MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Rivalries and Secrets by loligo8me

Summary: ‘Pet snakes, three-headed dogs, rivalries and secrets. This is where it all started, and I was caught in the line of fire... or rather, I was the one who lit the match and caused the blaze. Funny how life can change completely in an instant. This is an account of the end of my life as I once knew it.’

Eighty years after Hogwarts is founded, Gryffindor’s friendship with Slytherin seems on the brink of falling apart. Meanwhile, young Aramis Selby endeavours to discover the Parseltongue’s secrets. What he finds will change Hogwarts for ever. But his interfering may seal his own fate...

‘Two-shot’, slightly angsty, I’d say. Let me know what you think. 3-5yrs,

Ratings: 3rd-5th Years [ - ] Past Featured Story
Category: Historical
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Serie: None
Chapters: 2 Completed?: Yes
Wordcount: 5504 Viewcount: 5085
Published on: 02/11/07 Updated On: 02/18/07

Story Notes: This story was previously titled 'The Giant Squid: The Beginning'. Thought I'd change it. Sorry for any inconvenience to anyone!

1. Chapter 1: Aramis Selby by loligo8me [ - ] (4003 words)
A/N: Please excuse my lack of knowledge of Old English. This story is set a thousand years ago but some lines of dialogue include modern words which I just couldn't bring myself to get rid of simply for the sake of linguistic accuracy heh... erm… so let’s begin!
2. Chapter 2: The Giant Squid by loligo8me [ - ] (1501 words)
Right, here's the second part, all tweaked and ready to serve. Enjoy. ;)