What to Expect When You're Expecting: A Wizard's Guide by MJ_Padfoot

Three couples.

Two Babies.

One Book.

Harry, Ron, and George all discover the true meaning of expecting the unexpected in this half-hilarious, half heart-felt comedy about what nine months can really bring.

Categories: Humor Fics Characters: None
Warnings: Pottermore Spoilers
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 1155 Read: 1183 Published: 01/15/16 Updated: 01/15/16
Story Notes:
Well, I'm having a writer's block with "Man in the Mask" so I wrote a new story. Enjoy! xo MJ P.S. Thanks to whoever beta'ed this story forever ago. You're name wasn't included in the only copy that I have and I have no idea where the email went. So, thank you!!

1. You're a Daddy! by MJ_Padfoot

You're a Daddy! by MJ_Padfoot
Chapter One: You're a Daddy!

Ginny swore under her breath as she repeatedly tried to zip up her favorite pair of jeans.

–Ginny, is everything okay in there?” Harry asked, concerned. Ginny had locked herself in the bathroom all morning.

–I’m fine, Harry,” came Ginny’s uneasy voice. It was the tenth time that Harry had asked her that through the locked door. As she tried to zip up her trousers one last time, she ripped the zipper out of the seam. Swearing quite loudly this time, Ginny unlocked the door and marched out. –I’m fat!” she exclaimed to her husband, who was laughing at the sight of her.

Ginny, who was half dressed in a blouse and knickers, stood with a pair of trousers in one hand. Harry was on the bed, fully dressed and ready for the day. He put down the Daily Prophet and said, –You’re not fat, Ginny. Honestly, you’re not. You’re perfectly beautiful just the way you are.”

Rolling her eyes, Ginny said, –I’m going to have to go shopping or something so I can go to Mum's today. I can’t go looking like this.”

Harry chuckled and said, –True, but you could also forget about the shopping and come here.”

Snorting, Ginny said, –You’re dirty.” She then grabbed her pajama pants off of the floor and left the room to Floo her mother. Harry started laughing again as he watched his wife walk out of the door.

Even though he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, Harry had noticed that Ginny had put on some weight. Shaking his head, Harry headed downstairs where he found his wife leaning over the fireplace talking to her mother about the family dinner and their new house-elf, Ellie, cleaning up from breakfast.

–Sounds great, Mum,” said Ginny.

–Now, be sure to bring your trousers over and I’ll show you how to fix them tonight,” Mrs. Weasley said.

–I will.”

–Oh, and make sure that you have something before you leave to Diagon Alley. You’re looking a little peaky.”

–I will, Mum,” said Ginny, as Harry sat down at the table.

–Please do, Ginny. We’ll see you tonight.”

–See you tonight,” Ginny said.


After their quick shopping trip, Harry and Ginny were welcomed by their family at the Burrow. They enjoyed a delightful dinner which Molly had cooked. Later that night, Molly and Arthur were playing a card game with Bill and Fleur while the rest of the siblings were sitting around the fireplace talking. Harry and Ginny were discussing the possibility of being parents with Ron and Hermione. –Well, I don’t know,” said Hermione. –I’ve been so focused on getting all of my training done that I just haven’t thought about it.”

Ginny laughed. –You sound like Harry, Hermione. He’s been so focused on Ministry stuff that I don’t think that the thought has even crossed his mind.”

–It has once or twice,” said Harry in his defense. –I just didn’t realize that you were that ready for it.”

–Well, I don’t know if I’d say if I'm that ready. I have a life too, you know.” Ginny was currently in the middle of her Quidditch training.

Harry chuckled. Ron turned to Harry and said, –Don’t worry, mate. You’ve got time.”

Ginny snorted loudly, which made Ron’s ears turn red. Ron and Hermione had been wanting kids for a while but hadn't had any luck.

–Time is Galleons, little brother,” said George, who had just walked in the living room.

–Easy for you to say,” said Ron –You’ve got one on the way.”

George grinned. –Touché.”

Everyone laughed and the conversation carried on with ease for the rest of the night. Later, when Harry and Ginny finally arrived home, Harry turned to Ginny and said, –So, are you really ready for kids?”

–I think so . . .” said Ginny, –We’ve been out of Hogwarts for a while and both of us have great careers, but I want to be a mum. I’ve always wanted it.” Ginny set her handbag down on the kitchen counter and sat at the table.

–So have I, but even more than that, I just want us to be happy for the rest of our lives.”

Ginny smiled and said, –I think we can do that.” She leaned towards Harry and kissed him. Pulling away, she continued, –In fact, I know we can.”


A few weeks later, Harry walked into the living room after a long day at the Ministry. Even though it had been four years since Voldemort was defeated, Harry and the other Ministry officials were still tracking down the Death Eaters on –The Black List”. Harry put his brief case on the floor next to the couch and sat down. He kicked off his shoes and closed his eyes for a moment. It had been an exhausting day.


It was Ginny. He quickly opened his eyes, and said, –Yeah?” She had been sick with the stomach flu for the past week.

–Are you okay?” He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Really good. Are you okay?"

–Yeah, it was just a really long day at work.” Harry leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes.

He could hear Ginny walking over to him. She sat on his lap and started to rub his neck. He loved it when she did that. –So, today was a little exhausting for me too.”

Harry opened one eye and looked at his wife. –How come?” he asked, then closed his eyes again. He was really enjoying the massage.

–Well, Mum came over today and told me that she wasn’t convinced that I’ve been sick with the flu,” began Ginny.


–And she brought over a pregnancy test.”

Harry was caught off guard. Opening both eyes and looking at her, he said, –And?”

–You’re a Daddy!” Ginny said with excitement.

Harry stared at her in disbelief. For the next several moments, Harry was very grateful that he was sitting down. A baby, he thought, a real live baby! Finally, he spoke. –Are you su--sure?” he stuttered.

–Yes, I am. Mum brought me--well, us--a book called, What to Expect When You’re Expecting: A Wizard’s Guide. She was telling me all of her stories about being pregnant with all of us . . .”

As Ginny rambled on about Molly’s visit, Harry sat in shock. He was going to be a father. It was a lot to take in, especially after a long day at the Ministry.


Still lost in his thoughts, Harry didn’t answer.


Snapping out of it, Harry looked at her. –We’re going to be parents, right?”

–Yes,” Ginny said softly.

Harry smiled and said, –You’re going to be a great mother.”
End Notes:
Stay tuned for the next chapter! It'll be posted shortly!
This story archived at http://www.mugglenetfanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=93573