MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

1. Master of Instinct (Lightning Clan Trilogy) by HermitKnut

Summary: Lord Voldemort is dead. Here’s to a happily ever after. Or not. Life after the war is far more complicated than anyone expected. After a devastating blow to the family so early, the Potters are left reeling - but this is only the beginning. With the death of outright evil, something more subtle has taken its place, and one wizard may not be enough. This time, it takes the whole family.
Sequel to All for All, but you do not need to have read that to understand this.
Ratings: 3rd-5th Years [ - ]
Category: Alternate Universe
Characters: None
Warnings: Abuse, Alternate Universe, Book 7 Disregarded, Character Death, Mild Profanity, Slash
Serie: None
Chapters: 12 Completed?: Yes
Wordcount: 31145 Viewcount: 35136
Published on: 09/11/12 Updated On: 01/01/13

Story Notes: This fic is in three parts. It is a completed fic and each chapter will be submitted as soon as the previous one has been approved.

1. Prologue by HermitKnut [ - ] (2871 words)

2. Lost by HermitKnut [ - ] (3480 words)

3. Found by HermitKnut [ - ] (2157 words)

4. Progress by HermitKnut [ - ] (2023 words)

5. Introductions by HermitKnut [ - ] (3814 words)

6. Transition by HermitKnut [ - ] (2041 words)

7. Shocks by HermitKnut [ - ] (3739 words)

8. Attack by HermitKnut [ - ] (3036 words)
A/N: Apologies for any posting delays; for some reason my email keeps eating the chapter validation alerts.
9. Defence by HermitKnut [ - ] (3070 words)
Apologies for the delay, everyone. The term has been manic and I'm just catching up now.
10. Explanations by HermitKnut [ - ] (2057 words)

11. Flames by HermitKnut [ - ] (1675 words)

12. Ashes by HermitKnut [ - ] (1182 words)