MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
OliveOil_Med [Contact]


I have to admit, when the Harry Potter books first came out, I didn't want to read them. But thanks to my book obsessed mother who could nag the paint off the walls, I was invited into Harry's wonderful world and hope I can add a little of my own weirdness too.

I am a weirdo and proud of it (I have a tee shirt proclaiming so), but this was not something my teachers loved about me. When I was a kid, I was tested for everything from A.D.D. to Autism to Asphergers to Bipolar Disorder to half a dozen other things I can't bother myself to remember. But the creative spirit cannot be crushed with pills and now they just call me ecsentric.

Harry Potter Related Info

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

Favorite Kind of Fics: I'm really into Post-Hogwarts right now, but I'll read anything that strikes me.

Favorite Character: Luna Lovegood. All my friends say I'm exactly like her. I'm not sure if it's a complement, though.

My writing style: I tend to write drama stories, but I also like to add my own zany humor to them. It is any wonder I cure my writers block by watching Psych.

My OTP: Harry/Luna. C'mon! They would have been so CUTE together!

Current Word Count: 352,787

Other Info for Stalkers

Favorite Singers/Bands: Verical Horizon, the Goo Goo Dolls, Michelle Branch, Counting Crows, Keri Noble, John Meyer, Green Day, Jars of Clay, Vanessa Carlton, Santana, the Mamas and the Papas, the Byrds

Favorite Books: Lord of the Flies, To Kill a Mocking Bird (my first born will be named after Harper Lee), The Rapture of Caanan, Memoirs of a Geisha, White Oleander, The Memory Keeper's Daughter, My Sister's Keeper, Rumi, anything by Laurie Halse Anderson

Favorite TV Shows: Psych, all the Law & Orders, Monk, Scrubs, South Park, Comedy Central Presents, Still Standing, The Simpsons, Gilmore Girls

* I HATE High School Musical with a passion! Typical Disney dollar guaging. I'm just happy I have no children so I don't have to tolerate the constrant noise drilling into my skull.

* I just started a LiveJournal community, OliveOilMusings, where I post my stories, drawings, and videos. I also include helpful links, types to writing great stories, and where some of my own favorite stories and artists can be found.

* I also have a DeviantArt account where I post most of my drawings you can see on the Beta Boards (and a fair number than you can't).

* I'm a clinically documented sleepwalker, and I'm oddly focused when I do. I write (some assage I even use in stories), post on the boards (really), print pages off the internet, and cook food. So far, I haven't driven a car in my sleep, though.

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