MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Meus Solitarius Cor Curens by mrsgeorgeweasley

Summary: Poor Kimberly Cura has been uprooted from her home in the Philippines and moved to Britain for no reason what-so-ever. It isn’t long before her parents’ motive becomes clear and Kimberly’s life changes forever. She is introduced to a whole new way of life, new friends, new enemies and new adventures. Join Kim on her voyage of discovery. This is set during the Marauder Era.
Ratings: 3rd-5th Years [ - ]
Category: Other Pairing
Characters: None
Warnings: Alternate Universe
Serie: None
Chapters: 9 Completed?: No
Wordcount: 18707 Viewcount: 31732
Published on: 03/15/06 Updated On: 07/25/07

1. Crying by mrsgeorgeweasley [ - ] (993 words)
A/N: This fic was lovingly written for my dear friend Lei. Congratulations on turning 16 and may this magical year open many doorways for you.

The title means "Care For My Lonely Heart" in latin, thank you to Paul for that translation.

2. New Friends by mrsgeorgeweasley [ - ] (1941 words)

3. The First Encounter by mrsgeorgeweasley [ - ] (3341 words)

4. Classes and Clashes by mrsgeorgeweasley [ - ] (2310 words)

5. Fly Me To The Moon by mrsgeorgeweasley [ - ] (2007 words)

6. Watering Plants by mrsgeorgeweasley [ - ] (1654 words)

7. Hysteria by mrsgeorgeweasley [ - ] (1503 words)
A/N: Sorry for the wait on this one, I've had a busy couple of months. My deep love and respect goes to Astrid Skywalker, Physical Graffiti and Alexis Taylor, you guys rock my world.
8. Helplessness by mrsgeorgeweasley [ - ] (2775 words)
Terribly sorry about the delay on this folkes. It took me forever to get past the first sentence. I hope that you enjoy it though!

9. Home For Christmas by mrsgeorgeweasley [ - ] (2183 words)