musiclily88 [
"There's little in taking or giving
There's little in water or wine
This living, this living, this living
Was never a project of mine.
Oh, hard is the struggle, and sparse is
The gain of the one at the top
For art is a form of catharsis
And love is a permanent flop
And work is the province of cattle
And rest's for a clam in a shell
So I'm thinking of throwing the battle--
Would you kindly direct me to hell?"
-Dorothy Parker
I like strange 'ships that are difficult to write-- glutton for hard work, I guess...I'd love to hear from any and all of you. I try to repsond to all reviews! I'm open to requests.
Barely any information about me-- I am 17 and female, and I am constantly writing something. Poetry, short stories, and novels are my specialty. I adore music and I read all the time. I've been called an intellectual. I like sarcasm, you'll soon find. If you want to know more about me, ask, and perhaps I'll share. (I've been working on my original writing a lot lately, which would be why I haven't been seen here much lately.)
People seem to like my Ginny/Draco fic best ("A Challenge"), so thank you to all the readers out there!
I haven't been writing many fanfics lately, I've been working on my own short stories and on editing my novel, but, as of 2/6, I have submitted a new story. It's taking a long time in queue, but I promise it's there. Hope it gets accepted soon, even if it doesn't earn be a lot of fans... (It's a weird story, but then, so is "Taints and Stains," even if that does seem seriously unpopular [the last chapter has been up for months and it's had 56 reads...]. Well, we'll see once it's up!)
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Rated: •
Categories: Orphan
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 0 |
Completed: No |
Words: 0 |
Hits: 0 |
Published: 01/01/70 |
Updated: 01/01/70
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Reviewer: musiclily88 Signed
Date: 06/20/05
Title: None
I like this one a lot. Normally (I'll say what many people say in their reviews) I don't read H/Hr, but this one'ss totally worth it. Nicely done. Especially how Harry's thoughts get less and less bitter and sarcastic towards the end... Good job.
Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Post Hogwarts: Ron and Harry are sent to America for Auror training. Ron spends his last night in England with Hermione, and after returning two years later, he finds Hermione with a fifteen-month-old baby ...
Categories: Ron/Hermione
Characters: None
Warnings: Book 7 Disregarded
Series: None
Chapters: 13 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 40801 |
Hits: 224857 |
Published: 01/02/05 |
Updated: 03/21/06
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Reviewer: musiclily88 Signed
Date: 06/20/05
Title: Chapter 5: The Talk
This is one of the most original stories I believe I've ever read here. Good plot. It's pretty apparent that everyone is going to hate Miranda ;) I really can't emphasize enough how much I like the fact that the plot is so atypical! Nicely done, and I look forward to the rest.
Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: It might interest you to know that this originally started out in the "Humor" section. It was going to wind up being a (backfired) spell that caused Harry to suddenly fall in "love" with Draco... I ended up moving it to slash because people started yelling at me *laughs*. So, I would call this slash at its lightest and most sarcastic.
Categories: Same-Sex Pairings
Characters: None
Warnings: Slash
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 687 |
Hits: 2076 |
Published: 03/16/05 |
Updated: 04/03/05
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Reviewer: musiclily88 Signed
Date: 05/28/05
Title: Chapter 1: Prologue
I hear you've given up on this one-- I understand that. That's why I write a lot of one-shots, they're easier for me to fully pull out of my brain and not disappoint people.... I liked this idea! Good job :) Pretty language.
Author's Response: Thank you! It was my first thing to write, I was sort of testing fanfiction out.
Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: This is a Lai poem. The first to lines rhyme, and the last all rhyme. and this about Bellatrix even though it doesn't metion her name
Categories: Poetry
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 |
Completed: No |
Words: 189 |
Hits: 5299 |
Published: 03/17/05 |
Updated: 05/22/05
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Reviewer: musiclily88 Signed
Date: 05/27/05
Title: Chapter 2: Rose Petals
This is intense-- I especially liked the second chapter. Very nice, pretty creepy. I enjoyed it.
Rated: •
Categories: Orphan
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 0 |
Completed: No |
Words: 0 |
Hits: 0 |
Published: 01/01/70 |
Updated: 01/01/70
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Reviewer: musiclily88 Signed
Date: 05/28/05
Title: None
This is nice-- I like the imagery :) Very amusing, too.... I liked it a lot!
Author's Response: Um, I sort of hate this poem. Most of us have a few things that make us cringe... Like, "What was I thinking when I wrote that?" *snorts loudly and causes the old, fat, cranky cat sitting on my lap to bite my hand* However I do like the adjectives that I used.
Author's Response: Wait... I probably shouldn't have criticized my poem like that, because if anyone saw my response they wouldn't want to read it... Darn it!! Too late.
Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: For the third time in three nights, Malfoy has awoken from disturbing nightmares. In order to rid himself of these plaguing dreams, he summons what he believes to be an ancestor. Unfortunately for him, it's not.
Categories: Humor Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: Slash
Series: None
Chapters: 5 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 14234 |
Hits: 16029 |
Published: 04/10/05 |
Updated: 06/11/05
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Reviewer: musiclily88 Signed
Date: 05/27/05
Title: Chapter 4: A Conflict of Colors
Oh this is too amusing :) Your writing style is lovely, and the plot is funny. Great job.
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it!
Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: For the rest of the Ministry, the interdepartmental challenge was merely a failed attempt to restore trust between workers. But for Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger, it was the catalyst for an unexpected relationship built on passionate letters, concealed identities, and secret meetings – and the beginning of an end that neither of them could ever have imagined possible, not even in their wildest dreams.
Post-war. Based somewhat on the story of the Phantom of the Opera. Also contains R/Hr, so don't read if you can't stomach that ship.
Status: Complete. Thanks for reading, everyone!
Categories: Hermione/Draco
Characters: None
Warnings: Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 35 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 108974 |
Hits: 308324 |
Published: 04/11/05 |
Updated: 12/06/06
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Reviewer: musiclily88 Signed
Date: 04/19/05
Title: Chapter 1: To My Pen Pal
I like the writing style, and the characterization of both Hermione and Draco. As others have said, the denial works wonders for the plot line :) Also, the secrecy is a good idea. Very nice!
Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: One-Shot written to "She's a Rebel" by Green Day
James' P.O.V.
My name is James Potter. Yeah, that's right.
The James Potter. See, there's this girl I've been after since I was eleven.
Her name is Lily Evans. She refuses to date me. I don't know
why; I'm talented, good-looking, athletic, smart,
and modest. But this is the year. She won't be able to resist me
this year. Ready or not, Evans, here I come!
Verse 7 is here!
Categories: James/Lily
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 |
Completed: No |
Words: 7578 |
Hits: 17390 |
Published: 05/24/05 |
Updated: 06/25/06
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Reviewer: musiclily88 Signed
Date: 06/01/05
Title: Chapter 1: Verses 1 and 2
I loved the characterization. Very classic, very much like it would be! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, looking forward to later installments! Great job.
Author's Response: Thanks! I'm trying to make it seem as canon and real as possible. I mean, Lily need a reason, right? ::nudge nudge wink wink:: Thanks a million!
Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: After the final battle, Ron and Hermione push away their grief - and each other. Back at Hogwarts for the last month, they find each other again. (One-shot)
Categories: Ron/Hermione
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 2038 |
Hits: 1856 |
Published: 06/17/05 |
Updated: 06/17/05
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Reviewer: musiclily88 Signed
Date: 06/19/05
Title: Chapter 1: Room for Healing
Ohhh, I like this. It had a mature and heartfelt ring to it. I like the way Ron came off in this-- he was sensitive. It seems like HE'S matured and not only knows how to comfort a person, but how to let himself be comforted. Nicely done! (And you've already reviewed my stories, so no need to worry about that ;) )
Author's Response: Thank you very much! After I finished it, I sat there thinking maybe Ron is TOO sensitive, maybe that's OUT OF CHARACTER...... then I realized, well Harry'd just died, he would be EXTREMELY sensitive after that!
Rated: •
Categories: Orphan
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 0 |
Completed: No |
Words: 0 |
Hits: 0 |
Published: 01/01/70 |
Updated: 01/01/70
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Reviewer: musiclily88 Signed
Date: 07/06/05
Title: None
It was certainly a good start. I like that the characters were randomly chosen, it's more entertaining than listening to a Sorting Hat choose a house for a character we don't know, or a Mary Sue. I liked the silliness of the plan, and I agree with the fact that the Hogwarts bit seemed a little rushed. I look forward to more chapters, and I like that you've separated the friends so they basically have to deal with things on their own. Nicely done.
Rated: Professors •
Summary: According to numerous fanfics; Hermione has been a busy girl... if you know what I mean!
Categories: Humor Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: Alternate Universe
Series: None
Chapters: 7 |
Completed: No |
Words: 9853 |
Hits: 777 |
Published: 07/03/05 |
Updated: 01/09/07
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Reviewer: musiclily88 Signed
Date: 07/11/05
Title: Chapter 1: Part one
Oh dear me, too hilarious for words.
Author's Response: Thanks for the compliment! I have a new chapter in queue, I just couldn't let those precious characters go undeveloped! I am glad you liked my story!
Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: 1993. The passive-aggressive wife of a Death Eater harangues the passive-aggressive Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts. Hilarity ensues.
Categories: Humor Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1835 |
Hits: 2198 |
Published: 09/01/05 |
Updated: 09/01/05
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Reviewer: musiclily88 Signed
Date: 09/14/05
Title: Chapter 1: Academic Discourse
Not only highly realistic, but also quite amusing! Nicely done. I'm glad Lupin was vindicated by the end..... :)