Swans by Equinox Chick
Summary: I’m twenty-seven years old, so why can’t I just say no, or plead a headache and stay in my room?

Molly (jnr) was a Weasley with a difference. Not sparkling, not brave, not reckless. She was diligent and loyal, and usually overlooked.

For who notices ducklings when swans are gliding by?

I am not JK Rowling. You all know that. I am Equinox Chick and this is one of my entries for the Great Hall Inaugural Cotillion.

IT WONNNNN!!!!!!!!!!! (joint first with A Splendid Fate by hestiajones - you should all go and read that - it's very fab)Thank you judges for being amazing

Many thanks to Natalie (hestiajones) and Kara (Karaley Dargen) for their help with beta'ing this story.

The line about 'porridge' is a tip someone told me photographers use.

Due to the infuriating prissy glitch infecting the archives, I have downgraded this story's rating to 3rd-5th. However, this is actually a PROFESSORS story, so please do not click if sexual situations are likely to offend.
Categories: Next Generation Characters: None
Warnings: Mild Profanity, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: Yes Word count: 13820 Read: 5326 Published: 01/17/12 Updated: 01/21/12

1. Chapter 1 - Ducks by Equinox Chick

2. Chapter 2 - Pearls by Equinox Chick

Chapter 1 - Ducks by Equinox Chick
Molly had always hated these events and dreaded them for weeks beforehand. She would sit in her bedroom and stare at the calendar, crossing off the days with a leaden heart, praying for an escape. Tonight she had stayed longer at work, hoping to delay the inevitable, but then Barnabas had appeared, a smile on his face, offering to escort her home. It was, she knew, an offer she couldn’t refuse. Her fiancé had been given his orders to ensure her attendance, so, with a sigh, she’d collected her bag and cloak and taken the Floo home.

Listlessly, she stared at herself in the mirror. Unlike her parents, she wasn’t tall, having inherited her grandmother’s build. In fact, when she really studied her features, she struggled to see a resemblance to anyone in her illustrious family. Her hair was light brown, her eyes a limpid blue. She was unremarkable to look at, and didn’t have the personality to carry off such unprepossessing looks. She was diligent. She was loyal. And she loved her family very much, so she hid the frenzied distraction they drove her to, under a frozen smile and a sigh.

Her sister, Lucy, deliciously pretty with red-gold curls framing her elfin face, sparkled at functions like this. Her mother, poised and as elegant as a swan, in a long burgundy dress, smiled politely at the assembled guests as she directed the waitresses around the room with their trays of hors d’oeuvres. And then there was her father, tall and proud, welcoming all those of influence into his home.

All three dealt with these parties effortlessly, but for Molly Weasley, it was hell. Her palms would sweat so much she’d avoid shaking hands. Her mouth would become so dry that she could only croak out her answers, and never think of the right questions to ask. She remembered hearing her mother describe her - with exasperation - as gauche, but Molly hadn’t been upset. She was gauche, and drab, and as colourless as her hair, which her mother insisted she wear piled high on her head.

–You have a short neck, Molly. So you should make an effort to elongate it,” she’d said, and then handed her a string of pearls.

Without demurring, Molly had fastened the pearls around her neck. She knew her mother well enough to know that this was not a mere suggestion but an order.

I am pathetic, she thought. I’m twenty-seven years old, so why can’t I just say no, or plead a headache and stay in my room?

But she knew her duty. Her mother had reminded her of that often enough, and it was better to attend and look ‘gauche’, than make an excuse and remind everyone what a disappointment she was.

With another sigh, she looked back in the mirror. The pearls had belonged to an ancient aunt of her mother’s, and were only dug out for special occasions. Perhaps they had once had some lustre, but now they looked dull against her skin.

–Chin up, duckling,” her father whispered when she walked down the stairs.

The use of her childhood nickname made her start. She smiled warmly at him, but he was looking ahead, his expression fixed. Something flashed and Molly lifted a hand to ward off whatever approached.

–Can we try that again, sir?” asked a rather nondescript young man. –Only your daughter raised her hand and it covered her face.”

–Not a problem,” Percy replied. –Chin up, Molly, and smile for the camera.”

–Of course,” she muttered.

–Perhaps a family shot, sir,” the photographer suggested. –Or your two daughters together.”

–Oh, please not,” Molly muttered under her breath, unwilling to face the obvious comparisons. The young man paused and for an awful moment, Molly thought he must have heard her, but then he went back to his camera.

–I’ve finished this roll of film,” he said, stroking the stubble on his chin. –I need a new one. Give me a minute, please, sir, or I could find you later, save you standing around waiting for me.”

Percy frowned slightly, and then nodded peremptorily. –Very well. I have guests to greet, as it is.” Then, after a cursory kiss on Molly’s cheek, her father strode off towards the lounge to circulate.

The camera flashed. Molly looked up in surprise to see the photographer smiling at her.

–Why did you do that? You don’t have film, do you?”

–Thought you needed a breather, or a drink, before I took more pictures, Miss Weasley,” he murmured.

She blushed and tried to stutter her thanks, but before any words had left her lips, a proprietary hand slipped around her waist. –Molly, I am being pestered by all and sundry to tell them the date. You really need to help me out, darling.”

–It’s the first of May,” the photographer replied.

Molly bit her lip in an attempt to stop a sudden, unexpected giggle escaping from her, but Barnabas looked at him coldly. –I mean our wedding date.”

–My apologies. I didn’t realise Miss Weasley was engaged. I should have looked at her hand instead of her face,” the photographer replied smoothly.

–We haven’t had the honour,” Barnabas said, his voice faintly disdainful. –I am Barnabas Summerby, Miss Weasley’s fiancé, and you are...”

The young photographer held out his hand, but when Barnabas did not extend his own, he let his fall, not at all embarrassed. –Aaron Harper,” he replied. –Mr Weasley hired me to take the photographs for tonight.”

–Then you can start by taking one of us,” Barnabas ordered. –The happy couple.”

–Certainly,” Aaron replied. He raised his camera, focused the lens and clicked. Nothing happened. –Ah, the flash has gone. I will replace it and return.”

As he walked away, Barnabas’ hand tightened around Molly’s waist, and she could sense his impatience. –I should mingle,” she muttered. –It’s expected.”

–What do I tell people when they ask if we’ve set a date?”

Molly took a breath before turning back to him. –Barney, not now. I really don’t want to think about wedding arrangements tonight.”

Reaching out, he grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him. –How about I tell them September?” he said. –We could make it your mother’s birthday.”

Merlin, no. She extricated herself from his grip but didn’t move away. –That’s not very fair on yourmother, is it?” Seeing him glower, she tentatively touched his arm. –Let me get this night over with, and then we’ll sit down together and discuss it properly.”

–I will hold you to that,” he warned.

–I know,” she replied, and stepped away.

A reprieve, she thought and guiltily bit her lip. Barnabas was a good man with a promising career ahead of him in the Improper Use of Magic Department. Proposing after a whirlwind romance of two months, he was impatient only, he told her, because he loved her and couldn’t bear to wait. He was handsome, witty, and - most importantly according to her mother - eminently suitable.

–You could not possibly do any better, Molly.”

He said he loved her.

And after a lifetime of being overlooked, that made all the difference.

I should set a date, she thought, and pondered again his suggestion that they marry in September. It would please her mother, after all. So why am I reluctant?

–Mollyyyy,” a voice squealed. She turned to see Lucy scooting over to her. –Isn’t tonight just the best!”

–You look lovely,” Molly said fondly. She meant it. Lucy always looked lovely, and in a dress of bottle green, which brought out the striking colour of her eyes, she looked especially pretty tonight. She was twenty-two, had left Hogwarts with only two NEWTs (in Charms and Herbology) but had found her niche in a high-end florist’s, designing bouquets for rich society weddings and displays for functions such as this. Lucy laughed through life, a bubbling effervescent girl who never failed to light up a room. Beside her, Molly was wallpaper merging in the background.

–Have you seen Gregor?” Lucy asked, her eyes darting around the room. –Only, he said he would fetch me another glass of champagne.”


–Gregor MacDougal.” Lucy rolled her eyes. –Molly, I told you all about him.”

–Ah, yes.” She remembered now. Lucy had returned from work in high spirits, earlier in the week, after literally bumping into a man she’d been at Hogwarts with.

–He’s here tonight, then?” Molly asked, moderately surprised because Gregor worked for his uncle in an Apothecary and was hardly influential.

–I invited him,” Lucy replied, an impish grin on her face. –Mum and Dad think he’s the manager, rather than an apprentice, but ... um ...” She lowered her voice. –I know you won’t tell on me.”

–Of course not.” Molly fixed the smile on her face, and squeezed her sister’s hand. She was the keeper of secrets in her family. The sister and cousin they all confided in.

–Hi,” said a voice from behind them. A nervous looking young man hovered behind them. In his hand, he carried two glasses of champagne. Seeing that Molly didn’t have a drink, he handed her his, then wandered off to help himself to another.

–Isn’t he a darling?”Lucy whispered, and started to giggle.

–He’s certainly considerate,” Molly replied. She took a sip of her champagne, enjoying the way the bubbles prickled on her tongue.

A flash went off. Molly looked up to see the photographer - Aaron - pointing his camera at them both. Looking at Lucy, she saw her sister still had a smile on her face. She would look poised and pretty, whereas Molly probably had her eyes closed, or her lips pursed.

–Thank you,” Aaron said. He raised his camera when Gregor returned, preparing to take another shot, but Molly stepped to one side and watched as Lucy tilted her head towards Gregor and smiled up at him.

–You don’t like having your picture taken, Miss Weasley?” Aaron murmured.

–Not much,” she admitted. –I never know what to do with my face.”

He shrugged. –Do nothing,” he replied. Then, with a small smile, he turned away.

–Do nothing,” she muttered under her breath. –Story of my life.”

She could hear Barnabas over the general hubbub of the party. Looking over her shoulder, she saw he was engaged in conversation with Hebe Bole, his immediate superior at the Ministry. Molly wasn’t sure she liked Hebe. There was something hard about her. Her cut-glass accent could kill a conversation dead; her remarks, although witty, were often unkind. With her blonde hair in a chignon and wearing a silver sheath of a dress, she looked devastatingly sophisticated. She wore no drab, inherited pearls, but a diamond choker, which emphasized the slenderness of her neck. Her whole demeanour screamed money, but then Hebe Bole had married well. Her husband, Donald, may have been old, but he was wealthy and had influence.

Before she could sidle away, Barnabas had beckoned to her. –Hebe agrees with me that September would be an ideal time for the wedding.”

Molly smiled politely.

–You need good weather, obviously,” Hebe stated, –but September means most of the children are at school, so you wouldn’t have to have them there. You come from such a large family, that ...”

–Only one is at Hogwarts now,” Molly replied. –The rest have left.”

–Oh...” Hebe pulled a face. –What a drag. Well, one large family photograph and then you can be done with them all. And you don’t have to invite their partners - only the ones who are married.”

Molly blinked. –I’m sorry ...”

–Don’t apologise,” Hebe said, a laugh tinkling in her throat. –One cannot help one’s family after all.”

–I want my family there,” Molly said. –And their boyfriends -” Barnabas had raised one eyebrow as if daring her to go on. –- or girlfriends,” she finished defiantly.

He looked furious at the reference, then smoothed his face with a smile as he lowered his head to Hebe. –Molly has a soft spot for her cousins, but I doubt Audrey would let that particular pair over the threshold.”

–Pleased to hear it,” Hebe murmured. Laying her free hand on Molly’s arm, she looked her in the eye, a sly smile playing on her lips. –By all means invite her. She could, perhaps, do the catering, but you would hate another Miss Weasley to grab the headlines on your day, my dear.”

–Weasley-DeVine,” Molly corrected, ignoring Barnabas’ shake of the head.


–She is Dominique Weasley-DeVine. She took her girlfriend’s surname by deed poll.”

–How ... ‘quaint’,” Hebe replied, her smile now wintry.

Deciding she’d had enough, Molly stepped back, murmuring something about needing to circulate. She knew Barnabas wasn’t fooled; she’d confided in him her hatred of these occasions, but he did nothing to stop her. In the corner stood the Minister. Noticing her, he grinned, so Molly returned the grin and wandered across to him. It was rare to catch Kingsley Shacklebolt alone, although since he’d announced his intention to retire, she supposed he wasn’t as in demand as he’d once been. Now those in the know jockeyed for position with those they thought might soon have power, hedging their bets amongst the hopefuls.

–I dislike these events,” Kingsley growled as she approached.

–You won’t have to attend many more,” she replied. –Have you fixed on a date for your official retirement?”

–I have, and there’s a note in your in-tray waiting for you on Monday, Molly,” he said. Then he bent his head towards her, whispering, –September the twenty-seventh, but don’t tell anyone.”

A wave of relief washed over Molly. If Kingsley was retiring in September and her father became the new Minister of Magic, then there was no way she could get married that month. –I can’t imagine the Ministry without you,” she said sadly. –It won’t be the same.”

–You will still have your position, Molly. I’m sure your father won’t dismiss you if he succeeds.”

–I know that, but working for someone else, especially my father, will be hard.”

–You can always rely on me for a reference,” Kingsley said. –You are, without doubt, the best and most trustworthy secretary I’ve ever had. Although ... perhaps you won’t need a reference, if young Summerby is to be believed.”

–Um ...” Molly stared at Kingsley. –What do you mean?”

–He says you’re both keen to start a family,” Kingsley replied. He was watching her with an amused look in his eyes, perhaps gauging how far he could push her. –Is this news to you?”

Molly took a breath. –You could say that,” she muttered. Looking across the room, she searched for Barnabas. His desperation for a wedding date was one thing, but telling the world they were ready to start a family was another.

–May I?” Aaron’s voice interrupted her exasperation and she found herself staring down the lens of his camera again.

–Are you stalking me?” she grumbled.

–Not at all,” he replied. –But the Minister is important, and it’s rare to have a photograph of him looking relaxed.”

Raising his glass, Kingsley edged closer to Molly, whispering out of the corner of his mouth. –Say the word ‘porridge’.”

–Porridge?” she replied in astonishment. Just then, Aaron took the photograph and sidled away.

–One of the first things I leant when I had to attend these dos, is that if they take a photograph whilst you’re actually talking, you end up looking like a pontificating fool with a triple chin,” Kingsley explained.

–And saying ‘porridge’ doesn’t do that?” Molly asked.

–Apparently not. You look as if you’re saying something important. It is, of course, fortunate that the photographs have no sound, or else I’d have been forced out years ago.”

Molly laughed. –Porridge, porridge, porridge!” she repeated. –If Dad does become the Minister, then I shall remember that.”

–Percy is the front-runner,” Kingsley replied. –I don’t think it’s a case of ‘if’ Molly.” He paused and took another sip of his drink. –He will be good. Your father has integrity and courage.”

–So have you,” she said, and her eyes filled with tears unable to bear the thought of not working with this man for much longer.

–I stayed far longer than I intended,” Kingsley mused. –But I’m seventy-five and would like the chance to enjoy the rest of my life.”

–Doing what?” she sniffed.

–Good question. And one I shall spend my remaining days in office contemplating. Perhaps I’ll find another path in life, or maybe I’ll while away my days feeding the ducks.”

–My mother wouldn’t approve,” Molly said. –She’s been trying to remove them from our pond and resettle them in the village, but they keep waddling back. She says the quacking disturbs her sleep.”

–Wouldn’t it be simpler to fill in your pond?”

Molly shook her head. –She likes the swans.”

Across the room, she could see the photographer picking his way through the throng, stopping to take his pictures, polite, assured and smiling at all his subjects.

–The Harper boy,” Kingsley mused, following the direction of her gaze. –He is an excellent photographer, I’ve been told. And quite a bold choice for your father.”


–He’s Adrian Harper’s son; the only one not to follow his father into the family gemstone business.”

Molly frowned. –So why does that make him a bold choice? The Harpers aren’t suspected of anything these days, are they?”

Kingsley smiled wryly. –He has a touch of the rebel about him. I would have thought your father would go for someone more in tune with the Establishment. Although, your father was a rebel, too, in his way.” He drained his glass and pulled out his pocket watch. –I should go. There are only so many functions I can face at this time of year, and it is the big one tomorrow.”

–Thirty years,” she agreed. Molly accepted his kiss with a smile, understanding that although it was still early, the Minister would need to make his rounds to say goodbye. –I must find Barnabas before he decides to tell everyone how many children we’re planning on having.”

–Take care, Molly,” Kingsley replied, raising his hand in fond salute.

She waved back and watched him return to the party’s throng, shouldering the responsibility of office with aplomb. Then, with a sigh, she resumed scanning the room for Barnabas. But the only person she could see was her mother talking to Donald Bole. She looked away, desperate not to be noticed, because Hebe’s husband was free with his hands around young women, and sidestepped her way to the French windows.

It was cool outside, the early evening air refreshing after the stuffiness inside. With barely a back glance, Molly wandered away from the party, meandering off the cobbled path and slipped off her shoes. The grass was cool underfoot, soothing her after the high heels that had started to pinch. In amusement, she watched a pair of ducks making their way back to the duck pond, shepherding five ducklings towards their home, evidently feeling the village pond was a nice place to visit, but not to live.

Five ... Molly frowned. There should be six, she thought and looked around the lawn trying to sight the last of the ducklings.

–Oh, there you are,” she crooned as she spotted it waddling through the grass, his head swivelling from side to side as he tried to find his parents. Molly crouched down and cupping her hands underneath him, picked up the small duckling. –You poor, sweet little thing. Shall we go and find your mummy?”

With the bird cheeping in her hands, and her shoes dangling from her fingers, she took off across the lawn and towards the pond.

–This is dangerous. If someone sees us ...”

Molly stopped walking. The voice ahead appeared to be coming from the summerhouse. It sounded vaguely familiar, but she couldn’t quite place the whisper.

–No one will see us, and I thought you liked me being reckless...”

–Oh, I do ... I do ...” The talking stopped and all Molly could hear were the sounds of kisses and gasps, and a frenzied groan.

–You like that, don’t you?” the first voice said, and now Molly could hear it was a woman. She looked down at the duckling, squirming in her hands. She had to get to the pond, and this was the only way.

–Merlin, you fucking tease. Don’t stop now.”

–What happened to ladies first?”

–You’ll get yours, Hebe,” the man groaned. –You know that, just ... ah, that’s it, just -”

–Barnabas, you really are eager, aren’t you?”

–Barnabas!” In horror, Molly couldn’t stop the word tumbling from her lips. Desperate to retreat, to run back to the house, she tried to turn, but instead remained rooted to the spot. She could feel her heart thumping and her whole body began to shake. Only her hands, still cupped around the baby bird, stayed motionless.

–What was that?” Hebe’s voice cut through the air.

–Nothing!” exclaimed Barnabas.

–No, there’s someone there. I heard them.”

She would be seen if she stayed where she was. But she’d be seen if she dashed back to the house. Looking down at the duckling, now trembling in her hands, Molly took a step forwards, and then another.

–Molly! What are you doing here?”

She took in the scene. Barnabas pulling down his robes; Hebe staring at her brazenly, her hair not the slightest bit ruffled and a smirk on her face.

–Returning a duckling to its parents,” Molly replied, amazed her voice could sound so calm. –Plus, I live here. I am allowed out in the garden.”

–This isn’t-” Barnaby started to say.

–Isn’t what I think?” she murmured. She smiled at him. –What is it I’m thinking, Barney?”

–Hebe and I had something to discuss ... work related, and it’s such bad form to bring office problems to functions such as these ...”

–Improper, indeed,” Molly replied, her voice soft as she contemplated her fiancé and his lover.

–Well,” Hebe drawled, stepping away from Barnabas and smoothing down her dress. –I really should be getting back to the party before Donald starts to fret. This can wait until Monday, Barnabas. You should be spending time with your fiancée. Discuss the wedding, perhaps.”

Barnabas gulped. He stared at Molly, who carried on smiling giving him no hint that she’d seen what was really going on. –Whatever date Molly wishes,” he replied endearingly.

The silence was interrupted by a loud quack, causing them all to jump. Molly looked down to see the mother duck at her feet. Slowly she lowered the duckling to the ground and watched as they toddled off towards the pond. Her hands still warm from its soft body, she carefully removed the sapphire ring she’d always thought ugly from her finger. –How about never?”

–Molly, what are you saying?” protested Barnabas. He stretched out his hand and grabbed her wrist, twisting her towards him. –Of course we’re getting married. We’ve told everyone.”

–You can untell them. I’m not marrying someone who is incapable of remaining faithful before we marry,” Molly replied. His hand tightened on her wrist but she didn’t try to extricate herself. Feeling curiously calm, as if this were happening to someone else, she looked instead at Hebe. –Does your husband know?”

–Not the details,” Hebe replied, unperturbed. Lighting a cigarette, she inhaled deeply before continuing. –He wanted an heir. I gave him one. Straddling him once every few weeks is enough to stop him complaining, and his money more than compensates for the inconvenience.”

–You make it sounds like a business transaction.”

Hebe shrugged. –It is, and it works better than most love matches in my opinion.” She exhaled, the smoke floating around her in a haze. –You should try it, Molly, I doubt you’ll find anyone else willing to take a dowdy girl like you on - despite your family name.”

She had a sudden urge to hex her. A fury from deep inside was rising as she listened to Hebe’s derisive words. –I’d like you to leave,” she said, her voice now shaking. –And you, Barnabas.”

–No. We can talk about this,” Barnabas insisted. He glanced at Hebe, who shrugged and started walking back to the house.

–Please don’t tell me you were discussing work. I’m not stupid,” Molly hissed.

–I know you’re not,” Barnabas implored. –Molly, listen. It was a one off. A mistake. I’ve never done this before. It’s just ... look....” He took a breath and she could see his eyes flickering as he thought out his story. –I respect your views, Molly. I know you want to wait-”

–You said you wanted to wait,” she interrupted.

–Yes, yes.” His hand waved away her objection. –I’m a man. I have needs. And I was weak. But once we’re married...”

–No,” she muttered.

–Your mother adores me,” he whispered, moving closer to her, –and we could have such a good life together.”

He gathered her to him, one hand on her back, the other gripping her waist, and tilted his head down to hers, searching for her lips. For a brief moment, she wanted to give in, wanted to believe he was sincere, and her lips parted. But as he pressed himself up close, she could feel his cock hard against her - aroused by Hebe and not her.

–No,” she repeated, trying to sound firm as she wrenched herself away. –I don’t love you.”

His eyes widened and a look of anger flashed on his face. –Because of one mistake! I’ve told you, she means nothing. You are the-”

–No, because you’re a prat,” Molly retorted. –An insufferable, arrogant prick and I want you to leave - NOW!”

He grabbed her other arm, pulling her close then slamming her against the summerhouse wall. As he lowered his mouth to crush hers, she could smell the sour Firewhisky on his breath and tried to wrench away. But Barnabas was too strong. –I’m not going anywhere,” he warned. –I've invested too much of my time on you, and you will see sense.”

One of his hands wrenched at her shoulder strap; she heard it rip and tried to scream, but his other hand clamped around her mouth. His body was hard against her, and she could feel him pulling up her dress. With increasing urgency, she sank her teeth into his hand. He swore loudly but withdrew his hand, raising it as if to slap her.

–Barnabas,” she pleaded. –I don’t want this.”

–Of course not, you frigid bitch. You ‘want to wait’,” he said viciously. He lowered his hand to her chin, jerking it upwards. –Why do you think I turned to that whore? And as you interrupted us, you can bloody well take over.”

–We can talk,” she sobbed, her voice rising and falling in terror. Without her wand, she felt powerless against him. And in this state, there was no way he’d see sense. Perhaps she should just give in. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt if she went limp. Maybe it would all be fine. His hand snaked up her leg, biting into her thigh, until his fingers found her pants.

–NO!” she screamed. –Barnabas. STOP!”

–Come on, Molly,” he said, panting. –You’ll enjoy this.”

–Please, please, don’t do this. Please, Barney, we can talk this through...”

–Stop struggling.”

With a surge of adrenalin coursing through her, Molly raised her knee sharply and connected with his groin. She watched in satisfaction as he tumbled backwards. But the reprieve was short. Despite his pain, Barnabas pulled out his wand. She shrieked, wondering which way to run, but then she heard a yell and a streak of red light racing towards them. Barnabas’ wand flew out of his hand spinning towards an emerging figure.

–Miss Weasley said ‘no’,” muttered a man. He strode forwards, his wand still trained on Barnabas, who was writhing on the ground. –Leave before I call her father. I’m sure he’ll know how to deal with you.”

She recognised the voice, and as he stepped closer, she saw him clearly in the moonlight. Aaron Harper, his eyes still on Barnabas addressed his next question to her. –Or would you like me to call your father anyway, Miss Weasley?”

She licked her lips, tasting blood, but shook her head. –I just want him to go.”

–I need my wand and cloak,” Barnabas said.

–I’m sure the Weasleys will send the cloak on,” Aaron said coldly. He prodded Barnabas with his foot until he was standing then gave him back his wand. –Go now, you bastard, or I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

–Thank you,” Molly muttered as she watched Barnabas Apparate away.

–Shall I escort you back to the house? Or I could find your mother for you.”

She started to shake. –Looking like this. No, she won’t be at all amused.”

–The man attacked you,” Aaron said gently. –It’s not your fault.”

–I know that, but he’s gone and my parents won’t be happy if I make a scene.” She looked up at him. –I think I’ll stay out here for a while.”

–Would you like me to stay with you?”

He was looking at her kindly, a warm expression on his face, but she shook her head. It was bad enough that Aaron Harper had had to rescue her; it was unfair to subject him to her boring company as well.

–You’re working, aren’t you?”

–Not now,” he replied. –Your father’s guests are just starting to reach that point of insobriety that means they photograph badly. No one wants to be reminded of that. I don’t think you should be alone, Miss Weasley. Shall I fetch your sister instead?”

–Barnabas won’t return,” she said. –He’ll have Apparated home and be trying to work out how to save face. And my sister is having fun. Really, Mr Harper, I’m fine by myself. I don’t want to delay you now you’ve finished for the night.”

–It’s Aaron. And I might have finished taking pictures in there, but I’d love the chance to capture your garden at night. Would you show me around?”

Despite knowing he was only being kind, she agreed and proceeded to lead him across the lawn, and towards the pond. It was a slow journey, Aaron stopping every few steps to take a photograph. He didn’t talk, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, and slowly she began to relax.

Surreptitiously, as he took another photograph, she studied him. He was lean, but not too tall and with mid-brown hair just touching the collar of his shirt. The stubble she’d noticed earlier wasn’t the result of not shaving that morning but rather a week’s growth. He had the sort of look her cousin Hugo tried desperately to achieve before his mum nagged at him to shave. She smiled, and in that moment, he spoke.

–Do I amuse you?” he asked, sounding a little put out.

–Not you,” she said. –I was thinking about my cousin.”

–Which one?” He smiled slightly. –I was at Hogwarts with a few of them, although being in Slytherin, I didn’t know them well.”

–Hugo,” she replied. –I think he’d love a beard like yours but his mum and dad keep teasing him about ‘bumfluff’.”

–Tell him I’ve got one and he’ll shave it off straight away,” Aaron muttered. He flashed her a rueful grin. –I was in Hugo’s year. We liked the same girl for a while.”

Oh sweet Merlin, he’s only twenty, she thought, then shook herself. What did his age matter? It wasn’t as if anything would happen. –I’m sure he’s forgiven you, now.”

Aaron pulled a face. –I doubt much has changed.”

She began walking again, stopping only to slip her shoes back on as they approached a gravelled patch of ground. Sweeping back the fronds of a willow tree, she halted and let Aaron go first.

He caught his breath. –This place is beautiful, so serene.”

–I like it,” she agreed, and looked around her seeing anew the place she always ran to when she needed peace. Unlike the garden, carefully sculpted and designed by her mother, the pond was wild. Rough, untrammelled reeds fringed the edges, providing shelter for the ducks as well as the pair of nesting swans that lived there. It was large and deep enough to swim in - not that Molly had ever attempted it, but she remembered a few summer’s ago when Albus, James and Louis had built a raft and sailed it across the pond as they attempted to find fish. All three had fallen in (or been pushed in James’ case) and when the raft had sunk, they’d swum back to shore.

–It’s very different, and ... unexpected, I suppose,” he said, and lifting his camera, started to take some pictures, fiddling with the lens to get the best shot.

–What do you mean by that?”

–Unlike the house and garden,” he qualified. –They’re beautiful, too, in their way, but picture-book perfect. This is more natural and alive.” He took a deep breath and let out a contented sigh.

–And natural is good, is it?” she asked, curious because Aaron made his living from photographing society events.

–When I’m faced with painted swans and peacocks, it is everything,” he murmured.

–We have a pair of swans here,” she said. –My mother thinks they’re graceful.”

–They’re beautiful birds,” he replied. –But underneath, they paddle the water the same way that ducks do.”

Unbidden the image of Hebe Bole snapped into her mind. Hebe with a diamond choker around her neck. Hebe, tall, elegant, sheathed in silver and disparaging remarks. Hebe, her dress hitched around waist and her hand on Barnabas’s cock. Barnabas’ lust turning to fury, his intent obvious. She clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms, her breath coming out in rasps as she remembered his sour breath on her skin.

–Hey, hey, what’s all this?” Aaron murmured, placing a tentative hand on her shoulder.

–Oh gods. It’s Barnabas,” she sobbed. –If you hadn’t been there -”

–You’d have kneed him in the groin again, or belted him with your fist,” Aaron soothed.

–He had his wand. I had nothing.”

–You had your voice. I heard you, and others would have done,” he assured her. And then he wrapped his arms around her, cradling her into his chest and rocking her much as her grandmother used to do when she was a weeping child. –He’s gone and I think you’re right, he won’t come back tonight.”

–I’m sorry,” she whispered, and tried to extricate herself from his arms, but although he loosened his hold, he showed no signs of wanting to let her go.

–What are you sorry for?”

She sniffed and shivered against him. –For involving you in all this.”

–Makes a change being involved,” he said. –I’m usually detached on this side of the camera. I watch and take photos - that’s all.” His arms tightened around her, and for a brief moment, she thought she could feel his lips on her brow. But the touch was light and she might easily have imagined it. –It’s getting cold. Shall I take you back now?”

Molly shook her head. –I can’t face them all, but please don’t feel you have to stay with me.”

In the half-light, she couldn’t see his expression except that he was chewing his lip. –I should get back and develop these films, but ... um ... if you’d like to come back to my flat -”

–Uh ... what did you say?”

–You can take my wand,” he said hurriedly. –I won’t try anything. Just if you don’t want to go back in there.” He took a breath. –I’d feel happier if you weren’t out here alone, Miss Weasley.”

Drawn by the intensity of his words, she raised her eyes and stared into his. It was dark, but in the starlight, she saw warmth and concern flickering in his expression. –You really don’t have to bother,” she muttered, giving him another chance to back away.

–I know I don’t have to,” he replied. –But I want to.”

This time she didn’t imagine the pressure on her brow. This time, his lips made definite contact, and then his finger stroked her cheek as he tilted her chin upwards and touched her mouth with his, the contact light but constant. She parted her lips, and for a moment allowed her mind to empty of everything except this kiss. But as they continued, and his thumb traced her neck, following a trail to her bare shoulder and the torn strap of her dress, he faltered. The hesitation shook her to her senses.

–I can’t do this,” she whispered and pushed him on the chest. Briefly, Aaron held on to her, but then he let his hands fall. Taking several steps backwards, Molly turned away. –I think I will go back to the party. I can mend this strap quick enough when I find my wand.”

–Yes, of course,” he said politely. –Would you like me to walk you back?”

–I’ll be fine. You should stay here and take some pictures. When the moon is higher in the sky, it casts the most beautiful light on the water.”

She’d reached the willow when she heard him call her name. Smiling sadly, she twisted her head towards him and saw the flash as he took one last picture.

–I’m sorry,” he murmured. Then with a sudden spin, he Disapparated.

She stared at the space where he’d been, her eyes still seeing the colours of the flash dancing before her. He’d been so kind to her, she realised. Not just saving her from Barnabas, but the whole evening he’d looked out for her, realising instinctively that she wasn’t comfortable in front of the camera. She touched her fingers to her lips and across to her neck and shoulder. Then she wandered back to the pond and stared at the surface of the water, its polished surface barely ripping in the spring breeze. Despite telling Aaron she would return to the party, she resolved to stay here a while longer and delay the inevitable distress she would cause her mother when she told her about the broken engagement.

And as she sat, she mused on her own distress - or rather the lack of it. She should be heartbroken, but with startling clarity, she realised all she felt was relief. She’d been dazzled by Barnabas, caught up in the whirlwind of her first romance, but she hadn’t loved him, not the way Victoire loved Teddy, or Dominique loved Mags, or even the way she saw Lucy gaze adoringly at Gregor.

It had been comforting to have someone in her life. A blanket shielding her from the indifference of others and the expectations of her mother. But blankets could suffocate as surely as a Lethifold, and Molly had spent too many years struggling to breathe.
Chapter 2 - Pearls by Equinox Chick
Managing, somehow, to avoid her mother when she finally slipped back to the house, Molly lasted at the party until the first guests had left and then she kissed her father on the cheek, making the excuse of a headache. He smiled fondly at her, and squeezed her hand (she gulped a little, before realising it was her right hand so he wasn’t going to notice the lack of an engagement ring) before murmuring goodnight.

She wished she could have confided in him right then. But seeing him so occupied, and thoroughly in his element as he worked the room, she didn’t have the heart to pull him to one side. As she walked past the cloakroom, she saw Hebe swaddled in a sable cloak, her husband’s arm around her as they walked to the front door. Hebe was smiling at something, but her smile wavered when she caught Molly’s eye before she turned her attention back to her husband.

I could ruin you, Molly thought, a soft sense of satisfaction seeping through her. For whatever Hebe said about Donald Bole’s attitude to her affairs, Molly didn’t think he’d be so compliant if everyone knew ‘the details.’ Curiously, she didn’t care anymore. She would hug this secret to her chest, knowing that Hebe had no power to hurt her. Besides, she’d never liked Donald Bole. He was someone her father tolerated, but his wandering hands had always given Molly the creeps.

So she wandered up to bed, more specifically to her bedroom set high in the rafters of the house, and drifted into a surprisingly restful sleep.

The next morning, as she washed and dressed, she debated the pros and cons in her mind of telling her parents about her broken engagement. It was the thirtieth anniversary celebrations, and her family were expected to be prominent, to be on show, as Kingsley and Harry led the eulogies for the fallen.

But as she stared at her left hand, she knew she’d have to come clean immediately. Her father wasn’t the most observant of men, but her mother’s beady eyes would spot the absence of the antique ring as soon as she entered the dining room. There was no point putting it off. And if she came straight out with the truth, perhaps that would ward off an argument. She might even garner some sympathy.

She couldn’t have been more wrong.

–Don’t be ridiculous! Of course you’re marrying him,” Audrey snapped. –Percy, tell her to send an owl to Barnabas apologising.”

–Audrey, I think Molly should be able to make her own decisions -”

–Because that’s worked so well in the past, hasn’t it?” Audrey replied scornfully. –Don’t you understand anything? We have a position to uphold, and this will be hugely embarrassing for your father.”

–Well, I’m sorry, but I can’t play happy families to save your face!” Molly retorted.

Her mother recoiled as if she’d been slapped at this show of temper. Then she rallied. –A lover’s tiff, that’s all this will be. Molly, Barnabas is expected to take his place with us at the memorial. It will be commented on if he’s not there.”

–This is why I’m telling you now,” Molly said clearly. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Lucy staring at her, mouth agape, as if seeing her sister clearly for the first time. –I won’t be sitting next to Barnabas today, or any day.” She took a breath and then turned towards her dad. –I’m sorry if this is damaging to you, but I can’t stay engaged to him, or marry him because it’s suitable.”

Before Audrey could speak, Percy leant forwards and took her hand. –Molly, while we only want your happiness, Barnabas is a fine wizard with extremely good prospects. Are you sure this isn’t just pre-wedding jitters?”

–I caught him with another woman,” Molly said and removed her hand from his grip. –I’m not sure what constitutes a ‘fine wizard’ in your book, but I’m fairly sure Barnabas sneaking off during the party to screw - sorry -” she smiled at the horror on her mother’s face –- to be with a fellow guest isn’t a requirement.”

–Who?” Audrey asked.

–It’s not important,” Molly replied.

–Then how do we know this isn’t you making an excuse because you have cold feet?”

Molly sighed and finished her cup of tea, quite surprised her hands weren’t shaking. –You brought me up to tell the truth.” No longer hungry despite knowing the day ahead would be long and she should eat, she pushed her chair back. –If you’d rather I sat with Grandma and Granddad, then I’m sure they won’t mind. I’ll even wear gloves to cover my hand, if that would make you happier,” she said, wondering if her parents could hear the note of sarcasm in her voice.

–Perhaps that’s for the best,” Audrey murmured, her eyes darting from Percy to Molly. –We could say they want their grandchildren near them.”

–Oh, Mother,” Molly sighed. –What have I done to disappoint you? Was it being Sorted into Hufflepuff, or did your disenchantment with me start earlier?”

Her father stuttered a reprimand, but Molly didn’t listen. She knew what her mother’s primary objection to her was, and after years of trying, she finally knew there would be no pleasing her - for some things were impossible. Kissing Lucy on the cheek, Molly helped herself to some Floo powder and whooshed to The Burrow.

She could hide nothing from her grandma, whose sharp eyes took in first her face and then her ring finger before enveloping her in a hug.

–What’s happened, my love?”

She smelt of warm fires and gingerbread, and Molly knew she’d probably been up for hours, baking to take her mind off the ordeal ahead.

–Sorry, I had nowhere else to go. Mum is angry, and Dad doesn’t know what to do. May I stay with you and Granddad today?”

–Of course you can, if that’s what you want. But won’t you sit down and tell me what’s the matter?”

–I broke the engagement,” Molly replied, and for the first time since the night before, she felt tears prickle her eyes. –I can’t marry Barnabas. I’m sorry, Grandma, I know you were pleased when I said I was getting married, but -”

Her grandma didn’t rail at her, or suggest it was cold feet, or a lover’s tiff, or Molly being silly. She didn’t show any disapproval at all. Instead, she reached for a box of tissues, pulled one out and dabbed Molly’s eyes. –I don’t think you loved him, pet, and he always seemed such an odd choice,” she said at last. –So, it’s much better to discover that before you get married than to find out afterwards.”

–What do you mean odd? Everyone says Barnabas is wonderful.”

–Thought a lot of himself,” her grandma replied, her lips tight. Pointing her wand at a large frying pan, she set it on her stove and lit the flame underneath. –He’s a very confident man and that can be a good thing, but only if he makes those around him feel better. I don’t think he made you feel better at all.”

Molly sniffed. –I was so grateful to him for picking me. But I don’t think it was me he liked at all, only what our marriage would do for his career - even if Dad doesn’t become the Minister.”

–He’s not worth your tears, then,” said her grandma. She patted Molly’s hand then got up and started to cook. Soon the smell of bacon and sausages wafted through the air. Molly sat back and listened to the sounds of people stirring in the house as they smelt the food. Their children might have grown up and moved away, but her grandparents weren’t often alone - the family made sure of that.

The first to appear was her uncle Charlie, his hair tousled and a well-worn dressing gown tied loosely around his waist. He expressed surprise, but also delight, at seeing her there as he helped himself to a slice of toast and a mug of tea.

–Let us know when your wedding is, and Pen and I will make plans. I can swing time off most months, but June’s a bit tricky as it’s the birthing seas-” He stopped speaking obviously noticing that something was amiss. –Uh ... we can make June, really. I can always get cover. Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Moll.”

Molly glanced at her grandma, who’d stopped stirring a pan of scrambled egg as she listened in, probably wondering whether to intervene. Molly smiled at her, and she resumed stirring. –I’ll bear it in mind if I ever do get married, but just for the moment I’m single again,” she said lightly.

He spluttered on his tea and his ears turned a faint shade of pink at her words. Giggling to herself, Molly decided to tease. She rolled her eyes at him, saying, –It’s actually all your fault, Uncle Charlie. I’ve decided to follow your example and never get married at all. This commitment thing is overrated, wouldn’t you say?”

–Oi, I’m committed, just not married,” he protested. In the silence that followed, he took a gulp of tea and another bite of toast, then winked at her. –Don’t tell your grandma, Moll, she’s still trying to convert me, but marriage isn’t for everyone. And even if I hadn’t met Pen, I think I’d still have been happy because I wouldn’t have known any difference.”

Molly saw him smiling to himself, a distant look in his eyes as he reminisced. He touched her arm and when he spoke again the teasing tone had gone. –It’s about taking chances, I suppose. I’d never been willing before.”


Although the combined magical world and its mother had prayed for good weather, by the time the ceremony was about to start, a persistant rain was drizzling down on the dignitaries assembled at Hogwarts. Due to the high number of guests attending, as well as the school pupils, the grounds had been turned into a seating area, with a raised stage near the back entrance to the Great Hall. The plan was for speeches by Kingsley, on behalf of the Ministry, Harry to pay his respects to the Fallen, and old Professor McGonagall to give the eulogy on behalf of the school.

Molly watched as the former Headmistress hobbled out into the grounds on a walking stick. Professor McGonagall had been the headmistress when Molly first arrived, retiring in her fifth year. Hovering behind her was Molly’s former Head of House, who waved when she saw Molly approach.

–Ah, here’s my favourite Weasley,” Madam Sprout bellowed, a beaming smile on her face.

–Who’s that?” Professor McGonagall demanded.

–The one that broke the mould and refused to be placed in your reckless house,” Pomona replied.

Professor McGonagall screwed up her eyes as she examined Molly. –Percy’s daughter, isn’t it?”

–That’s right,” Molly replied. She stifled the urge to giggle when the pair in front of her began to bicker about their respective houses. It was an old rivalry, but wholly affectionate.

–Hmm, well you can help us cast some Impervious Charms. I do not want to end up with lumbago in this damp weather.”

–Minerva, I don’t think Molly wants to spend her time with us. She’s probably looking for her fiancé,” Madam Sprout replied and smiled. –Another Hufflepuff wedding. You will remember to send me some cake, I hope, my dear.”

–Uh ... well, when I get married I will, Professor, and an invite, but I’ve actually called it off. Barnabas and I weren’t suited.” Molly carried on smiling. The more she said these words, the more she knew she’d made the right decision.

–Young Summerby!” exclaimed Professor McGonagall and pursed her lips. –Can’t say I ever liked him. His eyes were far too close together, which is never a good sign.”

Laughing, Molly waved her wand in the sky, casting protective spells and Impervious Charms all around them. It was a shame she couldn’t have done the same around herself two months ago to ward off Barnabas, but she’d fallen too hard for his smooth lines. At least now, the cold hard truth in the form of Hebe Bole had allowed her to see the actuality of her life. And as she worked with her two former teachers, another truth fell into place. She might not get married. She might not meet anyone ever again. But did that matter?

Her parents were talking to Barnabas when Molly had finished helping the professors. From across the lawn she could see her dad, with a stony expression on his face, whilst Barnabas appeared to be pleading with them both. Her mother, in smart blue and bronze robes, wasn’t smiling but did appear to be listening. Then, when Barnabas finished speaking, she laid a hand on his arm and started to speak. At that, Percy stepped away. He turned his head, caught Molly’s eye and headed towards her.

–Summerby is assuring us you were mistaken, and wants me to intercede,” he murmured in her ear. –He says that the witch concerned was feeling unwell, so he escorted her outside and stayed with her only as a precaution. You came upon him and assumed the worst ... according to him.”

–I saw him pulling his pants up, Dad. I’m not sure what sort of precaution that is.”

–I believe you, Molly,” he muttered, and with his hand stroked her hair. –And I’m sorry.”

–What for?” she asked.

–For the intrusions my career has made on your life. I know how much you hate these official functions,” he replied simply. He removed his glasses and slowly wiped one lens on the sleeve of his charcoal grey robe. –I nearly lost my family once due to my ambition; I don’t want to lose my daughter if I become the Minister.”

–You won’t, Dad,” she whispered and squeezed his hand. –Family is the most important thing, isn’t it?”

–It is very important, duckling. But never lose sight of what you want from life, or you’ll end up bitter and unhappy.” Replacing his glasses, Percy stood tall and draped his arm across her shoulders. –Are you going to sit with us today, Molly, or would you rather find somewhere more unobtrusive?”

–You fought at the Battle of Hogwarts, Dad. Today I can think of nothing better than sitting with a Battle day hero.”

Looking up at her father, Molly wasn’t surprised to see tears in his eyes. Although a man in control of his emotions, the loss of his brother still hit him hard, especially as he’d seen Fred die in front of him.

–You still miss him, don’t you,” she whispered.

–Yes,” he replied. –Not in the same way your uncle George does, or Grandma and Granddad, but I grieve for the relationship we could all have had if he’d survived. He’d have adored you, duckling.”


–Oh, he’d have teased you to bits and you’d have been exasperated beyond endurance at his practical jokes - you’re very like me in that respect. But in the end, you’d both have found some middle ground. And for all their pranks, my brothers cared about their family. I can only imagine what Fred would have done to Summerby if he’d been here.” He grimaced and shook his head. –It would not have been pretty.”

Molly smiled ruefully. –Mum’s on his side, isn’t she?”

–At the moment she wants to believe him.” He paused and squeezed her shoulder. –She knows she nagged you into accepting his proposal, and the thought that she made a colossal error of judgement surrounding his character is eating into her.”

Then, taking her arm, her dad led Molly across the lawn, collecting Lucy on the way. Barnabas didn’t move, his eyes trained on Molly’s face before flickering to her ring-less left hand.

–May we talk, Molly?” he asked, a curious mixture of shame and belligerence in his voice.

She perused him coolly, her eyes examining him from head to toe and then back to his face again, and noted the black hair, perfectly in place and the frown creasing his brow as he waited for her response. She smiled; he smiled back, obviously thinking he’d won her over.

–We have nothing to say, Barney,” she replied. –But if you’d like to come around to fetch the ring, then you’re more than welcome. I dropped it behind the summerhouse, so I imagine it’s still there.”


It was the following weekend when Lucy’s voice roused her away from the paperwork she was going through in her dad’s study. Keeping busy, she told him, but really they all knew she was keeping out of her mother’s way. Audrey Weasley was still unconvinced by Molly’s story and clung on to the hope that Barnabas would soon be her son-in-law, spending every possible moment pleading his case.

–Even if he was with another woman, Molly, can’t you overlook this slip-up? Men have these needs, after all.”

–That’s what he said,” Molly replied lightly, and bent her head over the speech she was transcribing for her father.

–Well, then-”

–Well, then, nothing,” Molly said firmly. –Mum, I don’t want to marry him - or anyone - until I’m ready.”

Audrey pursed her lips, unsure what to say to this stranger in front of her, but left Molly alone.

–Molly!” exclaimed Lucy, hammering on the study door. –You have a visitor.”

–If it’s Barnabas, then tell him I’ve looked for his revolting ring and can’t find it.”

–It’s not Barnabas.”

Molly looked up from the speech, raised her wand and unlocked the door. Lucy tumbled through, a smile spread across her face. –It’s that photographer,” she whispered gleefully. –Alex? Alfie? Or something.”

–Aaron? What’s he doing here?”Molly tried to keep her question casual, but knew from the tremble in her voice that she was failing miserably.

–Well,” Lucy leant across the desk, giving her sister a conspiratorial wink, –he told Dad that Saturday was the only day he could discuss the photographs, so that’s why he’s here. But he’s arrived a whole hour early, and ... um ... he asked if you were around.”

Molly tried to stop the blush forming on her cheeks, but praying she could suddenly become a Metamorphmagus didn’t help. Lucy started to giggle. –What are you waiting for? You obviously made an impression on him.”

–Behave. He’s Hugo’s age.”

–So what? Grandma’s older than Granddad, Aunt Hermione’s older than Uncle Ron, Aunt Angelina’s-”

–By a few months, not seven years!” Molly exclaimed, but she couldn’t the light headed feeling inside of her. –Where is he now?”

–The lounge. I said I’d make him a cup of tea,” Lucy replied. Then, bossily, she pulled Molly to her feet and started to brush down her clothes. –Shame you’re not wearing something really glamorous, but it’s too late to change now. Just ...” She frowned as she studied her sister, then flicked her wand, cutting through the hair band Molly had tied her hair back with.


–That’s better. I hate it when you scrape your hair back. It makes you look like a secretary.”

–I am a secretary.”

–No, that’s your job,” Lucy countered, as she fluffed up Molly’s hair. –You are Molly Weasley, confident, successful, pretty and single.”

–And you are Lucy Weasley, annoying and obviously not single if the amount of time you’ve been spending away from us this week is anything to go by,” grumbled Molly.

–Well then, I know what I’m talking about,” her sister said sweetly. Then she grabbed her by the arm and propelled her into the hallway.

–Um, hello,” Molly muttered when she stepped into the lounge.

He was sitting on the sofa, laying out photographs, switching around the order as he removed them from a beige folder on his lap. In daylight, he looked tired with dark circles under his eyes. He’d obviously tried to make an effort for her father because his clothes were neat and his hair had been brushed. But there was one odd curl sticking up from his collar, she noticed and when she looked at his hands, she could see a faint purple stain on his palms.

Aaron looked up from the table. He stared at her in surprise, did a double take, and then smiled. –Miss Weasley.”

–Uh ... call me Molly, please.” She swallowed, suddenly very unsure of herself despite Lucy’s pep talk. –My sister said you wanted to see me.”

–Yes ...” He faltered, then gestured to the photographs. –I developed them all, and have brought them to show your father. I thought you might help me select the best ones, as you know what he’d like.”

–Oh.” Why had her stomach plummeted at that point? –Yes, of course I will.”

As she sat down at the other end of the sofa, he shuffled sideways and pulled the table with him. One leg caught a ruck in the carpet, tipping sideways and sending the carefully laid photographs spilling onto the floor along with a vase of flowers.

–Shit,” he muttered. Crouching down on the floor, he started to pick up the photos, cursing again when he found some of them dripping with water. He glanced across at Molly. –Excuse my language. They were in order, that’s all and now I’m not sure these ones can be rescued.” He smirked slightly and held up a picture of Hebe and Donald both flinching away from the water. –Not that I’m bothered about this one. Can’t stand the man.”

–Do you know them well?” Molly asked, then bit her lip. From her own experience, she knew Hebe Bole wouldn’t be bothered about an age gap, and Aaron Harper was no doubt young enough to keep her occupied.

–My family have a gemstone business,” he explained, now trying to sort through the pictures. –Donald Bole has an interest in one of our emerald mines, and Hebe was engaged to my brother a few years ago. Then she met and married Bole.” He stopped speaking, glanced across to the door and then back at Molly. –Not that it’s stopped them meeting in private, every so often.”

As he started to lay the pictures out again, he scowled, trying hard to remember the order.

–That one was before that one,” Molly said, pointing to the picture of herself with her dad, and then the one with Lucy. –And Kingsley and I were talking after I’d met her boyfriend.”

–I could do with you keeping notes for me,” he said gratefully. –I love this job but the paperwork does my head in, at times. Although ...” Aaron tilted his head sideways, his eyes flickering from photo to photo. He started to arrange them again, this time interspersing the photos of Molly with other guests. Occasionally he changed things around, but the ones of Molly stayed in the same order.

–That’s it,” he said, breathing a sigh and rocking back on his heels. He grinned at her. –You’re a good timepiece, Molly.”

–What do you mean?”

Aaron sat back on the sofa, this time in the middle, so Molly couldn’t edge away without looking rude. He beckoned to her and pointed to the first photograph of her on the stairs with her father. –It’s your pearls. In this picture they’re quite ... um ... dull.”

–They’re old,” she replied defensively.

–I can tell that,” he soothed. –And I’m not doubting their quality. They’re a lovely string. It’s just ... well ... too many people make this mistake with pearls. They shut them away in a box for months on end and only get them out for special occasions.”

–And that’s a problem?”

He screwed up his nose. –Not exactly, but if you ever wear the pearls again, then you should wear them for a few hours first.”


He pointed to the second picture, then the next, and finally at the photograph of her chatting to Kingsley. –Look at the difference.”

–Oh!” Molly stared at the pictures, noticing now she looked closely that the pearls around her neck seemed brighter in the later pictures.

–Pearls should be worn next to the skin,” he murmured. Molly looked up to find his dark eyes staring intently into hers. –They take their lustre from the body’s natural oils and warmth.”

–I-I-I didn’t know,” stammered Molly. She turned away, hiding the blush on her cheeks as she pretended to be interested in the picture of her parents greeting Kingsley.

–Well, I do. I may not work for my family, but you can’t help picking these things up,” he replied. –You look happier in that picture with the Minister. It surprised me because I thought you’d be nervous around him.”

She smiled regaining her equilibrium. –I’m Minister Shacklebolt’s secretary. We’ve shared too many coffees and snatched lunches at desks to be formal with each other.”

With a wave of her wand, she righted the vase and levitated it away from the coffee table and across to the mantelpiece. –If you don’t want to wait for my father, I can always show him the photographs.”

–I’d rather wait, but ... ” Clipping the photographs together, he put them back in the folder, then cleared his throat. –I have half an hour to kill, so would you show me the ducks again?”

She surprised herself by saying yes, and with a smile led him through the French windows and across the lawn. Weather wise it was very different from the week before. The sun was high in the sky spilling its rays on the ground below and showing off the garden her mother had striven so hard to cultivate. She expected Aaron to stop, as he had the week before, to take pictures, but he showed no signs of wanting to, so she carried on walking until they reached the willow tree.

–This was where I last saw you,” he murmured, almost to himself. –A blur of blue silk and pearls, swathed in green leaves.”

–You were very kind to me that night,” she muttered.

–Was I?” He looked faintly bemused by something. –You didn’t think I was a jerk, then?”

–Why would I?”Molly asked. She started walking across the gravel path but Aaron caught her hand and pulled her towards him.

–Because I kissed you, and I shouldn’t have done. That bastard had just attacked you, and you needed peace, and not another crass idiot forcing himself on you.”

She remembered his lips on her brow, then the feel of them on hers and his fingertips soft on her skin, smoothing across her shoulder - as different as could ever be from Barnabas as he’d slammed her against the summerhouse wall.

–That’s not how I remember it,” she said, stepping closer.

The sun was lilting through the willow branches, picking out the lights in his hair, and the curious yellow flecks in his eyes as he leant towards her. She wondered how she could ever have thought him nondescript. And then his mouth was on hers, his lips soft and warm and gentle. She forgot about his age, or her age, or whatever that niggle had been in her mind, all she could think of was how good this felt after two months of Barney’s hard, cold kisses, and years of nothingness.

He pulled away, still cupping her face and caressing her cheeks with his thumbs. –May I see you again? I’ll take it very slow.”

She was about to nod, when a soft crack and then a shriek made her start.

–All that nonsense about poor Barnabas, and this is the reason you broke it off!” her mother exclaimed. Behind her stood Barnabas, a look of pure gloating satisfaction on his face as he took in the situation. Molly tried to step aside, but Aaron took her hand and kept her close.

–Mrs Weasley, I came to show your husband the phot-”

–Yes, we know your story,” Audrey replied. –And it’s a good cover, an ingenious way to inveigle yourself into my daughter’s life just when she’s having silly little doubts.”

–It’s not like that,” protested Molly.

–Get away from him,” Audrey ordered. Molly stayed where she was, feeling the pressure from Aaron’s hand as he willed her not to leave. –Barnabas has come here to talk to you. He doesn’t mind that you have lost the ring and is willing to buy you a new one. All this can be forgotten-”

–Mum, will you please just listen to me for once in your life?”

–I have listened to you all week,” Audrey declared. –You’ve rattled on about Barnabas’ supposed ‘infidelity’ and yet failed to mention your own!” Taking a breath, her mother smiled and took a step towards her. –Come back to the house and have a proper talk. You and Barnabas can sort this out.”

–There’s nothing to sort out.” Molly turned her attention to Barnabas, wondering how she could have ever been attracted to someone so... so ... so suitable. Aaron’s thumb was caressing the back of her hand in slow steady strokes. She returned the pressure, and edged closer to him.

–Would you like to get out of here?” he murmured.

–Please,” she said out of the corner of her mouth.

–Hold on tight, then.”

She grinned up at him as he clasped her waist. –Mum, we’re going around in circles with this. If you think Barnabas is so bloody wonderful, then you marry him!” she cried, just as Aaron span with deliberation and Apparated them both away.

–Oh, this is glorious!” she said, catching her breath as they landed in a heap. Looking around her, she saw they’d arrived at what she presumed was his flat. It was somewhat tidy, at least she couldn’t see dirty cups and plates, or smell anything revolting which always happened when she visited James and Louis. But instead of scrunched up socks, there were piles of paper, folders stacked on a desk and photographs spread on the floor.

–My flat’s glorious?” he questioned, raising one eyebrow in disbelief and levering himself off her.

–Running away,” she explained. –I never realised it would be so much fun.” Then she blushed as she thought about what she’d said. –I know it’s not permanent; I’m not expecting you to put me up or anything, but if I could stay here for an hour, or so, until she calms down -”

He stopped her mouth with a kiss, and then another, his hands pulling her towards him, his fingers in her hair. She could smell the musky scent of him, feel his tongue sliding into her mouth, and moaned when his mouth travelled to her neck.

–Merlin, I’m sorry,” he muttered, pulling away.

–What for?”

–I said I’d take it slow, and here I am pawing you like that bastard did the other night.” He straightened up, but kept hold of her hand, raising it to his lips. –You can stay as long as you want. And ... um ... would you like a cup of tea, or something?”


–Uh ... well, I have beer in the chill-charm cabinet. But I can easily make tea.”

She thought about it. It was just past two o’clock in the afternoon. She rarely drank, except at her father’s functions or the occasional glass of wine with Kingsley, but ...

–Beer sounds good.”

Aaron grinned at her, pulled her to standing, and ushered her to his sofa. Then, clearing a space on the table, he Summoned two bottles of beer and set one in front of her. –To ...” He stopped as he tried to think of the toast. –To running away.”

Chinking her bottle to his, Molly took a gulp of the beer allowing the cold liquid to trickle down her throat. –To saving me, again.”

He wrinkled his nose and twisted his mouth into a lopsided smile. –I don’t think you needed saving, really. You’re quite capable of taking care of yourself.”

–From Barnabas, perhaps. My mother is another danger entirely.”

He reached across and smoothed a lock of her hair behind her ear, his finger lingering on her cheek. –You don’t get on with her very well, do you?”

–I’m a disappointment to her,” Molly replied, and took a big swig from her beer, spluttering when it foamed in her mouth.

Waiting until she’d recovered, Aaron moved closer drawing her head down to his chest. –How could you be a disappointment? You’ve got a good steady job. I heard the Minister praising you, and Shacklebolt is a shrewd man.”

She started to speak, her voice muffling in the fabric of his shirt, half- hoping he couldn’t hear whilst she recited her deepest fears. –I wasn’t a boy,” she said baldly, then took a breath. –And if I couldn’t be a son to carry on the Weasley name, she at least wanted a swan for a daughter. A girl like herself - a Ravenclaw with wit - and not a dowdy duckling.”

–You’re not dowdy,” he muttered. And then, with infinite tenderness, he lifted her chin with one fingertip and gazed into her eyes. –Swans hiss and spit, and peck so hard they can break your arm.” He bent his head towards her, their foreheads touching, and kissed her lips. –Ducklings are soft and warm and utterly adorable.”

She could feel a tear prickling her eye, so feeling ashamed, she twisted away and reached for her drink. She took a more measured sip, and studied the room. He’d hung photographs on the wall, his family she presumed, but one was of a girl - quite beautiful, who giggled and laughed and batted her eyelashes at the pair of then.

–My sister,” he said, following her gaze and touching her hand with his little finger, tracing small circles on the palm. –It was my first commission, to photograph her coming of age party.”

–Why me?” Molly asked abruptly, pulling her hand away. Her eyes focused on a pin board stuck with pictures, where two or three witches pouted down from the wall. –I’m not at all like these girls.”

–You’re still,” he replied, and smiled wryly at her obvious bemusement. –Sorry, I’m not very good at explaining. But when I was at that party, I noticed how little you moved. You don’t pose, or preen, or pout at the camera, and that’s refreshing.” Sifting through a pile of folders on the floor, he pulled out a single photograph and laid it on the table. It was the last photograph he’d taken. ‘A blur of blue silk and pearls’ he’d said, and looking now she could see the shine of the pearls and the glimmer of tears in her eyes as she’d turned back to him.

–This could be a Muggle photograph, and that intrigues me. You intrigue me,” he continued, his voice soft as he nuzzled her earlobe. He took the bottle from her hand, placing it back on the table, and all the while, his lips didn’t leave her skin. His kisses intensified; she responded with fervour, a fervour she’d never felt with Barnabas, or the boy at Hogwarts who’d been more interested in Dominique. Aaron’s hands left her shoulders and slid downwards stopping at her waist as he gathered her onto his lap.

She moved her hands to his chest, not quite sure whether to push him away, but when one of his hands travelled up her back and began to circle the nape of her neck, she found herself dropping kisses on his neck and jaw and mouth.

–Is this going too fast?” he muttered.

–No... yes... er ...” she hesitated, and in that moment, he pressed a finger to her lips and enveloped her in his arms.

–Tell me.”

–Oh gods,” she choked. –This is so embarrassing but ... uh ...” She stared over his shoulder at the zig-zag pattern on the cushion behind his back.

–We’ll stop,” he decided.

She took a shuddering breath, yet it wasn’t relief flooding through her, but disappointment.

Taking chances, her uncle Charlie had told her. But chances could dissipate like feathers on the breeze.

–I haven’t done this before,” she admitted, burying her head in his shirt.

–Wh ... what!”

–I know. I feel so stupid, but this ... um ... situation hasn’t ever occurred before.”

–What about Summerby?” he asked, shifting her off him so they were sitting side by side.

–Um ... well ... I told him I wanted to wait, and he accepted that.” She gulped before carrying on and stared at her hands. –I think that’s why I didn’t want to set a wedding date. Knowing I’d actually have to sleep with him was very off-putting.”

Aaron picked up his beer and took a long, drink. His hands were trembling, but when he turned back to face her, his voice was steady. –Am I off-putting?”

–Uh ...” Her voice shook, and the gentle pressure of his hand on her thigh didn’t help. –Not at all,” she muttered. –You’re the very opposite, but I ...”

–But, what?”

–I can’t help thinking I’ll be a dreadful disappointment to you.”

–Never.” Aaron leant across and pecked her on the cheek. –We can take this very, very slow, Molly.”

–How slow? Only ...” She met his eyes, suddenly sure that the desire she could see in his eyes was a mirror to her own.

–You can tell me at any moment when you want to stop,” he whispered.

She gasped as his tongue snaked from her neck and underneath the collar of her shirt. –Oh, Merlin, that’s good.”

–It can get a lot better,” he assured her. Chuckling, he slipped his hand under her skirt, to nestle between her legs. His thumb feathered a path upwards, turning her insides molten, and without quite knowing what she was doing, Molly parted her legs and lay back on the cushions, her hand moving up and down and across his back until it rested on his hipbone.

–We have all weekend,” he whispered into her neck, –to get to know each other.”

His hands fumbled a touch on her top button, but soon she lay beneath him, her bra strap dipping off one shoulder to let his mouth find her breast. –Well, look at you, Molly Weasley,” he teased, moulding his hands around her breasts. –Adorable.”

She wanted to reply, but the words became confused in her mind when he began to move his hand in a rhythm so gentle she could barely register the contact, except that it was there and soft and urging as he coaxed her to climax.

–Gods, gods, gods,” she moaned, arching into him, intent on prolonging the ecstasy.

In dizzying release, she opened her eyes to find him watching her, his expression unreadable. –Thank you.”

Pulling her shirt back over her shoulders to cover her up, Aaron smirked and wrapped his arms about her. –Glad to have been of service.”

–Don’t you want to ... um ... continue?” she asked quietly, burying her face in his shoulder.

She could feel his mouth in her hair curving into a smile, and his hands warm through the thin fabric of her blouse. –I’d love to, but the last thing I want is for this to go too fast and then you regret it.”

It was her turn to smile. Half turning her head, she kissed his cheek whilst letting her hand slink downwards. –I’m twenty-seven. I’m not sure I can go much slower,” she replied.

At that, Aaron scooped her up into his arms, and staggered to another room. He kicked the door open to reveal a small room, housing his bed. Placing her lightly against his pillows, he peeled off her remaining clothes, before tugging off his trousers. He lay beside her, stroking his palm up her side, and into the dip of her waist. Molly followed his lead, running soft fingertips across his chest and down to his stomach, delighting in the gasp emanating from inside when she slid her hand further down. And as she stroked him, feeling him hard against her hand, Aaron lost any vestige of self-control he had. With a feral groan, he flipped her onto her back and lay on top of her. Molly twisted her legs around his waist, and gripped his arse, exhorting him on. She muffled a cry as a stab of pain hit her, and he hesitated, but then she smiled and whispered for him to continue.

Driving onwards, he shuddered incomprehensibly, finally collapsing on top of her, his breathing deep and irregular. –Out of this world,” he said at last, murmuring apologies and ‘thank yous’ in equal measure.

Almost absentmindedly, he ran his hand up to her shoulder, then swooped down to kiss her neck, and nuzzle her ear. –I think I made the wrong toast, earlier,” he whispered.

–In what way?” she asked, quivering under his touch as he lazily traced his finger across her neckline.

–To pearls against skin,” he murmured, –regaining their lustre and never again becoming dull.”
End Notes:
Pearls should be worn next to the skin, I didn't make that up. And reviews may be left in the little box at the bottom. They add lustre to my day, even if you hated the story.
This story archived at http://www.mugglenetfanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=90885