MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Cartoon Heart by Padfoot11333


Adrian didn't know how he'd fallen for her. He didn't want to.

And even though he could not think of leaving her, she acted, every moment, as if she could leave him without thinking twice.

Nominated for a 2013 Quicksilver Quill - Best Post/Hogwarts.

Ratings: 3rd-5th Years [ - ]
Category: Other Pairing
Characters: None
Warnings: Mild Profanity, Sexual Situations
Serie: None
Chapters: 1 Completed?: Yes
Wordcount: 1114 Viewcount: 1414
Published on: 09/27/12 Updated On: 09/28/12

Story Notes: This was betaed by Maple. She's a star.

I don't own the lyrics or title to this. They're both taken from the song Charlie Brown by Coldplay. Sadly, I am not a member of that band.

I'm also not JK Rowling. I know I had you all fooled.

1. be a bright red rose and come bursting the concrete by Padfoot11333 [ - ] (1114 words)
If Jess/ToBeOrNotToBeAGryffindor could mod this, that would be lovely.