I currently live in the great state of South Dakota. Why do I live in a place with such nasty winters, I don't know. Since most of my family lives far away in more exotic places than I do, my life revolves around my four dogs, Sampson, Raphael, Seamus, and Mayhem. They are a min-pin, a toy poodle, a teacup Malti-Poo, and a Great Dane, respectively.
I've always had a fascination with the mental illness aspect that characterizes Bellatrix Black Lestrange. My first story is her story. On one site I was sorted into Ravenclaw but I think the hat made a mistake. Most days I feel like a Slytherin!
I don't want Fleur to marry Severus but I don't want her to be killed off either. I also don't want Percy with Hermione but I don't want his feelings hurt. I'll keep reading to see how Severus gets out of his engagement. Great chapter.
I didn't mind that you made the youngest of Snape's "women" sick. Lucius will find Severus and he'll take care of things. I have no doubt. This was a fun chapter. I hope you let Shadow and Ron get together:) Great chapter.
I thought for a minute that the poison had been rubbed on the toy. I guess in a way it was. When Severus was meeting with Mr. Delacour (sp?)--I've had two years of French so you'd think I could spell the guy's last name:D--I wish he'd just said "Hey, I need to get out of this engagement." But he's such a gentleman. Great chapter. I hope Stormy makes it.
It seems you are pairing Percy with Fleur. I think that would be good. I was so excited that Hermione just went right ahead and helped Severus. Sirius is behaving himself too. I'm really enjoying this story. Great chapter.
That was wonderful. It's kind of hot that Severus is so possessive. I'm glad Hermione is wearing the fairy silk gown. I hope Percy and Fleur are happy together. Great chapter.
That was wonderful. I really chuckled when Severus found Fletcher and he wouldn't let go of the bunny slippers. It was even funnier when Hermione caught Severus with the slippers. I also loved the scene at the gala when Draco arranged for Neville to meet Pansy's parents. Those dumb Death Eaters are going to walk right into a trap aren't they? Great chapter.
That wasn't very nice of you to get rid of Lucius that way--convenient, but not very nice. I'm sure that Hermione's coming to the rescue will seal the deal for Severus. I was almost brought to tears thinking of everyone covering everyone else. Again, it was sad to see Lucius go but he did die a hero. Great chapter.
That was pretty crazy. I did not expect that. Very interesting idea. Thank you for letting Severus, Remus, and Sirius live. But Severus and Fleur? I look forward to reading more. Great chapter.
I can't wait to see who you match up as couples. Poor Remus--wolf pox? I liked your version of the Last Battle. It was short and sweet. It's always interesting to see how others envisioned the Last Battle before JKR wrote about it. Great chapter.
Strangely, I also have a bump on my right ear:) I'm sure having Harry Potter interested in one of his sisters is Snape's worst nightmare. I don't know if I can see Sirius with Tonks. It just doesn't seem right. Great chapter.
I don't understand why Severus became engaged to Fleur if he doesn't really like her. I guess there is the Law but you'd think he could find someone he likes at least. It's so odd to think of Snape with sisters. It kind of throws out his tough guy image. I forgot to mention--I think it was in the last chapter--that I really liked your characterization of the Order kids as people who had faced the Dark Lord and won but were still basically goofy teenagers with your average teenage problems. Great chapter.
I'm sad this is over even if it's an outstanding ending. I hope Healer Howser and Professor Vector get married. I was so excited when Hermione saw all of the rooms Severus had prepared for her in her new home. This was very romantic. I loved every second of it--except when Lucius died. Thanks for writing this.
I think Severus finally did pull his head out of his cauldron. Nanny appears to be fairly wily. I think she's going to get her way. I'm still sad about Lucius. I thought it was funny when Severus basically told Fleur that she had her own room, like they weren't going to be sleeping in the same bed. Great chapter.
I swear, if Severus has his way, no one will end up married. Are there male Veelas? I was wondering if the young witches would be able to resist Val? I wonder who Hermione will pair Viktor with? Great chapter.
I haven't read many stories that have Lucius fighting against Voldemort and Draco hanging out with the likes of Harry and Ron. Having Hermione team up with Lucius is different. Hmm, maybe Lucius should get together with Fleur--they'd have really blond children:) Great chapter.
How wonderful that Draco and Luna were married. I was just thinking--he's the only one left of his family. Poor Fleur--she's falling into the trap. Something's going to come from the pearls I think. I'll bet Hermione got the more expensive ones and she's going to take it in stride while Fleur is going to carry on because she just wants the best. Great chapter.
That was wonderful. I had tears in my eyes at several points. I think mostly when Healer Howser met with Severus and told him how Hermione had brought him into St. Mungo's after the battle that killed Lucius. I'm so pleased for Sophie and Siri. The scene between Fleur and Hermione was priceless. Great chapter.
That was interesting. I think Hermione matches Snape in her veiled comments. She never said anything incriminating or negative but led Snape down the garden path to his own conclusions. I love how Severus threatens--never obvious but there is no doubt as to what he means. Great chapter.
That Hermione is sure sly. She's playing Severus and he has no idea:) Now, I didn't think about Madam Snape as a mate for Lucius. She'd be perfect. This is so much fun to watch and illustrates a kind of old fashioned courtship. If you can't say anything else, you can always say that those purebloods sure have nice manners. I can't wait to see the ball at Malfoy Manor. You're inviting me, right? Great chapter.
Severus is going to make himself ill worrying about all of his charges. Will Percy ever be perceived of as anything but a prat? I can't wait to see who everyone ends up with. No one seems to want Fleur. Great chapter.