Summary: A retelling of Severus Snape's time as Headmaster, an account of Wizarding Britain hiding Muggle-born refugees, and the untold story of an unorthodox witch. Ratings: 3rd-5th Years [ - ] Category:Alternate Universe Characters: None Warnings: Book 7 Disregarded, Mild Profanity, Violence Challenge: Serie: None Chapters: 13 Completed?: No Wordcount: 77726 Viewcount: 33161 Published on: 01/03/16 Updated On: 06/24/16
Story Notes: The idea for this fiction came from an amazing essay I read. The author's pen name was "Swythyv". I have since been unable to find this essay but wish to credit the author and will do so in the pertinent chapter.
7.Chapter 7 by Meadowsweet [ - ] (5367 words)
All belongs to the author, J.K. Rowling. I'm just playing with what she has so graciously shared.
The lyrics quoted in this chapter are from the song 'Vogue' by Madonna. Released 1990. I am, shockingly enough, not Madonna and don't own the song or lyrics in any way.
8.Chapter 8 by Meadowsweet [ - ] (5707 words)
So sorry for the long delay! I can only cite midterms. I can promise the next update will be soon.
Again I own nothing this is all J.K. Rowlings, only Theophany is mine. Also more song lyrics! The brief quote is from 'Wannabe' by the Spice Girls released 1996.
11.Chapter 11 by Meadowsweet [ - ] (6589 words)
The quote from canon dialogue is bracketed for citation. DH first U.S. Edition, 2007, Arthur A Leving Books, Scholastic. Page 341. All belongs to J.K. Rowling.
12.Chapter 12 by Meadowsweet [ - ] (6806 words)
Quotes from the canon are bracketed. Cited in order of appearance, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, 2007, Arthur A. Levine Books, Scholastic. p. 372, p 374, p.689.
None of this belongs to me, all is J.K. Rowling's. Except Theophany Knapp.