MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!

Pineapples and Pistachio by ginny112

Summary: George Weasley knew that when he went on talking, he couldn't stop. But he had never felt as embarrassed at having said something accidentally as he did on the ocassion he took Luna Lovegood to Florean Fortescue's for her first taste of ice cream.
Ratings: 1st-2nd Years [ - ]
Category: Other Pairing
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Serie: None
Chapters: 1 Completed?: Yes
Wordcount: 2655 Viewcount: 838
Published on: 12/16/15 Updated On: 12/17/15

Story Notes: This was written for redheadsarehot for the Romance theme at hp_wishes. The prompt was ice cream. Thanks to my beta songquake for all the help. This is a little old but I had never posted here, so I'm posting here.

1. Pineapples and Pistachio by ginny112 [ - ] (2655 words)