MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Draco's Transformation by Shena

Summary: Harry and Ron are sick of Malfoy bullying people around and come up with a plan to stop him. What they don't realise is that spells can't change a person but only cause consequences. HGDM
Ratings: 1st-2nd Years [ - ]
Category: Hermione/Draco
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Serie: None
Chapters: 15 Completed?: Yes
Wordcount: 38527 Viewcount: 62966
Published on: 12/31/04 Updated On: 03/26/05

1. Quarrels And Plots by Shena [ - ] (1685 words)

2. Walk In The Dark by Shena [ - ] (1570 words)

3. In The Common Room by Shena [ - ] (2248 words)

4. Malfoy's Mistake by Shena [ - ] (3236 words)

5. How It Started by Shena [ - ] (2065 words)

6. Of Suspicions and Bickering by Shena [ - ] (2206 words)

7. Why Is It Always Neville? by Shena [ - ] (3210 words)

8. Spying And Broom Flying by Shena [ - ] (2717 words)

9. Rude Awakening by Shena [ - ] (2277 words)

10. Night Duty by Shena [ - ] (3494 words)

11. Slytherin VS Gryffindor by Shena [ - ] (2765 words)

12. Shock of News by Shena [ - ] (3171 words)

13. Confrontation by Shena [ - ] (1803 words)

14. Passing Time by Shena [ - ] (2118 words)

15. Draco's Final Transformation by Shena [ - ] (3962 words)