MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

What to Expect When You're Expecting: A Wizard's Guide by MJ_Padfoot


Three couples.

Two Babies.

One Book.

Harry, Ron, and George all discover the true meaning of expecting the unexpected in this half-hilarious, half heart-felt comedy about what nine months can really bring.

Ratings: 1st-2nd Years [ - ]
Category: Humor Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: Pottermore Spoilers
Serie: None
Chapters: 1 Completed?: No
Wordcount: 1155 Viewcount: 1177
Published on: 01/15/16 Updated On: 01/15/16

Story Notes: Well, I'm having a writer's block with "Man in the Mask" so I wrote a new story. Enjoy! xo MJ P.S. Thanks to whoever beta'ed this story forever ago. You're name wasn't included in the only copy that I have and I have no idea where the email went. So, thank you!!

1. You're a Daddy! by MJ_Padfoot [ - ] (1155 words)