MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

A Different Sort of Magic by bite

Summary: This is an AU take on Harry’s fifth year at Hogwarts, during the summer holidays Harry is having difficulty getting over Cedric dying just before the summer. He is back at the Dursley’s, but this time events will be altered as he stumbles upon a mysterious primeval Book Of Shadows. Without thinking of the consequences, Harry reads an incantation from it aloud, soon after he reads it everything changes. For better or for worse no one knows, but he has awakened a different sort of magic no one alive in the Wizarding world has ever seen before.

This story is now complete. I have had to go onto a different site as this story is a crossover. I have moved to fanfiction net under casper01. Thanks.
Ratings: 3rd-5th Years [ - ]
Category: Alternate Universe
Characters: None
Warnings: Abuse, Alternate Universe, Book 7 Disregarded, Character Death
Serie: None
Chapters: 5 Completed?: Yes
Wordcount: 7398 Viewcount: 23926
Published on: 12/03/08 Updated On: 10/29/12

1. Chapter 1: Awakening by bite [ - ] (1892 words)
Jo Rowling owns the famous Harry Potter books. I am only borrowing her characters for my own entertainment.
2. Chapter 2 by bite [ - ] (1437 words)
All characters belong to JKR i am only borrowing them for fun.
3. Chapter 3 by bite [ - ] (1270 words)

4. Chapter 4 by bite [ - ] (1264 words)

5. Chapter 5 by bite [ - ] (1535 words)