MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Hermione by OliveOil_Med

Summary: Hermione Wilkins is an explorer with an over-active imagination. So when a woman show up on her doorstep claiming she is Hermione too, no one believes her. In fact, she is punished! Of course, the fact that she was climbing on the roof at the time might have had something to do with it...

But when Hermione Weasley appears once again, she shares a secret with Hermione Wilkins; mostly because she needs her help if she is ever going to achieve what she came to Australia for in the first place.
Ratings: 1st-2nd Years [ - ]
Category: Post-Hogwarts
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Serie: None
Chapters: 10 Completed?: No
Wordcount: 62094 Viewcount: 36778
Published on: 08/24/09 Updated On: 09/23/10

1. Prologue Expecting… by OliveOil_Med [ - ] (3077 words)
Wendell Wilkens awaits what many would consider a blessed event. He himself is greatly excited, so he can't understand why his dear young friend, Hermione Granger, doesn't seem to be.

Thank you to my wonderful betas, Haylee and Riham.

2. Chapter 1 Wonthaggi, Victoria by OliveOil_Med [ - ] (4283 words)
Hermione run through the city of Wonthaggi, far too curious for her own good. She sees many things that no one else see, so when she gets caught climbing on the roof and tries to explain it was to talk to a strang woman who was also called Hermione, it is no surprise that no one believes her.

Thank you to the lovely betas I know as Haylee and Riham.

3. Chapter 2 House Guest by OliveOil_Med [ - ] (6826 words)
Hermione's oppurtunity to prove she was not lying literally show up on her front step, she learns that this Hermione Weasley is actually an old friend of her parents. Too bad she doesn't seem terribly interested in making friends with young Hermione, now called Minnie.

Thanks to my Riham! And I must also thank Lydia for helping me make my dialogue more Australian!

4. Chapter 3 Strange Behavior by OliveOil_Med [ - ] (5276 words)
An adventure to the ocean goes sour when Minnie encounters a great creature in the water, only to be yanked away by something she can't even see. And that is not even the last of the day's strange events.

Thanks are a must to my beta, Riham, and to Lydia, my Australian dialogue advisor!

5. Chapter 4 Truth Be Told by OliveOil_Med [ - ] (5420 words)
Hermione finally tells Minnie the truth and the whole truth when she just cannot keep it from her any longer.

Thanks are a must for Riham and Lydia for all their help!

6. Chapter 5 An Infinite Ability to Ask Questions by OliveOil_Med [ - ] (5757 words)
Hermione picks Minnie up from an afternoon with her Muggle friends, and the two sister bond of the guise of trying to revive their parents' lost memories.

Thank you to Apruva and Riham for all the lovely work they did on this story!

7. Chapter 6 The Last First Day of School by OliveOil_Med [ - ] (5393 words)
Minnie has her last first day of Muggle school, and Hermione surveys the geography of the Australian wizarding world.

Thank you to Riham, my beta, and Phia, my Australian cultural advisor!

8. Chapter 7 Sydney by OliveOil_Med [ - ] (8766 words)
Hermione gets her first taste of Australian wizarding culture when she and Minnie arrive at the wizarding market, Buruwangnuwi.

Thank you to TheCursedQuill for her awesome beta skills!

9. Chapter 8 Uncle Marty by OliveOil_Med [ - ] (9742 words)
The Wilkins' get a surprise visit from Minnie's Uncle Marty, a man who shouldn't even exist.

Thank you to Riham, my beta, and U-No-Poo, my Aussie culture advisor.

10. Chapter 9 The International Floo Network by OliveOil_Med [ - ] (7554 words)
Hermione finally makes good on her end of their bargin, and Minnie is on her way to England.

Thanks go out to my beta, Apruva!