Gah!!!!! I love it. It's taken me roughly 5 days to read it all because of work, but I am glad to say that it was worth it and I was not disappointed. I really have to write my own Oliver Wood romance now. :) and hope it can be as amazing as this one.
Hermione knew it wasn’t her business. And she didn’t mean to get involved either. But it’s difficult not to when you realise that you’re the only one who has noticed this change; that no one else seems to care that Draco Malfoy is looking more and more tired, weak and pale each day, sporting dark circles under his eyes, and Hermione wants to know why.
I didn’t expect a thank you; a nod was fine with me.
8th story in a series of Hermione/Draco one-shots (Check out my author page for more information)
Important announcement in my profile
Totally broke my feels here, man. Great storyline.
I love this soooo much! I usually don't read fics that haven't been finished yet because I'm the kind of reader who needs answers right away but I'm so glad I read this one and I hope you haven't abandoned it because I would very much like to continue reading it and seeing how your vision unfolds.
Author's Response: Thank you! I do really hope to get back to this fic. I still have it all planned out, so hopefully your wish will one day be granted :)
I love this story. It's short but just long enough to capture someone's heart. I ship Dramione completely and am writing a few of my own fics- I just hope they turn out as good as this! I must say that I just wanted them to kiss! Ah! But, oh well, I can leave that part to my imagination. =) Great job and I hope to see more of your talent elsewhere.
Author's Response: This piece was written for a fest on Hawthorn and Vine, a Dramione-only archive that you should definitely check out (and join!) if you're looking for a place with serious writers, fic, and support. Anyway, the artwork that inspired this piece is archived on that site: it's called "Branded", and the artist is Glutton. Check it out, and you'll get your wish. ;)
I hope your fics turn out well, too. Again, check out Hawthorn and Vine as a resource for meta, betas, general cheerleading, etc. I'm archived over there under the same username.
Thanks so much for reading!! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D