I currently live in the great state of South Dakota. Why do I live in a place with such nasty winters, I don't know. Since most of my family lives far away in more exotic places than I do, my life revolves around my four dogs, Sampson, Raphael, Seamus, and Mayhem. They are a min-pin, a toy poodle, a teacup Malti-Poo, and a Great Dane, respectively.
I've always had a fascination with the mental illness aspect that characterizes Bellatrix Black Lestrange. My first story is her story. On one site I was sorted into Ravenclaw but I think the hat made a mistake. Most days I feel like a Slytherin!
*Sequel to Once in a Blue Moon*
*Ch 20 Quote*
It was the happiest Christmas of my life.
While it's always fun to meet an author's new characters, it's also fun to meet older, established characters and learn an author's new interpretations. So it was when meeting Uncle Dungy again. Tonks' drinks at Rory's place sounded delicious but I think I would've had to stop after two also. Well, I gotta close for the night and hopefully I'll have more time to read tomorrow.
Author's Response: Dung's an amusing character. He's a rogue, but an endearing one. The first three stories take place during GoF, so there's more OC driven plotlines, but the fourth takes place during OotP and it was a lot of fun to take throwaway lines/scenes from the book and show what "really" happened. :D
Yay, I got to read first thing this morning. It's a payday and we've got a 4-day weekend coming up and I'm taking two extra days next week and I get to go book shopping. What more can a humble girl like me ask for? If I were Tonks I think I'd give up trying to disguise myself around Evan. I hate to say it, but he's appearing nicer--maybe Tonks will use his still-burning affection for her to gather more information. And let me see, Tonks, Prissy, Tonks, Prissy--I guess I'd go with Tonks too--a little more fire there. Poor Cissa Malfoy, has to be the lush at all the parties. She must be very unhappy with Lucius. That would make me drink too. Great chapter.
Author's Response:
I think the Yays are so many this morning might as well go for a round of Huzzahs to properly express the sentiment.
Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
Evan isn't all bad, but he isn't a nice Gryffindor boy, :D.
The most fun I ever had writing Narcissa was back in the days before HBP when I gave her a best mate, Edina Zabini, and based the two women's characterization on Eddy and Patsy of Absolutely Fabulous. :D
What a way for Sirius to reveal himself--trying to be a hero saving Cami from a zombie in a rainy graveyard. The funniest part to me was realizing that both Remus and Sirius could sniff just about everything on Tonks--and they both have acute hearing. Little Fynn has a funny way of cocking his head to figure out what a sound is or where it's coming from. He's a pretty funny little guy. Was Remus thinking Tonks couldn't sing when it was suggested she go to Jim's and audition as his singer? Great chapter.
Author's Response:
Sirius couldn't reveal himself in a non-dramatic way. :D If you read Sirius in the Moonlight you'll find out what happened afterward.
Let's just say it's obvious Tonks isn't a trained singer, hehheh.
Ta, thanks!
I can't wait for Remus and Tonks to go over to Jim's. I think I have kind of a thing for musicians--why is that--I know I'm not alone. Tonks is kind of nosy. I don't think I'm like that. But I know she wants the perfect gift for Remus. I should watch P of A again just to see Remus. Great chapter.
Author's Response: Musicians are creative and talent is attractive, heh. If you want to see my mental image of Remus, watch LOTR Two Towers, because David Wenham (Faramir) is who I see, not David Thewlis. :D
It's too bad that too much smiling is unbecoming to an auror. You catch more flies with honey, you know. Tonks is too much--scaring off the musician's "girlfriend." I did not expect Sirius to end up in Cami's bed as Sirius. He's one lucky dog!! And I'm so glad it happened that way. I was cheesy enough to look up David Wenham. Not bad. Reminds me of an old college boyfriend. Great chapter.
Author's Response:
Gulch likes being witchy, heh. Sirius is lucky, at least in love, poor sweetie.
Had you not seen the LOTR films or just didn't put the name with the face? You had good taste in boyfriends. :D
How cute--the ultra-tough musician has a poltergeist that used to be a teenaged Maggot. I did not expect that. I was actually thinking "Dementors!!" "Run for your lives." The jokes were funny. My joke repertoire isn't quite up to date anymore. I'm not surprised about Rory and Jenna. It's so good he's devoted to Danny. Great chapter.
Author's Response: The ultra tough guys who are bad ass as they appear aren't attractive to me. It's the ones with the soft side that make you go awww, whether they're musicians or smooth criminals. :D
That was a fun chapter. The thought of Remus dragging Tonks out of the bar was pretty sexy. I also chuckled over Arthur buying lingerie for Molly with Tonks' help--and meeting Bill there was better yet. I loved it when Tonks told Bill that she and Charlie were friends because he'd never asked her to change. Sounds like a good definition of friendship to me. Great chapter.
Author's Response: Even though Tonks had fun morphing noses to make Ginny and Hermione laugh, I'm sure "performing" for friends got old real fast in school.
And, she still hasn't bought a gift for Remus. I loved the chase through the warehouse. I thought Tonks would get caught faster than that. She's trickier than I thought. That was very erotic. Tonks finally got to meet Marco. Her jealousy is so cute. I'd probably feel the same way. I'm sure Remus is up to nothing too harmful. Evan is still trying to cause trouble. Excellent chapter.
Author's Response:
She wanted to get caught, but she wanted Remus to earn it, :D.
Just like Remus will always be up to good, Evan will always be naughty, heh.
I think Remus enjoys all kinds of things and I think he'll enjoy the concert. He just has to protect his ears--it's only prudent. This was such a wonderful chapter--very humbling for Tonks I think. I respect that a man is willing to work, even if it's work that others might consider below him (thinking of Evan here with a sneer on my face--a sneer that would rival Lucius') and I find it very endearing. I had lots of memories when Snuffles knocked Tonks over. I remember thinking "don't knock me down; don't knock me down; don't knock me down." BOUNCE and down I went, getting slimed, receiving giant paw prints all over. Great memories:D I'm probably the only person I know who hasn't watched and enjoyed LOTR. I read the books and liked them but not the movies. When I looked at the picture I said "Hey, that looks like Mike. What's he doing here." Actually and interestingly, Mike is a vet and loves working with dogs. Excellent chapter.
Author's Response:
Yay for great memories! It isn't fair that bad ones tend to leave a deeper impression.
I love The Hobbit, read it a dozen times at least, but never could get into the other books. Too detatched or something. I emotionally connected with Bilbo, but Frodo? Uh uh. When I saw the films, though, I asked, "Was this stuff in the books? I like it so much better!"
That is interesting, your ex being a vet who loves working with dogs!That was pretty cool. It brought up many memories. Did you also know that you didn't spike up your mohawk with hair spray for a concert? You use gelatin. That way it won't catch fire if something flaming comes through. My son helped his friend with his mohawk before concerts. That's an old tip from the late 80s-early 90s. For some reason, I was particularly reminded of a Slayer concert I attended with my son and oldest daughter in the early 90s on the eve of the first Gulf war in the Coliseum in LA. Your consultant is right--metal concerts could and can get really crazy. I remember the no jewelry rule. That was a really sweet chapter. I don't think I would've had anything to fear with a werewolf at my side:D
Author's Response:
Cool tip! Literally. :D Slayer! I can't help whipping out the Nerf Herder Pantera fans in love lyrics.
I'll bring the wine you bring the bread and cheese
It's hard to eat when you're headbanging
Makin' out in the middle of the pit
How come Slayer doesn't sing about this
If anything comes between you and me
Then heavy metal heaven, that's where we'll meet
We are Pantera fans in love
Did you have anything to fear with your kids at your side...or did they make you go far, far away, LOL.
That was great. I guess I didn't understand why Jim was angry with Tonks. Maybe because she wasn't being honest? Or maybe because I'm just easy going and I don't understand anger half the time. This was a really good chapter. It seemed so realistic--everything about it. Now Tonks has found Melanie and Melanie knows who Tonks is. I can't get over how erotic all of this is and Remus and Tonks haven't really done anything yet. I think you're a person who likes the journey or the chase. There's nothing wrong with that. You might as well enjoy how you get somewhere. That's often the best part.
Author's Response: Don't they say the biggest sex organ is the brain? :D In the next story, you'll find out Tonks has a few intimacy issues that have to be worked out before she and Remus can become lovers in all ways, but the journey is fun!
I just don't know what to say. That was so wonderful. I feel like I got an early Christmas present. I have tears--happy tears. The beginning was lovely, especially how Tonks and Remus dealt with Smash (that might be a cute name for my next dog). That situation ended really well. I think Tonks' gifts to Remus were perfect--especially the book. I think I started crying when she changed into Anne and served lunch. What a thoughtful, beautiful gift. When I got over that, I burst into tears again when Snuffles came to visit Andromeda. I'm going to give you my trust that you aren't going to let anything too horrible happen to these two wonderful characters. Excellent book. Thanks for writing this. I feel very good about having read it. To answer an earlier question, my kids have never seemed to mind taking me to concerts with them. I've never made them take me. I just like the music they listened to and wanted to go myself. I'm reminded of Mother's Day cards I get--all of them have thanked me for letting them be who they are. I think that's pretty cool and I think they're all pretty cool. Before I get too nostalgic I should look up the next book in your series. I'll see you then.
Author's Response:
Your review is my early Christmas present! Thank you for getting teary. I cried writing it, so I'm glad I'm not the only hopeless romantic/sentimentalist.
Cool mom = cool kids? Sounds right!
I pinky promise they'll never die or be able to stay away from each other too long even when they butt heads from time to time.
Nominated for a Quicksilver Quill for Best Romance-Non Canon 2007, 2008, and 2009. In 2010 mods changed the rules (they got tired of the same fics being nominated ^_~) so no more QQ hopes, but that's okay. No proof is needed that Draco/Ginny = love.
* Written before the HBP, this tale presents an alternate sixth year in which Dumbledore lives, Draco is more than a foil to Harry, and Blaise Zabini is a girl. I hope readers who ship Draco/Ginny will enjoy the story which includes dancing with faeries, Celtic and Norse mythology, school holidays in London and Spain, and loads of fantasy and romance. "Is this a kissing book?" (to quote the Princess Bride) Yes, it is. *
(Warnings were added for safety, due to brief allusions in later chapters, not graphic content.)
I'm sad--this is the first of the good byes. I think I've been reading this story since Christmas Eve. The biggest surprise in this chapter was Trelawney and Hook. They are such a strange couple but I guess opposites attract. It's kind of like the space cadet with the intellectual overanalyzer:D I still can't get over how they talk to each other. It's almost like they don't like each other or know each other that well. I sat here shaking my head when Gilderoy became involved in catching the ferret. I was going "No, leave it alone--don't screw things up." I had a faint hope that somehow the gum was causing Neville's parents to stay in their catatonic state and once that was removed they might get better. At the same time that would've been unbelieveable and too easy. If every story had a happy ending that just wouldn't be realistic. Again, I hate to say good bye to these characters but I look forward to your reunion story. Great chapter.
Author's Response: Are you saying you have James Hook for an ex? ;) They're insecure and defensive, and some counseling with Healer Wells would do them good. :D You're right about endings, but I think this one's happy, it's just not in the "all's right with the world" sort of way--although when they're snogging, Luna and Wesley might disagree!
I loved the end the best--when Ginny came back to Hogwarts and didn't realize they'd have such a large audience to their very public kiss. I also liked when Draco came upon the students greeting the sun. When it gets warmer I may have to do that again, as well as watching the full moon rise. I am just giddy because the Weasleys are OK with Ginny and Draco. I was happy Ginny got to spend some time with Molly looking at a photo album. This was a wonderful feel good chapter and I loved all of the music references. Whatever happened to REM?
Author's Response:
I wrote this kiss before Jo wrote Harry kissing Ginny in HBP. I did the public scene first. :D
R.E.M. has a Helping Haiti Everybody Hurts charity cd and download coming out on the 7th, but I don't think they have a recent album. I think they're all doing solo projects, photography and whatever else rock stars do to be creative when they're not making music. :)
That was a wonderful chapter. I loved the addition of muggle cheerleading. Who woulda thought? Of course, Lorelei was the sponsor of the cheer team:D And, of course she's going to "show" Snape how the routine goes. I think I chuckled the most over that thought. I think the funniest thing was the reaction of everyone to cheerleading. It's something we see everyday but they had no clue:) Luna could've told Blaise to wear a scarf if she's going to lean out of the stands. I loved what Terry turned the Room of Requirement into. I wouldn't have thought of that. This chapter was chock full of interesting stuff. You really outdid yourself. Well, I think I'm off to work tomorrow. I'll just feel better going in and organizing my stuff for next week. I'll get a bunch done on my grant proposal too. I love to be lazy but I love my organization better. See you tomorrow at some point.
Author's Response:
You consider being "lazy" watching a movie after cleaning house and working on quilts. Type A lazy. :D
Yay! You like the Muggle cheerleading! In the Snape Lorelei fic she does indeed show him the routine...and the outfit...but when I went to cut a clip to paste here, I copied a section that came before it when Snape lets his mind drift in class. In this story Blaise and Terry are compared to Tarzan and Jane, while in the other fic, Snape and Lorelei are compared to Hades and Persephone. ^_^
Even in an advanced class, there were those few students who would socialize if not restrained by their professor's constant vigilance. Prowling around looking for the slightest infraction of correct procedure kept the Potions Master's attention fixed upon the subject at hand. Toward the end of class, however, when all that remained was to sit at his desk and wait for flagons to be filled, labeled, and turned in for testing, his mind felt free to wander. In his imagination, Severus meandered out of the classroom, out of the school, across time and space until he reached a place of myth and legend.
He moved silently through his Underworld palace, brushing aside the servants who wished to inform him of their mistress' whereabouts. No words were needed...he could hear a faint echo of a haunting melody, and knew that following it to its source would lead him to his love. Briskly descending the exterior steps and following the path that connected one end of his kingdom to the other, Hades ignored the fork leading to the right. His love was not in Tartarus- the plain of judgment. The Vale of Mourning was likewise avoided.
Black robes billowing in the perpetual twilight, the Lord of the Dead continued through the Asphodel Fields where common souls wandered like shadows in the gray mist. Eyes darker than the night saw through the ghostly haze and guided the man onward to the place where his faithful guardian waited. Absently patting Cerberus on one of his many heads, Hades walked further. Whispers from the field of unburied souls on his left came to him upon the cool wind. They too had seen their mistress pass this way. Lifting a hand in acknowledgement, the ebon haired god made his way to the marsh. Silently, the ferryman Charon lifted his pole in a steady rhythm to propel the boat carrying his Lord across the water to the far bank. Nodding his thanks, Hades disembarked and traveled down the path once more.
Tiresias, the seer, sat upon his sacred rock and asked if any assistance was required. A faint smile curved thin, clever lips as the Underworld Lord shook his head and lengthened his stride. He reached the plains of passing time. The dark figure glided along the trail obscured by waist high grass without disturbing a blade. At another fork in the path, one way led to the Elm from which False Dreams Cling. The tree rustled, inviting him to come and experience visions whose only limit was his imagination. A sneer twisted masculine lips. He chose the way that led to the Grove of Persephone.
Strolling through the Elms from which cling What Dreams May Come, his pace grew quick with anticipation. In the middle of the grove, a field of the softest flowers from Olympus grew in sunlight more radiant than that which shone on Elysium. Black hair and robes rippled as Hades crossed the space eagerly. In the center of the field, his love waited.
The soft humming of a poignant tune stopped the moment the reclining goddess of spring saw his face. Opening her arms, she sighed. "Beloved".
Dropping to his knees, the King of the Underworld gathered his Queen into his arms.
Aw, romance...even though it's AU. :D
Poor Luna. I can't believe Larry pulled her out of bed and insisted she go with him to breakfast. But, I guess it was worth it when she got to play Santa's helper with Wesley as Santa:) I felt bad for Blaise when she was the only one dressed up for Christmas Eve. Her outfit did sound lovely. I felt even worse for her when she overheard Terry's mother commenting that Blaise wasn't appropriate for Terry. I guess she showed them:) Draco was a little naughty while visiting the Weasleys. I don't think he had to be that obvious--but what did he have to lose, they weren't going to remember anyway. Wonderful chapter. It is so cold here. With the wind chill it's 22 below and going down. I hate to think of getting up early and going to work on Monday. Maybe it will warm up by then--that's it--it will warm up:D If I could go out of my door and get into my car that would be one thing but I've got to stumble across part of the prairie that was turned into a front yard. Tonight I have to go to my parents' for Christmas. I wish I could stay home. I explained to my mother that it's not safe for me and my trusty cane to stumble through the snow. So, she sent my Dad over to shovel (it's since blown in) and she will send someone over to escort me to her house. There's no way I can get out of this one. Oh well, in a few short hours I'll have gone, come home, and my biggest decision will be what to read tonight. I did a lot of writing on the last chapter of my Bellatrix story. It's coming along OK--the muggle artist has come back home but he's not really sure why he decided to do that--things aren't clear to him and he's scared because his past girlfriend and mother of his daughter has a brain disease that started out like this. Of course, we know it's the result of a memory charm. Well, I'm not sure if I'll see you tomorrow or not. It depends on how long the next chapter is and what I do tomorrow. But I will see you soon.
Author's Response:
Were your escorts armed? :D
Wow, you're finishing the story before you post? I'm impressed! I have no problem doing that with one shots, but with chapter fics, I might have written a couple of chapters ahead just in case real life gets in the way of regular updates, but I've never completed the whole thing. Might be why I've never finished a novel. Too addicted to reader feedback. :P
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family! We had family leave this morning so I skipped church to pack up a gazillion decorations around the house. I want to write, not clean, so I'm feeling tetchy. Taking a break to read your email has cheered me up (a little, heh).
Back to drudgery.
Take care!
Bless Blaise for leading the way with telling Draco's story and bless Ginny for standing by him. A lesser woman may have left him out of jealousy. I've never been on a balloon ride. I wonder if I'd like it. I have a fear of heights but not necessarily of flying. I think it'd be OK if the basket didn't tip too much. I'm glad Blaise is getting to know her father's side of the family. I think there's something going on with Enrique that he needs to talk out. Too many times we assume that we know how someone is thinking or feeling and so many times we're wrong--but I've said that before. I hope the three couples don't get into trouble for going on this trip. It seems to be accomplishing so many good things for all of them. Great chapter.
Author's Response: Enrique definitely has issues with his father. Doesn't everyone? :D If there's any trouble, I can't see them regretting it. :)
As always, this chapter is just full of wonderful scenes. The Valentine's Dance sounds like so much fun. The Zabinis are a fascinating couple. They remind me of a couple but I can't think of the name--I almost think of the Adam's (sp?) Family. Weren't they melodramatic like that? That Blaise is too funny. She can charm her way to whatever she wants. I think she gets that from Eddy. I loved the scene in the lingerie shop with Fred and George. Draco and Terry seem to be forming a begrudging friendship. You know, you always have so much stuff in your chapters and I love it all. Sometimes it's just too hard to choose and write a review. I'd be writing for a long time and you know how lazy I am:P Great chapter.
Author's Response:
Gomez was dramatic, but Morticia was cool and collected. I'm going to be her for Halloween one day. I loved her dress in the films. :D
Like Snape, I couldn't see Draco forming friendships that weren't reluctant, almost despite himself. If you were lazy, you wouldn't have registered to review, much less told me what you liked beyond "Good chap!" I think you know your reviews are fab and you make my day, and if you don't, you do now! :)
Hoggie?? Oh, why not:D Professor Hook seemed kind of rude to Sybil--or is that how they talk. Wesley was so cute coming to the girls' rescue. I cannot tell you how wonderful it makes me feel to see Draco and Ginny openly dating. You've really convinced me that they are a good couple. It's like I'm going "Harry who? Who's Harry?" It was also heartening to see Ron come to Draco's rescue. Now, would it have killed JKR to write something pleasant like this? Great chapter.
Author's Response: Yes, it would have killed her. Despite the Sorting Hat singing about unity, Jo could never get over her bias against Slytherins. She even gave Draco a receding hairline in the Epilogue! Me-ow! :D
Damn, I knew it was too good to be true. Did I mention I was raised Catholic and I have the guilt thing going on? You can't have too good a time without being caught. I chuckled when Crabbe (I think) referred to Draco as "Boss." I was shocked at Eddy's comments to the press about Blaise's picture with the boys. At least she could have the good grace to say "No comment." I also smiled at the meal preparations earlier in the story. Leave it to the boys to wonder where the rest of the meal was:) after being served a salad. I'm taken back in time when I'd treat my son to lunch while he was in college. We'd go to this kind of "gourmet" restaurant and he loved the food but was always lamenting the small portions:D I remember taking him to brunch at the local pub and he'd order double meals (one of which was a version of Eggs Benedict). Why am I giggling at this now--who knows, but I am. Great chapter. But, damn you for leaving us with a huge cliffie.
Author's Response:
I'm Protestant, but we quote the same verse in Numbers, "Be sure your sin will find you out." Actions have consequences, but (in this story, at least) all things work together for good. ;)
Smart boy, ordering two entrees! Good food and full stomach, too.
The cliff will get steeper, bwahahaha.