MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Harry Potter and the Sinister Plot by weasley-malfoy-aficionado


Patrolling the streets of Hogsmeade one snowy day Ron encounters an unexpected duo and returns to the common room late in the evening with a changed personality. Harry thinks it’s just the effects of the ever nearing Quidditch match but is it so?

Unknown to the trio, a master planner has hatched a sinister plot that is far more dangerous than it actually seems. Will Harry, Ron and Hermione figure it out before it’s too late?

Ratings: 3rd-5th Years [ - ]
Category: Hermione/Draco
Characters: None
Warnings: Alternate Universe, Book 7 Disregarded
Serie: None
Chapters: 5 Completed?: No
Wordcount: 6432 Viewcount: 11481
Published on: 10/06/12 Updated On: 11/01/14

Story Notes: The AU warning has been given because Dumbledore is not dead and Snape is still at school. The events that took place on the Astronomy Tower at the end of book 6 have been altered. The modified version will be subsequently revealed in the upcoming chapters. But the rest of the events of book 6 are totally relevant to my story. Also, Draco Malfoy has not returned to complete his seventh year at school.

1. Prologue by weasley-malfoy-aficionado [ - ] (675 words)

DISCLAIMER: Very sad to say, but I don’t own any of the characters. They are all products of JKR’s brilliant mind.

Thanks to my sister, Nikki, for her valuable beta-work. Also thanks to potter-maniac for checking my punctuation errors. This is for you. Love you.

2. One More Chance by weasley-malfoy-aficionado [ - ] (1900 words)
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but the plot of this story. Everything else belongs to JKR.

3. Weird Reactions and Half-hearted Suspicions by weasley-malfoy-aficionado [ - ] (1628 words)
DISCLAIMER: Everything except the plot is JKR's.

4. The Captive by weasley-malfoy-aficionado [ - ] (1022 words)

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but the plot of this story. Everything else is JKR's property.

5. Of Quidditch and Friendship by weasley-malfoy-aficionado [ - ] (1207 words)

DISCLAIMER: Everything except the plot belongs to JKR.