I currently live in the great state of South Dakota. Why do I live in a place with such nasty winters, I don't know. Since most of my family lives far away in more exotic places than I do, my life revolves around my four dogs, Sampson, Raphael, Seamus, and Mayhem. They are a min-pin, a toy poodle, a teacup Malti-Poo, and a Great Dane, respectively.
I've always had a fascination with the mental illness aspect that characterizes Bellatrix Black Lestrange. My first story is her story. On one site I was sorted into Ravenclaw but I think the hat made a mistake. Most days I feel like a Slytherin!
Severus Snape has ambitions to rise above his humble beginnings. Eris Greyback has a family debt to repay. Their romance is a more complicated brew than the trickiest of potions. SSEG, LEJP. The sequel, The Potions Master's Apprentice, is also complete.
*Winner of the 2007 QSQ Award for Best Marauder Era Story*
I bought myself "The Nightmare Before Christmas" for Christmas last year. I should watch it again but I keep forgetting. Tom is very much a cruel brat. Clive and Erik were intent upon hurting Severus and Tom though. I remember, from living in LA, all of the skeleton toys that were for the day after Halloween. I'm really liking this story. The cyber God is smiling on me, letting me get into Mugglenet and read your stories. Great chapter.
Author's Response: You can see why Severus prefers Tom as a friend than an enemy. Yay for you getting to read! If you ever want to read a Jack and Sally Halloween-Eve one shot, here's the link to my story Restless Hearts. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2694687/1/Restless_Hearts
Lucius is so sly. If he's on such good terms with the Greybacks why doesn't he ask them where Eris was over the summer. Damn, now I'm starting to wonder where she was. I thought the jump roping was very charming and I think Sev thought so too, but he wouldn't admit it. I'm almost sensing that Eris is using the advice she gave James on Severus--kind of acting friendly but not too interested. My computer problems are making me crabby. I know what's going to happen. I'm going to whine and drag my feet for a few days--this is the third day--then I'll fix it myself and everyone will go "How'd you do that" and I won't know--I'll just do it. I don't really enjoy working on computers. I believe they should just be there working for me when I need them:) Great chapter. I'm really liking this story.
Author's Response:
The Greybacks don't know where she went. She just took off, naughty girl. :D
You're the first person who's ever made the connection between the way Eris told James to act and the way she's acting toward Severus! It's very much subconscious, she hasn't admitted wanting to act on the attraction yet, but it's there! ;)
I'm so impressed you can fix your computer! My other SD internet pal is a computer whiz, but I think she has an IT degree. Yours sounds like psychic powers. Computer, heal thyself! :P
Severus just seems very shy but intense. I'm reminded of another story on another site about Regulus Black. Severus figures heavily in the story, as does his relationship with Bellatrix. It was quite outrageous with her constantly dragging him off to bed--and that's putting it mildly. In that story they had a very intense love/hate relationship. That was pretty cool of Severus to summon Eris. Do those Marauders do anything but prank people and eat:) Great chapter.
Author's Response:
Severus is socially challenged. :D
Bella only has eyes for Voldemort, but she's not above trying to use her sexuality to gain power or torment people. I can see Rodolphus having a love/hate relationship with her, but Severus? Nah.
I happen to have a Sirius-centered Marauder Era story called Semi Charmed Life that takes place in seventh year. In the Marauder band of merry men he's Will Scarlett and helps "Robin" woo maid Lily, avoids sermons from Friar Moony, aids a rat in need, and wins the heart of a fair lady. If you ever want to read about the Marauders doing things other than pranking and eating, heh, I'd love you to read it. ^_~
I realized that I really like Jugson--he always takes things literally. I really laughed when he asked why Severus would go cry in the library when he could cry in his room:) I forgot before, I really like the scenes with Kettleburn. I liked his comments about house unity when he just couldn't remember who was who. That scene with the water bull was hilarious. Severus saved the cat again. I don't think he's going to be very happy when he finds out who the cat is. I think he's going to see it as a breach of trust or something. Great chapter.
Author's Response: Jugson is Slytherin comic relief :D, so thank you for liking him...and the water bull fiasco! Yes, Severus is going to be very put out, so it's a good thing he won't find out for a long time, heh.
I'm excited for Severus and Eris. I'm frightened for Narcissa. Duh, I finally got it--why Eris is trying to help Remus. She believes she's responsible for her uncle turning him into a werewolf. Sometimes you have to be so clear with me. And, this is how he gets together with Dorcas. Once I got into this story I stayed in--hopefully I won't get kicked out until I'm ready to call my internet provider help desk, maybe this afternoon after I get a few other things done. Great chapter.
Author's Response:
Lucius isn't that bad. At least he loves his family, which is more than moldy-shorts can say. :D
I'll cross my fingers the internet help desk is helpful!
Oh, oh--Sev thinks Eris did something with "his cat." What's she gonna say. That was so sweet of her to transfigure his clothing. I used to sew a lot so I knew what she meant by tailoring and the hang of fabric and quality. I know that Sev needs Tom as a friend rather than an enemy. Tom will make a good Death Eater. Does Severus have enough information on where Eris was over the summer to satisfy Lucius? I have a feeling she learned some odd, obscure, very ancient magic. I finally chanced looking at review responses. I didn't want anything to kick me out of the story, so I waited to look at a number of them at once. If I had looked earlier I would've known why Eris was being so nice to Remus. I must say you are right--when I fix my computer it's due more to my psychic skills than knowledge. Computers are so literal that I have to keep reminding myself not to question why--it's not a philosophical issue--but to just do what it says. That's hard for me to do because I always like to know why. And I always have to stick with the logic--I can't meander down any creative paths when working with my computer. I've been working with computers for nearly 40 years but I just use them. I don't need to know about their internal workings. They just need to work as far as I'm concerned. I bought the Smashing Pumpkins Greatest Hits yesterday. It's very good. I didn't realize it came out in "01 though. I really thought I had something new:) Actually, I found it while looking for Melon Collie and the Infinite Sadness which is even older so I shouldn't complain:) Great chapter, by the way.
Author's Response:
I'm a sewing lesson drop out, heh, so I had to look that stuff up. Thank heavens for the internet, allowing any random idea to be googled until you find the information you're looking for! :D
Today is the greatest
Day I've ever known
Can't live for tomorrow,
Tomorrow's much too long
Smashing Pumpkins! There's that show Whale Warriors or something that uses their song for the theme song...The world is a vampire... :) Today fits Severus. He definitely wanted more than life could ever grant him, but had a few days that fit "the greatest".
I sure loved this chapter. Eris' story about her cat rolled off her tongue so easily. I don't see any problem with that. She's been nothing but helpful in her animagus state. The scene in the car was hysterical. Sev is so sly--but in a good and playful way, unlike Lucius who is so smooth and a slimeball. I love Eris' family, especially the grandfather. I know, I know, I just met them and there's probably a dark story going on--they are hosting the Knights, after all. I can't describe how this chapter made me feel. i felt like I did back in graduate school at an Ivy League University--we were starving students and had little but what we had was quality. Those were some of the best years of my life and those are the memories awakened by this chapter. So thank you for that. Excellent chapter.
Author's Response:
I'm so happy the chapter made you feel that way, and what an interesting life you've led! I wish you many more adventures and shining years!
If Eris trusted Severus with her secrets, she would have more than Hufflepuff tendencies, she would have to be mad. Severus is much too ambitious at the moment. He doesn't have his priorities right yet. :D
Eris is so cool. I just love that she's taken a romantic interest in Severus. He deserves the best. Did I mention that I've always loved Severus, even when he seemed to be mean to Harry. Did I also mention that I'm working on a story about Bellatrix. i've planned it out, but am trying to finish my book before i do much with it. For some reason, she fascinates me. There's some bizarre stuff going on there. Great chapter.
Author's Response:
Huzzah for you always loving Severus! I remember reading the first book and thinking, forget about Harry Potter, I want to know more about Severus Snape! That first years speech was toe curling, lol.
Bellatrix outdoes Patsy Cline in the "crazy for loving you" category. :D She'd do anything for Voldemort, which is pretty much my premise for why Tonks is still breathing in my AU fic. I had the best time writing Bella in the R/T first chapter, and her characterization is less man eater, more Machiavellian.
You have such willpower putting off fan fiction for original work! I'm working on my fantasy novel for NaNoWriMo, but I still sneak in bits of fan fiction here and there. ;)
I knew there was a reason I liked Eris' grandfather. This answered one of my earlier questions--as to whether Severus knew that Fenrir was a werewolf. He's such a jerk to say the least. How sweet--Dani and her family came to spend Christmas. I'm really liking this description of Christmas and the Greyback's Christmas traditions, although I know there's trouble around the bend. Great chapter.
Author's Response: I like showing Death Eaters are people too. They celebrate holidays as well knighting ceremonies. Voldemort's around the bend (literally as well as figuratively, heehee).
Well, that wasn't very nice of Severus. In light of Narcissa's comment and the earlier comment from one of the Lestrange's, I guess he's allowed. But it's still not nice to make others feel bad just because you feel bad--that's like kicking your dog when you've had a bad day. Narcissa and Eris sounded lovely. How cute--she was eavesdropping on Remus and his mother--and then she found a book for Sev. You know, if Sev's hair is long enough to pull back into a tail, that's what he should do. That would look really awesome. Do you think Sev might be my age:D Or close enough:D Great chapter.
Author's Response:
The HP Lexicon puts Severus' birth date as January 9, 1960, but hey, age aint nothin' but a number, baby! :D
There's a great Anne Frank quote: Whoever is happy will make others happy too. The reverse is true with Severus. I've never thought that excused the way he treated people (especially Harry) but it does make me sympathize with him. I can understand him, and in the words of a old song, "To know, know, know him...." LOL
I didn't expect Eris to laugh over Sev's comments. I don't think he did either. The fact that he could break through the charm on the dress seemed to startle Eris. I loved Sev's explanation as to why that happened. The thought of Bellatrix getting a Howler was pretty funny. I think we're seeing the beginning of the end here with Sev's inauguration into the Knights. Although, I kind of felt sorry for Clive. It seems that it might be dangerous to be turned away from the Knights--to be considered that weak. Great chapter.
Author's Response:
She startled him and he startled her. Seemed a good balance. ;D
There's twenty four chapters, so Severus has a bit more to learn about himself and what he will..and won't...do to further his ambitions.
Yes, Clive should be worried. At best, he's flunky material, at worst....
I got kicked off this website late this morning after spending all morning on the phone with the wireless router people. I was annoyed, but I have to admit that I got all of my other stuff done and I mysteriously got back on this site when all my work was done:) However, I still have to call that help desk again--I had to stop talking to them because my phone battery died. I really loved reading about Eris and Sev opening their presents. Eris is so thoughtful. She's so funny as the cat. If Sev only knew who he really was sleeping with. Eris' noises to get rid of Bellatrix were particularly funny and on time. I'm not sure how much more I can read tonight. It depends how far I get with my friends at the help desk. There's always tomorrow at work. This was a really good chapter. I love all the Christmas detail.
Author's Response:
Annoyed...I think that's an understatement! You talked to them so long your battery died. Says it all, right there!
If Sev knew who he was sleeping with, he wouldn't be happy about it, so it's better he doesn't...for now...
Thank you for loving the Christmas detail! Yes, there are solemn, even malevolent things going on at the same time, but it's Christmas, and like a Who down in Whoville, I can't help making sure Christmas came all the same. :D
I felt a little bad for Remus' date, although I can see him sitting there drooling over the thought of Tonks' steak and chocolate mousse. I don't remember, does he ever realize it was Tonks he saw in the restaurant? I also felt a little embarrassed for Remus as he basically ignored his date. This was a wonderful romantic story. Kind of like two hearts passing in the night. Thanks for your comments on Bellatrix--that's kind of how I see it--the artist is really an independent sort and he's in London nursing a horribly broken heart--he sure doesn't want to have that happen again. He's so intense and he loves intensely and for all time, but his past love has an uncurable brain disease and doesn't even recognize him anymore--fairly close to the truth--so he's lost himself in his art and another country. And of course, Bella's gonna hate his friends. They're brash, boorish Americans and they love him too and don't want him getting involved with a brazen woman like Bella:) Sam the Newfy's full name was Sampson Ezekiel-Cain. He would turn on the outside faucet. Pretty soon you'd hear me running around going "How come there's water running?" "Who's got the water on?" Finally, I'd end up outside and there he'd be, oblivious to the water pooling around him, looking happy. He'd try to hide it by laying in the water and up against the faucet and, yes, he'd have those big brown eyes looking up at me so innocently. I know that if he could've smiled he would've, but his lips were kind of big and hangy down:P It was hard for him to smile but I know he was smiling on the inside.
Author's Response:
Tiffany was too wrapped up in herself to notice Remus' attention was wandering. :D
Aw. Sampson in the water giving you the innocent "oh, this water?" look is an adorable mental image. He epitomized the term "smiling eyes" didn't he?
After 'Snuffles' is revealed to be a fugitive Animagus, Sirius must convince the woman he loves to make him her most wanted.
Outtake to chapter 11 of A Wolf in the Moonlight
That was just wonderful. I guess this wasn't the best way for Sirius to reveal who Snuffles really was but sometimes things work out best when your hand is forced. I think my favorite part was when Sirius realized he had to transform into a human to save Cami. Our movie night was a success. I had to stand in line for a while to get tickets but the students remained excited and thankful they were seeing a premiere. It was very well attended. I will admit to you that the movie itself was kind of corny. There is no way it even comes close to Harry Potter. I don't know you personally but what I do know of you leads me to think that you probably won't like it. I was able to chuckle and hiss and there were enough people there to hide my noises. I will probably go again a couple more times just because it's fun. And, I will buy it when it comes out on dvd. And, I'll go to "Eclipse" and probably organize another trip. It's just what I do to keep current:) I'm not sure who Martin Sheen was in the movie. I suspect he was one of the Volturi--the oldest one. He was very red-eyed and basically sat on his throne. But he was impressive as an elder vampire. Excellent story about Sirius, by the way. I can only aspire to write as well as you do.
Author's Response:
Things do have a way of working out even when it isn't as you'd planned. :D
I don't mind corny movies as long as I'm not verbally or physically abused for snickering. Some Twihards are scarily serious about their fandom, heh. Michael Sheen played Aro, one of the three that heads the Volturi. Dark haired guy, so not the oldest, and he played Lucian in Underworld, if you've seen that.
Hey, we're all unique and nobody can write like we each can, which is why what we offer is valuable. We're all one of a kind, baby! :)
Aww, the scene with Draco clutching Hermione's pillow was so sweet. I smiled at the vision of Draco falling asleep with both girls and at Abby calling him Dad. Great chapter.
I keep thinking about Wicker's blue eyes. I've known many dogs and I haven't seen many with blue eyes so that makes Wicker unusual. I still say something strange will come out of Wicker. I wonder if Draco will miss Pearson and try to figure out who's to blame for his disappearance. The ties of the Justice Project to the Ministry are very interesting and I'm sure you'll explain them over time. Great chapter.
At least someone knows where Hermione is. There are a number of mystery people running around at the moment. I like seeing Draco and Harry working together. Great chapter.
You're going to keep the cliffies going up to the bitter end aren't you? What a way for Justice to go. You have to feel sorry in a way. Justice was just a puppet in someone else's game. Great chapter.
Poor Lavender--she went so far astray. I thought it was over after the scenes from the wedding. This was fun, after they figured it all out. Great chapter.
That was a very good scene when Justice came in disguised as Hermione. I'm glad Harry made Draco kiss "her" before taking her to Draco's apartment. He would've been quick to kidnap the girls again. Great chapter.