Summary: With McGonagall firmly entrenched as Hogwarts’ new headmistress, Harry is enticed to return for his seventh year under unique conditions. Aided by Ron and Hermione, he embarks upon a Horcrux search-and-destroy mission using the school as the base of operations. Recognizing that saving the wizarding world from the ultimate evil is a rather daunting task for a seventeen-year old wizard, the Order of the Phoenix steps in to assist Harry on his journey. It soon becomes clear, however, that not everyone has the same lesson plan in mind for our hero. As the headmistress attempts to lay a clever trap to reveal hidden agendas, Voldemort waits in ambush at the one site that Harry is sure to visit.
But before Harry can face his nemesis, he must face down the inner demons that plague his own life and truly grow into adulthood. His activities are punctuated with school pranks, Quidditch, parties, and the requisite amount of rule-breaking that readers have come to expect from the trio.
Ratings: 3rd-5th Years [ - ]
Category: General Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: Alternate Universe,
Book 7 Disregarded,
Character Death,
Substance Abuse,
Challenge: Serie: None
Chapters: 73
Completed?: Yes
Wordcount: 376268
Viewcount: 403249
Published on: 05/01/08
Updated On: 08/04/09