MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

A Sackful of Holiday Horsefeathers by Piwakitt

Summary: This story has a bit of everything in it. Humor, romance, Slytherin schemes, and mystery! Set during Christmas holiday in Hermione's fifth year. Lupin visits McGonagall, Snape has a strange dream, Draco falls for Hermione, and Trelawney has a vision.
Ratings: 3rd-5th Years [ - ]
Category: Humor Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: Sexual Situations, Substance Abuse
Serie: None
Chapters: 12 Completed?: No
Wordcount: 40094 Viewcount: 33998
Published on: 04/19/15 Updated On: 04/12/16

Story Notes: The vast majority of this story was written between the release of Goblet of Fire and Order of Phoenix.

1. Chapter 1 - Midnight Madness, and Morning Mayhem by Piwakitt [ - ] (4586 words)

2. Chapter 2 - An Afternoon Romp by Piwakitt [ - ] (3320 words)
An unforeseen development prompts Harry and Ron to actually use the library. There, they run into a pair of teachers who have something other than research in mind.
3. Chapter 3 - Some Enchanted Evening by Piwakitt [ - ] (2876 words)
Who can explain it, who can tell you why? We find our young characters Hermione, Ginny, and Draco getting up to some trouble in the Prefects' Bathroom. Also, Snape suffers from a strange dream and decides to seek professional help.
4. Chapter 4 - Trelawney's Vision by Piwakitt [ - ] (3089 words)
Trelawney offers Snape a meaningful glimpse into the future. Pomfrey divulges her test results to an eager audience, and McGonagall becomes Dumbledore's translator. Last but not least, we find out what Lupin has been up to since leaving Hogwarts.
5. Chapter 5 - A Martial Arts Lesson by Piwakitt [ - ] (3461 words)
Lupin and McGonagall team up together to train the students in an ancient martial art. Then Snape brings Draco on an educational outing... to Knockturn Alley. Meanwhile, Dumbledore becomes involved in a case of missing property.
6. Chapter 6 - Draco's Story by Piwakitt [ - ] (3084 words)
Professor Snape and Draco Malfoy spend a few hours in Knockturn Alley. While there, Snape purchases an exotic animal on the black market, and Draco makes a rather surprising confession.
7. Chapter 7 - A Long and Pointless Afternoon by Piwakitt [ - ] (3197 words)
Minerva and Remus examine the possibilities of transfiguring a catalogue into a tin of fortune cookies. Harry and Ron glean nothing from their botched attempts at espionage. Meanwhile, Hermione, Ginny, and Elizabeth engage in mysterious activities behind closed doors.
8. Chapter 8 - Conversations with Snakes by Piwakitt [ - ] (3123 words)
Draco continues aiding and abetting Professor Snape in his plot to ensure Slytherin is the next recipient of the House Cup. Harry and Ron have a formidable encounter in the dungeons with a creature who has a gift for storytelling.
9. Chapter 9 - Intermission by Piwakitt [ - ] (3940 words)
We take a little peek inside Malfoy Manor--just to check up on Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy and see how they're doing. A brief intermission will follow, during which you may take a break to grab a bite to eat. Then we will return to Hogwarts Castle in time for breakfast and another Tae Kwon Do lesson.
10. Chapter 10 - Another Martial Arts Lesson by Piwakitt [ - ] (3048 words)
Remus Lupin endeavors to instill more discipline into his young Tae Kwon Do students. Minerva McGonagall, on the other hand, is in the mood to add some levity to the day's lesson.
11. Chapter 11: Dumbledore Learns Something by Piwakitt [ - ] (4021 words)
Dumbledore sits in judgment of Harry for his alleged crime. Then he receives a visit from Madam Pomfrey, who has made a shocking discovery.
12. Chapter 12: Interview with a Vampire by Piwakitt [ - ] (2349 words)
Harry is still trapped in the kitchen with Dobby serving out his detention, Remus and Minerva enjoy a few minutes alone together, and Dumbledore interviews a new candidate for the Defence Against the Dark Arts position.