Fred had been in the shadows ever since Hermione disappeared. He didn’t know what to think. Had she been captured? Was she safe or in danger? Could she be… dead? After five long years of hoping she would return, Fred began to wonder if she hadn’t just been a dream. A beautiful, wonderful dream. But if she was a dream, how could he have such vivid memories of stolen kisses, warm hugs, and her fingers moving tenderly across his cheeks? They hadn’t even told anyone of their relationship, so, how could he be sure that it had been real? There was too much going on with the war and neither wanted to put the other in danger, so, they kept everything a secret. In the near three years that Fred had spent dedicated to Hermione, he had never once told her what he felt for her.
He loved her.
Normally, speaking his mind wasn’t an issue, but when it came time to saying that four -letter word, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Not because it wasn’t true - on the contrary, he loved Hermione very much - but saying it out loud, saying it to her, meant that she might confess her own feelings and they both knew their feelings were a dangerous thing - something that would have gotten them killed during the war. He was scared of loving her and losing her. In the end, five years after she went missing, Fred regretted never telling her the truth.
When Hermione had disappeared, Harry and the entire Weasley family went into a panic. Though Fred suffered the most. He went on every single search mission and even conducted a few of his own. The rest of the Weasleys didn’t know of the relationship he and Hermione had shared, though he suspected his twin brother had some idea. You couldn’t get much past your twin. But everyone noticed that Fred had lost most of his spark after Hermione went missing. No one dared ask him why. Then again, they all thought Hermione and Ron had been together, so they were more focused on Ron than Fred.
Five years to the day of Hermione’s disappearance, Fred found himself in the Hog’s Head, drinking an entire bottle of Firewhisky by himself. This was the last place he had seen her on the same day that she disappeared. He had been the last one to see her alive and safe and he never knew that would be the last time he would see her, hold her, or even kiss her. If he had known, he wouldn’t have let her out of his sight. He would have kept her safe. But she was gone now, and it was all his fault.
Knowing that he would have to return to the Burrow in less than three hours, Fred moderated his drinking. He didn’t want anyone to know that he got drunk every year on the same exact day. He didn’t want them asking why he got drunk on this day every year. He couldn’t bring himself to explain it to them all, so, he made sure he could still somewhat function when he left the pub. He could get drunk later that night at his and George’s flat. Until then, he raised the bottle of Firewhisky to his lips and took another swig, counting down the minutes until he had to return to the Burrow to attend the dinner his family held in Hermione’s memory every year. He couldn’t wait to get home and get wasted.
A young witch emerged from a small book shop in Diagon Alley with the collar of her robes pulled up against the cold bite of the winter wind that whipped around her. She had long, dark brown hair tied into an elegant side braid, piercing grey eyes, and a pretty, kind face. Hoisting a small purse onto her shoulder, she stepped onto the cobbled road of Diagon Alley and made her way toward the local owl post, a hand hidden inside her robes, clutching her concealed wand. Once she was safely inside the Post Office, she looked around and politely asked the attendant behind the counter for her fastest owl to deliver an urgent message.
While the attendant went to fetch their fastest owl, Hermione quickly reached into her purse and pulled out a small vial of a putrid green potion. Without hesitation, Hermione gulped down the potion and winced at its awful taste. She hated Polyjuice Potion, but it was her best form of disguise. Quickly, she placed the empty vial back inside her purse when she heard the attendant returning.
–Here you are, Miss,†said the young female worker whose nametag said Alice. –Can I have your name, Miss? We need it for all emergency transports. In case something happens to our owl during delivery, we need to be able to contact you.â€
–Of course,†Hermione said in a voice much higher than her own. –Jane. Jane Addams.â€
–Thank you, Miss Addams,†said Alice with a smile as she wrote down the false identity into a tracking chart.
Hermione smiled and nodded before walking to a nearby table to search through her purse for the piece of parchment she needed delivered. After attaching it to the rather grumpy looking owl’s leg and sending him on his way, Hermione paid Alice for her services and left the shop. She would have to find something to do until the owl had time to deliver her letter. It had been five years since she had set foot in England. Five long years. Perhaps she would stop at the Leaky Cauldron for a quick Butterbeer. Merlin, she missed Butterbeer!
For the past five years Hermione had been on the run. Nearly a year after Voldemort’s defeat, Hermione disappeared. No one knew what had become of her, if she had been taken by a remaining supporter of Voldemort’s or if she had just simply left. No one even knew if she was still alive. Hermione hated herself for leaving the way she did. She should have said good-bye. In the end, she had to leave, to keep everyone she loved safe. She had to go on the run. It killed her to leave everyone behind, especially him. But she had no choice. The prophecy made sure of that.
On her journeys, Hermione gained a certain understanding of Divination. Not a respect exactly, but she understood now that it had its place in the magical world. After seeing the prophecy of Voldemort’s downfall come true and reading of several others, Hermione knew that the prophecy she had discovered in her fifth year would also come true. During the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Hermione had discovered another prophecy among the dusty orbs in the Hall of Prophecy. This one had her name on it. When no one was looking, Hermione snatched it from the shelf and hid it away in her robes with every intention of talking to Dumbledore about it later. Then all hell broke loose and somewhere in all the confusion they had lost Sirius and the prophecy sat forgotten in Hermione’s pocket until the next day. After hearing what the prophecy said, Hermione nearly fainted. Something like that couldn’t possibly be true and it couldn’t possibly mean her!
So, for two years, Hermione kept the little orb secret, never mentioning it to anyone, but it always laid there in the back of her mind. Hermione didn’t even consider that the prophecy could come true until she witnessed Harry defeat Voldemort and fulfill his prophecy.
For the next several months following the Battle of Hogwarts, Hermione did as much research as she could, trying to learn everything about prophecies and the likelihood of them coming true. What she found was overwhelming instead of reassuring. She would have to run.
The next day, she met up with her boyfriend at the Hog’s Head and gave him one final kiss, never letting on that anything was wrong. As she left the pub that day, with a false smile plastered on her face as she looked at Fred one last time, she instantly regretted not telling him how much she cared for him.
Five years later and this was still her one biggest regret.
After finishing her Butterbeer, Hermione left The Leaky Cauldron and headed for a safe Apparition point. By now, her letter should have been delivered and the recipients would be forewarned of her arrival, so, with the last of her resolve, she Apparated to the one place she always felt at home; the Burrow.
When Hermione opened her eyes, she was standing in front of the Burrow’s back door, which lead to the kitchen. Quickly she scrambled around in her purse for another vial of Polyjuice potion and took another dose to ensure that her disguise wouldn’t wear off anytime soon. With a deep breath, Hermione knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. As much as she wanted to see the Weasleys again, she dreaded seeing Fred as she knew it would be ten times as difficult to say good-bye to him a second time, even if he didn’t know it was her.
Less than ten seconds later the door flew open and Molly Weasley stood in the door frame, wearing her apron and covered in flour as usual.
Smiling, Hermione held out a hand to her and said, –Hello, I’m Jane Addams. You must be Mrs. Weasley. I do hope you got my letter?â€
–Oh, yes!†she said, grasping Hermione’s hand in hers. It felt odd to shake hands with someone she’d known since she was eleven. –Yes, yes, yes, do come in child. Get out of that nasty cold.â€
–Thank you,†said Hermione.
–Would you like a cup of tea, Jane?†she asked as she continued to bustle around the kitchen preparing dinner.
–Oh, no, Mrs. Weasley. I don’t want to trouble you.â€
–It’s no trouble, dear,†she said waving her had dismissively and handing Hermione a steaming cup.
Hermione smiled and thanked Mrs. Weasley. Some things never changed, and Molly Weasley’s caring nature was certainly one of them. While Mrs. Weasley continued to prepare dinner, Hermione peered around the old, familiar room. Not much had changed. It was still a cramped and rather cluttered space, and everything still looked the same. The only thing that had changed, Hermione noticed, was the added photographs on the walls. Smiling Weasley grandchildren, looked down at Hermione and she even saw a picture of Ron and Luna’s wedding hanging next to one of George and Angelina Johnson, who appeared to be engaged. She smiled to herself. At least everyone was happy. That’s all she wanted.
Hermione was stirred from her thoughts when Mrs. Weasley began to talk to her while tending to a pot of vegetable soup on the stove. –Now, Jane dear, I was rather surprised to get your owl just a little while ago. In your letter you said you knew our Hermione?â€
Swallowing her sip of tea, Hermione said, –Yes, I did. Hermione and I met on holiday in France when we were still in school.†It felt weird to speak of herself in the third person.
–I see,†Mrs. Weasley said. –I’m afraid she never mentioned you before.â€
Hermione could sense the question and its slight suspicion. Mrs. Weasley wasn’t quite sure to trust her and she could definitely see why. It took some creative thinking on Hermione’s part to convince Mrs. Weasley that she was telling the truth and could be trusted. In the end, Mrs. Weasley seemed satisfied that Hermione was who she said she was.
After helping to set the table, which Mrs. Weasley was very grateful for, Mrs. Weasley seemed to remember another question she had. –In your letter, you said you needed to talk about something. What was it, dear?â€
Hermione hesitated while placing the last few plates on the table. –I’d rather not say until I can address your whole family and Mr. Harry Potter, if you don’t mind, ma’am.â€
–Now, Jane, I can’t very well allow you to disturb this evening’s meal. We have a dinner in Hermione’s sweet memory every year and I can’t have you upsetting anyone,†she said while brandishing a spoon at her.
Shocked and touched, Hermione had to remind herself to be firm in her words. –Mrs. Weasley, I have no intention of ruining anything for you and your family. I have something very important to tell you and I’m afraid it can’t wait until tomorrow. Please, Mrs. Weasley, I swear not to disturb your dinner or memories, but I need to be here tonight.â€
Contemplating her words, Mrs. Weasley seemed to trust Hermione’s words and nodded. –All right. You can speak to the family. Everyone is coming tonight, anyway. As you were a friend of Hermione’s as well I don’t see why you shouldn’t join us for dinner.â€
–Oh, no, Mrs. Weasley, that’s not necessary. I don’t want to disturb your meal. I can just wait outside until you’ve finished.â€
–Nonsense,†she said. –It’s about ready to storm a blizzard out there and I won’t have a guest stand out in the cold. You’ll have dinner with us, I insist.â€
Hermione nodded. –Yes, ma’am.†She knew it was no use arguing with Mrs. Weasley when she had her mind set on something.
An hour later and another vial of Polyjuice potion gone, Hermione found herself shaking hands with the entire Weasley clan before sitting down to a home cooked meal like the ones she remembered from her school days, which she missed terribly. Introductions were made and small talk exchanged, but among all the guests in the Weasley home, Hermione noticed that one face in particular was missing. Fred was not among the friendly faces she had been longing to see for five years. This worried Hermione. He should have been there. Was he all right?
Everyone looked up when the kitchen door opened and a tall, slightly stumbling figure walked in. Fred. Hermione had to keep from gasping and giving herself away. He had changed so much in the last five years. He still had the same kind face and soft disposition, but something about him had given up. Hermione thought everyone must see this change in him but she seemed to be the only one to notice.
–Fred,†said Mrs. Weasley in her legendary scolding voice. Everyone except for Hermione looked away, knowing that Fred was going to receive a good long lecture later if he didn’t apologize now for being late.
–Sorry, I’m late, Mum,†he said in a quiet voice.
She glared at him but let his loose apology slide and offered him the seat next to Hermione. Hermione froze at this, not having previously realized that the only available seat was between herself and Mrs. Weasley. She would have to keep her composure. She offered Fred a small smile as he sat down next to her. She’d had plenty of practice in concealing the truth and hiding her feelings but for some reason, being in the presence of the Weasleys again made her nervous, like she thought she might slip up.
–Fred, this is Jane Addams,†Mrs. Weasley said, indicating Hermione. –She was a friend of Hermione’s.â€
Fred looked at Hermione and she saw the pain in his eyes at the mention of her name, though she didn’t think anyone else could see his despair. Which meant one thing; he still hadn’t told anyone of their relationship and Hermione couldn’t fathom why. She offered him her hand.
–It’s nice to meet you, Fred.†That was the first she had spoken his name out loud in five years.
–You, too,†he said simply while briefly grasping her hand.
The rest of the dinner went smoothly and soon Hermione found herself standing in the sitting room with everyone else and listening to them all share some of their favorite memories of Hermione. Some of them smiled as they told their favorite Hermione story, others cried. Hermione couldn’t help but look down at her hands during the story telling. It was her fault this beautiful, loving family mourned her even though she was not dead. Hermione couldn’t help but notice that Fred never spoke once and always kept to himself, unnoticed in a corner of the room. He was the only one who didn’t share a memory of Hermione. Hermione excused herself to use the restroom and downed another vial of the Polyjuice potion before entering the sitting room again, still thinking of Fred.
Hermione was shaken from her thoughts upon entering the room by the voice of Mr. Weasley. –Now, Jane, Molly tells me you have something to discuss with all of us. What is it?â€
Slowly, Hermione said, –Yes, I have something very important to discuss with all of you.†There was no point in putting it off any longer. She had already put them all in danger by coming here, let alone staying this long. –I’m sorry if I’ve disrupted your evening but this couldn’t wait another day. I have an urgent message for all of you.â€
–What is it?†inquired Ron.
–Who’s the message from?†Harry asked.
Hermione paused before answering. Merlin, how she missed her friends! She looked down and took a deep breath. Looking up again, Hermione spoke with resolve. –My message is from Hermione Granger.â€
Silence hung in the air of the Weasley’s sitting room, making breathing difficult. The echoing silence seemed to drag on for hours before Ginny spoke up. –What did you just say?â€
Readying herself for fireworks Hermione folded her hands in front of her and said, –My message if from Hermione Granger.†Everyone looked at each other with open mouths and doubtful eyes. Everyone except Fred. Though he sat in the back of the room, unnoticed, at Hermione’s words he looked up at her with wide eyes and pale cheeks. A little spark of hope had ignited in his once joyous eyes.
–Now, see here, Jane,†said Mr. Weasley as he stood from his chair, obviously feeling insulted and in need of defending his family. –If this is some kind of joke, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. I won’t have you mocking my family.â€
–I understand, Mr. Weasley, but this isn’t a joke. I swear, Hermione gave me a message to deliver to you all. I wouldn't mock you†Somehow trusting her words, Mr. Weasley sat down in his chair once more, eying her suspiciously. Taking another deep breath, Hermione continued. –Hermione asked me to tell you that she is fine. She wanted you all to know that she is trying to find a way back to you and is so sorry she left the way she did.â€
–What do you mean left?†said Percy. –She disappeared. She was captured.â€
–Yes, she did disappear, but she wasn’t captured. Hermione left and went into hiding. She was being hunted by Voldemort’s old followers. She had to leave. She didn’t want to risk any of your lives.â€
–That’s nonsense!†shouted Harry. –Hermione knew full well that we wouldn’t let anything happen to her. She wouldn’t just leave like that. Not without talking to us first.â€
Hermione nodded. –I know, Harry, but she felt she had to. If you had no idea what happened to her, then she could make a clean break and no one would come after you to get information. She couldn’t risk your lives, not after the Battle of Hogwarts, so she left, to steer the Death Eaters away from you and towards her. She didn’t want any of you to die for her.â€
–I don’t believe you!†said Ron. –Why would Death Eaters be after her?â€
–I don’t know, Ron,†she said. –I don’t know everything. She just told me the basics and what I would need to know to convince you that I’m telling the truth.â€
George snorted. –Yeah? And what’s that? What has she told you to convince us?â€
Hermione looked at George and said, rather dryly, –Several things, actually. First of all, Harry and Ron, in your fourth year Hermione discovered how Rita Skeeter for getting all her stories when she wasn’t allowed on school grounds. Correct?â€
–Yes,†said Harry. –Did she tell you how she did it?â€
Hermione nodded. –Rita Skeeter is an unregistered Animagus who can transform into a beetle.â€
Harry’s eyes grew wide and his jaw dropped. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were the only ones who knew that fact. He knew she must be telling the truth.
Hermione continued, knowing she had managed to convince her best friend but also knowing she still had to convince everyone else. –Second, Hermione cast a memory charm on her parents and sent them to Australia before she, Harry, and Ron went on their travels to defeat Voldemort. Third, you lost several friends along the way and Hermione still sends flowers and socks to Dobby’s grave every year.â€
Bill and Fleur looked at each other in shock. There indeed had been flowers sent to Dobby’s grave. Once a year Bill and Fleur would wake to find that Dobby’s grave was covered in several flowers and hand-knit socks. Everyone now seemed to be convinced that Jane was telling the truth.
After a moment of silence, Ginny said, –So, Hermione’s still alive?â€
–And she’s safe?†prompted Mrs. Weasley.
Hermione hesitated. –For now. She is in the safest place she knows.â€
–For now?†said Charlie. –What does that mean?â€
–It means she’s still in danger. But for now, she’s safe. She’s trying to find a way to shake off her pursuers.â€
–When will she be coming home?†croaked a voice from the corner. Everyone turned to look at Fred who hadn’t spoken a word since dinner.
Hermione was silent. Oh, she wanted to tell Fred that she was home! She missed him so much and couldn’t help but hold his gaze in hers. She wanted to walk up to him and wrap her arms around him and tell him that she was here and wasn’t going to leave ever again. But she knew she couldn’t. She had to keep up pretenses. –She will come home when you are no longer in danger. She just wants to keep you safe. Hermione loves you all very much.â€
A half hour later and Hermione was still answering the Weasley’s questions as best as she could. When the clock struck ten she told them that she must be going and insisted that they put up protective charms around the Burrow when she left. She didn’t want to risk their lives if someone found out. Mrs. Weasley wouldn’t have it and insisted that she stay the night instead of risking the storm. Reluctantly, Hermione agreed. She would leave in the morning before everyone woke.