BeautyInTheBreakdown [
I love to write.
Yes, I have a passion for writing and I adore Harry Potter.
I have been writing a series of five stories - The Tear-Stained Memoirs - for nearly three years now and these stories are my like children.
Tear-Stained Series
1)Alone (The main story and most important... a must-read if you want to understand the rest of them properly) - POSTED AND COMPLETE
1.5) Someone Help Me - POSTED AND COMPLETE
2) The Pain of Passion - POSTED WIP
3) A Heart's Confession (A short two-chaptered story)
4) When I Go Down (The main sequel to Alone. You can probably read this without reading any of the other stories...)
5) In the Dark (May also be read without reading the rest)
Four noninations for Alone as best Dark/Angsty
One nomination for Beauty from Pain for best romance-canon
Two nominations for Someone Help Me for best poem
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Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Remus Lupin is a man with a tragic past, filled with pain, suffering and sorrow. But it is also a past filled with great adventure, true friendship and…love? Even though the odds were against him, Remus found happiness at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He had the Marauders, he was a prefect and his transformations were less horrible, thanks to his Animagi friends. What more could a teenage werewolf want? And how long could his happiness last? Remus and the Marauders prove that in the saddest of lives and darkest of times, there can still be moments of bliss.
Remus centric but with a lot of the other Marauders. This story is a romance, but has almost as much general Marauder era background and side story as romance.
Pre-HBP and DH, so some things from DH will be disregarded, as the warning indicates, but some Spoilers will be incorporated.
Categories: Marauder Era
Characters: None
Warnings: Book 7 Disregarded,
Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 75 |
Completed: No |
Words: 450609 |
Hits: 90646 |
Published: 06/08/05 |
Updated: 06/08/16
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Rated: Professors •
Summary: How could one night change a life so drastically? Something as simple as choosing to take a walk could ruin a life forever.
Nell is a fifth year at Hogwarts, but she's not like the rest. She's been through more than most could even dream up.
Categories: Dark/Angsty Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: Abuse,
Non-Consensual Sex,
Sexual Situations,
Series: None
Chapters: 13 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 29878 |
Hits: 8084 |
Published: 08/27/06 |
Updated: 11/10/08
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Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Drama, romance, adventure and darkness are the ingredients of my story. Harry is heartbroken from the break-up with Ginny and devastated from the death of Dumbledore. Ron and Hermione are captured in their own world. Draco is running from his destiny and his farther. Ginny is confused and feels as if Harry is slipping away from her. A new mysterious character appears and she is anything but ordinary. My story takes place right after Dumbledore's funeral and chains of events are happening which are leading to a climax that is more than you can handle. Read! You won't be disappointed!
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: Abuse,
Alternate Universe,
Character Death,
Sexual Situations,
Substance Abuse,
Series: None
Chapters: 11 |
Completed: No |
Words: 45156 |
Hits: 661 |
Published: 05/11/06 |
Updated: 07/09/07
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Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Get inside Ariel Sachs' head as he tries to survive his last year at Hogwarts. The Triwizard Tournament is going to be hosted once again after twenty-three years and Ariel is going to find himself in the middle of it. He soon learns that in love and war anything goes and that things are not always what they appear. A story of jealousy, gossip, teenage hormones and first love. (Rated for later chapters)
QSQ Award for Best Male OC, Ariel Sachs
QSQ Nomination for best Same-Sex Pairing Fic
I can't thank enough my wonderful beta Lys. Without her this fic wouldn't be posible.
Categories: Same-Sex Pairings
Characters: None
Warnings: Sexual Situations,
Series: None
Chapters: 14 |
Completed: No |
Words: 40986 |
Hits: 2923 |
Published: 01/22/06 |
Updated: 01/04/07
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Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Amanda wasn’t much different from the other girls at Hogwarts. Except for the fact that she decided to end her life. She also considered Remus Lupin to be her only friend. That’s why when the school is going to hold a service in her memory Remus is the one chosen to write a eulogy. The problem is that Remus barely knew her and doesn’t know what to write. That’s when Sirius decides to help him.
Categories: Remus/Sirius
Characters: None
Warnings: Slash,
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 4907 |
Hits: 357 |
Published: 09/23/06 |
Updated: 09/28/06
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Rated: Professors •
Summary: All she wanted was love. What she got was betrayal and a broken heart...
Categories: Dark/Angsty Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: Self Injury,
Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1941 |
Hits: 268 |
Published: 07/27/06 |
Updated: 08/06/06
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: A hilarious ride inside an author's head as he tries to write the best fic ever written by a fan. Unfortunatley, things don't go as planned and the author must get himself out of a sticky situation before he ruins the joy of writing Fan Fiction forever.
WARNING: Random and Bizarre humor ahead.
Categories: Humor Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 2243 |
Hits: 1967 |
Published: 07/19/06 |
Updated: 07/22/06
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Alia is to be put to death for treason against the Dark Lord. She is alone, awaiting her fate. She could despair over her misfortune, but instead she writes a letter, her last letter.
Categories: Dark/Angsty Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1095 |
Hits: 2002 |
Published: 07/02/06 |
Updated: 07/05/06
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Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Iris Decor has had a sad life. And when she finally finds council- more grief attacks. This is her life story.
My name is guiding ray of sunlight and I am entering the June/July challenge - Challenge One and I am in Gryffindor House.
Categories: Dark/Angsty Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1155 |
Hits: 1488 |
Published: 06/29/06 |
Updated: 06/29/06
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Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Sirius has always wondered what fear really is like. Told in second person, this is a non-rhyming poem exploring Sirius's feelings of fear.
QSQ Poetry Award Winner.
Categories: Poetry
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: No |
Words: 160 |
Hits: 1606 |
Published: 06/25/06 |
Updated: 06/28/06
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: A short character-study exploring Remus' feelings in the days after Hallowe'en 1981.
(The world is strange; strange and old and sometimes dead, but mostly, it is living.)
Story discussed in the DADA class on mugglenet's fan fiction forums.
Categories: Marauder Era
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1533 |
Hits: 2080 |
Published: 06/16/06 |
Updated: 06/20/06
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Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: There were twelve years in which Remus Lupin lived alone, after he lost everything. How does one survive that?
Categories: Dark/Angsty Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 3380 |
Hits: 1864 |
Published: 06/09/06 |
Updated: 06/15/06
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Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Ron's guardian angel comforts his grief with secrets of hope and love. Written for my dear Patrick, aka TheVanishingAct
Categories: Ron/Other Character
Characters: None
Warnings: Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 982 |
Hits: 2070 |
Published: 03/20/06 |
Updated: 03/20/06
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Years of battle, years of pain, immense losses, and the burden of the world on his shoulders. But now he has reached the end of his task, the end of his journey. It is time for him to go home. SONGFIC
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: Violence,
Non-Consensual Sex,
Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 3018 |
Hits: 1958 |
Published: 03/04/06 |
Updated: 03/04/06
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Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: “True Love” Two little words. One big concept. A belief that someone, somewhere is holding the key to your heart. The only thing you have to do is find them. So where is this person? And how do you find them?
Some people do, some people think they do, and some people never do. Sirius didn’t know if Remus was his true love, but he didn’t care. He would follow the werewolf to the end of the world if he had to.
Winner of challenge #1 In defence of love; of the February Valentine's Day challenge
QSQ Nomination for best Same-Sex Pairing Fic
Categories: Remus/Sirius
Characters: None
Warnings: Sexual Situations,
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 4366 |
Hits: 623 |
Published: 02/22/06 |
Updated: 02/22/06
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