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Fynnsmom [Contact]

I currently live in the great state of South Dakota. Why do I live in a place with such nasty winters, I don't know. Since most of my family lives far away in more exotic places than I do, my life revolves around my four dogs, Sampson, Raphael, Seamus, and Mayhem. They are a min-pin, a toy poodle, a teacup Malti-Poo, and a Great Dane, respectively.

I've always had a fascination with the mental illness aspect that characterizes Bellatrix Black Lestrange. My first story is her story. On one site I was sorted into Ravenclaw but I think the hat made a mistake. Most days I feel like a Slytherin!

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Reviews by Fynnsmom

Creating a Ghost by DaniDM

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: PreHP as seen through the eyes of a new student. Alicia had always been told that she was special but now her life was to take a drastic turn. Orphaned, in a new school and different from the others, can she find solace with Severus and Remus ?

A/N - The rating was changed due to the content of the Epilogue. Warning to sensitive readers.
Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 04/21/10 Title: Chapter 3: Chapt 3 - Getting To Know You

So is Alicia able to project her thoughts. It seemed like she's done that a couple of times--first with her grandfather and then with Snape. I thought for a minute you were going to tie the Ravenclaw Prefect in with Luna Lovegood. Wouldn't her parents be in school now? I'd make a horrible Ravenclaw because I'm bad at riddles. I'd spend most of my time out in the hallways arguing with the door knocker:D Although, in one sorting test I took I was sorted into Ravenclaw. I expected to go into Slytherin. Great chapter.

Author's Response: Yes, Alicia can project her thoughts but can't control it yet (and doesn't even really realize wht she's doing although she's starting to figure things out). I didn't want to bring in too many other characters yet. Others will appear. Dani

Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 04/21/10 Title: Chapter 4: Chapt 4 - School Days

Alicia must have inherited her mother's talent and power. Either that or she's doing the uncontrolled magic that young children do. This seems to be more powerful magic though--she just doesn't seem to know she can do it. There also seems to be a connection to Snape. Great chapter.

Author's Response: Yes, she inheritted her mother and grandmother's magic, but it's stronger. You'll find out just how strong later in the stories. As for Snape...ooo la la... Dani

Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 04/21/10 Title: Chapter 5: Chapt 5 - Roommates

I like to read on this site because I can get into it at work so I read in between things when I have time. It's nice when you respond however you want to. Remus sounds like the right kind of guy for Alicia, but isn't he the right kind of guy for most women? I must admit that I'd probably be entranced by Snape if those characters actually lived. He's kind of the intelligent, broody, bad boy who's mysterious that I go for:D Great chapter.

Author's Response: Oooo Severus... He's my kinda guy... Dani

Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 04/21/10 Title: Chapter 6: Chapt 6 - Friends and Other Creatures

I'll bet Alicia can "see" what Snape's been through. I was a little surprised that Slughorn didn't know who Alicia was, although they have been trying to keep her identity secret. I guess there's only so much Slughorn would want to share with a 15 year old girl too--about her grandmother and grandfather. Great chapter.

Author's Response: I thought about adding Slughorn into the mix, but I didn't want to take too much away from the original story. He does have a reoccurring role, however. I may try to slip something in later. Dani

Semi Charmed Life by Kerichi

Rated: 6th-7th Years •

Within the Marauder band of Merry Men, Sirius is the dashing Will Scarlet. Seventh year, his goal is not to rob the rich, but to help poor Robin woo Maid Lily, avoid sermons from Friar Moony, aid a rat in need, and win the love of a fair lady.

Nominated for a Quicksilver Quill for Best Romance- Non Canon.

*Chapter 30 is 'To Be Loved'*

Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 11/16/09 Title: Chapter 25: The Unexpected Visitors

I was thinking, my poor dogs have become fan fiction orphans. I don't think I've ever been this addicted to something. And, I keep telling myself it's not really harmful--except to my eyes perhaps:) I thought it was really cool that Rosmerta was so concerned about Sirius that she came over to see if he was OK. Having James walk in was kind of funny--at least he knows what's going on. I was somewhat saddened by Sirius' comments about James being his best mate and having all his trust with the same going on for James. Again, an omen. I agree with your previous comments. I really wish JKR hadn't killed off Snape, Remus, Tonks, and Sirius. At the same time, I know she had to kill some of the good guys off too and it must have been a hard decision as to who was out. I didn't know that she traded Arthur for a few of the others. Yay, I was able to organize a trip for the TAG book club to go to "New Moon" on Friday. It's going to be fun. Our students don't often get out for a big movie premiere. It's funny how stuff goes around campus. There were two things that happened today that no one was supposed to know about just yet. One was the movie trip and the other had to do with a funding proposal I'm working on. The official word on both items went out this morning and it seemed like seconds before people were on the phone trying to get information. The speed of communication in some instances is almost magical:) Great chapter, by the way. I've gotta go watch "Big Band Theory"--that show's too funny.

Author's Response:

Nah, your eyes are fine and your dogs are glad you're home and making happy noises instead of propping up the bar in some dive leaving them alone without your comforting presence. :D

I've heard of the Big Bang Theory, is that what you meant, or are you watching some PBS swing band documentary? 

The grapevine is the fastest mode of communication on the planet. I'm sure the kids are excited to be getting out and going somewhere fun. I probably won't see the film, so I'll be counting on you to give me an insider review.

Did you get the PM I sent you about the Bellatrix story?

Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 11/17/09 Title: Chapter 26: New Year's Resolutions

Gods, it sounds like Peter takes after his Gran. And, eww, that scene with Lucius when they renewed the bond. While I don't hate Lucius all of the time, it kind of grossed me out--it was like she had to pretend it was Sirius. In the end I was so happy that Sirius did get to spend New Year's Eve with Rosmerta. Knowing what happens to him eventually, I want to see him have all the good times he can. It was interesting when Rosmerta wished she could be as courageous as Sirius. Thanks for letting me know you sent an e-mail. It went into my junk mail and I would've found it eventually but this way I looked for it. I responded this morning but that message got sent back to me. I think you have firewalls that wouldn't let it through. It wasn't a big message--just said I had to go to a meeting. Anyway, I'm in favor of most of your suggestions--especially the overall advice of writing to get the reader to believe. I can't believe I didn't think of a memory charm. And then, I was afraid I'd have to kill off the character modeled after my son and that might have been awkward in the family and all:) Kind of Walburgaish of me:) And yes, I meant Big Bang Theory--I told you my eyes were going. The print on that laptop is pretty tiny and I was pretty tired last night. Great chapter. I'm sad I'm getting to the end of this book but I know I still have lots of other stuff to read so I'm trying to console myself.

Author's Response: Yes! She did have to pretend it was Sirius playing around with his hair. I'm glad you found the email, and no, you can't kill off a character modeled after your son! Especially when the reader knowing he's memory charmed and alive while Bella thinks he's dead is much more effective for building sympathy, not to mention angst! :D

Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 11/17/09 Title: Chapter 27: A Tangled Web

Sirius' conversations with Petunia are always funny--it's like there's a literal translation to everything. Conversations with Peter are almost the same. It seems like those conversations have more hidden meanings though. I sat here frowning when Peter talked about being Sirius' secret keeper. What in the name of God happened over the course of the next four years to cause Peter to give it all up? It sounded like the Witch Guides were making little goth fairies. I cannot believe Lucius came back to harrass Rosmerta--oh wait, I guess I can. Already, I can tell that Sirius is not going to take Lucius" visit well. I hope he doesn't get into too much trouble. Great chapter.

Author's Response:

Dialogue is as much about what isn't said as what's said. Ask any woman who says "nothing" when asked "what's wrong?" LOL.

Goth fairy guys to instill an attraction to men in black, heh. All the mums will blame Rosmerta. :P

Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 11/17/09 Title: Chapter 28: Dirty Little Secrets

I'm really dragging out these last few chapters because I don't want it to end. Have you ever written a story where you examine that dark, horrible moment when Peter turns to the Dark? You've been leading up to it through a few of your stories. You know, though, I don't think I've ever seen a story that focuses on Peter. While he's a key member of the Marauders and a heinous person, he's not really that attractive or interesting. Kind of sad, in a way. In the first part of this chapter, I could actually feel the hurt Sirius was feeling when he found out about the binding between Lucius and Rosmerta. At the end, I had visions of someone (was it Marlon Brando) yelling "Stella"!! Except it was replaced by a passionate Sirius standing outside Rosmerta's window calling her name. I could see everyone fighting over the leftover whiskey Sirius left on the table. Great chapter.

Author's Response: You know, I think there are a few Peter centric stories on this site. I remember seeing summaries and thinking that without Sirius or James or Remus to bring out the best in him, Peter isn't worth reading about. I think he's a coward, but also a bit of an Iago, that as much as he admired his friends and cherished their friendship, he was jealous that he could never compare, and in the end, that made it easier to betray them to save himself.

Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 11/18/09 Title: Chapter 29: All About Trust

So, were they accepted to the Auror Academy? I was afraid that James' parents had died. Time will tell. I have one more chapter to go. I was so happy Rosmerta and Sirius made up. That was so adorable. I will always see a big Newfie when I think of Sirius in his animagus form. Maybe this spring, I'll fulfill my dream of owning another Newfoundland. I even have a name picked out. Sirius is such a good boy:) Even when he went to human form he didn't break his promise to Rosmerta--no sex until he graduated. In the scene with Lucius, I went from OH NO to "Way to go, Rosmerta." Even Hufflepuffs have their strengths. I liked how you had Lucius basically backing down--although, I guess his goal was to practice his imperious curse and not to rape Rosmerta. Great chapter.

Author's Response:

Sirius wasn't, but James was accepted...with the recommendation that he cease questionable associations. Since he wasn't going to do that, Dumbledore told them the Order of the Phoenix could use young men with their talents.

I think Lucius would have shagged Rosmerta if she'd been agreeable, but since she did herself bodily harm to fight the Imperius, he had to be satisfied with being able to tell Voldemort he'd done it. Lucius isn't all bad, and he is the type that backs down when self-preservation is at stake. It's the Slytherin in him. 

If I had a Newfie I'd name him Snuffles...or maybe Grimmy. I used to read the cartoon Mother Goose and Grimm. :D

Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 11/18/09 Title: Chapter 30: To Be Loved

I'm happy for a number of reasons. I'm happy you didn't kill off the Potters yet and I'm really happy that you ended it on Valentine's Day on a good note. Although, I suppose you could've ended it on graduation night. But this was just perfect. The Valentine celebrations were just right--not too much and not too little. I loved how Sirius was going to take care of Lucius--"a shocking dog attack." I had a little twinge of sadness when they decided to join the Order of the Phoenix. I know they had to, but sometimes I wish they had all had a happier life. Did Peter end up joining the Order--I don't remember. There were some odd things that must have happened in the four years between graduation and when they turned 21. Thinking back, I don't know if I'd give up any of my sad times in life. You learn from them and appreciate the good times all the more. Great chapter. See you in the sequel.

Author's Response:

I've ended a few "school year fics" at the end of the school term, but this story was more of a relationship arc, Sirius' with Rosmerta, with his friends, trusting Peter over Remus, so Valentine's Day seemed the place to stop. Jo never mentioned Sirius' birthday, so I didn't either, but James' birthday was in March and I think they're all eighteen by the end of July, so it's three years until Sirius is sent to Azkaban. Not long, but long enough to live and love and absolutely, like a Garth Brooks song, you could have missed the pain, but you'd have had to miss the dance, and isn't it a blessing not to know how certain things will end, what twists life will take?

Thank you for being a blessing with your reviews, the way you share your opinions and your thoughts about everything from dogs and kids to Twilight! 


Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 11/12/09 Title: Chapter 1: The Wild One

This is so cool. (I told you you'd see me tonight.) In this story, Rosmerta can't be that much older than Sirius. Like you said before, age is just a number. After all, I've been sitting here lusting after Severus. Sirius sounds so sweet as a dog. If a huge black dog came to my door I'd probably drag him in and feed him. Poor Hagrid, he's never been much of a cook. I can't wait to see where this story goes. I love stories from the Marauders era. Great story.

Author's Response: She's twenty one, so only a few years older, not enough to be considered a "dirty old woman" LOL. I think Animagi forms are revealing, and Sirius' wasn't just showing his contempt for purebloods, he's a big-hearted, loyal friend, and I'm convinced every Marauder considered him their best mate. He was that charismatic a person.

Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 11/12/09 Title: Chapter 2: Differences of Opinion

I think you're one of the few people who has the other Marauders wondering about Peter. How he got to be the Potter's secret keeper is still beyond me. Hopefully, Rosmerta's having second, more positive thoughts about Sirius. I caught the reference to Mrs. Bouquet:D Great chapter.

Author's Response:

Yay for you catching the Mrs. Bouquet reference! I have Hyacinth Bucket's Book of Etiquette, and can't help sneaking homages to her silly snobbery into fics from time to time. :D

Rosmerta tries to keep her good intentions, but they last about as long as New Year's resolutions, heh. 

Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 11/12/09 Title: Chapter 3: We Meet Again

I smiled to think of Sirius showing by example. It was nice of him to stop and help Rosmerta--I wonder what the girls in the carriage thought about him stopping to help the bar maid. I think Remus would've helped too, with no ulterior motive. If you don't look out you're gonna have me feeling sorry for Peter. The other three seem kind of mean to him, although someone explained why he was in the group--to feed everyone else's needs. Great chapter.

Author's Response:

No one in the carriages saw who he jumped out to help, so it's Rosmerta and Sirius' little secret, heh.

I don't feel sorry for Peter, but I definitely feel more sympathetic. Boys are always picking at each other, it can be as much a show of affection as irritation. One of my goals in this story is to show why Sirius trusted Peter so much, over Remus in the end. He wouldn't have hated Peter so much if he hadn't loved him as a brother (or idiot cousin, heh). There are times when Peter's cunning shines though and Sirius is the one who admires it, who has a "Black streak" himself that had to haunt him in Azkaban, poor love. 

Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 11/12/09 Title: Chapter 4: Life's Little Jokes

I loved the book shop first of all. If I love books so much, do I have any business owning a Nook? Still haven't decided that one. The prank was wonderful. I got a good laugh out of that one. I don't know if I'd plan such an obvious prank and then take the blame for it. I'm more subtle--the prankee would be standing there wondering if they got pranked, never knowing for sure, but feeling things weren't quite right all the same and never knowing it was me. I could be good Slytherin material. Great chapter.

Author's Response: Yes, you are Slytherin! :D I'd want the person to know...but not be able to prove it.

Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 11/13/09 Title: Chapter 5: Bad to Worse

I hope Sirius doesn't have too many weeks of detention. Interesting for Hagrid to assume that Sirius had seen death since he was a Black. I must admit I thought the same thing. Rosmerta is sounding more and more mysterious. Who did she see die? I can see, looking in from the outside, how people would feel sorry for Peter and give him the benefit of the doubt. He seems kind of downtrodden and some people might want to "mother" him. I can see how people might think Remus is unstable because he is absent during the full moon. I'd want my secret keeper to be someone strong and powerful. I'd choose Sirius or Dumbledore. But I'm getting off track. So, is Artemis Fowl a ghost? (I've never read those books by the way--are they good?) I've gotta work on a quick project but I'll be back later. I'm really loving this book so far. I noticed Dark Angel is in the recent selections section again:)

Author's Response:

Recent just means a fic has recently updated with a new chapter or a one shot has posted. Dark Angel's posted ch 7 of what will be a 12 chap fic at most. It's a simple story arc, how they survived (and why they were thought dead), how they were separated, and then how the Lupin family is drawn back together.

I like Artie the ghost better than his teenaged criminal mastermind namesake, who I could never relate to or care much about, even though I liked his description in the first book, "He was as white as a vampire and almost as testy in the light of day." :D 

Yay for quick projects! 

Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 11/13/09 Title: Chapter 6: Reading the Signs

Like Sirius, I also have problems with authority. I have vague recollections of the song lyrics--I don't know why. I can see Sirius explaining all of this to Filch. That was pretty funny. The palm reading's a horrible omen isn't it? Fortunately, Sirius doesn't take any of this seriously. I'd hate to see him worry the few good years of his life away. And there he was, being nice to Peter. Sirius goes to Azkaban in just a few years doesn't he? Great chapter.

Author's Response: It's a terrible omen, especially when he goes to Azkaban at twenty one and spends twelve of his few remaining years in prison (in the canon universe, anyway. When I was writing the second  one-shot sequel to this story I decided it would have a different, AU ending, because I wanted Sirius to live in an alternate dimension of the Potterverse. :)

Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 11/13/09 Title: Chapter 7: One Step Forward

Don't a lot of us have issues with our parents? I love Sirius as Padfoot. He was so cute playing with Rosmerta. And now, she's thinking of adopting him:) It was pretty funny when he knocked stuff over and chased the cat. Funnier still, is that he had to promise to leave a note for the other Marauders next time. I'm still chuckling over him making Peter squeak as the rat. Delightful chapter.

Author's Response:

Yes, we do, but Walburga takes the "fun" out of dysfunctional. :P

Dogs = love, especially if the dog's Sirius. 

Have you read The Tale of Despereaux? It's much better than the film, and in chapter 20 the rat Roscuro is spied during a banquet and comes to a realization when the princess screams, "Rat!"

A curse, and insult, a word totally without light.  And not until he heard it from the mouth of the princess did Roscuro realize that he did not like being a rat, that he did not want to be a rat.

It made me wonder if Peter ever had that realization when Sirius said, "you sneaky rat" or any of the ways (even the ones that were admiring or joking) he was called his Animagus form. Or was he proud? Hmmm....

Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 11/13/09 Title: Chapter 8: In the Moonlight

How nice of Sirius to serve breakfast in bed. I wasn't surprised that he made friends with the house elves. For some reason I'm reminded of my brother who died 20 years ago. He was a big man--probably could rival Hagrid in size. On his gravestone we put "Gentle giant--a friend to all." Somehow Sirius reminds me of that--a big Newfie who is a friend to all. I think dancing in the moonlight is a wonderful idea. I chuckled when Padfoot didn't want other male eyes to see Rosmerta dancing. I can't help but think that Peter had to be embarrassed with his animagus form. He was a little rat while his fellow Marauders were large impressive animals. Peter is always described as rat-like in appearance too. His character in the movie isn't that attractive either. Great chapter.

Author's Response: What a lovely epitaph! It tells about his soul and not just his roles in life, son, brother, father, etc.... Have you ever read Scaramouche? The author Raphael Sabatini (who also wrote Captain Blood, another literary crush although not quite as loved as my favorite snarky--and very Snape-looking--hero Scaramouche/Andre Louis) used the first line as his epitaph. He was born with a gift of laughter and a sense that the world was mad.

Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 11/13/09 Title: Chapter 9: Down in Flames

How embarrassing to have a note read in front of class. If I were Jane, I'd give up after that. Clearly, Sirius isn't interested in Jane. I didn't think Sirius would give up on getting the girl he wanted that easily. He seems to be enjoying his role as matchmaker though. Is this like "always a bridesmaid, never a bride." Always a matchmaker, never matched. This seems like one of those situations where people are trying too hard--either too hard to get together or too hard to stay apart. It won't get better until they sort things out. Great chapter.

Author's Response:

I can still remember the horror of having a note read in front of the class. My best friend and I were squabbling over liking the same boy (who had gorgeous white blonde hair) and I, quote mad at a young age, wrote pithily "all's fair in love and war" which the teacher read...and laughed...over.

He really did deserve his nickname "Master" Beaton. :D

Reviewer: Fynnsmom Signed
Date: 11/13/09 Title: Chapter 10: From the Ashes

That was so wonderful. Yay for Sirius. I was smiling through his romancing of Rosmerta. I did notice the similarities between the Blacks' drinking habits. They're kind of pleasant, mushy drunks. "Layla" used to be my favorite song back in the day. That was just too sexy. How could Rosmerta resist. I hope she sends him an owl. I'd feel on top of the world if I were Sirius. And, you've got me feeling bad for Peter again. Excellent chapter.

Author's Response:

Better a smiling, amorous drunk than a broody, mean one. I think bitterness turned Sirius into the latter at Grimmauld. It was too cruel of Dumbledore to keep him imprisoned there.

Rosmerta can't resist, which gives her something in common with those romance heroines she enjoys feeling morally superior too, heh.