants some nice warm feelings of reassurance!â€
–I want to help.â€
That seemed to freeze him up again.
–I want to help,†Theophany repeated. –Like tonight, you couldn’t have found the right house without me -â€
–Maybe because a certain young witch delayed me.â€
Theophany sighed and flicked the wand out of her face with the back of her hand. She was done trying to reason with him.
–Right, firstly, I’m getting tired of your attitude. How old do you think I am? I’m not one of your students.â€
If he was angry before he was livid now. Theophany held up a another finger.
–Secondly, when I first met you, you were short on time then, too, with no assistance or hope. You were frantic for help. So don’t pretend I’m the reason it went belly up tonight. Third and lastly, I’m not going to try and convince you to trust me anymore. I’m simply going to trust you. So go ahead.â€
Theophany put her wand in her pocket and spread her arms.
–Do your worst, Severus Snape. Because you’ve already done it.â€
He wouldn’t hurt her or kill her. Couldn’t wipe her memories.
–I could put you in a coma for the next six months,†he said quietly.
–It’s impossible to work a Stunning Spell that strong without risking killing me.â€
–And you’re so sure I won’t risk it?â€
–Positive. You don’t do collateral damage, you like to save whoever possible. Can’t lie about that, not after you patched me up so carefully and gently at Spinner’s End.†Theophany smiled again. –Haven’t changed my mind. You should have been a healer.â€
His wand was at his side. After a moment Snape pocketed it in his robes.
–Others might dispute my bedside manner.â€
–What bedside manner?†Theophany chortled.
Korrapati groaned softly. Theophany glanced down and back at Snape.
–We shouldn’t be here when he wakes up. I’ll be 'looking' for him in Little High Wood when he comes to. Are you coming?â€
Snape shook his head.
–I shouldn’t be seen. Listen.†He was still watching her like she was an unpredictable animal. –I can’t fix this or prevent it, but I will keep you from knowing more. Do not seek me out, do not meddle in any way. This is the only way we win this war.â€
Theophany moved closer. If only she could read his mind.
–That’s why I meddled; why I had to know who you were. You talk like what you’re doing is so important it’s - as if it’s the only thing that’s important.â€
Snape didn’t blink. His eyes had gone curiously flat again.
–I have a mission. You can help it succeed by staying out of it.â€
Theophany tried to smile.
–Not what I hoped to hear. No less than what I expected. Alright then,†she offered her hand, –I promise.â€
–You give promises too easily.â€
–I haven’t broken one yet.†She sounded defensive even to herself. –Even post Obliviation I knew there was a reason I shouldn’t fly.â€
He took her hand, a single clasp. His fingers were cold, his face sharp in the moonlight. He didn’t look well.
–Good luck, Severus Snape. I wish you success.â€
Theophany turned away. It was hard to leave like this, after working so hard to find him. She was surprised at her own disappointment. It wasn’t just not knowing, or not being trusted. Theophany felt oddly dejected and worried. She paused and turned back, she had to say something.
She was surprised at the wobble in her voice. Snape didn’t look up.
–Take care of yourself.â€
He didn’t answer. The pause was so terribly cold, Theophany just walked away. There was no coming back from that. She’d done all she could, offered all she had. She could only hope Severus Snape was right to refuse it.
When the dawn came, it felt stale and anticlimactic. Nothing urgent required Theophany’s attention. The Pointdexters had settled in nicely. Mr. Pointdexter, in place of Lavinia Honeysett, had been moved to the Hughes and was currently employed at the Tea Room. Lavinia, too, seemed content judging from her recent letter though Jacka seemed to think it unfair Theophany had encouraged her to camp in the Dagda forest.
Theophany pulled her knees up to her chest, her hair fanning out in the water around her. The bath water was cooling but she was reluctant to climb out. She’d had little sleep after she and Boniface had returned to The Mill at 3 a.m., but mostly her mood was the cause of Severus Snape.
Would she spend the rest of the war knowing that one wizard was responsible for victory? That’s what he had seemed to suggest. And one mistake, one failure, and it was over for Snape. Who could replace him? Was there even someone else responsible?
She got out of the water and squeezed her streaming hair, causing a rivulet to run to the floor. Impatiently she pulled on her robe and dug for her wand. With a wave the floor was dry, the mirror unfogged, and she got a good look at herself. Forehead creased, hair in a damp twist to her waist, eyes preoccupied. This wouldn’t do; anyone could tell she was worried. All this hiding of secrets.
The rest of the Knapps had been patient with her lack of explanations, even after she’d been to the Pensieve. Merryn had expected more than the vague story she’d told about getting too close to an intelligence source. In deference to her memory trauma they were prone to treat her gently, even agreeing to not fly any longer based on a –hunch†of Theophany’s that it could be detrimental. Their concern was almost palatable. Theophany knew they were thinking, poor thing is so rattled, just humor her.
Maevan was upset with her too. She had been the last to report in, Korrapati having recovered and Disapparated some twenty minutes after she and Snape had left him. Theophany had given it a good hour before returning to Maevan's cottage, wandering in the wood –looking†for Korrapati.
–So you just wandered about?†Maevan had been skeptical.
–After I got Silyn back safe, yes. I didn’t know where everyone else was, and Korrapati had been separated from the main force just like me-â€
–Yes, yes, I know so you’ve said. So after Isha got the professor out, you were attacked, Isha led some of the Eaters off, and you took on the leader.â€
–Well, I don’t know for certain but he seemed to be in charge.â€
–And after he lost, you went back. So how did you miss Isha if he was lying about unconscious?â€
–There were two others, you see, and I had to move cautiously; also I couldn’t lead them back to SIlyn.â€
And so it had gone. Maevan had reprimanded her for being too focused on her brother and said that clearly her account was jumbled because she wasn’t combat ready. War, he said, wasn’t something you could prepare for, but he had hoped Theophany would be more level headed. In the meantime she was removed from combat service.
It seemed the only people not mad at her were Silyn and her father. Mr. Knapp treated her like an invalid still but, aside from that one outburst when she’d returned from the Pensieve, Silyn’s behavior was unchanged.
–I for one am extremely glad you stuck close to me,†he had told her lightly, finally regaining consciousness in the wee hours. Theophany had muttered something noncommittal.
–No, really. You did fine. What was it, three? four Death Eaters? Maevan just has to be organized, everything has got to be accounted for and you’re a bit of a loose cannon. You forgot to control your breathing, right?â€
–I - I tried, really! But then they threatened to hurt you and-â€
–No, no! It’s all good. It was just a mechanism to keep you focused. You obviously don’t need it anymore. You’ve outgrown it.â€
Silyn’s smile was a special thing, Theophany reflected. Not that it was rare, but so sincere. Maybe it was just because he looked most like Mum.
Theophany, hair dry and wearing an old house robe, descended to the kitchen. Ike already had the kettle on, and she decided to treat herself to sitting at the kitchen table, with father’s ticking banana, to enjoy a cup of tea. For the next few days she would be returning to her own duties as potions purveyor, secret keeper, older sister, and refugee smuggler. Easy job, she thought, in comparison to some.
Reginald Cattermole was dead. The Ministry owl had obligingly informed the Headmaster, with assurances such a breach of security in the Ministry would never happen again. The penalty was unsurprising, given the break-in and subsequent escape of Muggle-borns. It was unfair, given Cattermole had only been impersonated and wasn’t an active participant. Still, Cattermole had time to get his family out before his arrest and that should have been some comfort, in the end. It would would have been enough for Severus Snape.
He wondered what it would be like, to fight with everyone you cared for safely away, not having to worry for them. What would he have for comfort when ‘in the end’ came for him?
Snape looked up from his tea. He’d stopped pretending to eat breakfast. Showing up was hard enough. After a few initial words at the beginning of the year Minerva had remained silent. Most of the staff managed to speak infrequently to him, but to Minerva he was invisible, already dead. Counter to the largely silent staff table, the Carrows were exalting over Cattermole’s death with disgusting false regret. They were delighted that the regime was willing to make examples of the most innocent of bystanders.
–It’s regrettable. Especially as we want people to see that the Ministry has only the best interests of Wizardkind at heart.†Alecto’s voice was sweet as treacle and sticky with empathy.
–Some will never see, Alecto. That’s why we must train them while young,†Amycus growled. No pretence of squeamishness. –Wouldn’t you agree, headmaster?â€
Snape slowly focused on Amycus Carrow. He didn’t ask him to repeat the question but just looked at him blankly.
–Our hopes, headmaster,†Alecto purred, –rely on the next generation, yes?â€
–This generation?†Snape asked doubtfully.
–You think it’s too late for these students? Raised by their traitor parents?â€
–Everything...takes time.â€
Snape was getting a headache. He pushed his chair back. It was a little early to leave yet but he had no stomach for the Carrows today. When he stood up, he found he had no stomach for anything. The room spun for a moment and he grabbed his chair to steady himself. Bile rose in his throat. Concerned murmurs came from the blurred faces around him. He doubted Minerva’s was one of them.
–Severus, Severus, are you alright?â€
Snape stepped back from the table before either Carrow could touch him. He was weak-kneed, but his vision was clearing.
–Fine,†he snapped irately.
–Please look after yourself.â€
Knapp had said something similar, but Alecto’s simper made him itch to seize the jam spoon and carve the placid expression from her face.
–I repeat,†he said slowly, –it’s...fine…â€
With all his pent-up frustration and rage he seared the table with a glance and even Madam Pince had to drop her eyes. Minerva looked through him. Snape strode from the Great Hall in fine form but had to lean against the wall outside to catch his breath.
This wasn’t good. Even if he couldn’t sleep, he would have to rest. If only he could Apparate to his quarters. Instead he was forced to make slow progress up the main stair, feeling like a victim of the Jelly-Leg Jinx. Snape flattered himself he knew most of the castle’s shortcuts, but there was only one stair into the headmaster's office. He didn’t sleep in the headmaster’s quarters, in a murdered man’s bed.
Taking a respite by the bust of Balfour the Bane, he heard approaching footsteps. Rather than try and act like he wasn’t breathless, he stepped into the alcove behind the bust and cast a quick Disillusionment Charm. He didn’t want the Carrows’ company, and Poppy Pomfrey would probably try to poison him under pretence of helping.
–...really sickening for something.†It was Professor Sprout. –He’s been looking worse recently, but that turn at breakfast looked serious. Gesticulating Ginger would probably clear that right up, provided it’s nothing chronic.â€
–Oh, I’m hoping for a not so simple solution.†Minerva’s voice was hard and bright. –I hope it’s really very serious and eats at him. Maybe Alecto’s poisoning him so she can become headmistress. I hope she’s using something agonizing.â€
Snape tasted bile again. He let them move past and crept on without dismissing his camouflage. When he was at last installed in his office armchair, he explored his symptoms cautiously. Dizziness, lack of appetite, general weakness were all indicative of chronic sleep deprivation. The nausea? The labored breathing? He’d taken precautions against poisoning when he first took the post. Either side would be happy to see him die, it seemed.
–... hope it eats at him.â€
Mcgonagle's hatred echoed in his head. What was eating at him?
Albus’s portrait had noticed him. Snape didn’t bother responding, preferring to follow his train of thought. Obviously he had many things to eat at him: the sword of Gryffindor still on his hands, and Potter still did not possess that last vital piece of information. Maybe he could do both in one blow? That would be a relief.
Potter, here’s the sword which is needed for purposes Albus wouldn’t explain to me but presumably you know and, also, you have to let the Dark Lord kill you because you’re a - you have a piece of his…
Then what? Return to Hogwarts and keep up the loyal Death Eater farce to protect the students? For how long? Until the end? His heart, or whatever was still left to beat in its place, sank. Snape glanced back at the portrait. Albus was waiting, looking a little concerned. It was just a painting, but somehow he could never treat it wholly as such.
–It seems it’s not just the mission, Albus,†Snape sighed. –I was prepared for that. I just didn’t expect - it seems I wasn’t ready to be seen as a traitor. I didn’t fully realize…â€
–‘Has it crossed your brilliant mind that I don’t want to do this anymore?’†Albus quoted.
Snape inhaled sharply. The portrait gazed thoughtfully over his head.
–You did realize, at that time. For a moment. It, truthfully, it hadn’t crossed my mind you would until you asked me. Then I worried you wouldn’t go through with it. So I distracted you. Is it worse than you thought?â€
Snape turned away from the painting.
–Things so often are.â€
He closed his eyes. Tried to empty his mind. But the moment he became conscious of his own breathing, it grew labored and panicked. Last time he’d had trouble emptying his mind, Theophany Knapp was snoring on his sofa, upsetting his concentration.
Snape summoned an image of Spinner’s End to mind. Not usually a soothing place but, if he remembered that specific night, he might regain control. He had listened to Knapp’s breathing, ignoring his own. That is what sleep sounds like, he told himself. Try and remember. Her breaths had been deep and steady. This is feeling relaxed and safe. Snape slowly matched his breathing to the memory. This is rest. This is peace.
He slept lightly, feeling the passing of time, but he was still surprised to find it dark when he woke. The timepiece in the corner, Snape hesitated to call it a clock, had three hands that indicated astrological signs, moon phases, and certain gems placed around the clock face. Two smaller hands pointed to numerals that made no sequential sense and had to be read using some form of Arithmancy. Snape had no idea why Dumbledore had it, other than his love of the arcane and rare. He smothered a yawn and scrubbed his hands over his face. His mouth was fuzzy and his body ached but he felt significantly revived. How had he managed so long without sleep?
–Feeling better, Headmaster?†Phineas Black had returned to his portrait.
Snape was suddenly wide awake.
–Anything to report?â€
–No - the young larvae seem more concerned about what’s happening here than doing anything themselves. Got all excited when I told them someone had tried to nick the sword-â€
–Excited?†Snape bore down on the portrait. –Did they say why they were so interested in the sword?â€
–Well, they were more worried about their little friends, but they got interested in the sword when I said Dumbledore had taken it out of its case to-â€
–Phineas,†Dumbledore’s portrait said gently.
Phineas Black stopped, torn between headmasters living and dead. Snape put him out of his misery.
–Return to your other portrait and don’t move. I’m going to try and anticipate their next location.â€
Relieved, the portrait nodded and hurried away.
–There was no need, Albus. I’m well aware you used the sword to destroy the ring. I put you back together after all. What I’m interested in is what Potter needs it for.â€
–I know that, but I want to keep Phineas from speculating. Neither he, you, or anyone else can know too much.â€
Theophany Knapp knew an awful lot. Snape felt a small twinge of guilt and stilled it with a scowl.
–And I know precious little,†he snapped to cover his embarrassment.
–How do you intend to anticipate their location?â€
–Grimmauld.†Snape shook his head. –I feel clear headed for the first time in days. They had to abandon Grimmauld quickly after Yaxley found them. He said there was no clue where they had come from or were headed, but he may have missed it.â€
–In your current state of mind, Severus, is it wise to return there?â€
Snape smiled.
–You think I’m going to have some emotional breakdown? Pining for the good old days of the Order? You forget I was hardly welcome there. Tolerated from necessity only.â€
Islington was dark. Wherever Snape Apparated these days, it was always eerily silent. Reading burning. What did the Muggles see? What explanation of strange events kept them inside their houses after dusk? During the first war, as a child, he’d seen the concerned citizenry of Cokeworth mobilizing against –gang violenceâ€, the school drills, the confused newspaper headlines. He’d been too experienced to ask what his father thought was happening. It was smarter to keep one’s mouth shut and pray Tobias Snape didn’t notice you.
Grimmauld place looked much the same from the outside, though he was sure Yaxley would have torn apart the interior. No one had bothered to lock up. The door fell open under his hand. It was darker in here than the street outside. A rustling could be heard. Rats?
A dim light was growing further down the hall. Snape drew his wand. Perhaps Yaxley hadn’t disarmed all the security charms. A specter was forming, but only partially. The spell must have been damaged when the Death Eaters searched the house. The glowing figure drew closer and Snape held his breath. Half-formed as it was, he could recognize it. The shape fixed empty eye sockets on him. Its forward motion was halting, and it continuously faded in and out of focus.
–...Sev...s-Snape?†the flickering corpse of Albus Dumbledore asked.
Moody’s voice. It had his touch. Efficient and merciless. Snape lowered his wand. Antagonizing the spectre would probably trigger the spell. If he was expected to attack, then the best thing to do was the opposite.
–I’m sorry, Albus,†he whispered.
–You k-killed…†The spell was wearing off.
–I didn’t kill you,†Snape said firmly.
The spectre disappeared. Of course. Simple but ingenious. They had assumed him a murderer, incapable of denying Dumbledore’s murder.
Shaking off the slight chill that had run down his spine, Snape stepped into the silent house. It had been stripped.The portraits on the wall had been torn down, the wallpaper peeled off in places. Even the portrait of Walburga Black was silent. Yaxley had done a thorough job.
He started in the front rooms. Every drawer was opened, every surface examined. He tried to picture it clearly in his mind as it had been. Was anything changed, or moved? Plenty. It seemed Potter and his friends had done a little housekeeping. More than Black had attempted.
Black. Why, out of all possible substitute father figures, had Potter chosen Black? Especially with mild, reasonable, Lupin at hand. The last thing he had needed was someone encouraging him to be even more bullheaded and rash. Sirius Black. Forever stuck in adolescent rage and grief. Azkaban had frozen time for Black, prevented his grief from maturing, fading.
Snape paused. Was it petty to think ill of the dead? He rather thought that, wherever he was, Black would be horrified if Snape had been less contemptuous of him. Not that Snape would be high on Black’s list of concerns.
How informed were the dead? Did they know what happened to those still living? God, I hope not. Snape would rather Lily didn’t know just how much he’d ruined his life. He shook his head. Can’t keep wandering like this. His thoughts were everywhere tonight. Perhaps his focus was impaired by his overly long nap. What was he doing here? Looking through the debris for a clue was fruitless.
Snape climbed the stairs one last time. Impossible though the task, he had to do something. In the last room he paused. He knew what was in here, and what wasn’t, but he was unable to prevent himself from looking. It was her handwriting after all.
He walked to the chest of drawers and knelt down. There was nothing underneath. Snape slowly sat down on the slashed bed. The letter and photograph, what remained of them, were gone. Why? There was nothing important. Yaxley would have overlooked it surely?
Potter must have it. Or course he would have taken it. But did that tell him anything? Could it help him anticipate where Potter would be? What was in the letter? Snape pressed his fingers to his temples.
Remember the details. She had sounded so happy. Lily. In hiding with her one-year-old son and sounding so happy. A birthday party. That was it. And who was the guest? Something about Grindelwald. Bagshot. Bathilda Bagshot was there.
Snape opened his eyes and sighed. No clues there. If Potter had the letter and wanted a trip down memory lane, he would have visited Bathilda already. Snape swore. If he had realized this earlier, he might have intercepted Potter at Godric’s Hollow. Oversights like this could lose the war.
I’m sorry, Lily. I keep making these mistakes. He locked the house up carefully, averting his eyes from the vicious slashes in the furniture, the gutted walls, and the flooded kitchen Molly had kept so immaculate. Barely tolerated, he had said. But still here he had been, in a way, welcome.
End Notes:
Thank you everyone for reading!
Chapter 11 by Meadowsweet
Author's Notes:
The quote from canon dialogue is bracketed for citation. DH first U.S. Edition, 2007, Arthur A Leving Books, Scholastic. Page 341. All belongs to J.K. Rowling.
Ice crystals had already formed on the pond after Theophany’s morning swim. Her plunge into its icy murk might look impressive, if one missed the thawing spell she cast beforehand. If anyone noticed her rigour in exercise and work over the past few days, they didn’t comment. No matter how vigorously she worked she still felt weakened and listless.
The truth was Theophany’s skin was itching with impatience. She wanted desperately to be doing something. Not that she was idle, her own work continued. Work both legal (the distribution of potions) and illegal (the distribution of Muggle-borns). Ike, always a blessing, was needed more than ever to take over the housework. Mr. Knapp and Boniface saw to the farm; Merryn would look in to help with bookkeeping. And Silyn came and went as the wind. Tonight he would be coming, and with guests.
The Fidelius Charm on the valley was generations deep, one of the long time homes of the Tuatha De Danann. When the Dagda needed a place to meet, The Mill was ideal. Shortly, Maeven would arrive with Broughton Drake and the Onwudiwe siblings. Otho Aubuchon was usually late.
Theophany realized that Maeven was likely still angry with her. Otho would probably pretend they had never met, and she’d never spoken to Drake before. She was doubly glad, then, when Zuri Onwudiwe arrived first.
The Nigerian witch strode up the path through the snow and slush looking as she always did. Impeccable, elegant. Theophany, a great deal shorter and unkempt, felt all thumbs around Zuri. It didn’t help she was covered in Goddard’s degreaser and wearing an old apron of her father’s. Zuri took both of Theophany’s hands in hers, ignoring the degreaser.
–Oh, no, here use the dish towel.â€
But Zuri didn’t let go.
–Theophany, I haven’t seen you in months. How are you?â€
–Really, I’m alright.â€
–Silyn told me about the attack. But you continued working after losing your memory; I expected no less.â€
Zuri didn’t gush. She simply spoke and her words sank into you. Theophany noticed she didn’t ask for details about the attack or the current state of Theophany’s memories. Zuri had worked in the Department of Mysteries before transferring to Magical Law Enforcement for reasons she never volunteered. She, of all people, would understand why some questions shouldn’t be asked.
–I’m so glad you’re here today. I’m rather afraid Maeven’s washed his hands of me.â€
Zuri grinned slyly.
–You are too valuable for him to do that. And too important to the valley. Yes, I heard Maeven wasn’t pleased with events in Durham. He wished to discuss it today, I believe.â€
Theophany’s heart sank. She busied herself washing her hands at the kitchen sink.
–Well, that’s me sorted then. I won’t be on duty again for the duration of the war, I suppose.â€
–Hardly.†Zuri moved comfortably about the kitchen getting tea. –I told you you're too useful. Besides Maeven doesn't have the only vote. Sipho and Aubuchon know your potential, as do I.â€
–Besides,†Zuri winked, –I think Broughton likes you, or looking at you at least. I think you scare him a little. We’ll use that. So get rid of that apron and let your hair down.â€
Theophany sputtered. Zuri was sly again.
–I speak both figuratively and literally. Relax, be yourself. But also, wear your hair down. You look lovely, and that won’t hurt.â€
Theophany looked at her hands, scrubbed pink. –I’ll go make myself decent, shall I?â€
–I can handle them until you’re ready.â€
It was true. If Maeven thought her incompetent, then she had best present herself well. But –letting her hair down†for Broughton Drake? Zuri had to be joking. Nevertheless Theophany untied her hair and let it fall to her waist. Flyaway waves like her mother’s, but so much darker.
They were gathered at the kitchen. Ike was passing around a plate of hot buns. Zuri was pouring the tea. Theophany said good morning and sat down. Otho Aubuchon returned her greeting politely, Broughton Drake nodded with his usual sobriety, and Maven jerked his chin.
Zuri must surely have been joking about Drake. Theophany cast her an annoyed glance and accepted marmalade from Ike. Silyn and Sipho arrived minutes apart, and the meeting commenced.
Once Theophany reported the number of fugitives Frog’s Hollow was sustaining, supplies required, and declared any necessary steps for security or resources, her part was done. As Secret Keeper, the immediate concerns of the valley were her job. Aubuchon had reports concerning the –Muggle Relocation Camps.†Silyn and Maeven reported Death Eater movements in areas of higher security and interest.
–We’ve noticed the rate of random sweeps has grown, and many locations are reporting multiple sweeps.†Silyn hesitated for a moment. –It’s theorized that they’re looking for something. Or someone.â€
There was a brief silence. After the fall of the Ministry every one wondered what the next move would be, but instead the world had become stagnant under a puppet regime. The darkest wizard of their time must have something else planned. Theophany looked hard at her tea leaves. We’re all waiting for the other shoe to drop.
–It might be multiple persons,†Maeven said at last. –The Prophet’s list of most wanted individuals is no surprise, mostly associated with Hogwarts or Albus Dumbledore in some way. They could simply up.â€
–Then why not simply torch whole communities? Mass executions until they give themselves up?†Theophany asked bluntly. –There has to be something for them to lose or they wouldn’t be moving so cautiously. Or secretly.â€
Maeven might have argued the point, but Silyn spoke up.
–There’s something still in play.â€
They all looked at him. He was staring at his plate. When he glanced up, he started sheepishly, –Just my opinion, sorry. No vision or anything.â€
Zuni laughed, and the moment passed. In the subsequent refilling of tea cups Otho Aubuchon said casually, –Speaking of areas of concentrated Death Eater presence, I’ve noticed for sometime an interesting focus.†He accepted his tea from Zuri, but Theophany felt he was addressing her. –Godric’s Hollow.â€
Now the silence was profound. That place meant too much to be taken lightly. Otho raised an eyebrow at Theophany.
–You look a little alarmed.â€
Was this a test? A challenge? With Otho one couldn’t be sure.
–I only thought...†Theophany replied carefully, –That is, I’m aware many dark spells and concoctions exist that require the - the remains of an enemy.â€
She’d effectively killed the mood. Drake was looking at her with a kind of horror, Maeven bristling with impatience.
–Has there been some activity in Godric’s Hollow?†she asked Otho.
He smiled. –No, that’s just it. But over the past few months there has been a great deal of activity around it. The village was the first to be emptied of Muggle-borns, rather a strange priority, don’t you think? A one-pub village in the west country?â€
–A one-pub village with famous significance,†Theophany interjected.
–Historic significance,†Maeven emphasized. –It’s no threat now. What will the Death Eaters do? Deface the Potter monument?â€
–Why do you bring this up now?†Sipho leaned forward. –If there’s been no change in activity?â€
Otho shrugged. –Merely an anomaly I wished to share; no action need be taken. After all,†he said innocently, –I don’t know for certain. We don’t have an agent there. And, besides, we have other matters to discuss-â€
Sipho shook his head. –But we should see what state the village is in. If every Muggle-born was –relocatedâ€, it could be deserted, used by the enemy for some purpose.â€
–That’s speculation! And we don’t have the resources to post someone in every hamlet!†Maeven pointed out.
–Not permanently, no. But surely we can send someone to reconnoiter?â€
–We have no one capable available.â€
–Miss Knapp seems fully capable,†Drake said at last. –Surely her duties do not tie her here?â€
–Miss Knapp,†Maeven said stiffly, –has not been proven capable of active duty.â€
–Well, it’s on the agenda, so we might as well discuss it now. Frankly I don’t see cause for concern. Miss Knapp, how many Eaters did you handle in Durham? On your own, yes?â€
Counting the one I fraternized with? Theophany wondered. Aloud she answered, –I’m not sure.â€
–She’s not sure,†Maeven repeated. –Just as she’s not sure how long it took Isha Korrapati to evacuate Oglethorpe, or how long after that they were attacked, or how long she searched for Korrapati after he regained consciousness. We cannot send someone incapable of forming a clear report on a reconnaissance mission.â€
Theophany wanted to disappear, but instead she forced herself to look at each of them in turn. Silyn was wisely holding his tongue; the others seemed deep in thought. Everyone except Zuri, who winked at her, and Otho, who looked only mildly interested. What was his motive for pushing this?
–What was Korrapati’s report?i†Sipho asked.
–He was able to report what time he delivered the professor to the safe house.â€
–But that’s all?†Sipho pressed. –He couldn’t guess how long he’d been unconscious, or how long he searched the area before reporting in?â€
–He couldn’t say,†Maeven said stiffly.
–Well, I don’t blame him,†Otho cut in. –He was attacked, and the whole operation was a fiasco. Why that many Death Eaters turned up in the first place is a mystery, plus having only three operatives watching the house at the time our main force was attacked-â€
–Our patrols were scattered and were to report in and be redirected to strategic points surrounding-â€
–But Miss Knapp and Mr. Korrapati were sent ahead,†Otho continued smoothly, –because you wanted Miss Knapp to carry a message, a directive, to her brother. That, I believe, is the true matter at hand. Asking Miss Knapp to guard her brother, without backup, or safety protocols. The real question is should Silyn utilize the Sight in the field?â€
Theophany nailed him to the back of his chair with a look. None of this was Silyn’s fault. Unfortunately, Otho had the placidity of office paste and seemed unaffected by her glare. The only other person at ease seemed to be Silyn.
–It’s true my trance was of greater depth and duration than usual,†he said pleasantly, –but I can’t pretend it hasn’t happened before.â€
Theophany kept her face neutral. This was news to her.
–It’s infrequent and unpredictable. It doesn't seem to be brought on by my physical condition or surroundings. I simply take longer to come to. I am certain, however, that my state endangered both Theophany and Isha.â€
–But,†Maeven said softly, –It did give us the professor’s location and not a moment too soon.â€
Silyn bowed in his direction slightly.
–Yes, while I can’t predict the future - like the Death Eaters turning up - I can let my mind wander and see things that are happening.â€
–I don’t suppose,†Drake said hesitantly, –you can, er, do it long distance? Keep you safely back, as it were, and have you, um, look from there?â€
Broughton Drake, Theophany decided, was an idiot, valued member of the Dagda or not.
–Unless I had a kind of second sight antenna, no.â€
Theophany, Maeven and Drakes were the only ones to laugh.
–What’s an antenna?†Sipho whispered to Zuri. –Does he mean like an insect?â€
–No, er, like a Muggle device - you know. Reception I think it’s called?†Drake tried to explain. –Anyway, without proper protocols in place for protecting Silyn I think Theophany and Isha did a bang up job in a sticky situation.â€
Honestly, Theophany wondered, was it the way Drake spoke or simply the idea he found her attractive that made him so annoying? There was a chorus of murmurs around the table, and Otho swiftly stepped in and closed the deal.
–In that case, I move that the question of Miss Knapp’s actions should be removed from the agenda and Silyn’s use in the field discussed in its place-â€
–Seconded,†murmured Drake.
–Thank you, so,†Otho continued blandly, as if his original subject hadn’t changed. –I think at least three days surveillance is merited, given the significance of the location. Miss Knapp, how soon can you be ready to leave for Godric’s Hollow?â€
Theophany thought for a moment. It felt more like punishment than vindication, and it was probably Otho’s grunt work she was accepting. There was always work to do, but no new refugees had claimed asylum; everyone was for the most part settled.
–Tonight,†she said firmly.
There was less to prepare than she had expected. Zuri had generously offered to help, but Theophany had insisted it hardly needed two to pack a single bag. Now she stared at the bag sitting on her bed. Silyn knocked on the door jam.
–Hm? Yes. It’s just...everything seemed so complicated a few days ago. Not enough time for anything. Now everything I need is in this bag. Silyn, am I a terrible guardian? Should I be staying here and not running off trying to feel useful?â€
–Don’t pretend this is for your own gratification. You hate surveillance.â€
–Still, should I stay? Instead of contingency plans for Boniface and the twins I should stay here and make sure those plans aren’t needed. I feel I’ve been coming and going. Mostly going.â€
Silyn puffed out his cheeks.
–Theophany, I don’t know what to say. But please stop talking like you’re useless and have to try to be of help. The only reason we have any network of information is because of your Wolfsbane. Also you’re protecting not just the family but the community by being Secret Keeper. The fact that you can do all that and still take an active part in the resistance isn’t a bad thing.â€
–What about you? Will you be allowed to continue to help in your own way?â€
Silyn picked at the wall.
–That’s not up to me. Under discussion until further notice, it seems. So,†he shrugged, –who are you going to be?â€
Theophany placed the carefully wrapped bottle of Polyjuice Potion in the carpet bag.
–A maiden aunt visiting relatives. Good thing it’s nearly Christmas.â€
The woman whose hair provided the Polyjuice Potion was named Elaine Boergenpoeffer, and she bred Kneazle crossbreeds some miles from Frog’s Hollow. She was ramrod straight with weathered skin and hair gone mostly gray. Theophany completed the look with a giant shawl wrapped tightly up to her nose, the perfect country aunt. No one worth noticing.
A Muggle house right in the center of Godric’s Hollow advertised a room to let, and there Theophany knocked. The view was perfect -- she could see from the church down to the pub. Watching her host’s eyes glaze, Theophany had explained at length that, –With the house overfull of relatives visiting for the holidays it only made sense for someone to stay nearby, and with the bus it was only minutes away…â€
There would be no further questions about her stay. Her host’s wife however seemed eager to chat and, with one eye watching passersby on the street, Theophany exchanged home remedies for cough and bad backs for bread pudding and cordial recipes. She retired early, making herself some hot milk with fussy precision.
The Polyjuice would wear off shortly. In the meantime she sat in the dark, waiting for the village to go to sleep. Godric’s Hollow wasn’t a busy place at the best of times; now in the dead of winter it barely woke at all. The only activity after dinner was the straggling line of visitors to the pub. About 10 o’clock they came back out again, talking in groups kept close against the cold, determinedly homeward bound though the snow.
Hardly a ghost town, but the next thing to it. Everyone was very old. Many of the houses had no lights. A village where young people grew up to leave the old behind. Then the war had started and the population thinned further.
Everyone walking beneath her window had, legitimately or otherwise, met the Ministry’s new standards for magical citizenship. Either that or they were Muggles, confused as to why so many of their neighbors had suddenly –moved away.†Muggle relocation camps. None of the Dagda had seen inside one, security was too high, but Theophany could just imagine.
After midnight she slipped out her window and descended to the street by way of the woodshed and some dustbins. The snow was deep and made it easy to erase her footprints as she went. First a systematic patrol of the village, thorough enough to make Maeven proud. Working from the outer edge she walked in a tightening spiral, fixing streets and places in her head. What houses looked inhabited, or not. She reached the graveyard without finding anything unusual.
In the wee hours she would find a place to watch, before returning to her room at dawn. For now it only seemed fitting to pay her respects.
The statue felt impersonal, a little too public. Rather she turned aside and looked for the house. She had never come to the site before and now, watching it unfold from the concealing charm, she shuddered.
The house was burnt out. Over a decade of disuse couldn’t hide the initial damage. It must have been blown open before its occupants were murdered. So much hate and violence to destroy even the Potter’s hiding place.
Theophany stood in the road trying to imagine. What if this was The Mill? What would it do to her to find her loved ones like this? The house torn open, their death certain before she even found their bodies. Who had discovered the Potters? Not a loved one, she hoped.
The plaque on the garden gate was nearly obscured by scrawled names and initials, Theophilus + Anna, The Katchick Family, Much love, Never forget.
Before returning to her room she walked once through the graveyard. It was old so it meandered around the back of the church, hardly a straight row to be found. Many graves were worn clean of inscriptions but she spotted many famous names. At last she stopped before the Potters. It hadn’t felt right to not see it, after viewing the house, but now that she was here she could hardly find anything to say, much less think. Theophany looked up at the old tree, nearly growing sideways over the graves.
I suppose the greatest thing, to me anyway, is that you only did what you could. You were just protecting your kid, you didn’t know he would survive. Without knowing the consequences you did what you could.
Snow dripped from the branches overhead. She knelt and said a prayer before leaving. She wouldn’t try and drum up some emotion. This place was sacred for the love that was buried there, but it could only be felt by those who had lost them.
Back in her room Theophany caught a few hours sleep before rising early. She left a note saying she’d skip breakfast to take the early bus to her –family’s†house. Without the Polyjuice she’d be a stranger again, so she could wander the streets in daytime without being asked. Today she would explore the surrounding area further, in case Godric’s Hollow wasn’t the main target.
Theophany hadn’t needed Silyn’s reminder she hated surveillance. It was boring and tense at the same time, and she hated Otho Aubuchon before the day was over. The surrounding areas of Godric’s Hollow revealed nothing as there weren’t any surrounding areas. The bus connected some rural stops to each other, but not much else. For some twenty miles this village was the metropolis.
The third day she ate breakfast in her maiden aunt form, chatting with the hosts for any local gossip. As before, she kept an eye out the window but was beginning to think the village had been well and truly deserted, by Muggle-borns and Death Eaters alike. The local Muggles seemed pretty unaware of anything unusual and carried on their lives normally. From her hosts she learned the names of people who had –moved away†unexpectedly in the last six months.
–I suppose people will always be looking for greener grass,†Theophany quavered, –but surely new people must be moving in? The country is so beautiful in these parts.â€
–No, no one new. We hoped some of the nicer old places wouldn’t be left abandoned, but nothing yet. Of course it takes some time, and the market’s been slow...â€
–Oh, let’s not talk economics,†his wife cut in. –It’s not all bad. We have a good amount of old families holding onto their homes. There’s an old dear who lives across the green, still independent at her age and keeping up the house.â€
–You mean old Bathilda? Yes, she’s still sharp. Won’t even let the historical society help out with the house. Haven’t seen her for a bit though. We should probably drop by sometime, be sure she’s not ailing.â€
Theophany made sympathetic noises and finished her meal. She’d be up all night anyway, at least she had a house in particular to watch, though it was a slim enough chance to be worthwhile. Chances were this Bathilda was just gone for the holiday.
Before the Polyjuice wore off, she did some last minute day-before-Christmas shopping in the village. Everything was decorated for the holiday; lights in every window turned the icicles into prisms and bathed everyone in a golden glow. She was missing the preparations at home, but she could trust Dad and Ike to put up the tree. They would make it merry for the twins and Merryn’s girls. Somehow. Tomorrow. It would all be done tomorrow. Today she had only to watch, once more.
After making a show of catching the bus she Disapparated back to the village and cast a Disillusionment Charm. St Clementine’s was a beautiful little church, well kept. The steps to the roof, though dusty from disuse, were in good repair. With a non-burning flame in a bottle under her cloak, Theophany was warm enough atop the square bell tower. She could overlook the square, and all roads converged here.
Not that trouble would necessarily come by road. But, if they cared to preserve the Secrecy Act, it was a possibility. It had bothered her and the rest of the resistance. Why, now that You-Know-Who was in power, was the Ministry still preserving the Act? Everyone had expected mass terror towards Muggles, supremacy of the Wizarding race and all that. Why wasn’t he furthering his victory? What was he waiting for? Theophany found she was holding her breath and sighed. And why was Severus Snape acting like time had run out? What event was he waiting for?
Theophany worked these questions over until she ran out of possible explanations. Then she recited every poem, song, prayer, and potion she could recall from memory. She then started trying to figure out a way of reducing Doxy Venom for potency without rendering it unstable. Flobberworm mucus would thicken it quickly but would also dilute the mixture. This problem occupied her until lunch.
Theophany descended to the street before lifting the Disillusionment Charm long enough to buy a meat pie and an orange. The Polyjuice had worn off, so no chance of her being recognized as she made her way back to the belltower.
After lunch it was only a short time until dusk. It was fully dark a little after four o’clock and she was able to move about more freely. Theophany occupied herself running in place and stretching until the carol service started. Singing under her breath, she joined the congregation and fell silent with them when the school choir took over, voices impossibly young and strong. In the crystalline night the children’s voices, starlight, and drifting snow became one.
Afterwards she watched the congregation leave the church in small groups, trailing home or to the pub. Theophany sighed and jogged in place a little, her limbs feeling cold and heavy. By the time they trailed - full of cheer - out of the pub again she was leaning on the parapet counting fence posts surrounding the graveyard.
It was dinnertime on Christmas Eve, and the little village of Godric’s Hollow was officially closed for business. Anyone outside now would have to be a suspicious character. Except them. The middle aged couple in the graveyard. They couldn't be more normal. There wasn’t anyone else about though, and it was a bit dark for visiting a grave. It could easily be a relative who’d died on Christmas, Theophany chided herself, don’t be overly suspicious. The couple stayed there for a bit; it was too far away to see, but they were definitely spending time at a particular grave. Theophany watched them more from idleness than anything else.
Below, a door opened and shut, probably someone letting the dog out. The couple in the graveyard moved away from the church towards the road and then disappeared.
Theophany nearly fell from the parapet. They hadn’t Disapparated; it wasn’t a Disillusionment Charm either. Something had simply passed over them and they were gone. She’d never seen anything like it.
Theophany ran around the parapet, scanning all sides. No sign of them. There was an old woman shuffling down the road, but no one else. Theophany quickly cast a Disillusionment Charm on herself and hurried down the stairs.
Outside she moved across to the graveyard and paused to listen. The old woman had reached the ruins of the Potter house. She stood there for a moment, then turned around and started shuffling back. She hadn’t even glanced at the house, but she was quite old. A bit confused perhaps?
Theophany breathed softly. If her targets were invisible, they could still be in the graveyard, or nearby. Across from her the old woman had shuffled to the front steps of her own cottage. She took a moment with her keys. Maybe not so absent minded from age, then. The woman opened the door, entered, and then stepped aside. Theophany leaned forward, wand ready, as the woman held the door open for a moment, standing politely to the side. She was letting someone in.
The door shut and Theophany ran across the road to the cottage. Pressing her ear against the door she could make out voices but little else. A man was speaking, but it was a young man. Where were the invisible old couple?
Theophany moved from the door to the window. A heavy curtain covered it, the same at the next and at the back. All garden level windows were covered. Theophany returned to the cottage front. Should she try and get in? A light flickered in an upstairs window. There was no way she could learn what was happening from down here.
–Ascendio,†she whispered.
It was no harder than the train had been, really. She had only a few seconds to target and cushion her fall. She landed by the chimney and hooked an arm around it, her foot clattered against the gutter and for a moment she froze. Nothing.
There was a voice inside, the young man again. Theophany moved forward on her stomach towards the edge. If she dangled a little she could get close to the window. There was movement inside, a crash and a shout. A struggle? Over the noise she heard the young man again,
[–He’s coming!â€]
Theophany jerked back as something hit the window. There was the sound of running footsteps. Some struggle was happening in the room beneath her. If they weren't on the same side, why enter the house so easily? If reinforcements were coming, best not be in the open.
She slid off the roof and dangled by her hands before she tumbled into the overgrown snowy garden. There had once been fragrant herbs here; also visible were the rotted carcases of vegetables and gourds. It looked oddly neglected. There was a loud crack of Apparation from the street.
Careful of thorns and broken trellis, Theophany pulled back a little brown foliage to look through the fence into the street. A wizard stood there, straining forward as if listening for something. His head jerked up and his hood fell back.
Theophany froze. Her body screamed at her to burrow for cover, but she didn’t dare move. It wasn’t a human face. Red eyes slid beneath lashless eyes in a bone-white face, the snake-like nostrils quivering. Theophany could believe she was seeing a demon.
His gaze seemed to look through everything around him. She could feel her legs quivering and bit her tongue. Not a move. Not a sound. With a predatory hiss he sprang forward, feet barely touching the ground. The front door burst open for him, falling crazily from its hinges. Theophany fell back into the garden, clamping her hands over her mouth, tasting blood…He was here.
Her body was frozen, but she should be moving. Quickly. From the house came the crack of Disapparation and a scream; a scream of inhuman rage. Theophany threw herself from the garden bed, legs shaking, and scrambled through the fence to the street. She had to see what happened. Back to the church.
The howls of rage continued. Disapparating would be heard. Damn it that she’d promised not to fly, but having seen You-Know-Who’s unearthly glide she wasn’t sure she could ever stomach flying again.
Theophany only made it as far as the church doors before Death Eaters Apparated in the street. She was surprised to see only two. She pushed herself into the wall of the narthex, but they seemed more eager to join their master and hurried towards the cottage.
Theophany’s mind started to move again. If the other party had escaped and that was the Disapparation crack she had heard earlier, then the Eaters would be sent to search, no matter how futile. For her own safety she had to leave. There was nothing more she could do here.
Theophany peered into the street. It was oddly mute. Were they using a silencing spell? As she watched, a pale figure exited the house. Theophany’s knees started trembling, but she kept watching as the darkest wizard of the age flicked his wrist and the cottage broke open like an egg. Out of the broken roof leapt dark flames, opening in a maw and snapping at the sky. From the windows fiery serpents writhed and melted the casements. Fiendfyre? She’d never seen it before. Theophany felt sure she was seeing a repeat of the Potter house, the ruins of which were only a few blocks down. With only a glance at his handiwork, the Dark Lord Disapparated, and the street was silent except for the cracks and groans of the burning house.
Theophany forced her jellied limbs to move. The other Death Eaters had to have Disapparated from inside before the fire was set. She had minutes to see whatever evidence had survived. The front door was the mouth of a furnace. Theophany covered her face and yelled, –Partis Temporis!â€
Fiendfyre though it may be, it still parted under her wand. Even so, the heat was blinding. She had only moments to decide where to look. The struggle had taken place upstairs, so she cleared the way and ran up the cracking, swaying, staircase. The window she’d listened at had been in front, by the chimney. Accordingly she raced down the hallway, wand before her.
The smoke too parted under the dispersing spell, but the heat made everything hazy, and she stumbled over the corpse before she saw him. A Death Eater. So they hadn’t left the house. Why had he summoned them at all? Theophany proceeded carefully. There should be two more. One was halfway inside the room itself, the second was slumped against the wall where he’d presumably been thrown. The bodies were already charring and the smell was making her dry eyes sting. But there was something else on the ground.
Theophany moved towards the window, squinting. It couldn’t be a fourth corpse, it looked like a cast off pair of clothes or...Theophany retched and stumbled back. She tried to catch her breath but the airless room only made her head spin. Holding her sleeve over her mouth and nose, she crept closer to the thing. It was skin, and hair, and even teeth. It had once been a person.
The house trembled, and the remaining pane of glass in the window shattered. Theophany took a glance around, but everything not currently burning was already ashes. There would be no clues for her here. She Disapparated as she heard a great crash from below, the stairs collapsing, she guessed.
The cold winter night hit her like an ice bath, and her eyes started streaming. Her first thought had been home, and that’s where she had Apparated, just at the edge of the wood at the end of the path to The Mill. Should she have reported to Maeven first? Floo would be adequate to contact him. For now, she wanted desperately to be sick.
Theophany’s stomach heaved, a combination of smoke and disgust. Even though her skin felt scorched, she was shivering. Shock? Best to hurry home. The lights were on at The Mill, and she was reminded that it wasn’t yet ten o’clock; time seemed to have flowed differently for her today. If the twins were still up, it would be best they didn’t see her looking like this.
Theophany let herself in and peered cautiously into the parlor. Lissy, her sister-in-law, was kneeling in front of an enthusiastically decorated tree. Her hands were full of yellow tinsel which she dropped when Theophany hissed at her, –Lissy! Are the twins upstairs?â€
–Wha- oh gosh...†Lissy’s violet eyes grew huge with shock. –Theophany!â€
–Shh! I just need to get cleaned up before they see me.â€
–Here, let me take you.â€
Lissy, in her flowered apron and smelling pleasantly of chocolate and cinnamon, took Theophany’s smoke-soaked cloak and herded her upstairs to her room. Moving surprisingly silently and swiftly for a mother in her second trimester, she smuggled out the rest of Theophany’s clothing, most of it scorched or smudged with ash, and left her to wash and get dressed, promising not to say a word. Merryn had married such a practical person. Lissy had never not been capable of dealing with the Knapps, no matter how wildly they behaved.
Theophany toweled her hair somewhat dry and left it hanging, its cool dampness pleasant on her still hot skin. She lit a fire in her small bedroom hearth and tried making contact with Maeven by Floo, but no one seemed present, even when she called out. The best she could do was send him an owl. She woke Hero and sent the disgruntled owl with a brief note, no details; how would she even begin to put it in writing?
Theophany heard the twins race down the stairs, chasing the girls. Merryn and Lissy’s daughters were nine and six. Young enough to believe the adults were capable of handling everything, that nothing bad could happen on Christmas. Probably everyone was in the kitchen, toasting in the fireplace and sharing eggnog. She had planned on joining them but could she manage it?
The sudden change in atmosphere from peril to home was unbalancing, and her knees were starting to shake again. She had seen him, and she doubted she could explain that terror to anyone else. What was so important for him to come personally? Who were the two old people who had disappeared in the graveyard? And what was that thing, that empty sack she’d found coiled on the floor? He’d killed his own followers, in anger or punishment, so it was likely the only people who knew what had happened that night were You-Know-Who and Theophany Knapp. Theophany, who had no idea what to do with this information beyond report it.
She stood up. Someone else should know. Someone with more knowledge than she. Again she unrolled a piece of parchment and addressed it Severus Snape. How to even begin to explain? Just stick with the facts. Try to be brief. She longed to disclose all her fear and incredulity, to examine her actions, but that wouldn’t be helpful.
She hurried down the stairs and out the front door to avoid the kitchen. Walking around the house to the back, she entered the barn and climbed to the loft. Roosted cosily in the rafters were two owls, Tabor and Phyllis, Phyllis being another victim of Mr. Knapp’s penchant for names. Tabor woke to Theophany’s whistle and gamely held onto her shoulder as they descended from the loft.
Outside in the clear night Theophany paused to listen. The light from the kitchen fell over the path to the barn and the workshop. Voices could be heard softly. She hesitated over the rolled letter. Should she charm it to reveal its message at touch? Or his eyes only? Finally she decided on a humble, yet somewhat arcane charm. She trusted he could figure it out. She scribbled the destination and tied it to Tabor’s proffered leg. She could feel the owl’s scratchy feathers against her cheek.
–I can’t give you any directions. Good luck.â€
With a modest hoot Tabor unhooked her talons from Theophany’s robes and leapt into the air.
Maeven was standing in the open kitchen door. He must have been nearby for Hero to find him so quickly.
–Tell me where that owl is going.â€
Theophany turned back to the sky; Tabor was a fluttering shadow in the distance.
–No,†she said gently.
Maeven sighed. –Theophany Knapp, you must tell me where that owl is going. Who are you contacting?â€
Tabor was out of sight. Theophany turned back and looked at Maeven . In the light from the kitchen window his face was deeply creased but he didn’t seem angry.
–I can’t, Maeven . I’m sorry.â€
–Then I have no choice.â€
–I know. First come inside and have something to drink. It’s Christmas Eve.â€
They crunched through the new snow towards the kitchen. The children’s voices could be heard buzzing with excitement. Theophany, still a little sick and trembly, stumbled a little on the path. Maeven put out a hand and took Theophany’s arm.
–Slippery here,†he said gruffly.
Theophany thanked him. It was good to know, even though she would never again be allowed to be a member of the Dagda, she wouldn’t lose this friend.
Chapter 12 by Meadowsweet
Author's Notes:
Quotes from the canon are bracketed. Cited in order of appearance, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, 2007, Arthur A. Levine Books, Scholastic. p. 372, p 374, p.689.
None of this belongs to me, all is J.K. Rowling's. Except Theophany Knapp.
After spending two days in the headmaster’s office Snape was out of paperwork. It was a phenomenon. He hadn’t believed it possible. The only option left to him now was to pace in front of Phineas’s portrait.
Snape was terrified of not being in the office when and if Phineas had news. By the time Snape received any message, Potter could have moved on. At first Snape considered using his health as an excuse for his confinement, but he realized no one would even care. When he didn’t show up for meals, they were more likely to be relieved than concerned. Fortunately, it was the holiday, the school was nearly empty, and the demands on him were few.
That didn’t stop Alecto from knocking on his office door. After pretending to be out the first few times he’d started just ignoring her, not caring if she knew he was there or not. Surely she had better things to do?
–Not now, Albus.â€
–I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were busy.â€
Snape was currently slumped in an armchair staring at the ceiling.
–This is what it looks like when I’m working.â€
–Maybe you could try eating or sleeping for a change.â€
–My health seems a popular concern, despite my being universally despised. Pomona, Alecto, Knapp–â€
–Knapp? Isn’t that the young lady whose memories you wiped? Why would she be concerned for the health of someone about to take her memory?â€
–No, this was after.â€
The portrait’s eyebrows kept climbing higher.
–After Obliviation?â€
Snape sighed.
–It’s complicated, Albus. I told you she’s not a concern–â€
An owl swooped through the open window and circled the room.
–Do you intend to stay in your office until Phineas has news? That could take days, weeks, avoiding your staff, not speaking to anyone–â€
Snape watched the owl.
–Seems pleasant enough, Albus.â€
Perching on the chair opposite Snape, the owl regarded him with suspicious eyes before fluttering to his armrest. More Ministry business. Anything to occupy his mind and time was welcome. He slipped the rolled parchment from the pouch and unrolled it. It was blank. Snape stood slowly. It hadn’t responded to his touch. He turned it over. Nothing. There were many spells to secure a letter. Who would be writing to him at the school? The address, written hurried and round, read simply, Severus Snape, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
–Be careful, Severus.†Albus leaned forward in his frame.
Snape nodded absently and tried a reversal charm. Nothing, so not an invisibility spell. It was a long shot but he raised the parchment to his chin and breathed on it. The parchment crackled and a brief spider web of ink showed for a moment. So breath wasn’t enough; he needed a specific word.
–I haven’t seen that in years,†Albus mused. –It was very popular with the students at one time. I remember there was a Valentine’s Day when everything was spelled to open at the whispered name of the sender, but everyone kept guessing the wrong person, the person they hoped had sent it, and everything ended in tears. Rather arcane magic.â€
Snape squinted at the paper. Maybe because it was arcane, maybe because they had just been speaking of her, but it seemed a growing possibility.
–Theophany Knapp,†He breathed. Again only the crackle. –Theophany?â€
The parchment flattened out and writing appeared to race across it with an invisible hand. Ink splotches appeared and the occasional drip.
Severus Snape,
I keep a promise. This isn’t interfering but simply passing information. Tonight in Godric’s Hollow there was an attack. It’s hard to explain what I saw, as I don’t understand it myself, but I will try and just give the facts in chronological order.
A pair of Muggles, middle-aged caucasian man and woman, disappeared before my eyes. It wasn’t Disapparation, or a disillusionment charm. It was exactly as if something swallowed them up or passed over them. I have never seen anything like it.
Only minutes after they disappeared an elderly woman the neighbors tell me is Bathilda Bagshot left her house, went for a meaningless stroll of about twenty yards, and then held the door open for an unusually long time on her return. There was an inordinate amount of footprints in the snow outside her door for one person to have made. The only voice I heard within the house was of a young man.
Some sort of struggle took place, the young man shouted someone was coming, and I hid. Please believe me, what happens next is the truth. I swear to you, You-Know-Who Apparated in the street. I hid as best I could, but I believe the only reason I’m alive is because he was intent on whoever was in that house. They must have Disapparated, though, because I could hear him shrieking something; he was angry. He killed the three Death Eaters that arrived to attend him, and lit the house with Fiendfyre.
When I went inside, there was no trace of the Muggles I had seen disappear, only the corpses of the Death Eater and one other. I hesitate to call it a corpse. It was like someone had been skinned, only there appeared to be no damage to the skin at all. Hair, teeth, features, eyes, were all intact. I discovered nothing else in the time I had before the house was consumed.
I’ve thought for some time You-Know-Who is after something or someone. His forces are distracted, scattered, focused on something other than enforcing this new regime. Whoever was in that house is important but I don’t know why. I can only hope you may do something about it.
I know I promised, but if there’s something I can do please let me help. I have a feeling I’ll have some free time in the future.
Theophany Knapp
–It seems Potter went to Godric’s Hollow,†Snape said quietly, –and I had assumed he would have gone already and missed my chance to intercept him.â€
He stared at the letter, then kicked the desk. The inkwell tipped over in a puddle and papers scattered. A water glass rolled off and shattered on the floor with a satisfying smash. He pressed his palms against the cool wood, head bowed.
–Are you sure?â€
–It’s all here, Albus! Obviously, it’s the Invisibility Cloak at work Knapp describes, though she couldn’t know that. It must be Potter. It would seem Miss Granger is with him, which is the only reason he made it out alive, I’m sure,, before the Dark Lord turned up. In person!â€
Snape wiped his mouth; he was spitting with rage.
–If I hadn’t been so complacent I would have been there waiting!â€
Two more glasses shattered and the candles on the desk jumped as he pounded it with his fist.
–You made a logical assumption, Severus.â€
–Yes, but I assumed. That was my mistake. I should have taken nothing, nothing, for granted.â€
He flung himself into the chair.
–The Dark Lord must have had this trap in place for some time, on the off chance,†Snape continued. –Now that he’s come so close, he will redouble his efforts to find Potter and the Elder Wand. In the meantime,†Snape was on his feet again, –what have I accomplished? I can only hope my petty false trail will delay him long enough!â€
–Don’t get overwrought, Severus. Think! You have done–â€
–What have I done?†Snape shouted. –For what reason am I rotting away in this office under false pretences instead of bringing about the end of this war?â€
Dumbledore’s portrait pressed its lips together in a frown.
–You have protected and continue to protect the students I’ve placed in your care. Don’t discount their lives and safety so lightly by deeming your work useless.â€
Snape turned away.
–But it’s not enough. It’s never enough to finish it.â€
He stepped over the broken glass and collapsed into the fireside chair, turning over the contents of Knapp’s letter. He couldn’t explain everything she’d seen or heard either.
Bathilda Bagshot? Why would Potter seek her out? How had she been used by the Dark Lord? –...before the house was consumed.†Had Knapp actually entered the house despite the Fiendfyre? There would be nothing left to see for himself then.
When he found himself thinking in circles, he emptied his mind and tried to breathe regularly, listening to the ticking of the arithmancy clock. Resting. The office grew lighter; he heard the sounds of the school waking up. It was Christmas. Even over the holidays enough students and staff were present to shake the castle awake. Sometime after dawn he must have slept, for he woke to a tapping at the door.
–Headmaster? Headmaster? Are you there?â€
Flitwick? Snape raised his head, mostly in surprise it wasn’t Alecto.
–Alecto says you’ve been ill? I thought maybe…â€
That maybe he was just hiding from the Carrows and would respond to someone else. It seemed his dislike was obvious. Bless Filius for being concerned. Footsteps were heard on the stairs and he heard Flitwick depart hurriedly.
–Headmaster?†Alecto once again. –I’ve brought you a tray from breakfast.â€
Snape’s stomach turned and he clapped a hand over his mouth to stifle the retch.
–I’ll leave it here for now. If you don’t take care of yourself, I’ll have to take steps.â€
Was she being friendly or threatening? He knew which he found more frightening. The Carrows had always been brown-noters, but ever since his promotion to headmaster Alecto had been insufferable. What was her purpose? Was it general ambition, or did she want something specifically? He waited for Alecto’s footsteps to recede before daring to move about.
Snape’s morning routine was mechanical now, simpler than ever before. His spare robes hung in a cabinet, cleaned overnight, everything else he owned was at Spinner’s End, and he was beginning to think he would never need any of it again. He drew back the curtains and saw it had snowed again.
–Merry Christmas, Severus,†whispered Albus.
The holiday passed like any other day secluded in his office. It was so quiet, in fact, that Snape was relieved to see the parliament of owls that gathered the following morning. The usual Ministry correspondence and propaganda twaddle had piled up over the holiday, but it was something to do.
The first owl dropped the Daily Prophet on his ink-splattered desk. Snape picked it up by a corner, read its screaming headline MOST WANTED WIZARD AT LARGE, and dropped it into the wastebin. The search for Potter had already begun anew. The Dark Lord must be frustrated after Potter’s escape from Godric’s Hollow. But there had been no summons, no meeting. The Dark Lord didn’t want his servants to know his failure or how desperate he was becoming.
Snape cleaned up the spilt ink and broken glass, then dealt with school business until breakfast when, taking advantage of the quietness of the castle, he summoned a kitchen elf to bring tea. Dumbledore would frown on it, but the perils of leaving the office were too great. The elf was cheerful, probably the only inhabitant of the castle who was, and the office felt particularly bare and silent after it departed. Snape discarded the sandwich after a taste and found the tea also unpalatable after a few sips. His stomach burned rebelliously and he replaced the cup with regret.
–What is it, Albus?â€
–Read me the letter again.â€
With a sigh Snape picked up Knapp’s letter. The portrait hadn’t gleaned any more from it than himself. He obligingly read it through again. Albus’s painted eyes closed as he listened; the painter had given such detail to the painting Snape could swear the eyelids flickered.
–Someone, or something, was wearing that skin.†Albus said calmly.
Snape’s chin jerked up so fast his teeth clicked.
–I thought about it through the night, and I’m now certain of it. Miss Knapp never saw Bathilda Bagshot go for a walk. That was only all that remained of the poor woman.â€
–I’ve never heard of such a spell…†Snape’s stomach clenched a little, making him glad it was empty.
Albus closed his eyes again, smiling softly.
–Despite your certainty that you are the chief of sinners, Severus, there are depths to the Dark Arts even you haven’t plumbed.â€
–I shall rejoice in my relative innocence –â€
Phineas. The letter fell from Snape’s hand. His heart sped up even as his hearing and vision seemed to dull. He blinked, and it seemed to take an entire minute, and suddenly Phineas was shouting at him.
[–Headmaster! They are camping in the Forest of Dean! The Mudblood – â€]
Phineas was only a painting, a copy of a few character ticks and expressions. It was pointless to be angry. Maybe it was too much exposure to Alecto and Amycus Carrow, maybe it was the pain in his chest. Without thinking he cried out, far louder than he intended, [–Do not use that word!â€]
Phineas stammered, [––The Granger girl, then, mentioned the place as she opened her bag and I heard her!â€]
[–Good! Very Good!†Albus’ portrait cried.]
Time sped up again for Snape. The fog cleared from his mind, though there was a tremor in his hands he didn’t like. Albus was babbling at him as he walked towards it. It couldn’t know he’d lived this moment hundreds of times over. Prepared for it every day. He snapped at the portrait to stop Albus’s enthusiastic flow. He needed a clear head. Snape grabbed his cloak and flung open the door. Move quickly, there’s no way of knowing when they would leave again. If something went wrong, if he missed them…
Severus turned back into the room.
–And you’re still not going to tell me why it’s so important to give Potter the sword?â€
The portrait squinted at him thoughtfully.
–No, I don’t think so. He will know what to do with it.â€
So much faith placed in Potter and yet he still knew nothing. There was no failsafe for the boy’s mission. After the sword was handed over, there was nothing he could do to help.
Albus was still talking, as flustered as a mother hen.
–Don’t worry, Dumbledore, I have a plan…â€
Snape hesitated at the door. The letter from Knapp was still on the ground. Stooping, he snatched it up and pocketed it before locking the headmaster’s office behind him.
The Forest of Dean. Snape couldn’t remember visiting it before. Surely it too had changed. It was suffering from the same malady as London, Malfoy Manor, even Hogwarts. Enemy occupation.
Once pleasant paths were overgrown, others trampled wider, showing the passage of large parties. Snatchers, perhaps. There had been a camp near here, though he wasn’t sure if it was still in use. Of course the presence of Dark magic lent its own particular ambience. Would there be a corner of England left without it?
The winter light, already weak, barely struggled through the tree canopy. It was a forest of grey. Snow and shadow. Potter wouldn’t be moving during the daylight, if he had any intelligence at all. Snape had only until dark to search for their location. It would be heavily warded, but with logic, process of elimination, and if necessary some less than legal spellwork, he could get close.
There were campgrounds, though probably not in use presently. Would Potter -–or, that is to say, Granger -–count on it being deserted and risk it for convenience? First place to check. Secondly, locate the previous Snatchers’ camp. Whether or not it was active, Potter and company would be at the furthest point from it. It was roughly over one hundred square kilometers of woodland he had to search but, he was positive, they wouldn’t be found too near the edges, where Muggles and Snatchers alike were plentiful.
Snape strode forward, through the overgrown path that led to the Muggle campgrounds. Last point, they would need to be near water. He raised his head and sniffed. The air was heavy with snow, no woodsmoke. Snape smiled. He was feeling quite energized again.
By late afternoon he was leaving the Snatchers’ camp. The Muggle campgrounds had seemed truly abandoned, and his spells had revealed nothing. They weren’t foolproof; nothing could detect a wizard properly warded. But he could detect other magic being used and had so far found none.
The Snatchers had proved to be in residence, but it was only a skeleton crew. After over an hour of surveillance while under the disillusionment charm, Snape was certain that Potter was not already a prisoner before continuing the search.
Snape’s legs were cramped, his feet frozen. If he had kept moving, some of his excited energy might have stayed, but now, after sitting so long in the cold, he was slow and aching. Even at his worst, Snape doubted the Snatchers were any threat to him. He thought the rank and file Death Eaters were knuckle draggers, but these wizards were in a class of their own. Somewhere below the missing link, he imagined. Where was the Ministry even finding them? They made Goyle bright and charming by comparison.
Striking east, moving parallel to the river, he was in an area with no paths. Only the occasional forester’s road would snake through the trees. No Muggle forester had been here for a while, though, and other inhabitants had moved in. They were attracted no doubt by the Dark magic and, Snape reflected as he stepped around a web with threads as thick as his arm, food. He would have to check with Hagrid whether all the Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest were accounted for.
Hagrid, who could barely stand to be in the same room with him. Best not ask, probably. Snape couldn’t afford to be broken in half prematurely. Loyal Hagrid perhaps suffered the most under Headmaster Snape. The thought of Dumbledore’s murderer residing at Hogwarts was slowly killing the groundskeeper. To be as simple as Hagrid, Snape mused. He paused, surprised that he hadn’t meant anything derogatory by the thought. With a smile that wasn’t exactly amused he stepped carefully over a cocoon the size of an Airedale terrier. It seemed he even envied Hagrid now.
Camping near an Acromantula nest, relying on the insanity of it, seemed much more Potter’s style. Snape’s progress was slow. He was forced to alter his course around the webs, avoiding setting off any vibration that would alert a hungry spider. It was a halting but elegant dance through the forest. Sidestep, sidestep, slither, slide. One Acromantula wouldn’t be the end of him. But two or three would easily corner him and Snape wasn’t sure, in his current condition, if he could sustain flight.
Once he had reached the northeast edge without spotting anything, he assumed that Potter was camped in the interior, an area of a few square kilometers. Easy enough to flush him out.
A snap and crack came from overhead. Snape threw himself to the forest floor, a disillusionment charm already in place. By the time one heard an Acromantula it was close, close enough to leave its silent web and hook its clawed feet into the supporting trees.
A little ahead of him a leg, the thickness of a sapling tree, descended from the canopy. It waved gently, joined by a second leg. Together they moved in a slow search, scenting, tasting the air. After a moment they were withdrawn before the full Acromantula became visible, leaping briefly into sight as it crossed between trees.
Snape lay on the frozen ground a little longer, feeling the snow melt into his robes and chill his skin. He had the patience to survive, but would he start coughing from the cold? He focused on breathing lightly, eyes fixed on the trees around him. Minutes passed. Each agonizing minute he promised himself to wait one more, and then one more again.
By the time he dared stand, the light had changed. Afternoon was going to shortly change to dusk. Snape drew his wand and cleaned his robes, briefly. He dared not conjure any fire for warmth, being dry again would have to be enough. Snape resumed his careful progress through the spiders’ domain, this time moving inwards. He would trust his instinct they had camped in the interior.
A half hour later he had left the last of the webs behind him, and an hour after that he’d found the perfect place. It was almost centered in the forest, a frozen pool of water. It was the largest he had seen; similar smaller pools were scattered nearby. The perfect area to camp. But what if Potter had already left?
Snape studied his blurred reflection in the ice. He’d have to take the chance that Potter was still here and lure him out. If he wasn't, then Severus was risking announcing his presence to somebody, or something, else.
When he’d told Dumbledore he had a plan, in fact he had several. Each depended on the environment and situation in which he discovered Potter. The sword had to appear to have been waiting for the boy. Specifically for him. A message from Albus from beyond the grave. Severus had considered guarding the sword with a riddle, similar to what Albus had used on the Mirror of Erised to hide the Philosopher’s Stone. But no, that was more Granger’s forte. If the boy was to believe the sword had been left for him alone to find, then the situation must speak to Potter’s strengths. A task of some difficulty but not necessarily clever. Foolhardy and brave.
For a moment Snape was standing on the shores of the Great Lake at Hogwarts, watching Albus’s sad smile as Potter struggled ashore dragging two hostages. The feat worthy of a Gryffindor. He needed a task for a Gryffindor.
Snape tested the ice with a foot. It groaned but didn’t crack. Thick, and solid, the water below would have been undisturbed for weeks, freezing. Perfect. Would it work? It was a gamble. The boy would remember the lake. Of course, compared to the Black Lake, the pond was laughable, but it had its own particular hardship. Snape pointed his wand.
The ice snapped and water sloshed across its grey surface. It could be magically refrozen in a moment but, if he changed the temperature of the water too much, refreezing would take longer. It was nearly dark, Potter could be planing to move again, and Snape didn’t have that much time. Besides, a test of courage had to be set up properly. Any spellwork from the shore would be insufficient, suspiciously sloppy.
He’d chosen Glaedwyn’s Canticle for Binding and a basic sealing spell. They should prevent all forms of magical retrieval. However they were useless if not cast directly on the object. Snape shuddered once in dread before removing his boots.
The behaviour of magic under the elements was something not studied enough. Few students realized that air, water, fire, and earth, all had an inherent power of their own and could limit, warp, or otherwise influence spellcasting.
Snape left his cloak on the ground, methodically folding his robes on top to keep them dry. The sword he kept in his hand, his wand he put into his trousers pocket.
Elemental effects were a primitive study of magic long since out of fashion and practice. The first step into the water bit his bare foot and sent a dull shock up his leg. was a shame that the older forms of magic were only referenced in the most theoretical fashion…
He waded further in, and thought became impossible.
The sword was suddenly incredibly heavy. Mind numbed with cold, he expected it to grow in weight intent to drown him. Despite his being a Slytherin and a Death Eater, maybe it would make an exception and not drag him to his death. The water was now past his waist. There was no help for it but to dive.
Snape had learned to swim only through necessity. His parents weren’t the type to take him to the community center for the youth program. The Great Lake at Hogwarts had been his pool and his lessons were held whenever Potter and Black had thrown him into it. Eventually he learned to sink while holding his breath, struggling a little for show. No wonder he’d never enjoyed swimming. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears now, sinking deep into the murky water and duckweed.
The water around him seemed to flicker between the grey water of the forest pond and the cool green of the Great Lake. His heartbeat sounded too loudly. The Sword of Gryffindor seemed to drag him faster and faster towards the bottom. The cold didn’t cease to be shocking, but it no longer bit but rather pulsed through him.
At last he felt sand and small stones scraping his outstretched hand, his frozen feet, and he let the sword settle flat on its side. In this dim underworld it was almost too bright to look at. His chest was tight. Better hold on a little longer...make sure Potter and Black had grown bored and left...what was he doing with his wand out?
The sword.
Snape focused his thoughts. Running his wand along the edge of the sword, he cast the sealing spell. Releasing it, he then traced the Canticle over the sword, his wand leaving a flickering thread of light that wove a cage over it, settling tighter and growing dimmer until it disappeared entirely.
Snape pocketed his wand. His eyes were burning and his lungs were empty. He tried to focus on what seemed the glimmer of the surface and kicked off from the bottom. His legs were weak and his hands seemed to scrabble rather than push through the water, but he was rising. So dulled were his senses, he was surprised when he broke the surface. Splashing ashore, he struggled with his clothes, using them first to dry himself. His skin was frozen past sensation, yet the cloth scraped his skin like sandpaper. Again he couldn't risk even a smokeless fire.
–T-t-tergeo,†Snape chattered.
Robes again dry, he hurriedly dressed himself and scrambled to his feet. It was full dark. Dimly below the black water he could see the sword gleam.
The water rippled and cracked, freezing over in glassy thickness, ripples caught in former motion. Snape retreated from the water’s edge and found an outcropping between two trees that was sheltered. Slumping against the nearest trunk, he took a minute to catch his breath. The water still roared in his ears, and he couldn’t stop shivering. He was dry, his own body heat would return shortly, he just had to be patient. Snape leaned his head back. He could remember a time when he’d waded ashore from the lake, hair streaming and books ruined yet again. Lily had been seated on the shore waiting for him.
–A minute and forty-seven seconds,†she had told him wryly. –Are you in training for a world record?â€
–Houdini could hold his breath for three and a half minutes,†was his retort. –I’m nowhere close. Fortunately, Potter is part troll, so his attention span is roughly twenty seconds, and it’s easy to outwait him.â€
She’d laughed, and it was more welcome than the towel she had ready. She must have seen Black and Potter drag him to the Lake. Always watching for him, noticing what was invisible to anyone else. Lily insisted on towelling his hair for him and he’d had to bend over, already taller than her, face mercifully hidden. Lily folded the towel neatly and dried his books magically, not allowing him to help. They wouldn’t agree on what to do about James Potter, so she didn’t say anything, but she held his hand all the way back to the castle.
Snape blinked and pulled out his wand. He couldn’t rest yet, he had to execute the last part of his plan. Death Eaters wouldn’t summon a Patronus, no need. So even this had to be hidden. Nothing was safe. Everything was secret. Snape raised his wand and wondered if this would be the last time he ever needed to summon it.
The doe lit up the forest around her so brilliantly that at first she was only a blur to him. Gradually his eyes adjusted and he could see her, waiting patiently. The soft reassurance that Patronuses radiated was better than any fire he could have lit. Potter couldn’t be too far, and he’d spot her easily enough, but sending her away was hard. How pathetic was he to feel so comforted by a figment of mist? There was greater need than his.
–Go,†he snapped.
Quicker than any live deer, but still more graceful, the silver doe flew through the forest and the darkness closed around Snape once again.
Snape wrapped his arms around his chest, letting his traveling cloak cover him like a tent. He muttered a warming charm. It helped, but an enchanted fire would have been better. It didn’t take away the tightness in his chest.
Feeling guilty about snarling at the Patronus was even more pathetic. The shivering stopped, but his fingers were still clumsy. Was this a sign of improvement? He let his chin fall on his chest. Drowsy, but mustn’t sleep. Time was sluggish and hard to track as his eyes fluttered open and closed. When the doe returned, he wasn’t sure if it was a dream or reality until he saw who followed.
The boy came running, regardless of safety. His eyes were fixed on the doe with an expression of...recognition? Snape didn’t move as Potter lit his wand, searching the area around him. The boy was taller, warier. Still only a boy. He had spotted the sword.
Snape fumbled with his own wand. Had he cast a disillusionment spell earlier? His fogged brain couldn’t remember. Hurriedly casting the spell, he was just in time as Potter directed the beam of his wand through the trees around the pond. Snape watched Potter try to summon the sword, an obvious move. The boy paced the edge of the pond. Snape’s fingers ached, but he didn’t dare move, even to rub them.
A test of courage. Of determination. Only a true Gryffindor, he thought, as if he could reach Potter through pure concentration.
The boy stopped walking.
Only a true Gryffindor.
Potter sighed, but not in frustration. He cast around again, checking the area.
Only a true…
Potter smiled ruefully and shook his head. He knelt down and started unlacing his shoes. This was it. Everything would go as planned. Snape let out his breath. He was relieved Potter hadn’t wasted time with more silly spellwork, trying to outwit the sword’s protection. Snape almost smiled. For once the Gryffindor mind was working in his favour.
He couldn’t help but wince when Potter plunged into the water; the memories of his own recent submersion were still cutting. Snape rose with caution. He had to be ready to leave but couldn’t until he saw the sword safely in hand.
The chunks of ice were still bobbing in the wake of Potter’s dive. He should be back momentarily, it wasn’t deep. Snape, unknowingly, took a step forward. His own time underwater had felt interminable, but surely it could only have been a minute, not even two...a ripple whirled across the surface of the pond, and the water turned but Potter didn’t surface. Something was wrong.
Snape ran from his hiding place, adrenaline coursing through his numb legs. He splashed into the water, hands instantly frozen as he swept them through the dark water, trying to grasp something. He was still charmed with disillusionment; Potter wouldn’t see the hands reaching for him. Would he even reach out for help, had he been able to see who was trying to save him? Snape submerged himself, but the water was murky with turned-up mud and sand, and he couldn’t see anything. He came up gasping for breath.
Damn it why wasn’t the boy coming up?
Something hurtled past Snape and splashed into the water.
Of course, Weasley would never be far away. Snape waded from the shallows and collapsed on the pebbled shore just as they both broke surface. Snape was trapped now until they were gone. He didn’t dare make a move to the cover of the trees; couldn't make a sound. He repressed his shivers, dripping silently, as Potter and Weasley sputtered and stammered at each other.
Fortunately the pond divided them, so he wasn’t in immediate danger of being trampled as Potter hopped around with one pant leg on. Weasley had the sword. That was all that mattered. Snape supposed that jumping without hesitation into potentially dangerous water to rescue your idiot friend must also count as the deed of a true Gryffindor.
[–You didn’t see anyone else?â€] Potter’s words were clear enough to bounce across the water to him.
Snape froze. Weasley was pointing back towards Snape’s former hiding place. Probably a good thing he hadn’t regained it, he thought, as he watched Potter beat through the bracken and examine the area.
His position was most uncomfortable, and his breath was hot in his icy chest. He’d been doubly exposed to freezing temperatures and now couldn't even dry off. He wished the idiots would stop their poor detective work and leave. Snape shivered and caught his breath. They didn’t seem to hear, they seemed to be arguing about something.
[–You can do it! You can!â€]
Do what? Get rid of what? The Weasley boy was clutching the sword like he expected the Dark Lord to appear then and there. Potter was bent over something on a rock.
There was a hiss.
They were no longer alone. Malignant and cloying, something spoke. It turned Snape’s stomach. Then his vision went black. A black whirlwind buffeted him, sucked away his thoughts. It was cold. A storm. A storm on a bare hill. Snape knew this storm. He’d first come to Dumbledore, begging, in this storm.
–You disgust me.â€
Snape tried to open his mouth to deny it. Albus’s voice continued, hard and distant.
–You would sacrifice an infant boy to spare her.â€
A weight was on his chest, preventing him from speaking.
–You wanted James Potter dead.â€
Albus’s voice was changing. Becoming higher and even colder still. The stern blue glare turned red, and the Dark Lord’s eyes bored into his own, no Occlumency could save him, no barrier existed that could stop this attack.
–I saw what you were when you first knelt to me! You wanted them all dead. All the people who had ever exulted over you and looked down on you. Including her and her family. Your grief means nothing! You would rather she were dead than belong to anyone else!â€
Snape stopped trying to throw up a wall against the onslaught, to clear his brain and hide his thoughts. He reached out for something to throw back, a weapon of some kind. Someone yelled. Was it him? There was no one to help him. Snape’s mind grasped a single thought. He was here to prevent someone else from dying. What was it Albus had said?
–Don’t discount their lives and safety so lightly by deeming your work useless.â€
The Dark Lord was quick to respond.
–So still you work to earn your redemption? You think you can earn forgiveness?â€
–No,†Snape was able to respond clearly, –I can never earn that.â€
–Then you are without hope. You can only destroy and envy. You are without love–â€
Snape’s hand clawed the darkness. Enough of this taunting in the dark, he would grasp hold of this voice and silence it. Despite the weight holding him down he struggled towards the voice and lashed out.
–Who are you to tell me I have not loved!â€
There was a terrible scream. Was it the shriek of metal or human agony? Snape opened his eyes before he’d realized they were closed. He was on his back. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t move. Where had the voice gone? Had it truly been the Dark Lord?
Jagged rocks dug into his back. He must have fallen backwards and knocked the air from his lungs. Snape sucked in a breath and then another. Painfully, spots dancing before his eyes, he turned his head. Potter and Weasley had gone, taking the sword with them. Snape’s sigh of relief became a fit of coughing.
As Snape regained his breath, other sensations made themselves felt. He was still wet from the pond, and colder than he’d ever felt. But he wasn’t shivering. He tried sitting up but found all he could do was roll onto his side. That was enough effort. His eyes drifted shut for a moment.
Snape thought it was a moment. Longer maybe. Not that it mattered. He thought a fire would be nice but couldn’t find the pocket of his robes for his wand. His fingers felt like rubber gloves. A piece of parchment in his cloak pocket crackled at his touch and fluttered to the ground beside him where he regarded it for a moment in puzzlement and then alarm.
He should be able to remember what it was, or what it was doing in his pocket. A still slightly rational part of his mind started screaming at him that he was in trouble, wasn’t thinking clearly, that he was too cold and wet. He wished it would shut up. His head hurt.
Get up.
Can’t. Too tired.
Get help…!
Who? There’s no one anymore. The Order is gone. Finished. Snape’s eyes fell on the piece of parchment paper. His mind came together for a moment. Snape managed to draw his wand. He raised it to the few stars still visible through the branches overhead. The Patronus blossomed from the wand tip, twitching her ears and tilting her head. Her presence eased the sharp worry gnawing at him.
The incantation was slurred. His face felt like a mask. Working his mouth, he tried again.
The doe lowered her head and pushed her ears forward to listen. Snape tried to collect his thoughts but could only mumble, –...The Forest of Dean.â€
The incantation complete, the doe ran, gaining speed until it was a shooting star of mist. The Order had been able to send messages anywhere via Patronus, no matter how protected. He could only hope it reached her, wherever she was. It might take some time so he had better try and pull himself together.
With more than a little effort he pulled himself towards the trees. A little shelter meant he could perhaps conjure a fire without being seen. His hands kept slipping on the stones and he was surprised to find they were cut and bleeding when he hadn’t felt a thing.
He gained his former hiding place with many pauses of immeasurable length. With each rest his eyes fluttered shut. He had no sense of time. To shelter against the cold, and effectively block his fire from being seen, he’d have to sit up. Raising his head made it spin. He tried a little at a time until he had a shoulder against the trunk of a tree, one elbow trembling under his weight.
He was resting his pounding head against the trunk when a light shone on him. The doe came running back, dematerializing just before she ran through him. Eyes dazzled, Snape tried to blink away the bursting sparks and lost his balance. As his arm buckled beneath him, a hand caught him under his shoulder, preventing him from hitting his head.
A voice with a Cornwall slant said, –Well, shit Severus Snape.â€
End Notes:
Thank you for reading! I have more done, promise to submit soon!
Chapter 13 by Meadowsweet
Theophany spent Christmas at The Mill. Everyone, and that included everyone, came to celebrate. Merryn and Lissy with their girls, Lissy’s parents, Lissy’s sister and her husband. Silyn brought guests who had no home for the holidays, young witches and wizards who fought for the Dagda and mostly stood together talking quietly. Boniface’s friends, one of which Theophany noticed was a very pretty girl, and school friends of the twins overflowed the house. It was all, Theophany pronounced mentally, very good. Until Christmas morning itself when she had to admit Jethro wasn’t coming.
Mr. Knapp, resplendent in seasonal tie and waistcoat, kissed her good morning and said, –Don’t mind it. I’m still sure he’ll come home, just not today. Pray he’s well, that’s the important thing.â€
That was when the ticking banana on the table exploded. The twin screamed in delight and Merryn dabbed bits of pulp off his robes.
–It’s been browning for some time. Maybe it couldn’t decide whether to get ripe or ring the alarm.â€
–And tried to do both?†Silyn suggested.
–There, now see, I was perfectly right not to keep it by my bedside.†Dad stuck out his chin. –Dangerous fruit.â€
The twins rolled their eyes. Theophany was primarily relieved the subject of Jethro had been safely dropped. For the first time in many weeks the Knapps enjoyed a day with no alarms. Other than the banana.
The day after Christmas had its own quieter traditions and rituals. The wider circle of friends that always came by for lunch or just tea, the general settling down to really enjoying presents, and the unspoken rule that the air of contentment and well deserved rest was not to be disturbed by loud festivities or any over exertion until evening, when the bonfire would be lit. Theophany sat on the floor by the kitchen fire, looking over a stack of books her father had given her. Silyn came in to help himself to cold pie.
–Good haul?†he asked.
–Look at this. A novel, an encyclopedia of Vietnamese magical aquatic plants and their properties, another novel, a collection of short stories, more novels, a collection of poems, and Von Brauser’s Deadly Antidotes More Lethal Than Their Poisons.â€
–He knows you so well. But why are you hiding in here?â€
–Isn’t it funny? Here I am a grown woman, and I still find myself thinking of Dad and his friends as ‘the adults’ having coffee. I’m letting them talk shop about forage yield and lambing season and...hay maybe?â€
Silyn dropped a small box in front of her.
–For you. Didn’t really belong with the other gifts under the tree yesterday.â€
Obviously this gift deserved special attention. Theophany opened the box. Inside was a ring. Or rather seven rings, cleverly stacked and fitted together to make one band. Their edges waved and the ring widened to an engraved oval on top.
–I chose silver so it would go with Mum’s necklace.â€
–Thank you.â€
She looked at the rings carefully. Each bore some etching on one side, hidden in engraving. Snapped together the rings created leafy motif, but separately each ring seemed to have its own design. Theophany raised her eyebrows at Silyn but he refused to give any clue. Theophany twisted the rings around. Some lines were so fine she squinted to make out the figures hidden in the design.
–One, twelve – no, fifteen. One, nine, six— Oh!†Theophany looked at the ring again, seven parts in one. –It’s a birth date! This one is Merryn.†She slid her finger along the rings. –Then this next one is you, then Jethro, one for me too?â€
–It felt odd to leave you out, even though you’re the one wearing it.â€
Theophany counted the last three rings. –Boniface, Prosper, and you’re all always with me.â€
–I rather thought of it the other way around.â€
–Isn’t it the same thing?â€
Silly hesitated. –Yes and no. I meant the ring to mean that you’re with us even’re not here. That’s why I included a ring for you.â€
Theophany looked down at the ring.
–I know I’ve been gone a lot lately —â€
–That’s not what I meant!†Silyn rubbed his forehead. –Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply anything. Tiff, you’ve always given your all to us and the Valley. And nobody asked you to—â€
–Mum asked me to.â€
–Not this. You promised to look after Dad and the kids, and you have. But anything more than that — Tiff, you don’t owe us that, or Mum. You don’t owe the Valley that. You could have left anytime, done anything, but you decided to stay here. No one thinks you’re neglecting us, or your duties.â€
Theophany slid the ring onto her left index finger.
–Of course I stayed. I’m happy here. I didn’t sacrifice anything for this.†She smirked. –Besides, you’ll have me around a lot more, now that I’m not allowed to work with the Dagda, so get used to it...â€
Silyn’s face was wooden.
–Tiff, I’m apologizing in advance here.â€
–What for?â€
–For the steaming pile of clairvoyant rubbish I’m about to unload on you.â€
Theophany looked at him in alarm. Silyn never prophesied anything, only the occasional image which he rarely shared. Her brother took a deep breath, resting his elbows on his knees, and looking at her from under his eyebrows.
–Tiff, you’re going on a journey.â€
–Wait. I’m going to stop you there because I think I’ve heard this one before.â€
–Shut up and listen.â€
The kitchen was silent for a moment. Silyn squeezed his hands together and hung his head, looking woebegone. He reluctantly continued...
–The way is uncertain and treacherous. The path will be long. You will meet...a tall, dark stranger-â€
Theophany started sputtering, then couldn’t stop the laughter. Silyn feigned mock outrage.
–Unbeliever! Here I am telling your fortune, and this is the thanks I get. You have no idea how crushing this is to my sensitive seer’s soul…â€
Theophany snorted.
–Ugh, stop you’re making me sound so unladylike.â€
–Impossible,†Silyn declared loyally.
Theophany collected her books and got to her feet.
–Tall, dark, and handsome maybe?†Definitely not Severus Snape then, only two out of three. –When does this journey begin?â€
Silyn didn’t answer. She turned to look at him and he was watching her. There was interest and possibly a little worry in his eyes.
He didn’t looked embarrassed anymore. He was serious. This was really happening.
–It’s a long road, Tiff.â€
–This isn’t a...a metaphorical journey that we’re speaking of then.â€
Silyn frowned,
–It could be both. What do I know? I see it as a path. A dark and guarded path. But you walk as if you know the way. It begins soon. There’s something coming tonight – nothing bad!†he added as Theophany twitched towards her wand. –Something is coming to you —â€
Silyn pushed a hand through his hair.
–Can’t explain it. I don’t really understand it.â€
His eyes were unfocused.
–I see a deer running in a dark wood and a great door guarded by four beasts. I see you in a tower at the top of cliff. You are in a dark place, but you’re not alone.†He shook himself. –Some of this is more what I sense than see. I just wanted to you to know that wherever you go, whenever you leave, you aren’t leaving us.â€
–Okay.†Theophany’s voice sounded small, even to her. –But I could always choose not to go.â€
Silyn shrugged. –Of course. The question is, will you want to? That’s really the point I’m trying to make, Tiff. If you think you should go, if you want to go, then go.â€
Theophany nodded. She found it hard to look at Silyn. A hug would be appropriate here. It would reassure him and express her feelings, but it was hard to start. It was hard to break out of their easy, everyday way. Theophany thrust her arms out and quickly put them around his waist, mumbling, –Thank you for telling me.â€
–Sure thing.†He patted her hair awkwardly. –Okay, could you let me go? I need to find Boniface.â€
His sister released him. –Okay. Um, he’s probably setting up the bonfire.â€
Silyn grinned. –I’ve picked out some fireworks this year that will put last Christmas to shame.â€
–Just don’t incinerate the garden shed again.â€
–Spoilsport.†Silyn stuck out his tongue and hurried from the kitchen.
He seemed to have recovered his spirits. A few weeks ago he had seemed more reserved, but Theophany couldn’t know what he had seen, what he had done, or who he had lost to the war.
She pulled her chair over to the kitchen window and put her books in her lap, but she didn’t feel like reading. Theophany slowly turned the pages. Her new ring made a pleasant sound across the paper, and she liked the weight of it on her hand. She drew out her mother’s pendant from under her robes and held it together in her hand with the ring. The pendant was not as decorative, a drop of silver engraved with a birch tree. She clenched both in her hand. The more she thought about the future, the less likely it looked. Victory felt so far away. She sat lost in thought, watching the snow. Before she knew it, the clock was striking five, and Zuri and the other guests were expected at six.
Theophany stuck the book she still held into her pocket and hurried upstairs. Christmas day was for family, but the Knapp bonfire night on the twenty-sixth was a strictly dress up affair for the wizarding community of Frog’s Hollow.
It was already dark outside, and from her window Theophany could see the old barn was lit with fairy lights. Inside it would be warm and smelling sweetly of sawdust and hay. She should help Ike put out food and double check that Silyn’s fireworks were a safe distance from the party.
Theophany selected some robes in dark red, seasonally appropriate and unfussy. Like so many of her things, these robes had been her mother’s. Were they terribly outdated? Edwardian? Theophany decided ‘classic’ was a better word and ran a brush through her hair. Not brewing, working, or fighting, she left it loose down her back. Or mostly down her back. Its wayward crinkles and waves made it go all directions, including looping over her elbows or getting caught on her front buttons.
For the next hour she greeted guests and stood by to receive food that Ike banished from the kitchen, to reappear magically on the trestle tables in the barn. Theophany was caught between a spicy dip and a platter of mini quiches when Zuri swept in, a comet in gold. The scarf tied around her soft hair was stitched with gold thread and her eyelids glowed with golden dust. She relieved Theophany of the quiches and wished her Merry Christmas.
–I always forget how much room there is in here,†Zuri winked conspiratorially at Theophany. –Will there be dancing later?â€
–Of course the band is here, but only if enough people join in…â€
Zuri’s laugh was rich and soft as caramel.
–I want to dance.â€
So of course they did. Zuri claimed Silyn as her first partner, then as her third and fourth. Watching them made Theophany dizzy. She had danced the first two songs before begging off in favour of chilled cider. There were too many people and it was far too close. Feeling hot, she slipped outside.
It was bitterly cold but after the closeness of the barn quite welcome. Theophany blew long streams of cloudy breath. The stars were magnificent. Andromeda was low on the horizon, but the Gemini were ascending. Theophany wondered if Silyn saw things in the stars.
A twinkling that couldn’t be a heavenly body caught Theophany’s eye, and she took a few steps away from the torch light. The lower fields were pristine with snow and shimmered with light. Something in the trees beyond the field seemed to be more than a reflection. Theophany saw it flicker rapidly between the trees, moving too fast to be wand light. There weren’t any hinkypunks around here.
Theophany drew her wand, waiting for the light to reach the forest edge. It came into sight with a bound. Fearless. Diving and leaping over the drifts below, it didn’t leave a print behind it and ascended the hill so rapidly Theophany barely had time to raise her wand before it was only a few meters from her.
It was beautiful. It was so achingly beautiful. But Theophany kept her wand on it, just in case. She’d never seen this before, and pictures in books could hardly begin to capture what it truly looked like. True was the right word. Or pure. The luminous thing stopped and approached her more slowly. She could see now it was a doe, its feet impossibly delicate, ears long and perked forward. As she watched it lowered its head and opened its mouth. There was no tongue there but from it came a voice, weak and breathless.
–...the Forest of Dean.â€
Theophany lowered her wand.
–Severus Snape?â€
The doe lifted her head and looked at her. She put out her left hand and the doe came closer, as if to touch her pointed nose to Theophany’s fingers, but before they touched, the doe shimmered and was gone. Theophany blinked and looked around for it. There was only a rapidly disappearing light in the trees below.
...but will you want to?
Silyn. Silyn had known she would choose to go.
She wanted to go, had to go. Theophany ran as fast as she could through the snow, back towards The Mill. The barn was full of noise and music, but the house was quiet. Theophany burst into the kitchen, and the door rebounded noisily. Her hair was a little wild and her robes damp with snow but Ike hardly glanced up from the cakes he was icing.
–Is it more drinks, Miss, or are the beef wellingtons running low?â€
Theophany focused on the elf from a great distance.
–Probably both. Ike, I have to go out and help someone. I don’t know how long I’ll be.â€
–Do you wish Ike to tell Master Knapp?â€
–Um, please tell Master Silyn, and he’ll let Dad know. Thanks so much, Ike.â€
The wrinkled elf smiled toothily with what teeth he had.
–Of course, Miss.â€
Theophany grabbed her cloak from the peg and put on stouter boots.
–It’s a long road,†Silyn had said. Or was this not the road, but rather the first step?
Theophany Apparated to the Forest of Dean, or rather to Wysis Way, which she had known quite well. Or thought she had. The spider web the size of a tour bus was new to her. She’d Apparated with her nose nearly against it.
Theophany backed away carefully, feet crunching in the new snow. The web was pure silver in the moonlight and looked stickily fresh. Theophany raised her head and checked the canopy above. Nothing was visible, but weren’t ambushes a spider’s forte? How was she supposed to find Severus Snape in all the forest?
The moonlight was bright, but far brighter was the doe that made itself visible just a little to her left. Had it been waiting for her to catch up? Theophany moved towards it. At the last possible second the doe leapt away and ran far ahead, stopping to look back.
–Alright then, if that’s how it is.â€
Wand in hand, just in case, Theophany lifted her robes and ran after the doe. It took her in a serpentine path, avoiding fallen trees, pits, and webs, but still Theophany’s progress was slowed by climbing over dead trees or ducking under low branches.
As they left the webs behind, the forest opened and became sparser. Little pools fed by frozen streams lay at her feet. The doe ran across them, hooves barely touching the ice; Theophany chose to circumvent them.
They were running almost side by side now, the doe like a reflection brought alive on the ice, Theophany sprinting alongside the frozen edge. The wind sang creaking songs in the sleeping trees. Despite her fear about what might be waiting ahead, Theophany gloried in the wind and ice, and the silver beauty of the doe that seemed to be egging her on to run faster and further than before.
The doe, in that fading away and reappearing trick, appeared again ahead of her. Something about her attitude, legs braced, head still, warned Theophany, and she slowed her run. This time the doe didn’t flee when Theophany came close, but turned to look ahead to another pool of water, larger and deeper than the others. Ice floated in chunks on its surface and the pebbles on its shores were wet and slippery.
The doe hurried forward, but not so fast as to lose Theophany. In her light Theophany made out a figure stretched among the roots of a tree. The doe fixed Theophany with a wide eye, then turned and ran. She disappeared before she touched the tree, briefly illuminating the figure there.
Though he was almost prone, his eyes were open and fixed, and Theophany feared the worst as his head buckled forward. Leaping forward, as if her limbs had caught some of the doe’s agility, Theophany got a hand under his head and an arm around his shoulder before his forehead struck the rocks. She felt ice in his hair and the sodden state of his robes and frantically searched for a pulse. Theophany felt it, weakly persistent under his jaw, and looked down at the person in her lap.
–Well, shit, Severus Snape.â€
Spinner’s End seemed the safest place to take him. Only this time Severus Snape was the one unconscious on the sofa. Theophany fully appreciated the parallelism but felt she would appreciate it more if she actually remembered her first visit there.
She’d been hesitant to move him much; in addition to his low body temperature there were minor injuries that could be indicators of trauma. But there was little choice in method or destination; she could hardly take him back to The Mill.
The fire was lit and Theophany tried every cupboard in the hall until she found extra blankets. Raise his core temperature, she told herself, and keep checking his pulse. There was a fancy word for it, an irregular heartbeat, that came of being in cold water too long. If she moved him too much he could have a heart attack.
Theophany piled blankets on the patient, tucking each one under him securely before adding another. She would have given much for Mrs. Ludo’s Everlasting waterbottle now. She was able to conjure a thermometer to monitor him. Thirty-two degrees Celsius was too close to danger, surface warming only might be ineffective. Theophany looked about her. In the Pensieve she had seen him summon a cabinet. She could picture it clearly, small and lacquered with the edges scuffed and worn.
She wasn’t expecting it to come from the other room, and it collided with the door frame. Severus Snape didn’t stir.
–Oops, sorry, so sorry. But really you’re more important than the cabinet – what do you have in here? Excellent, very well stocked, um, oh that’s – that’s rare and expensive. Anyway —â€
Powdered dragon’s claw, scorpion venom, nettle. Theophany shook the venom and powdered claw together in a vial. With a wave of her wand the knife and cutting board unpacked themselves and started shredding nettle. Theophany checked Snape’s pulse again. Still weak but no sign of arrhythmia. Theophany looked around. She needed a tub of water. The kitchen sink would suffice. She didn’t like leaving him alone and sped through her preparations. She stoppered the sink and filled it with cold water. Theophany poured everything into a copper pot with a wooden handle.
Add the nettle.
Pearlwort for the moon.
Yiyiren for water.
Theophany blew her hair out of her eyes and commanded a gust of flame at the end of her wand. Holding the small copper pot at arm’s length, she held the fire beneath it. Just as the venom started to bubble, she plunged the pot into cold water and spun it three times clockwise. The west lay over her left shoulder. She stirred the pot with a stem of pearlwort, faced west and then stirred the opposite direction.
–It’s ready!†she called through, as if he could hear her.
The cabinet provided a dropper. Theophany carefully measured out the dose and pumped the dropper’s rubber top. Snape was still cold to the touch, unresponsive. Theophany knelt by the couch, placed the edge of her hand on his chin and pulled his jaws apart. She poised the dropper under his tongue and squeezed. The clock ticked twelve seconds.
Snape jerked and coughed but didn’t open his eyes. Theophany felt his pulse. Strong and steady. His skin flushed a little, then paled again, but his cheek stayed warm to the touch. Theophany rocked back on her heels.
–Bloody hell, Severus.â€
She wiped her face. She should clean this up. Hopefully he would wake with nothing more than a mild head cold. Theophany mentally checked her notes. In mild cases of exposure one only worried about circulation and frostbite. He might wake up with some stiffness, probably be clumsy.
All his cuts and bruises looked minor. She pushed his hair back from his forehead. A slight bruise, possible concussion? With her thumb she raised an eyelid. No response from the sleeper, but when she brought the lit point of her wand close, the pupil dilated and he stirred slightly. Theophany smoothed his hair down and checked his fingers. No frostbite, but cut and scratched.
Once they healed she started chafing them. Better safe than sorry; poor circulation could lead to clotting. After a brisk chaff Theophany felt secure enough to make herself a cup of tea. She sat on the low table by the couch and watched him breathe deep uninterrupted breaths.
Was it possible for him to have lost weight since she last saw him? He was positively cadaverous. Theophany carefully bent over him, holding her tea out of the way. The pallor wasn’t just from his chill tonight, and the dark circles under his eyes were the work of many sleepless nights. No wonder he’d been in such a bad way. He had no reserves of strength left.
Theophany placed her tea on the library table and perched next to it. His body temperature was up, but she didn’t want to take any chances and returned to rubbing his hands and feet. She alternated between a brisk rub and a gentle massage, humming tunes from the party.
–...sound of rain upon
a window pane,
the starry song that April sings…â€
Theophany switched to his hands again. The fingers twitched once, but there were no other signs of waking. She’d hummed through half of her repertoire, all that was in her capability, that is. Some of the twins’ favourites were distinctly un-hummable, being heavy on bass and drums. His fingers twitched again and then caught her wrist in a grip that was surprising in his condition.
Theophany turned her head slowly. Two black eyes were staring up at her. They were different. Hostile. Theophany maintained her slow, gentle, massage.
–Do you know where you are?†she asked mildly.
The answer was like wind through a window crack.
–Do you know who you are?â€
She lowered his hand but her wrist wasn’t released.
–Do you know who I am?â€
This seemed to require more speech. His voice was slurred. –I know...who you s-s-s-eem to be.â€
Theophany smiled down at him.
–We’ve done this before. I’m really me, and I owe you a bottle of dittany.â€
He didn’t let go, but his eyes changed. Only guarded now. She hadn’t exactly expected him to roll out the red carpet for her, but a little gratitude would be nice. Theophany disengaged her wrist and folded his hands together on his chest.
–Go back to sleep.â€
The black stare intensified and his jaw stiffened.
–I could have done a million things to you already. So just go to sleep.â€
Whether in obedience or exhaustion, his eyes closed. Theophany watched his fingers knit, his shoulders tense. Under his lids his eyes roved restlessly. Theophany pulled the footstool from the armchair over to the couch so she could sit more comfortably.
–I’m not sure what you’re thinking, but it’s not helping. Was anyone else hurt?â€
An almost imperceptible headshake.
–Is someone or something urgently in need of your attention? No? Then, go to sleep!â€
He didn’t hear, or didn’t listen. His fingers knotted together, his breathing was steady and slow, but rigid. The breathing of someone fighting panic. He was trying very hard at something.
Theophany placed her hand on his forehead and gave a tentative stroke. It was like startling a cat. Snape balked and his eyes flew open. He tried to hiss something but his voice was weak and raspy.
Okay, that wasn’t going to work…
Theophany ignored his agitation and took his hand again. Though she felt distinctly awkward herself ,she resumed her gentle massage. Ignoring the black stare pointed at her, she kept at it. Eventually she felt his hands slacken. His eyes were closed. She carefully released his hand.
–Severus?†Theophany whispered. –You asleep?â€
Severus Snape snored softly and Theophany clenched a fist in silent victory. She got up a little stiffly from the stool and checked the time. Late. But not too terribly. She would send a message to The Mill. It seemed she wouldn’t be home tonight.
Snape woke in the night. Or was it morning? He was disoriented. No sense of time. There had been a voice in his dream. That voice again taunting him. Had the Dark Lord read his mind? His concentration had been shattered, he’d fought to put up the usual barriers before he slept but...Snape shuddered. He hadn’t been able to perform even that simple task. He felt clammy, remembering his panic. What was it Potter had been carrying? It had shattered his defenses, his concentration, he hadn’t been able to fight back.
Because it had been an attack from within.
Snape felt his heart hammer. Whatever it was had used his own mind against him. The darkest things below conscious thought. His worst fears and memories. A mental boggart. What was capable of that?
Snape carefully sorted his thoughts, tried blocking and unblocking his mind in a compulsive check that he was still capable of Occlumency. His head ached and his throat was dry. Given the negative mental impact experienced, no wonder his Patronus had felt so reassuring. Drawn from happy memories it was the antidote, the opposite, to whatever had attacked him. Snape frowned. Why had he summoned the Patronus…?
He turned his head so quickly the room spun. Theophany Knapp was curled up in the armchair by the fire, a book open in her lap. Her boots were off and her hair fell over her face to tumble down the side of the chair. One hand was holding a thermometer. With sickening clarity Snape recalled his minutes of consciousness last night.
What had she given him?
His eye fell on the potions cabinet.
Oh God, had she brewed it herself?
He tried to lift his neck, but his body was stiff. A dull pain throbbed through him. Last night he’d been aware of aches in his limbs and his hands had been hurting...and…
Snape cringed. Hesitantly he raised a hand to his eyes as if her touch had left a visible mark. Snape writhed a little. He sputtered but couldn't find words. He could only twist onto his side and put his back to Theophany. Even though she was sleeping he couldn’t look at her; crippled with embarrassment.
Why had he sent his Patronus to her? Not that he had other choices. There was no going back now, he hadn’t only accepted her help but requested it. His insides squirmed at the thought. Surely there had been some better option? His judgment must have been badly impaired.
Despite his emotional discomfort Snape felt himself growing sleepy again. Perhaps now that the sword was with Potter, his burden was a little lighter. This time, before he slept, he firmly put his mental barriers in place. Not that the Dark Lord could read his mind like Potter’s, but if he slipped just once…
Snape blinked. He’d slept again. Sunlight shone through the curtains but not enough to have awakened him.
–I’m going to kill you and all your friends…†someone whispered.
Snape reached for his wand. His stiff fingers caught in the blankets and he banged his elbow on the low table. Impaired though he was, he managed to get to a half seated position. On her knees by the farthest bookshelf Theophany Knapp looked up in surprise. In one hand was her wand, in the other a dustpan.
–You have an ant problem,†she said mildy.
Snape collapsed against his pillows again. His heart was still racing. If it had been a real emergency, he would be helpless. His head was aching and these blankets imprisoned him.
–My hands...aren’t working properly,†he gasped.
He heard Theophany get to her feet.
–Well, Severus, you’re recovering from severe hypothermia—â€
–Get these blankets off of me!†Snape snarled.
She obeyed but with a tolerant smile he found even more irritating. Theophany folded the blankets but kept a rug on his feet.
–Headache? Dry mouth? Pain in your limbs?â€
–All of it.â€
–You’ll feel drowsy again soon, so try to stay awake so I can dose you.â€
–Unlikely I’ll sleep with you talking.â€
–I’ll keep talking then. Do you know the last recorded wizard to freeze to death was Byron Widdersane in 1600 something? That’s because it’s hard for a magical person to die of exposure usually—â€
–Are you calling me inept?â€
–No, just saying it must have been an interesting situation.â€
–Interesting?†Snape spluttered. –Only the most dire circumstances and the greatest need of secrecy forced my hand – otherwise I’d never have hidden it at such cost—â€
–Hidden what?â€
His jaws shut with a snap. The cold had compromised his thinking.
–Never mind. You aren’t going to explain, I suppose,†Theophany sighed.
Snape swore to himself she would get nothing further from him. She knew too much. Quicker than he could dodge she bent down and slipped the thermometer into his mouth. He might have spat it out, but she also held a hand against his forehead, causing him to freeze completely.
–Severus, if I’d poisoned you, you would have felt the effects by now,†she said patiently, mistaking his discomfort. –Don’t worry. You just have a mild fever.â€
Theophany opened the potions cabinet. She looked different. Of course on previous occasions she had been fighting, tortured, or disguised.
–No Pepperup potion?â€
Snape shuddered. –Never keep it.â€
–Given it a lot as a child, I bet. Sickly were you?â€
The Hogwarts nurse at the time, Madame Burntip, had always forced it on him, no matter how he was feeling.
–Not especially. The school nurse seemed to think so.â€
Theophany rolled her eyes. –I wonder why.†She pushed her hair over her shoulder, –Oh well, I can whip something up I give the kids.â€
Kids? She looked barely older than a graduate. Snape glanced at the hand she was using to layout ingredients. There was a ring but on the wrong finger. Elaborate piece, though. He took in the rest of her. That was what was different. Of course, he’d forgotten the date.
–I apologize from pulling you away from the party.†He kept his tone sarcastic, but really it was a probe. Who had she been with and did they know she was here? –Rescuing me from the forest was enough; you could have left me here last night. Returned to the holiday festivities.â€
–No, I couldn’t. You were close to, what’s it...ventric fibro-something-â€
–Ventricular fibrillation,†Snape snapped. –And what about your children, then? While you’re playing at espionage?â€
Theophany poured out a measure of peppermint oil.
–Dad’s with them. Our Dad. See they’re not mine they’re…†She carried the copper pot to the hearth and set it to warm. –See, Dad is really my stepfather. He’s a Muggle. Boniface and the twins, that’s Prosper and Compline, are his children. He married Mum when I was twelve. Jethro, he’s two years older, Silyn, he’s next oldest, Merryn, the eldest, and I all took his name, Knapp. Even though Silyn and Merryn were already adults when he married Mum. Clearer now? Maybe not. Anyway, Dad’s been a father to all of us.â€
She smiled over her shoulder. –I like ‘Knapp’ a lot more than ‘Botterill’ anyway.â€
Snape blinked. He was feeling slow despite having slept. He frowned. Needed to rouse himself.
–...why the difference in names?†he asked.
–Merryn, Silyn, Jethro...all old Cornish names. But then —â€
–—a mouthful like Theophany.†She laughed. –Grandpa, Mum’s dad, was a vicar, and she actually preferred names like mine, but our – well, our father who was hardly a father wanted strong, old-fashioned names. She only got to name me what she liked because I was a girl. He didn’t care about a daughter. He kicked us out when I was six.â€
The warmth never left her eyes, but Theophany's voice became subdued.
–We had nowhere to go at first. Mum didn’t have any surviving relatives or work, and with three kids she couldn’t do live-in jobs. Even then it might have been easier without a difficult child.â€
A smell of peppermint and sweet rose came from the pot. Theophany stirred it slowly; her head was lowered.
–It seems I became... feral. It’s all confused when I try and remember but...I wouldn’t let anyone touch me, I wouldn’t speak. My first magic happened when I was four, but suddenly it became more volatile after we left home. I mean, got kicked out.â€
A young age to show magic. And dangerous.
Theophany continued a little more quickly, –Things would break, explode, catch fire. I guess I was angry. Silyn taught me to control my breathing, use it to try and remain calm. It didn’t fix me all at once. Even as a teenager I wouldn’t let my family touch me sometimes. Anyway, in times of stress I’ve kept going back to that...four counts breathe in and four counts out. Until recently. It seems I’ve finally outgrown it.â€
She tossed her head dismissively and shrugged.
–Happy ending, though. Eventually Mum found the valley of the Dagda, and the Tuatha De Dannan there. And my stepdad, Ephriam Knapp. He’s a farmer. I forget the absurd number of sheep we have. The Tuatha are outcasts and misfits like us. Mum was talented, very talented, so it wasn’t hard to fit in. She was the one that taught me to brew potions. Eventually she became the – well, someone very important in the community. When she died I was seventeen, the twins were two, and I just took over for her.â€
The fire crackled.
–Outcasts and misfits,†Snape yawned. –You said before you had nothing against institutionalized learning. Yet you’ve stayed outside it by choice?â€
–Choice?†Theophany brought the pot back to the table and poured it into a beaker. –Let’s see, there’s about two to three hundred students at Hogwarts every year, yes?â€
–Two hundred and eighty-three.â€
–Is that an average amount?â€
Snape smiled crookedly. –Enrollment was a little down this year. Can’t think why. But it’s close, yes.â€
Theophany set aside the beaker to cool.
–So say each one of those students graduates, grows up, and gets a job at the Ministry of Magic. There’s not enough of them to staff every department, only about sixty percent, so theoretically there will always be a need of Hogwarts graduates at the Ministry.â€
–Well, who staffs the remaining forty percent? What about all the shopkeepers, cauldron makers, kneezle breeders, robe tailors, desk clerks—â€
–You’re saying they are Tuatha de Danan?â€
–No! I’m saying a large percentage of Wizarding Britain doesn’t attend Hogwarts. If Hogwarts represented all of Wizarding Britain, we would be less than one thousandth of the population, actually more like one sixty-thousandth, considering the population is around sixty million. The Tuatha is only different from the others in that, instead of choosing a trade, we follow a somewhat antiquated system of magical education handed down through the community.â€
Snape was frowning.
–And I’m well aware that many Hogwarts students go on to be shopkeepers and the like,†Theophany added. –I only used the Ministry as a population example. Also non-Hogwarts graduates rarely get Ministry jobs.â€
He was still frowning. –I wonder why your names never appear in the book.â€
–The Hogwarts book and enchanted quill? There are theories. But to prove any one of them it would require understanding how the book works, and I believe that’s a secret of the founders.â€
This wasn’t helping his head. Snape rubbed his forehead, and Theophany reached for the beaker.
–You want to sleep. Here, this should be cool enough.â€
She offered the beaker but then quickly drew it back and swallowed a mouthful.
–Should we wait to see if I fall to the floor, frothing at the mouth?â€
Wordlessly, Snape held out his hand. The potion was earthy and tasted strongly of peppermint, but it did much for the cobwebs in his mind and the chills that still chased up and down his spine.
Theophany gathered up the potions things. He could hear her cross the hall and turn on the kitchen sink. Listening to the sounds of dishes, he almost drifted back to sleep. Theophany entered again, her bare feet padding across the floor.
–Severus?†she whispered.
He grunted. Since when were they using first names?
–I’ll check on you again this evening.â€
Now he was awake.
–That’s not necessary.â€
–Shut up.†She continued to whisper, –I’m coming back. You’re not allowed to get up until then. You can lock me out if you like —†Theophany smiled. Her mouth did it crookedly, one side dropping self consciously while the other curved upwards.
– —but I don’t recommend you try it.â€
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.