The Suitcase Menagerie
We hadn't known each other very long. He randomly appeared in New York one day, and after that, I started to notice the most unusual occurrences that happened when he was around.
For one thing, there seemed to be odd animalistic noises that would sound from his coat or his briefcase, and once there was even a flash of fire or some other bright light that exploded out of his pockets. But he never betrayed having heard or seen any such thing, and when examined more closely, any observer would be sure to swear they had imagined the entire incident. After a few days of this, I started to suspect he was definitely hiding illegal contraband, though of what nature, I was unsure. I tried to ignore it, tried to brush off the strange happenings, but for some reason, he appeared to be quite comfortable with me. That is, as he acclimated to the ins and outs of New York, less of the odd behavior was exhibited in public and more of it began to reveal itself to me. Dishes started flying off the shelves by themselves, mirrored reflections would intimate opinions of what a person was wearing, smashed bottles would magically be fixed, and suitcases--don't even get me started on the startling revelation that was.
I know it sounds as though I've had one too many to drink, gone round the bend, but it was--and is--real. There was no doubt in my mind that this queer acquaintance I had to come to have was, indeed, a master dabbling in dark arts.
But as confusing and thoroughly off-putting as it was, I secretly began to like this showy fellow.
It may have been the ease with which he so neatly made himself a part of my life--taking up rent with a complete stranger and involving me in his colorful art. For as much as I could not trust my own eyes with what I saw, I trusted him.
And on that shocking morning that he beckoned for me to follow him right into his suitcase--into the suitcase!--with a simple whistle and wave of the fingers, I actually obeyed. I descended down into a suitcase.
He didn't act surprised nor did he bother to explain what had just happened. He just smiled broadly as lights suddenly went aglow and bathed the chamber we were in.
I sunk to my knees in shock. What I saw before me was not just a small room housing one or two wondrous, mythological creatures. It was a massive stone chamber complete with castled pillars and soaring ceilings where myth upon myth upon myth suddenly became fact. All kinds of exotic creatures roamed the hall, mewing, chirping, barking, singing, hooting--it was a true cacophony of sounds, only further complicated by the brilliant rainbow of colors and assorted mix of species that met my eyes.
Any normal person might have tried to start seeing just what kind of creatures were hidden here, or else turned to the wizard and demand to know what was happening.
I was still stuck on the fact that I just descended into a suitcase. Seriously, would any believe that I could walk right into an accessory meant to hold papers or clothing?
I don't think he even noticed my state of awe. He casually made his way over to a purring animal completely covered in scales and seemingly licking a wounded claw. At the touch of his hand, the iridescent creature lifted its head--and I almost screamed, the thought of suitcases immediately replaced by an unsettling fear.
He was petting a dragon.
After the initial shock wore off, I furiously went back to trying to solve the puzzle of the suitcase, refusing to even contemplate that such a dangerous animal could exist, let alone exist inside a suitcase being pet by a madman.
"They're really gentle beings, you know," he said in a low voice full of pity. "Just misunderstood and feared. Like me."
It's such an odd statement to make, but I noticed that the dragon was still purring, and could actually be smiling.
"What is this?" was all I stammered, failing to cope with this eerie new world.
He glanced back, unfazed by the shock registered in my face. Underneath the kindly expression, I could see cold rage boiling within him.
"It's sanctuary."
I wanted to turn around and leave, but his pained tone convinced me to stay. The thought even occurred to me that maybe I could get used to this unsettling revelation, perhaps even enjoy being privy to it.
"Sanctuary?" I inquired, noting for the first time that every single creature in the chamber was injured in some form or another.
"Men think they are above everything else. They seek to control and gain. All they care for is power, and they dominate over other life forms, hunting them, harming them, even killing them."
"Surely you must be joking. Men don't even believe these creatures exist!"
He laughed, pulled out a curious stick, pointed it at the dragon, and began swirling it through the air. Bandages appeared out of thin air and wrapped themselves around the reptile's claw.
"There's an entire world out there that men don't believe in," he replied, as if he had not just performed an unnatural and impossible feat. "It doesn't stop them from hunting it down."
The dragon closed its eyes, its purring smoothing over to slower rumbles. I only stood there as he walked from animal to animal, checking their wounds. When he finished, he made his way back to me. Good-naturedly, he clapped me on the shoulder, then climbed back up the stairs to the room outside the suitcase.
I followed, my brain threatening to burst from everything that had just happened. As I stumbled out of the suitcase--out of the suitcase!--onto the bedroom floor, I saw the odd man staring reflectively out the side window.
"So, what are you? Some veterinarian for mythical pets?" I ventured, although my curiosity burned over the suitcase.
He chuckled. "Actually, I am known as Scamander the Magizoologist. I study magical creatures to better understand them. I have been commissioned to write a book, hence my travels to the States, but it would seem that there is much more at stake here than just a mere book."
Although a thousand questions clambered to be heard, I found myself asking just one more: "Why did you show this to me?"
Scamander slightly frowned, as if he was struggling to decide what to tell me. At long last, he spoke.
"The Ministry would not have Muggles know of the existence of the other world, but the more men, wizards and non-magic alike, that hunt down these fantastic beasts, the more likely it is that both our worlds will collide into a major catastrophe. I believe enlisting a Muggle ally will help. Trying to keep everything secret is only going to lead to more greed and fear and pain. I need someone with me who is willing to help protect the very way of life we have all come to cherish."
In retrospect, I should have asked what a Muggle was, or what he meant by "other world" and "magic," but all I could really do was stare at him as he outstretched his hand as a means of invitation.
"Will you join me in my campaign?"
It was all really fast, I'll admit, yet I knew that I still, for some unknown reason, trusted him. He probably could have thrown me out the window and I still would have trusted him.
Call me crazy, but I shook his hand. A sudden excitement flooded me as I recalled all the strange events that had occurred these past few weeks. The sense of adventure was truly gripping.
The reality of everything hit me right then:
I was going to follow after the odd man and his wondrous suitcase.
The real shock was that I was completely okay with that.