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Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The Krinky Ship.
The relationship between a pair of star-crossed lovers, namely Kreacher and Winky, is explored. Winky is happy leading a normal family life but Kreacher further plots to harm Harry Potter.
Categories: Other Pairing
Characters: None
Warnings: Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1529 |
Hits: 1874 |
Published: 11/08/04 |
Updated: 11/08/04
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Reviewer: LariLee Signed
Date: 12/01/04
Title: Chapter 1: Short Story
Kreacher and Winky is a match made in House-Elf Hell, if you ask me! Great story though. I suppose I always thought Dumbledore axed Kreacher, but perhaps just sent him to St. Mungo's for a bit. Good job! ~Lisa
Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Diagon Alley, 11:28am, 1946
‘The Salesman turned it over in his fingers. It was so small, and appeared so very frail. But if, indeed, what the old wand maker said was true, its value knew no ends.’
Mr Ollivander Sr. has an item on his hands to sell a young Salesman of Borgin and Burke’s. It is small, yes, but even the tiniest of packages can be full of surprises, full of power, and even, sometimes, full of memories.
The locket… the cup… the snake… something of Gryffindor’s or Ravenclaw’s…
This placed third (*boogie*) in the One Shot Challenge – Borgin and Burke’s.
Categories: Historical
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 5527 |
Hits: 1771 |
Published: 04/22/06 |
Updated: 04/25/06
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Reviewer: LariLee Signed
Date: 04/25/06
Title: Chapter 1: Diagon Alley, 11:28am, 1946
Wonderfully done! Great explanation for everything that has happened.
Author's Response: Explanations rock. Unless they are boring and dumb. *Weird mood* Thank you for reviewing!