MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Great Plans by LariLee

Summary: During a Seventh Year Potions class, Severus Snape begins thinking on and making plans for his future.
Ratings: [ - ]
Category: Hermione/Snape
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Serie: None
Chapters: 8 Completed?: Yes
Wordcount: 19708 Viewcount: 44649
Published on: 03/18/05 Updated On: 05/22/05

1. Great Plans by LariLee [ - ] (1931 words)

2. Protecting Her by LariLee [ - ] (1833 words)

3. Happy Christmas, Miss Granger by LariLee [ - ] (2428 words)

4. Scheming Snake by LariLee [ - ] (2875 words)

5. Serving Two Masters by LariLee [ - ] (2456 words)

6. Awakening by LariLee [ - ] (2738 words)

7. Waiting by LariLee [ - ] (2007 words)

8. The Waiting Is Over by LariLee [ - ] (3440 words)