The characters and settings belong to JK Rowling. Only the plot is mine.
All critiques and reviews are welcome. Thank you.
-Oh, for the love of... I don't have a rare and contagious disease or anything. I do like to hear from people out there, so I can help you enjoy the material better. I like to know how well/ poorly I'm doing my job. I mean, it's not absolutely necessary, but it's half the fun! Thanks.
“Kiss me,” Draco said abruptly, sneering and standing in front of her.
“What? No!” Ginny replied, shocked and startled. She was seated in the library, all alone at her table. Most everyone else was at dinner, but Ginny needed to catch up on some schoolwork she had deferred for a Quidditch practice. He had walked up as if out of nowhere, probably from a shadow, merely to annoy and torment her. He was looking on at her smugly. She was almost inclined to either hit him or run away, if not both.
“Afraid of me?” he asked mockingly, leaning forward a bit, hands on the table, long, slim nose near her freckled face.
“You’re not going to trick me into kissing you, I’m not a fool,” she replied, rolling her eyes, then glaring at him. “Hell, you don’t even like me.”
“Okay.” He shrugged, turning to go.
“Wait,” Ginny said quickly. He turned back, stony faced. She quietly degraded herself for saying anything. He didn’t seem to be very emotionally invested in this venture, she noted, and wondered why he’d come over at all. She expected him to laugh at her, and besides, she didn’t really care to talk to him. And yet, she’d called him back. She was surprised at herself.
“What?” he said flatly and shortly.
“Why did you even come over here?” she asked, tipping her head to the side.
He narrowed his eyes, as if ready to say something scathing. “A dare,” Draco said finally.
“A dare.”
“Yes. A dare. Something too ignoble for a “holier than thou” Gryffindor such as yourself. Anyone will do. It was supposed to be the first person I saw-- I figured you were a challenge. No matter. I can lie,” he said, “and find someone else.”
“Hm,” Ginny replied, taking him for his word and going back to her book and parchment. She soon realized Draco was still standing in front of her. “WHY are you still HERE?” she said, giving him a withering look.
He raised a brow and crossed his arms. “You’re not insulted?”
“Much as it may hurt your paper-thin ego, I do not particularly care for you, nor for what you think of me. It may annoy me that you thought you could manipulate and use me so easily, but I’ll get over it,” she said caustically.
“Well, our little baby’s all grown up now, isn’t she?” he replied, not wanting to admit he might be impressed. “Stopped following her idol around like a sick puppy?” he added, obviously referring to her old crush on Harry.
“The only puppy dog I see here is you,” she said, standing up and pushing her chair back roughly. “And when a dog acts the way you’re doing now, it gets beaten. Now go snap at someone else’s heels.” She waved a hand at him dismissively.
He stood straighter, then leaned close to her face. “Don’t you speak to me that way,” he hissed energetically. He didn’t mean to provoke her, but that insult required a swift and biting reply.
“Or-- you’ll-- WHAT?” she replied in an acidic tone, leaning forward. She barely admitted to herself she was slightly leery of the danger that he posed. She could only assume he knew numerous hexes and curses she’d only read about.
Apparently her reaction had startled him. He didn’t reply right away.
“You won’t attack me,” she added happily. “You wouldn’t DARE.” Her eyes glittered malevolently.
“Oh, wouldn’t I?” He grinned maliciously, enjoying himself immensely. Maybe he was trying to scare her. “There’s no one to say I wouldn’t.”
“Oh please, don’t be pathetic. We’re in the middle of a library,” she said, gesturing. She then realized, as her stomach flipped, what a scene they were making, then wondered if anyone was even around to hear.
“The library’s not that full,” he said in a low voice. They proceeded to glare at each other over the table.
“I’ve hexed you before, Draco, I can do so again. That doesn’t sound pleasant, does it?” she asked, toying with both him and the situation before her. He did remember, and was not particularly fond thinking about the painful situation he had found himself in.
He didn’t blanche. “You don’t frighten me, girl,” he said. Well, maybe she did, a little, but he hadn’t even admitted if to himself, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to admit it to her.
“Maybe I should, BOY,” Ginny spat. “You may think you’re better than me simply because you’re rich and you slick your ugly hair back. But I know you’re not. You’re a spoiled, jealous, immature child.”
“You think you’re superior because you’re friends with the fabulous threesome-- what a magnificent claim to fame-- and because everyone in your disgustingly large and very poor family has garish red hair,” he countered, gesturing vaguely to her head.
“You’re pathetic,” she said pityingly, eyeing him sadly.
“And I think you’re attracted to me,” he said, widening his eyes and smirking.
“I think you’re out of your mind!” she said, grabbing her books, slamming them into her bag, and at last turning to walk away, all in one fluid motion. “I do not like you and I never will. You’re a pure and utter ass.” She walked away from the table, and he followed her, sidling in front of the door when she tried to walk out of it. “Move,” she said, whipping her wand out of her pocket, pointing it at his chest. “Now.”
‘Damn,’ he thought, ‘she’s just as much of a viper as I am.’ “I’d like to see you make me,” he said daringly. He’d taken out his wand as well. She’d have to catch him off guard if she ever wanted to get to dinner.
“Would you?” she said sweetly, almost seductively, savagely leaning forward, pulling him towards her, and giving him a kiss. It was NOT a chaste kiss-- damn, she knew what she was doing. It was also not a particularly short kiss… She let go of his collar and pulled away with a wicked grin, leaving him staring and slightly speechless.
He swallowed a shuddering breath. “Shit,” he said.
She pushed past him, then turned around. He met her gaze. She put a curled fist up to her mouth, then put it down, all the while chuckling loudly. “Maybe I could learn to like you,” she said, raising a brow suggestively. Then she turned and walked down the hall. “Who doesn’t like a challenge?”
He stood in the doorway, looking after her retreating form. He smiled slowly, evilly, when she turned back to wink at him, and he laughed a slow laugh as she rounded a corner. “I win,” he said.