Hermione spent the night sitting by the window, keeping a look outside. Though she was tired and the bed she had been offered looked extremely comfortable, she knew she couldn’t sleep. She had to stay alert to make sure the Weasleys were safe through the night. As dawn grew closer and closer, Hermione began to get anxious. She needed to leave. A few times she could have sworn she saw some movement down on the lawn beneath her window. Then she realized it was only a garden gnome. Hermione hated how being on the run made her so paranoid. She didn’t like always looking over her shoulder.
At about four in the morning a very small crash sounded from downstairs. Someone was roaming about in the kitchen, by the sound of it. Prepared for the worst, Hermione ran through all sorts of offensive and defensive spells in her head as she gathered her things and took another dose of Polyjuice potion before heading downstairs to investigate. As silently as possible, she made her way down the stairs, wand at the ready. She had almost reached the edge of the kitchen when a sudden movement from near the table caught her attention and caused her to jump out of her skin. Pointing her wand at the figure at the table, she relaxed when she realized it was only Fred.
–Merlin’s beard, Fred!†she exclaimed, managing to keep her voice just above a whisper as she lowered her wand slightly. –You nearly scared me to death!â€
What was he doing here anyway? Why hadn’t he gone back to the flat with George?
–Sorry,†he said with a sigh as he heaved himself up off the floor. He must’ve fallen out of his chair. –I didn’t mean to frighten you.â€
–What are you doing here? Did you stay the whole night?â€
Fred kept silent and after a moment gave Hermione a small nod.
–Why?†she asked.
Fred sighed and ran his fingers through his flaming red hair, something he always used to do when he was conflicted. Hermione grew concerned and took a step toward him just like she used to when she was worried about him. After realizing she nearly gave herself away, in an attempt to cover it up, Hermione said, –Are you all right, Fred?â€
Too late. Fred had noticed the all-too-familiar, Hermione-like step forward and a strange look crossed his features. He frowned and furrowed his brows before shaking his head and dismissing it as a cruel trick his tired brain had played on him. –I’m fine,†he said.
Hermione raised her eyebrows in a way that clearly said she knew he was lying. –What’s bothering you?†she asked.
Fred contemplated his next words carefully. –Did… did Hermione say anything about… about me?†he asked, a small blush creeping up his pale cheeks as he ran his hand over the back of his neck.
Hermione kept a small smile to herself. He was still the same old Fred underneath it all, but now, he was much more reserved; a trait Hermione could honestly say she didn’t like in him. –Yes,†she said with a small sigh. –Hermione told me a lot about you.â€
Fred’s face lit up and went pale all at once. She hadn’t forgotten about him after all. –Really?†he said with slight surprise. –What did she say?â€
Hermione closed her eyes. This was a confrontation she was hoping to avoid. She loved Fred more than anything and knew that too much alone time with him was bound to break her. So, she kept her answers simple. –Everything. She told me everything.â€
Fred kept silent but his expression filled with more questions. After a long stretch of silence, Fred voiced a question that Hermione could tell he’d been thinking about for a very long time. –Does she miss me?â€
Hermione’s heart skipped a beat. How could he think she didn’t miss him? –More than anything,†she answered.
This answer caused Fred to sit back in his chair and cover his face with his hands. Hermione heard him take a deep breath and, when he removed his hands, his whole body quaked from emotion. It was very unlike Fred to get so emotional, but at Hermione’s words Fred let himself go, tears streaking down his face. Hermione, seeing Fred’s distress, battled with herself. She wanted nothing more than to comfort him, to hold him close and never let him go, but she knew she couldn’t. So, instead, Hermione settled herself into the chair next to Fred’s and placed a hand gently on his arm, consoling him. He looked at her hand for a moment or two then pulled away. He was in too much pain to be comforted, let alone by a complete stranger.
Hermione let her hand fall to the table and rose from her chair, speaking before she knew what she was saying. –Hermione gave me a special message for you, Fred.â€
Fred’s eyes shot to hers, suddenly eager to hear what message Hermione had left especially for him. Before Hermione could talk herself out of it, she leaned in quickly, placing a soft kiss on Fred’s cheek. His skin was as soft as she remembered and his scent, though somewhat tainted by alcohol, almost overwhelmed her, attempting to drag her in with its familiarity. Standing up straight again, Hermione looked down at Fred’s shocked face and said, –You must really mean something special to her.â€
Hermione grabbed her small purse and turned to leave when Fred spoke from behind her. –Wait! Don’t leave yet.â€
Hermione paused and looked over her shoulder. –I really must be going.â€
–If you don’t stay for breakfast, mum’ll have a fit,†he said with a ghost of his old laughter behind his words as a small smile graced his lips.
Though his eyes remained somewhat sad, Hermione was glad to see Fred smile again. –I really can’t,†she said. –Give her my apologies, but I have to go.â€
Fred nodded. –Will you give Hermione a message for me?â€
She hesitated. –It’s very unlikely that I’ll see her again.â€
–I know, but, please, if you do see her, tell her she needs to come home. I need her. So do Harry and Ron. They’re completely hopeless without her.â€
Hermione let out a small laugh. There was the Fred she knew. –She already knows that, Fred. She’s trying her best. Don’t worry.â€
Fred nodded, not knowing what else to say. He felt a little odd. It seemed like forever since he last cracked a joke.
–I have to go now,†Hermione stated. –Put protective charms up around the Burrow when I’ve gone.â€
Curious, Fred asked, –Why?â€
–Because I might have been followed. Whoever is after Hermione knows that I’ve been in contact with her. They’re trying to get to me to find her. Which is why I wanted to leave last night. I’ve put you all at risk,†she answered. –Now, promise me you’ll put up protective charms when I leave?â€
Fred nodded. –Of course.â€
Hermione hoisted her purse onto her shoulder once again and
said, –Thank you.â€
After leaving the Burrow, Hermione Apparated to the nearest village and quickly found a room to stay in at the local pub, placing her own protective charms around the room. She had decided to stay close to the Burrow to keep an eye on the Weasley family, to be sure they were safe and she hadn’t been followed. Hermione also couldn’t quite bring herself to fully abandon Fred again.
Hermione couldn’t help but scold herself for almost deserting her disguise. Fred surely would have seen through her if she had embraced him like she wanted to. Fred was good at reading people, especially Hermione, and she had almost given herself away completely. Her small kiss on the cheek had been a mistake. She shouldn’t have done it, but she couldn’t stop herself. She knew that he had recognized something about her - she could tell by the look in his eyes when she had stepped toward him out of her own worry.
Hermione desperately wanted to see Fred and the other Weasleys again before she left, but she knew that returning would be extremely dangerous, and she wasn’t willing to put them in jeopardy again. She knew she shouldn’t have come back in the first place. Perhaps she shouldn’t even have returned to England at all. She knew she would get sucked in by the love of the Weasley family and that it would be nearly impossible to leave them all again. She kept finding excuses to stay longer, trying to hold on to her latest memory of Fred.
In the end, Hermione stayed in the village nearly five days. She’d stayed much too long but was satisfied that the Weasleys were safe. She had to go on and continue her journey. As she had detected nothing suspicious happening about the Burrow, Hermione knew it was time to leave, though actually departing was going to put an end to her emotionally.
Little did she know, horrible things were about to happen to the Weasley family.