I am:
- between the ages of 0 and 21.
- an American
- a girl
- married to Teddy Lupin
- afraid of commas
I am not:
- JK Rowling
- tired of Harry Potter
- a moose (or any other forest animal)
- divorcing any time soon
Check out my stories - if you dare :).
A lot can change in a year.
Susan returned from Ireland to find Theodore Nott engaged to his Hogwarts sweetheart. Determined not to lose him again, she vows to keep Daphne Greengrass --the enemy -- close enough to watch over.
Little does she know that this is a game of fire, and it only takes a single misstep for one of them to get burned.
This is lucca4 of Gryffindor writing for the Great Hall Cotillion Challenge.
**Thank you to the wonderfully talented Soraya for being a fantastic beta :) **
Anthony Goldstein doesn't like sex.
When he meets someone desperate to change this, both lives are altered irrevocably.
**A million thank-yous to my beta Soraya, without whom I would have floundered horribly.
This is lucca4 of Gryffindor writing for the 2013 Great Hall Cotillion.
An unexpected event forces Lily to examine her relationship with Scorpius.
If that relationship even exists.
Written for Maple for the SPEW Swap.
Thank you to Natalie for last-minute betaing - you're fabulous!
Falling in love teaches Dennis Creevey that sometimes, needing someone isn't a bad thing, especially as it helps him forget all that he's lost.
It fails, however, to show him that forgetting can only go on for so long.
Thank you to Ari for her loveliness in betaing this story.
This is lucca4 of Gryffindor submitting my entry for Rosmerta's Mini-Gauntlet being held in The Three Broomsticks over at the MNFF beta boards.
Thank you and hugs to the lovely Jess for reading this over, and to Alex, for everything ♥.
Winner of the 2012 Quicksilver Quill Award - Best Marauder-era Story.
My mother always called me the good daughter (and I was good, perhaps too much so).
I was perfect (except I wasn’t, really).
I was flawless in every way but one.
Based off of the drabble I wrote for the SBBC Battle of the Genres challenge (it won first place). Thank you to the elves for such a lovely challenge!
Nominated for a 2012 Quicksilver Quill Award - Best Same Sex Pairing.
Sometimes, there is little else to hold onto except dreams and moments.
Because sometimes, when all else is lost, they are all we have left.
I owe infinite thanks to Alex/welshdevondragon, who took the time to beta and primp this story and is also just a wonderful person.
Winner of the 2012 Quicksilver Quill Award - Best General Story, along with Julia/theopaleye's fabulous fic Maps
Michael Corner muses on his short-lived relationship with Daphne Greengrass.
Originally a drabble written for the amazing Jess/ToBeOrNotToBe…in the SBBC's Musical Drabble Exchange. It was based off the song "Ain't that a B*tch" by Aerosmith and the title is taken from the lyrics of that song.
A big thank you to Natalie, the impeccably wonderful beta for this in its drabble form.
Winner of the 2012 Quicksilver Quill Award - Best Non-Canon Romance.
Cho Chang is contently married to the Muggle man of her dreams (or so she tells herself). The Wizarding World and all the pain it brought is far behind her -- at least, that is what she believes until she bumps into an old classmate.
Pansy Parkinson weaves her way through bars and men (in that order) and tries to forget which side she was on. She needs help, but she isn’t sure how.
Perhaps, it takes recognising sorrow to move on to bliss.
This story is for the GH Cotillion Challenge. Thank you, Jess and Viv, for setting such an ingenious challenge!
Third Place winner, along with Paris by welshdevondragon..
Nominated for a 2012 Quicksilver Quill Award - Best Same Sex Pairing.
On a mountaintop
Come away with me
And I'll never stop loving you
Evan Rosier and Dorcas Meadowes swore that they would not let the war come between them.
But things change as they realise that love cannot always come first.
Written for the GH Cotillion Challenge.
A million thanks to my beta Alex/welshdevondragon who is lovely and brilliant.
Nominated for a 2012 Quicksilver Quill Award - Best Marauder Era Story.
It's Harry's first Halloween, but the raging thunderstorm prevents an overly eager Lily from taking him out to trick-or-treat. Instead, she, James, and Sirius spend one of their last carefree moments together.
There is no love between them; there is only passion and burning desire.
But for Susan, this is enough. She has loved and lost before, and she can’t handle losing again.
The lust is much easier to deal with.
* Originally written for the What a Pair SPEW Drabble Challenge.
Nominated for a 2012 Quicksilver Quill Award - Best Same Sex Pairing.
The Battle of Hogwarts changed the lives of many.
For Katie Bell, nothing mattered anymore, least of all her Quidditch career.
For Draco Malfoy, it meant he had to face that surviving comes at a price.
They each had their own demons to face alone. But for each other, they were a form of release.
Winner of the 2012 QSQ - Best Dark/Angsty Story
Many, many thanks to my beta Sarah/TheCursedQuill, whose speedy beta-ing and wonderful comments helped transform this into a two-shot.
**Originally written for Jess/ToBeOrNotToBeAGryffindor for the SPEW Summer Swap under the title 'Release'.
It's a secret, and it haunts you but you won't tell.
You promised.
This is lucca4 of Gryffindor writing for The Great Bannermakers' Hall Challenge.
It won …and I am still shocked!
Thank you, thank you, to my beta Alex/welshdevondragon, who has beta-ed this in the blink of an eye. She is amazing.
Also, thank you to Julia/the opaleye for the gorgeous, eye-dropping banner that inspired the story.
Nominated for a 2012 Quicksilver Quill Award - Best Dark/Angsty Story.
When a lavish engagement party ends in tragedy, Teddy Lupin takes on the case, despite its personal ties. What begins as a search for the killer soon turns into something much more, and Teddy is startled to witness the personas of the people he thought he knew melt away in light of the crime.
It doesn’t take long for him to realise that nothing is what it seems to be.
Nominated for a 2011 QSQ - Best General Fiction and Best Same Sex Pairing Story
Nominated for a 2012 QSQ - Best Same Sex Pairing Story.
This is lucca4 of Gryffindor writing for the 2011 Mysterious May Challenge in the Great Hall, Prompt 2.
A year ago, two damaged people found they made each other whole.
Little did they know that the fault lines were still there, waiting for the right moment to break apart once more.
A companion to ‘Not Broken.’
Nominated for a 2011 QSQ - Best Non-Canon Romance
Nominated for a 2012 QSQ - Best Dark/Angsty Story
This is a birthday present for the absolutely fabulous Jess/ToBeOrNotToBeAGryffindor.
I owe an indefinite amount of thanks to my super speedy and gorgeously amazing beta Elen� for making this story readable.
And while we're here I should probably mention that I'm not JKR
A war is raging across the country. Colin Creevey is ready to fight, while his brother Dennis is in hiding with other Muggleborn refugees in the London Underground. Both are ready to play their part in a war that will forever change the history of the Wizarding world.
One will not survive. The other will have his life forever changed by the tragedy that befalls his brother.
But this is not a story about death or loss. This is a tale about brotherhood.
Much, much thanks to the absolutely amazing Elené for beta-ing this. Without her, this story would not be. Disclaimer: I don't own any of JKR's stuff.
They cannot keep doing this; it is only a matter of whose resolve will break first. They may have grown distant, their friendship may never mend, but something else has begun. Similarly to the sultry dance so reminiscent of their stolen kisses, drifting apart is only the beginning.
Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling and I definitely don't own her world.
Winner for 2011 QSQ - Best Same Sex Pairing, along with Equinox Chick's Monochrome, one of the most beautiful stories on this site. Thank you immensely for nominating/voting!
Huge, huge thank you to Natalie/hestiajones for beta-ing this.
This Christmas season, Hermione isn't fussed with gifts or wrapping paper. A drunken snog has forced her to rethink her feelings for Draco as she makes the ultimate decision between her mind and her heart.
Nearly eighty years have passed since the Battle of Hogwarts, yet Padma Patil cannot banish the string of tragic memories from her mind. A part of her still holds onto them as a way to see the faces of those she has lost once more.
Her memories tell the story of a young woman too afraid to fight against Voldemort’s regime. Throughout her final year at Hogwarts, Padma had been forced to choose between defying the Death Eaters and keeping her loved ones safe. Her decision is one that will ultimately haunt her for the rest of her life.
Nominated for a 2011 QSQ - Best Dark/Angsty Story
I am lucca4 of Gryffindor and this is my final for the Missing Moments class on the MNFF Beta Boards.
** indicates a line taken directly from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pages 659-660