Gelido Dormitabis (An Icy Slumber)
This is utter darkness,
Pitch and black with echoed silence
As the icy cold of forgotten waters
Eternally seeps through bone and skin.
The black silence echoes,
Death’s sweet, intrusive lullaby
That pierces bone and skin to hollow souls
Invisibly shackled to the cavern walls.
His lullaby sighs with sweet, hushed tones,
Caressing the damned as they slumber,
Invisibly shackled to the cavern walls
As they sleep in watery graves.
He soothes their slumbering minds
Though they drown in empty sorrows,
Entombed in frigid waters
As his silent song leaves them deaf.
They drown in empty sorrows
As mists rise from forgotten waters,
Engulfing e’en the silence ‘til the caverns run deaf:
This is utter darkness.