MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

The Redemption Of A Pureblood by Shena

Summary: A powerful spell is cast on a wizard who must take a chance at love if he wants to survive. How will he overcome his hatred of the world and everyone in it? How will love enter his stone cold heart? Presenting an appropriation of Beauty and the Beast.

Ratings: 1st-2nd Years [ - ]
Category: Hermione/Draco
Characters: None
Warnings: Character Death, Violence
Serie: None
Chapters: 11 Completed?: Yes
Wordcount: 30903 Viewcount: 46004
Published on: 12/31/04 Updated On: 07/12/05

1. Prelude by Shena [ - ] (1574 words)

2. Small Country Paradise by Shena [ - ] (2220 words)

3. Darkness Falls by Shena [ - ] (2554 words)

4. Trapped by Shena [ - ] (3400 words)

5. Getting Along by Shena [ - ] (2630 words)

6. Search For An Answer by Shena [ - ] (2690 words)

7. A Discovery by Shena [ - ] (3042 words)

8. Realisations by Shena [ - ] (2976 words)

9. Making Haste by Shena [ - ] (1885 words)

10. Battle In The Castle by Shena [ - ] (3325 words)

11. Dumbledore's Return by Shena [ - ] (4607 words)