MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

M.I.T.: Haunted House: Dead by Northumbrian

A haunted house that isn’t haunted, a Muggle fortune teller who can’t actually tell fortunes and the legend of the Cursed Green Pearl! What happens when “the nation’s favourite television ghost-hunters” stumble onto something really magical? What (apart from a mysterious chest, a broken red stiletto and a corpse) lies within the topmost room of the Haunted Tower?

It’s time for the Auror Office’s Muggle Interface Team - Brown, Bones and Beadle - to investigate.

This is Northumbrian of Ravenclaw house writing for the 2011 Mysterious May Challenge in the Great Hall - Extra Credit Prompt

This is one of four mystery stories I wrote for the Challenge. Until now I’ve resisted editing this story as to do so will (I believe) mean that it can’t be judged as part of the challenge (editing after the closing date is cheating). I can’t wait any longer.

Ratings: 3rd-5th Years [ - ]
Category: Mystery
Characters: None
Warnings: Mild Profanity
Serie: None
Chapters: 5 Completed?: Yes
Wordcount: 19015 Viewcount: 18570
Published on: 06/10/11 Updated On: 05/06/12

Story Notes: I originally said that "This story has been slightly truncated in order to meet the challenge deadline. The final chapter should have been at least two chapters. But a deadline looms and I'm going on holiday." The holiday was last Summer (June) and here, at last, is the expanded version.

1. Prologue: Break in Transmission by Northumbrian [ - ] (1547 words)

2. The Haunted Tower by Northumbrian [ - ] (5337 words)

3. Motive and Opportunity by Northumbrian [ - ] (5509 words)

4. The Key to the Problem by Northumbrian [ - ] (5235 words)

5. The Curse of the Green Pearl by Northumbrian [ - ] (1387 words)