MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Agony Aunts by BrokenPromise


Albus Dumbledore sees it as an opportunity to help his students. Severus Snape sees it as an opportunity for a free drink. What could possibly go wrong?

An early birthday present for a great friend over on the boards, Sophie, otherwise known as the owl. Have a great time!

Substance Abuse added for Snape possibly getting drunk.

Ratings: 1st-2nd Years [ - ]
Category: Humor Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: Substance Abuse
Serie: None
Chapters: 1 Completed?: Yes
Wordcount: 2264 Viewcount: 2338
Published on: 02/01/13 Updated On: 02/07/13

1. Agony Aunts by BrokenPromise [ - ] (2264 words)