I currently live in the great state of South Dakota. Why do I live in a place with such nasty winters, I don't know. Since most of my family lives far away in more exotic places than I do, my life revolves around my four dogs, Sampson, Raphael, Seamus, and Mayhem. They are a min-pin, a toy poodle, a teacup Malti-Poo, and a Great Dane, respectively.
I've always had a fascination with the mental illness aspect that characterizes Bellatrix Black Lestrange. My first story is her story. On one site I was sorted into Ravenclaw but I think the hat made a mistake. Most days I feel like a Slytherin!
I'm sure Wyoming is a far cry from Draco's home in Britain. I can imagine him being bitter and wanting to be alone. I wonder who the girl and the dog are. It's as if they were actually talking to each other. Great chapter.
What a strange child, but mesmerizing. She seems to have some mysterious powers--like she can read his mind and communicate with her dog. Can't wait to see what she does next. Great chapter.
Oh for Pete's sake--that was a big cliffie. So Hermione lives in Wyoming too? Is she Abby's mother? I can't wait to see what is going on. Great chapter.
I liked how you wrote the scenes between Draco and Hermione. We know that she was out to seduce him and we know they had sex several times. Yet, you left the details to our imagination. Great chapter.
I was surprised that Hermione ended up sick. I hope she has something that can be easily healed at a muggle hospital. Like, maybe she can have pneumonia or exhaustion or something. I was sure the police were going to get involved and cause even more trouble. Great chapter.
Gosh--who's the spy from the hospital? I'll bet Justice really didn't plan for them to take Hermione to a muggle hospital. But, who is the mysterious woman at the end? Did Justice kill her? Great chapter.
This is getting more and more interesting. So Draco and Hermione have a past to discuss? And he's been looking for her for ten years? Can't wait to read more. Great chapter.
I really need to stop reading and do something else but this is so interesting and you keep leaving the end in a cliffie. Strange that Lucius advised Draco to go to Harry. I'm anxious to see how Draco gets out of Voldemort's clutches. Great chapter.
You know, if Draco was smart he'd welcome Abby into his home and gather all of the information he can about Hermione. I think she's got more than a few surprises up her sleeve. I like Abby's style. She's to the point and honest. Great chapter.
Now I'm mad at Draco. I wish he hadn't gotten drunk and passed out. I wanted to know what he had to say. I think that Hermione isn't married and that Abby's father doesn't live with them but that's all I'm going to say for now. I want to know what mysteriously happened 10 years ago. Why did Hermione leave? Great chapter.
What a great ending. I loved this story. There was a lot of romance as well as some unexpected twists and mysteries. I hope you continue working on your next story. Hopefully you'll finish it and we'll all get another enjoyable reading experience. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
Draco did learn something new--that Abby doesn't know who her father is. I wonder what happened to Ron. I hope Hermione is home and talks to Draco. Wouldn't it be cool if Kim was a house elf? Great chapter.
Wow--I wonder who took Abby. I also don't think Draco thought about what Hermione said. She didn't really answer his question of whether Abby was his daughter. I don't think he realized that. Great chapter.
I had to chuckle at Draco's determination at the end of the chapter. It sounds like he has some plans. I'm really curious as to who has Abby. I'm really enjoying this story. I'm glad it was featured and I found it to read. Great chapter.
Interesting about Wicker. I know we're all dying to know who Justice is. Wouldn't it be funny if the Muggle criminal figured it out. At least Hermione knows who it is. Great chapter.
It almost seems like Justice is a ghost or some sort of undead thing. I hope Leo has found something useful. I think we'd all find it very interesting if our pets could talk. Great chapter.
I like that you give flashbacks so we can see what happened in the past. I think it was good of Harry to come right out and set things right with Draco rather than assuming that everything was fine. I also like that we know what's going on with Abby. But who's the mysterious hooded man? Great chapter.
I'm so excited that they could see that Abby was alive. Funny that the spell came out of a muggle magic book. Draco is starting to think about when he asked Hermione if Abby was his daughter. There are so many mysteries going on beneath the surface in this story. Great chapter.
Well, that was kind of mean leaving the end of the chapter like that. I wonder what Abby did. She did seem like she was going to make a move of some sort. I'm glad Draco and Hermione kissed though. I guess that wasn't so odd considering they had a relationship in the past. Great chapter.
This totally made sense--for Abby to mask where she went so Spooky couldn't follow her in the snow. I'm a little surprised that she was unable to use even accidental magic to help herself out of the situation. She's also Hermione Granger's daughter so I would think that Hermione might have taught her some spells or something to help keep her out of danger. Great chapter.