I currently live in the great state of South Dakota. Why do I live in a place with such nasty winters, I don't know. Since most of my family lives far away in more exotic places than I do, my life revolves around my four dogs, Sampson, Raphael, Seamus, and Mayhem. They are a min-pin, a toy poodle, a teacup Malti-Poo, and a Great Dane, respectively.
I've always had a fascination with the mental illness aspect that characterizes Bellatrix Black Lestrange. My first story is her story. On one site I was sorted into Ravenclaw but I think the hat made a mistake. Most days I feel like a Slytherin!
I almost cried when Remus got his letter of acceptance to Hogwarts. My heart just broke when I thought of this intelligent, studious little boy possibly not going to school. Great chapter.
Author's Response: :D I loved writing that scene. I have to admit I teared up a little thinking about him dancing around the kitchen. It made me so happy to think of him so happy after suffering so much. *sigh* I just love him. Thank you, Fynnsmom.
It was fun to guess who people were by your description. I smiled when Severus was called Sunshine. I can't think of a more unlikely name for him. The young Mundungus sounded like a character even at his young age. Great chapter.
Author's Response: Haha...Severus isn't a very sunny guy, is he? I really should feel more sympathy for him, but he treated Harry, Neville, Remus....and pretty much everyone but Lily and maybe Draco and Dumbledore like garbage, so I find it difficult. :*) I'm sure he was civil to the rest of the staff, but we only saw him being a jerk, so yeah... I think Mundungus is a hoot and really wanted to include him, even if it is probably incorrect timeline wise, but, hey, I claim artistic license. ;) Thank you for reviewing, Fynnsmom. I really appreciate it.
I always get a kick out of teenaged wizards comparing their wands. I think thestral mane is a totally awesome wand center. It was funny hearing Remus logically explain why it wasn't scary to have thestral mane in your wand. Great chapter.
Author's Response: :) Boys can be so competitive. hehe. I'm glad you like the thestral hair. I love those creatures, and thought it would be good for Remus. Thanks, Fynnsmom.
Time really did fly in this chapter. I guess that's because you're trying to get to the actual point of your story. The only thing I found strange was the Marauders finding out so early that Remus was a werewolf. I didn't have a problem with that--it's your interpretation. Great chapter. I suspect we'll get to more of the romance now:D
Author's Response: :*) Yes, I rather skipped over a lot of detail with their early years, for just the reason you state. Can you imagine how long the story would be if I hadn't ? O.O ackkk....lol Actually, they did find out in 2nd year, didn't they? Three years to figure out how to become animagi...I figure they started work after Christmas 2nd year when Sirius got the books (didn't he? *thinks*) Figured it out after Christmas 5th year... That's right, isn't it? *hopes* And yes, there actually is romance coming up in this epic romance. :*) Thank you Fynnsmom, and especially for the part about the timeline. I always want to know if there is something that is confusing or I've messed up. I really appreciate it.
That was a nice little diversion for Remus. Too bad Darlene had to get so possessive. I think my favorite scene was when Remus returned to his dorm and the other three Marauders knew that he'd been snogging someone in the broom closet from looking at the Map. This has been fun reading, aside from the abusive DADA teacher but I guess even he has a reason for being there and DADA teachers are notoriously awful. Great chapter.
Author's Response: :) I'm glad you enjoyed that. I have to say, my favorite things to write are poor Remus being tormented by his loved ones. He's just so cute when he's embarrassed! lol And DADA teachers, other than Remus of course) ;) are notoriously awful. That's why I don't feel too bad about letting Adamson be a little over the top rotten. :*) Of course, even he isn't as bad as Umbridge, but Dumbledore didn't have much power to do anything about her. :( But anyway...I'm glad you are having fun. It has been a lot of fun writing it, too. Thanks for leaving me such great feedback. That makes it fun, too. :)
How wonderful that Remus has friends during his transformations. That was nice of you to come up with reasons for Peter's usefulness as a rat. It was funny that Sirius and James were proud of their animagi forms because they were big:D Great chapter.
Author's Response: Yes, I'm so glad he had them. He suffered too much as it is. :( And I try very hard to be nice to Peter, but he really makes it hard! lol Silly Sirius and James...they think size matters...LOL Thanks, Fynnsmom.
I had to think back to try to remember if I've done that with my kids. They're all grown up now and I can't remember specific times but what is it about mothers that they have to brag about their kids to other people. I know I've done that--right in front of the kid and it must have been embarrassing. I'm always fascinated with Lucius. Even at my age, I love a bad boy. This was such a fun chapter to read. I loved reading about Remus' interaction with his mother. You wouldn't think that Remus is a werewolf. He's such a gentleman. Great chapter.
Author's Response: Oh...I remember my mother TRYING to have that conversation with me... *dies* But I can see doing it with my own daughter. She's much more open about stuff than I was. But she's still too young, so I better not be having that conversation too soon. lol And bragging...haha Isn't it the truth. But I think it is our job to embarrass them. ;) Oh, Lucius...I have to say, I'm influenced by Jason Isaacs' portrayal of him....he's just so bad boy hot! :*D Remus is a gentleman...if there was ever a true thing said about a character. I just love him. Love him...*sigh* I'm so glad you enjoyed this chapter. I'd say it was one of my 4 favorites to write. Probably in the top two and definitely one of the ones I'm most proud of. Thank you, Fynnsmom.
That was so sweet. I could see myself closing my eyes too when hexing someone. One time when I was driving I thought I was going to hit a bird so I squeezed my eyes shut. Then I said "You can't do that--you're driving." I think Lindi needs to learn to let go and that things can be put to rights later. Great chapter.
That was a very amusing chapter. I really thought Remus was finally going to be able to ask Lindi out. The duel was great, especially when Lily joined in to make it more fair. I cracked up when Sirius and James were re-enacting what happened in dueling club. That's exactly what happened but they put a different slant on things. Great chapter.
Author's Response: :) Thank you, Fynnsmom. I really had a fun time writing this chapter. Oh that they were all so easy and amusing to write....This is when I love the boys the best; when they are being boys! lol :*)
Poor Remus. He has to be so responsible and worry about things no one else would worry about. You wrote these conversations so well. I could actually hear them happening. Who would think that his train ride home would be worse than his transformation. I laughed more than once. I'm glad I'm at home with only my dogs to look at me strangely for laughing over apparently nothing:D I really loved this chapter. It was sensitive and honest and funny.
Author's Response: Thank you so much, Fynnsmom. I have to say this is one of my favorite chapters, probably in a three way tie for most fun to write and two way for which I'm proudest of. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I loved putting myself in both Remus' (since I remember the horror of my mom trying to talk to me) and in Rena's (as a mom myself starting into these murky waters O.O) positions. It was just too much fun to imagine. I think overall, Remus' parents have been some of the most fun for me to develop. Maybe because they are my own. Anyway, I'm glad you got a laugh at Remus' expense/embarrassment. He's so cute when he blushes, isn't he? lol
I had a golden retreiver once who was named Edward Trent-Lestat and I used to call him my vampire puppy--I don't know why. I never had an Anne Rice moment. Actually, my youngest daughter named him. This was a wonderful story. I wasn't sure why Severus was given a cat but it seemed to be a good thing for him. He was a master spy but he let a kitten outsmart him. Loved this story.
It looks like Severus and Hermione did a good job of convincing the Grangers that they should be married. The very best part was hearing about Dumbledore and McGonagall "preparing" the Grangers for the engagement:D Great story.
This chapter had a lot of wonderful humor in it. I laughed out loud when I read that Gilderoy Lockhart had turned into a wedding planner. I laughed even louder when Ron just found out that he had a wedding planner and who it was:D I liked that Harry and Severus were able to shake hands as Harry offered his congratulations. I loved that Severus paid a visit to his dragon great aunt and she gave him the Snape family engagement ring for Hermione. It sounded lovely. Great story.
That was outrageously written, hysterically funny, and extremely clever. Great job.
That was entertaining. I'm very happy that Gilderoy found a career that is so fitting for him. I'm happy Hermione accepted Quirk. She's mellowed quite a bit. I guess that comes from maturity. The beginning was funny in that Hermione hated to see Severus go to work and he couldn't wait to get there. I'm sure this is a huge adjustment for him and he really doesn't know how to act. I'm really enjoying this series of stories about Severus and Hermione. Great chapter.
Is Hermione pregnant? Poor Gilderoy--I can picture his panic when he thought he had imagined all of his work. I loved the pull of the Enchantment--when Bast conveyed to Severus that something wasn't right with Hermione and he raced to her rescue. Great chapter.
Wow--that was a marathon reading event, but it was extremely entertaining. I'm not sure what part I liked best. I almost think it was the scenes involving Gilderoy. Severus is such a baby with his hurt feelings when Hermione doesn't pay enough attention. I'm glad Hermione learned to manage him. I don't know what else could've gone wrong with the dinner party preparations. Wait, I think my favorite part was when Severus thought for a brief moment that Hermione was pregnant and that Gilderoy was the father. This was great but so long I don't know what to say:D
Awww, I always cry at weddings. Good job on describing the wedding. I'm sure Molly is thrilled.
After reading about Harry's presents I almost feel like I won the lottery--so much money and property to think about. I'm happy that Potter House was restored. --I forgot to say that before. Great chapter.
James' letter was sad in many ways. He knew he was going to die soon and he seemed to accept that. It made me think again, just how much sadness was Harry expected to take. The talk from Remus and Arthur was in a much lighter vein. Kind of cute in a way. Great chapter.