WeasleyMom [
I am a serious Harry Potter fan who, according to one friend, "needs rehab." I like canon-compliant stories and pairings, especially Romione, which is probably evident from my stories.
You will notice I don't use British spellings. I strive to accurately portray British culture in my fics and have my characters (and JK's) behaving in culturally appropriate ways. But spelling and punctuation are tools of the writer, and I'm an American writer. I would feel incredibly pretentious using British spellings.
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Grief causes people to behave in ways they never imagined. This is a story about trying to make it right again.
Categories: Other Pairing
Characters: None
Warnings: Mild Profanity
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 2908 |
Hits: 1267 |
Published: 06/11/16 |
Updated: 06/11/16
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Kenley Allen has been invited to a holiday party by her friend Scorpius Malfoy. The question is, are they going as friends or is it a date?
This is WeasleyMom of Hufflepuff writing for the Cotillion in the Great Hall.
10/5/15 How fun is this? Three years later, this story tied for first place in the judging. Cool!
Categories: Next Generation
Characters: None
Warnings: Mild Profanity
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 3233 |
Hits: 1163 |
Published: 03/18/14 |
Updated: 03/18/14
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: When Harry woke that first morning in Grimmauld Place, he wondered if Ron and Hermione had fallen asleep holding hands. This fic provides a possible answer to that question. A missing moment from Deathly Hallows.
This story received a QSQ in 2014 for Best Canon Romance ~ Thank you!
Categories: Ron/Hermione
Characters: None
Warnings: Mild Profanity
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1708 |
Hits: 7414 |
Published: 02/04/14 |
Updated: 02/04/14
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Shaking free of one's chains is never easy. Least of all, for Draco Malfoy.
This story received a 2014 QSQ award for Best General Story, one-shot. Thanks!
Disclaimer: I am not J.K. Rowling. (Duh.)
Dedication: I wrote this for Carole/Equinox Chick, because I've wanted to write her a birthday fic for three years and failed, because her encouragement has meant more to me than she could possibly know, and because she told me to write more Draco. (What?) She's also Mistress of The Brawl, from whence this fic came.
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1131 |
Hits: 4219 |
Published: 11/09/13 |
Updated: 11/09/13
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Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: War takes things and keeps on taking them, and the things it takes don't come back to you.
A story about Hannah Abbott and Terry Boot.
This is WeasleyMom of Hufflepuff writing for the Romance Class final on the beta boards.
I can't thank Kara enough for her incredible help and encouragement with this story. Her beta work was fabulous and I'm eternally grateful! Thanks also to my flist for chatting me through various issues as I wrote this. You lot know who you are. *hugs*
Categories: Other Pairing
Characters: None
Warnings: Strong Profanity,
Series: None
Chapters: 2 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 10078 |
Hits: 527 |
Published: 09/10/13 |
Updated: 09/12/13
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: What if the characters in the Harry Potter films were portrayed—not by actors—but by the book versions of themselves, as created by Rowling? How might things unfold on that set? What would the characters think of the changes made from the stories they’d already lived out… to the ones written for the script?
This fic is a series of one-shots, posted as chapters, each from the perspective of a different character who is dealing with the changes occurring between the book and the script.
Holy Movie Canon, Batman! This fic won the 2011 Quicksilver Quill Award for Best Chaptered Humor Story. Thanks so, so much!
Categories: Humor Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: Alternate Universe
Series: None
Chapters: 4 |
Completed: No |
Words: 5896 |
Hits: 31050 |
Published: 08/23/10 |
Updated: 02/06/13
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: With Hannah, things always go to yellow.
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 988 |
Hits: 2205 |
Published: 08/11/12 |
Updated: 08/11/12
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: This story is a missing moment from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. We know Ron and Hermione descend into the Chamber of Secrets in search of basilisk fangs, and we know they succeed. But what exactly happened down there? This story provides a possible answer to that question.
This is WeasleyMom of Hufflepuff writing for the Illustration for Inspiration Challenge in the Great Hall.
My inspiration was a drawing done by Carole/EquinoxChick, featuring Hermione's hand stabbing the cup with a basilisk fang. Thanks, Carole! You unknowingly pushed me to write something I've had in my head since DH came out.
Thrilled to announce this story tied for third place in the challenge!
Holy Hufflepuff! This won a 2012 QSQ Award for Best Canon Romance, one-shot! I am thrilled and so, so grateful!
Categories: Ron/Hermione
Characters: None
Warnings: Mild Profanity
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 5132 |
Hits: 6860 |
Published: 07/01/12 |
Updated: 07/01/12
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Ernie Macmillan has had a difficult year, suffering three losses in two months’ time. Life is dreary, and each day seems far too much like the one before and the one to follow.
But on any regular day, extraordinary things can happen, can change the course of a journey… especially when an obligatory dinner party, a meddling best friend, and a familiar face from the past come together at just the right time.
This is WeasleyMom of Hufflepuff, writing for the Great Hall Cotillion Challenge.
Thanks to Natalie/hestiajones for beta reading this in a quick turnaround.
Categories: Other Pairing
Characters: None
Warnings: Mild Profanity
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: No |
Words: 3202 |
Hits: 1824 |
Published: 02/06/12 |
Updated: 02/06/12
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Â
I've never felt this way before. Â
Fleur struggles with life and war. A missing moment from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
This is WeasleyMom of Hufflepuff writing for the Great Hall Bannermaker's Challenge. The banner used was Doubts by TM_WandStick. I chose this banner immediately Toni--so gorgeous!
Yay! Those lovely SBBC people have added this story to the SBBC Hall of Fame! I knew there was a reason I joined that group. Hehe. Thanks, you guys!
Thanks so much to Natalie/hestiajones for beta reading this so close to the submission deadline. She is everything she is cracked up to be. Â
I'm not JK Rowling.
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1924 |
Hits: 3014 |
Published: 09/20/11 |
Updated: 09/22/11
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: After her brother's Potter-assisting activities are discovered by Death Eaters, Ginny's Easter holiday take a bit of a sour turn.
A missing moment from Deathly Hallows
I'm not J.K. Rowling, which should be obvious as soon as you being reading. Haha.
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1063 |
Hits: 3453 |
Published: 08/14/11 |
Updated: 08/18/11
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Though the trials of war are behind them, life will always include difficulties that must be faced.
This fic won the 2011 Quicksilver Quill in the category Best Canon Romance, one-shot. Thank you so much! :)
Categories: Ron/Hermione
Characters: None
Warnings: Mild Profanity
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1409 |
Hits: 10793 |
Published: 04/11/11 |
Updated: 04/11/11
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Ron and Hermione make New Year's Resolutions.
This was originally written for a drabble challenge of the same name, where resolutions must be made and... well, I'll let you see for yourself. A fluffy little one-shot.
Thanks to Natalie for her mad, QSQ-winning beta skills
Categories: Ron/Hermione
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1022 |
Hits: 5734 |
Published: 03/11/11 |
Updated: 03/12/11
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Ginny Weasley has a strong spirit, and is not given to weepy emotional displays. But when her friend is taken from the Hogwarts Express during her sixth year, her fears begin to rumble and rage... at least for a moment.
This is WeasleyMom of Hufflepuff writing for the final of the Hogwarts Missing Moments class.
I am delighted that this fic has been added to the SBBC Hall of Fame on the Beta Boards. Thanks to my fellow SBBC-ers!
What? This story won the 2011 QSQ Award in the category Best General Story! Thanks so much!
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1625 |
Hits: 6274 |
Published: 12/25/10 |
Updated: 01/01/11
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: A distraught Hermione takes quill to parchment.
Categories: Ron/Hermione
Characters: None
Warnings: Mild Profanity
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: No |
Words: 3391 |
Hits: 4252 |
Published: 10/01/10 |
Updated: 10/02/10
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Six weeks after the battle, Hermione puts on a bathing suit for the first time in nearly a year... scars are revealed as painful memories rise to the surface yet again.
I almost submitted this under dark/angst, but at the end of the day, I see it as Ron/Hermione. *shrug* Also, a gazillion thanks to my awesometastic beta Natalie, and to both Neil and Carole for helping me with all things British. :D
I'm thrilled to announce that this story was nominated for a 2011 Quicksilver Quill in the category Best Canon Romance. YAY!
Categories: Ron/Hermione
Characters: None
Warnings: Sexual Situations,
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1715 |
Hits: 14720 |
Published: 08/26/10 |
Updated: 08/29/10
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Kenley Allen was about to begin her seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and she was more than ready. The summer holiday had seemed longer than usual with her mum traveling frequently and Kenley running out of things to do for amusement.
Things change, however, when she reluctantly accepts an invitation from her new step-father to join him in Diagon Alley for the day. Chance meetings and awkward conversations abound.
**beams** This story won the third round of the Character Clinic Triathalon! Category: original characters
**beams again** This story was nominated for 2010 Quicksilver Quill ~ Best Original Character
Categories: Next Generation
Characters: None
Warnings: Mild Profanity
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 5259 |
Hits: 2628 |
Published: 05/28/10 |
Updated: 05/29/10
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Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Everything was beautiful, and Hannah felt calmer than she had all day; she felt all of the unsettled thoughts beginning to find their places in her frazzled mind.
This story won second place in the second round of the Character Clinic Triathalon: minor characters ~~~ prompt: wedding day
This story was nominated for a 2010 Quicksilver Quill Award in the category Best Canon Romance.
Categories: Post-Hogwarts
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 2849 |
Hits: 3195 |
Published: 04/26/10 |
Updated: 05/08/10
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Sunshine spilled down onto the small grassy spot through a window in the tall trees. She stood a couple of yards back, staring at eleven letters cut into rock. It was beautiful, and yet, to Hermione’s eyes, nowhere near a worthy enough tribute for a life so full of rambunctious joy.
This is WeasleyMom of Hufflepuff writing for the Madam Pomfrey One-Shot Triathlon - Round One: Major Canon Characters, Prompt 5 (loss of loved one)
Categories: Post-Hogwarts
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 3585 |
Hits: 4842 |
Published: 03/30/10 |
Updated: 03/31/10
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: The wedding cake is gone; the bride and groom are honeymooning. Yet Molly Weasley cannot seem to relax and enjoy the family that lingers in the aftermath of the celebration. She knows the easy laughter they enjoy tonight will be short lived, because three teenagers are leaving in the morning with a job so serious no one will even speak its nature aloud.
Molly knows no magic that will stop morning from coming. But she can make stew and fan the flames of laughter; she can tell someone something she's been wanting to say for years. And she can hold them all while she has them.
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: Book 7 Disregarded
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 6819 |
Hits: 5551 |
Published: 12/14/09 |
Updated: 12/15/09
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