I currently live in the great state of South Dakota. Why do I live in a place with such nasty winters, I don't know. Since most of my family lives far away in more exotic places than I do, my life revolves around my four dogs, Sampson, Raphael, Seamus, and Mayhem. They are a min-pin, a toy poodle, a teacup Malti-Poo, and a Great Dane, respectively.
I've always had a fascination with the mental illness aspect that characterizes Bellatrix Black Lestrange. My first story is her story. On one site I was sorted into Ravenclaw but I think the hat made a mistake. Most days I feel like a Slytherin!
I'm a little confused. I thought Draco and Hermione were neighbors in Wyoming and that her parents lived in Britain. I must have missed something somewhere. Or are they all returning to Britain. I'm finding the Wicker situation to be a little suspicious. The dog disappeared when Abby did. Knowing dogs like I do I would think the dog would be part of the rescue party but he wasn't. When Abby returned so did the dog. I'm thinking Wicker and Spooky could be one and the same and that Spooky is an animagus. I always like to guess and I'm usually wrong. Great chapter.
I'm surprised that Ginny didn't keep better track of Aria and Abby. She's Ron's sister and friend of Hermione and Harry so you'd think she's know better than to leave two young girls alone to plot and plan. Great chapter.
I was wondering if the old hag was helping Justice. I don't think she's going to have much luck getting the girls past everyone in the penthouse. Great chapter.
I'm curiious, as I'm sure everyone else was, as to who Justice is. I was surprised to see Pansy as Narcissa's guest. I guess I'm also surprised that she's unmarried and still seems interested in Draco. I'm so glad I found this story. It's so interesting. Great chapter.
I don't think Draco and Hermione are acting all that out of character. This is after the War so people change. I would think they would have to change to survive. I can't wait for you to reveal who Justice is. Great chapter.
That was an interesting twist that I didn't expect--a clone. And that explains why Justice wants the baby. Great chapter.
For some reason I thought Nowhere was in Wyoming but in this chapter you said it was in Wisconsin. Those are two wildly different states. I thought that Abby was Draco's daughter but I still think, if I were Draco, that I would've had to say "OK, but really, am I definitely Abby's father?" I just like things put clearly. This kind of complicates things even more. I'd really regret all of the missed time, if I were Draco. You'd think if he really wanted to find Hermione he would've but I guess us Muggles have something called the internet that I'm not sure works for Wizards:D Great chapter.
I love Narcissa--she's always so regal. I think she and Abby will get along famously. I always love the articles in the Prophet. Great chapter.
That was mean of Draco--rescheduling the meeting for a week later. He could've kept working until she found her papers. For some reason, this chapter gave me a deja vu feeling. Great chapter.
It seems strange to have Harry and Hermione together. It sounds like Draco is enjoying himself way too much during meetings. Great chapter.
That was bold of Draco to go to Hermione's flat but what a way to win her favor. That was so nice of him to bring her soup and ginger ale. I'm sure she was startled by the kiss. Great chapter.
I wonder if Hermione will tell Harry about her dinner with Draco. I suppose she can write it off as a business dinner. If Hermione compares Harry and Draco right now I have a feeling that Harry will come up short.
Hermione was hardly at fault but now she's alone. Somehow I don't think Draco is out of the picture but has Harry gone running to Ginny? Harry and Hermione weren't a very interesting couple so I hope Draco comes around. Great chapter.
I still think that Harry shouldn't have immediately gone to Ginny, especially since Hermione and Draco might have been on a business dinner. I am happy that Draco and Hermione finally got together though. Great chapter,.
In view of all that has happened, I think Hermione's anger at Draco was unreasonable. I don't think Harry belonged there. He shouldn't have just let himself in. What surprised me the most in this chapter was the description of Harry as being 6'4". He's really not that tall. I'd believe Draco was that tall. Great chapter.
I hope it was Draco who jumped into Hermione's tub. Harry shouldn't be so wishy washy about who he wants to be with. That becomes unattractive after a while. Great chapter.
I'm disappointed in both Hermione and Harry. I don't think that one last time together is ever a good idea. On the other hand, it's cute that Draco wants to practice making an heir:D I really enjoyed this chapter.
Draco seems like a pleasant drunk. The funniest part was when Draco referred to Hermione's parents as her "Muggles" in his drunken state. I wonder if he plans to propose. Great chapter.
Now I'm starting to wonder if Draco really doesn't remember anything about proposing. I'd be excited if someone came and decorated my house for Christmas. I wonder how the meeting with Narcissa will go. Great chapter.
You seem to have a special talent for leaving things hanging. Alcohol seems to be the universal potion for smoothing things over. It appears that Mrs. Malfoy and Hermione got to know each other very well. Great chapter.