Piwakitt [
My mother once told me a long time ago that we are called familiars. I come from a very long line of them. My forebears had been in the service of an old wizarding family in Greenwich Village, New York for over a hundred years. Gillian and her brother Nicky were the last of the line, and I belonged to Gillian. She was my witch, my mistress, and my dearest companion. I remember gazing upon her in adoration many evenings as I lounged on the sofa. I would help out with all her most intricate spellcraft and sorcery by lending to her a portion of my otherworldly magic. In return, I received her love and gratitude. And lots of tuna fish.
Then one day, a most tragic thing happened that still brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. My poor mistress Gillian suddenly lost all her powers! There was no way for her to get them back. I was so distraught. In my panic, I fled from her. Looking back, perhaps I should not have reacted so hastily, but hindsight is 20/100. I somehow ended up on a large boat that took me to a place far, far away called Scotland. It smelled different, and people had funny accents there. One of them was a nice lady whom I recognized instantly as a witch. I could sense great power from her. She was able to see that I am no ordinary cat, but a familiar spirit. And so she took me in and put a roof over my head, and she feeds me well. I live with her in an old castle where I can chase vermin to my heart's content. She has assured me that there is no possible way for her to lose her powers. The magic here in Scotland must be of a different sort than the magic in New York City.
Oftentimes, my new mistress will even transform her own self into a cat, and we will have great fun together basking in the warm sun on a window ledge, or carousing outdoors in the tall grass. And powerful though she is, she will at times allow me to aid her in her sorceries, which pleases me to no end. I would be very happy to spend the rest of my days here.
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Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: This story has a bit of everything in it. Humor, romance, Slytherin schemes, and mystery! Set during Christmas holiday in Hermione's fifth year. Lupin visits McGonagall, Snape has a strange dream, Draco falls for Hermione, and Trelawney has a vision.
Categories: Humor Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: Sexual Situations,
Substance Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 12 |
Completed: No |
Words: 40094 |
Hits: 34059 |
Published: 04/19/15 |
Updated: 04/12/16
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