I currently live in the great state of South Dakota. Why do I live in a place with such nasty winters, I don't know. Since most of my family lives far away in more exotic places than I do, my life revolves around my four dogs, Sampson, Raphael, Seamus, and Mayhem. They are a min-pin, a toy poodle, a teacup Malti-Poo, and a Great Dane, respectively.
I've always had a fascination with the mental illness aspect that characterizes Bellatrix Black Lestrange. My first story is her story. On one site I was sorted into Ravenclaw but I think the hat made a mistake. Most days I feel like a Slytherin!
Within the Marauder band of Merry Men, Sirius is the dashing Will Scarlet. Seventh year, his goal is not to rob the rich, but to help poor Robin woo Maid Lily, avoid sermons from Friar Moony, aid a rat in need, and win the love of a fair lady.
Nominated for a Quicksilver Quill for Best Romance- Non Canon.
*Chapter 30 is 'To Be Loved'*
Young love is so wonderful--I guess love is wonderful at any age. You really had me wondering about that letter. I figured it had some sort of spell on it or else Sirius wouldn't let the others read it. Love seems to be blossoming all over. Hamish and Fiona eventually marry don't they--later in the Remus and Tonks books. You've done a lot to get me thinking about Hogsmeade. I usually just think of it as a little commercial village but I never thought about families with children there before. Of course, there are families there:) Great chapter.
Author's Response: Yes, they marry in the R/T universe, and I changed Hamish's last name to Macbeth. I didn't mean to, it was a Freudian change, heh, since his character was an homage to M.C. Beaton's endearing redheaded constable of the same name. :D
I thought for a minute that Rosmerta would be angry that Sirius went to her bedroom. Their night-time ride sounded so wonderful. I can't believe they went flying. I was touched by Sirius' confession that he liked muggle electricity, music, and beer:) What a realization about Jane--that she really didn't care about his feelings. Is he going to set Jane up with Peter? Maybe they deserve each other. Great chapter.
Author's Response:
Sirius liked pictures of Muggle girls on motorbikes, too, :D, and I'm so glad you liked that!
Jane sees Sirius the way some girls see Edward Cullen, heh.
I don't know why but I chuckled when Sirius took blood from Peter. I was reminded, however, of the ceremony at the end of GofF when Peter brings back Voldemort. That didn't make me chuckle, Grimmy was so wonderful to warn and protect the women dancing in the moonlight. And, he got a steak for thanks. This is it for me for the night. I've got to finish reading Marked so I can reread New Moon before the movie. I don't know if I'll make it. I'm too addicted to fan fiction:) Great chapter and I'll see you at some point tomorrow.
Author's Response:
Sirius has good motives, Peter...grrr...he betrayed the only true friends he'd ever had out of cowardice.
Re-reading New Moon? Won't that just make you pick up the discrepancies in the film easier? Whenever you make your way back, I'll be happy to "see" you! (And if I haven't mentioned before that I've got a 10 chapter Charlie/female vampire dragon keeper romance called The Midnight Watch...I have now, heh).I drove to the next big town and went shopping. Then I came home, put most of my stuff away, and went out again and contributed to the local economy. Now I'm home and putting the rest of my stuff away and tidying. I couldn't wait to do some more reading. It's a beautiful fall day. And, it was fun to read about the Halloween celebration on such a nice day. I loved the beginning of this chapter--how Sirius was coaxed to carve the pumpkin. Your description was very artistic. A Greek vase--I never expected that. I'm kind of smiling over the enchantment they put on Jane--at least she's not bothering Sirius. His date with Rosmerta was so special. I chuckled at the beginning of the chapter over his jealousy when he thought of all the bar business. You know, I have to read New Moon because a number of people are going to be asking my opinion about the movie and how it compares to the book. They're going to listen to what I have to say and I know they're going to be repeating everything I say. And, if I have to read the book a number of times and see the movie I will do it--anything to get the students at school to read and do something other than abuse substances they shouldn't be using--anything to inspire them to write and talk about something creatively. That's a little melodramatic but basically true. In addition, I think Edward's pretty darn cute, not to mention the wolf pack--all Native cast:) Now, while all of that is true--my heart still belongs to Sev:P I loved this chapter. By the way, I do plan to read the Charlie story--I should come up with a plan. I may start with some of your oldest writings and work my way forward. I know there's a Ginny/Draco series in there too. And, I do need to read Dark Angel. I'm kind of saving that though--delaying my gratification so to speak.
Author's Response:
You're a fine American, supporting the local economy! I hope you found something to treat yourself and didn't just buy practical things like dog food and toilet paper, heh.
Huzzah for beautiful fall days! I have Jonathan pear trees in my back garden (sounds so much nicer than "yard" lol) and the leaves are gorgeously red.
Wow, you have impressionable minds clinging to your words and repeating what you say! It's like having toddlers all over again...except that they'll stick worse things up their noses than dry beans or fuzz off the floor!
I think R Patz is cuter without the body glitter and pasty white makeup. When he's Cedric, in other words. I have a friend who's borderline scarily adoring of him. I wonder if she's confusing character and actor, like Jeremy Irons did with Meryl Streep in the film The French Lieutenant's Woman.
You don't have a R. Patz screensaver, do you? ^_~This chapter was too cool. I'm sorry but I kind of chuckled when Snape got detention. It's so sweet that Rosmerta and Sirius are avid pen friends. I wonder how long she'll save his letters. I can see Mrs,. Bouquet ministering to Rosmerta's Da. He'll never complain again. My favorite part was the island party. I can't think of a better way to bring about good weather. I'll have to remember that in January:) No, I do not have an Edward Cullen screen saver. I agree--I liked him as Cedric Diggory. OK, I'll admit the truth--I'm going to look at the wolf pack:) Actually, I'm going since it's the fun thing to do right now:D I did buy myself something fun today--I bought a pretty red sweater tunic and some little ballet-type flats. Then I stopped at Bath & Body and bought some more wallflowers and warm milk and honey lotion--they only stock that around Christmas. I love the smell so much that I feel like licking my hands--but don't worry, I don't do that. Anyway, excellent chapter.
Author's Response:
I wanted you to chuckle, so it was a good thing!
LOL about licking your hands. If you use the lotion and go to work, you might have to fight off coworkers! :D
The sweater tunic sounds festive! It'll make you feel Christmassy whenever you wear it. I like flats with trousers or a knee length skirt, but a long skirt with flats is dowdy...please reassure me you don't do that....or I'm writing Clinton and Stacy from What Not To Wear! :D
Did Hagrid know about the meaning of faery phlox? At least Sirius did some quick thinking and may have made another match. I had some really pretty creeping phlox come up in my side garden last spring--they were fuschia. It was nice because I forgot that it was there. Geez, just when things were pleasant Lucius has to show up. And he sat in her desk chair!! Unacceptable. I was afraid that Sirius was going to act jealous and immature but it seems like he isn't. He seemed honestly worried that she was alone with Lucius. I'm smiling because I usually wear Birkenstock sandals in the summer and Docs of some sort in the winter or Birkenstock clogs:) I love Doc boots, but I don't know if I can wear my boots or not. My left foot is still sometimes swollen from when I broke my leg. It's getting better though so I'm hopeful. Great chapter.
Author's Response:
Hey, there are Birkenstock sandals that are fashionable, not frumpy, while staying comfortable. I heart them...but the clogs...aw, geez, I'm having flashbacks...must...repress...memories...lol. Knee high lace up docs or the shiny leather tall zip ones are spiffy. Very Tonks! The oxfords and original boots--Molly Weasley, especially when paired with long skirts. :D
May your foot (Ever seen Daniel Day Lewis in My Left Foot?) heal swiftly and be clad in comfy...and sexy, if all possible...footwear.
I laughed out loud when the conjurer kept coming out and seeing Rosmerta with her hand in the air. Of course, Fynn thought I was laughing at him and had to come over and lick my hand. Eww, dog germs:) He's going to be such a cute model for toys. Peter just never gets it does he? I can't believe James and Sirius took their favorite girls to the Shrieking Shack. I guess I was kind of startled to find out that Lucius had clubs--but then again, I could see it. I guess I was a little startled that he offered Rosmerta jobs--it's kind of a new view of Lucius. Great chapter.
Author's Response:
You'll find out Lucius had ulterior motive. He doesn't do much out of the goodness of his heart, lol.
Aw, Fynn sounds sweet. He won't become big-headed when he's a star. :D
Are they really going to spend Christmas together? You've got to be so careful with someone like Sirius--he's too smart for his own good. Of course he discovered that she keeps his letters under her pillow. You've just got to feel bad for Remus. He's so intelligent but so sad at the same time. I suppose being a werewolf is like having a chronic illness that you know you'll never get rid of. Great chapter.
Author's Response: Absolutely, Remus deserved more out of life, but so do a lot of good people who suffer and die too young. Sigh.
That was hysterical--Sirius and the house elves. I loved the thought of angels with Sirius' face on them. What a nice gift for Rosmerta. Do we get to find out what happens when Rosmerta's Da gets a romance novel read to him by Mrs. Bouquet? Rosmerta's flashback was wonderful. Her ex-boyfriend seems like such a git. I'm so excited--I don't know if I mentioned it or not but I'm going to try my hand at writing some fan fiction. I'm just waiting until I get some more progress made on my book--but, I had an epiphany last night about what I wanted to write and I've taken some notes and I can't wait to get started. Great chapter. Christmas time stories are my favorite.
Author's Response:
Oh yes, you get to find out, heehee.
I'm excited you're writing fan fiction! If you ever want another eye to read it over, let me know. Mods do allow a certain number of typos and minor errors--for which I'm thankful, but they are stricter than self post sites like fanfiction.net.
What a funny hex,. I'm used to real long hair on guys so I'm sure I would've thought Sirius was quite handsome. That was so kind of him to sit with the first years. Of course, they did get him to Hogsmeade. House elves are such funny little characters. I mean that in the best of ways. I love the Potters. Please tell me they died from old age and not from being murdered. I can't remember. Thanks for offering to help with my first fan fic. I'm not promising anything until after Christmas, although by then I hope to have a good portion of it done. It was originally going to be a one-shot but I'm thinking it might be a few chapters at least. It's going to be a story about Bellatrix. I have most of it worked out but there was one part that just fell into place last night. I'm trying to explain her insanity and, incidentally, why she baby talks. Rest assured I will ask for your help when the time comes. This was a wonderful chapter. Don't know if I'll read any more tonight. I really have to get some more stuff done around the house and get ready for work tomorrow. But you never know, I usually can't resist:D
Author's Response:
The Potters died of old age after James and Lily got married, so I'm sure they felt that she would take care of their precious boy and love him as he deserved. :)
I have a pet theory that too much Dark magic turns the mind, and Bella uses baby talk because she knows it's irritating as hell, but I'll be interested to read your theories. Great thing about characters only having sketchy profiles in the books. Fan fic writers have free reign to make up what Jo left out! :D
This chapter was brilliant. I couldn't stop laughing at the elder Potters. They are so adorable. This is one of my very favorite chapters. They were so delighted when they found out that Lily's family were muggles. I can't say enough about this chapter in this little space. The part about Rosmerta's Da was just as funny. I'm sure he thought Mrs. Bouquet was going to be embarrassed or as we say at school "shamed out." The next two weeks are going to be so busy but I love it that way. I'm just happy I seem to be getting my energy back--how long does it take to recover from a broken femur anyway:) Excellent chapter. I loved every second of it. And now, I really must sign off for the night. See you tomorrow.
Author's Response:
Oh yeah, Diarmid thought he'd send Iris running...and got quite a surprise, heh. Yay for you getting your energy back! It's no fun dragging through the days. I think the doctor would say "as long as it takes" but I'm glad you're healing, however long it's been!
Sweet dreams!
That Petunia is too much and Sirius is so noble to put up with her. Then she turned the tables on him--poor guy:) I could just envision Sirius' cartoon of his encounter with Petunia. That was nice of Mrs. Potter to serve him breakfast in bed. If Sirius was in my house I'd spoil him too:) I'm going to bet that their gingerbread house will be very artistic because both Sirius and Rosmerta sound like artsy types. The theory behind my story about Bellatrix is that she's insane because she was tortured very viciously by Death Eaters and Voldemort himself. As a pureblood "princess" she's expected to marry the best of the best--but instead she first falls in love with a muggle artist (who will be modeled after my son). In real life he's not an artist but everything else will be a description of him. And, he's not only a muggle but he's a mixed-blood muggle--worse yet from the pureblood standpoint. She becomes pregnant. When her parents figure out what's going on they get the Death Eaters to capture her and basically brainwash her--much like what would happen when someone is removed from a cult situation. Since they're Death Eaters they can't do anything without rape and torture, and Bellatrix isn't treated any differently. She's loses the baby and her muggle lover's life is threatened, unless she turns to the Dark and lives up to her pureblood parents' demands. Either Lucius or Severus rescues her from her kidnappers and she ends up in St. Mungo's. After that, she suffers severe psychological trauma and totally turns against muggles, blaming them for her problems. She babytalks because she has odd flashbacks concerning the baby she never had. That's all I have for a basic outline, right now. My big epiphany was to model her lover after my son--he'll be the perfect character, from his name to his appearance. So, if you poke holes in my theory, be gentle. My biggest boggart is fear of failure. Gee, that took me a while to figure out:) Loved this chapter. Can't wait to see how the gingerbread house turns out.
Author's Response:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. ^_~
No fear! (I think that's even a logo, heh) You can write anything you want and as long as you make it convincing (and put an AU warning label on it, if you have it that Bella wasn't always a Voldemort loving, Muggle loathing witch, because that's canon from the books and Jo's interviews...which are considered canon by most sites (I cling to the definition of canon as body of work, and what isn't written in a book is speculation coming from Jo as much as readers, :D, but mods fall in the majority, Jo said it, it's canon, group so you have to take that into consideration).
Sirius was so cute defending both his gingerbread house and his "Charlie Brown tree." He should be canonized for putting up with Petunia again. Even her mother seemed to think so. And he's so charming and witty. Such a good friend to James. There's an author on HPFF who has Petunia and Dudley living with Sirius at Grimmauld Place, after Vernon is killed by Death Eaters. They were placed with Sirius for protection. They end up falling in love and marrying. Crazy, I know, but it really worked in that story. Also, in that story, Harry is really Sev's son. Rosmerta's party sounded really fun and festive. She should have Sirius there to make matches. He's really good at it. And yay for Rosmerta for taking chances with visiting Sirius on Christmas Eve and wearing a sexy Christmas outfit or underwear. I'm sure Sirius loved every second of it. Can't wait to see what she's giving him for Christmas. Great chapter.
Author's Response:
How old is that story? That was quite a trend, once upon a time, making Harry Severus' son. :D It always gives me flashbacks to Darth Vader breathing heavily as he says, "Luke, I am your father!" I like James (and Severus) too much to go for that kind of storyline, but that kind of thing (any triangle, really, from Edward/Bella/Jacob to insert-guy's(any guy's!)-name-here/Lily/James) is good for writing angst.
I make Sirius angsty over memories of holidays past. ;)
I wonder why Walburga even had children. She never seemed to enjoy having them around. She's almost the poorest excuse for a mother I've ever heard of. You know, it seems like Sirius' character kept trying and trying and put up a brave front, but you almost have to wonder if he found solace in death. Aside from his years at Hogwarts, he just seems to have had an unpleasant life. It goes to show that money and prestige from a name don't produce happiness. I loved the Potters as always. The orb was funny--I'm sure they thought it was the perfect gift. Great chapter.
Author's Response: I think Sirius was so alive (even at his most bitter) that he didn't embrace death, and any solace found was in a "make the best of being reunited with my dearest friends" sort of way. I have issues with Jo making Sirius' life so unpleasant, and for cutting Remus and Tonks' lives short just because she let Arthur live. She should be glad I'm not a mastermind like Artemis Fowl or as rabid a fan as Kathy Bates in Misery. Some rewriting would be done, LOL.
April showers bring May...hassles? Bridesmaid blues and big trouble from small favours complicate Tonks' life when all she wants is to bring her love for Remus into full bloom.
Bill does seem to have a thing for the French. That was pretty funny--sitting by his dad in the restaurant. As always, I loved seeing Arthur again. Now who ran into Arthur and Tonks when they were shopping for lingerie--wasn't that Bill? Whose animagus form is a ferret? That reminds me--I was thinking of taking that quiz to find out what my patronus was--but I was afraid I'd be disappointed. I'd want a big, flashy patronus. I'm such a show-off:D And what is wrong with me--Remus dresses up like a homeless person and I still think he sounds sexy. Great chapter.
Author's Response:
Yup, Bill keeps running into his dad and Tonks...causing him some son-stress, heh. The bad guy is the ferret, but I'm not saying he's an animagus. ;) I refuse to take those kinds of quizzes. I didn't even like getting "sorted" on the beta boards and still wonder how they determined I was "Gryffindor" when I thought my answers were a mix of Hufflepuff and Slytherin. :D
Remus is sexy in whatever he wears.
It's late but I thought I'd get one more chapter in. Now I'm hungry for souffle. It's been a long time since I made one. I just don't know what to think about Evan. Sometimes he seems helpful and then he doesn't. I guess he's helpful when his ass is on the line, like now. Do you think Jerry's mum will like Tonks' muggle cousin? Something tells me that's not gonna work. I've always found trolls to be disgusting no matter where they come from:) Great chapter.
Author's Response: If you read Terry Brooks' epic fantasy The Sword of Shannara, (which was inspired by LOTR but without the poetry and songs, heh), you might change your mind. There's a mountain troll named Keltset who is heroic and as a character appropriately rocks. :D
Well, I think Snape has a sexy voice and I'm not ashamed to admit it. At least Hestia has something going on with Sturgis and will hopefully leave Remus alone. Although, having her point out the age difference between Tonks and Remus, ad nauseum, wasn't nice. Sirius must be worried about Harry. Great chapter.
Author's Response:
I've written a few SSNT fics, and scared a few R/T shippers that I would sneak in a love triangle, heh, but in this universe Tonks only has eyes for Remus...although she does have to admit Snape's voice is sexy, :D.
I know it wasn't funny but I had to chuckle about the foot fetish part. I'm extremely ticklish in my feet. It's always embarrassing when I go to the doctor and s/he has to examine my feet. I sit there giggling like a maniac and shouting "stop!! stop!!". Then the idea of Tonks and Remus snogging in every compartment on the train:D. Finally, overhearing Sirius and Cami discussing Tonks and Remus. I don't know if I'd trust Sirius to put up the privacy wards. After all it was Remus who put up the age line at Sirius' bedroom door:) Great chapter.
Author's Response:
You'd definitely kill a perv's buzz if you giggled madly when he was caressing your feet! :D Bet the doctor gets asked "What were you DOING in there?" after your examination, heehee.
Well, I loved this chapter. The best part was when Tonks impersonated Pansy and went into Hogwarts. The conversation with Draco was priceless. Leave it to Severus to figure out who she was. Tonks' conversation with Snape was pretty funny too, especially why his robes billow. Then her meeting with Albus was wonderful. I liked it when they noted that Sirius as Snuffles was holding his head proudly. Great chapter.
Author's Response: Severus has a habit of poking into people's minds, :D. I like to think Tonks did Draco a favor, making him doubt Pansy's worshipful devotion, heh. Sirius didn't get much of a chance to hold his head proudly when he was cooped up in Grimmauld, so I was glad to give him that opportunity here.
I get such a kick out of them riding the Hogwarts Express. If students only knew what went on in the train. I'm impressed that Remus can just translate from the Latin to English--but of course he can. Poor Tonks, coming home from vacation to a bunch of crap. Sometimes that happens to me. I don't do transitions well and am often a roaring bitch when I come home from somewhere. How did that foot pervert find Tonks? He wouldn't be such a pervert if he had to deal with me:) Great chapter.
Author's Response:
Poor kids wouldn't be able to eat...queasy stomachs...:D
I sympathize with the need to come home to peace, not a bunch of issues demanding attention. Really makes you reconsider that 'no place like home' saying, heh.