MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Warnings: Mild Profanity


The Best of Things by ladybracknell

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: As Christmas settles over Grimmauld Place, everyone adjusts to the idea of a less than ideal festive season, and finds a way to make the best of things. OoTP year.

Five Weeks by Equinox Chick

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: When Nymphadora Tonks arrived at the Ministry to save Harry and his friends, she was a young, fearless Auror. Five weeks later she’s a mess. Her once vibrant hair is a drab brown and she can barely smile. Has she lost her nerve? Is it guilt over Sirius’ death? Or is something else happening in her life that has ridden roughshod over her unusual powers?

I am Equinox Chick from Hufflepuff and this is my entry for Round 7 of The Gauntlet.

Special thanks to Cassie (ms leading) for beta'ing this for me.

Unlikely Bonds by Quick Quotes

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: The '21/'22 school year kicks off pretty much like any other. Gryffindor/Slytherin feuds abound, the Potions master is a total wackjob and the DaDA professor is shrouded in mystery. Throw in the Weasley/Potter family heirlooms, the Malfoy legacy, the MacFusty clan's dragons, some funky lollipops, boggarts, a dreadfully wretched idea of a school assignment, plus a broken vanishing cabinet... you're bound to forge some unlikely bonds.

Et Ensuite Il m'a Trouve by roxmysox712

Rated: Professors •
Summary: She was broken and alone. He was lost and looking for a reason for his existance. This is their story.
Note: This story is rated for mentions of rape and self injury (nothing graphic), as well as sexual situations.

Dandelion by Rhi for HP

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Dilys Derwent forever reigns in the annals of wizarding history for her reknown as a revolutionary Healer and her distinguished tenure as a Headmistress of Hogwarts. But who was Dilys, called Dandelion in her youth? This story follows her path to legend.

Giving In by Rhi for HP

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Recovering from his recent breakup, Draco finds himself enchanted. Giving into temptation is easy, especially when temptation comes in the form of a seductress...

Finding the Magic by inspirations

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •

Arabella is a normal girl, from a normal wizarding family. A worry is constantly sitting on her stomach, though, and soon that worry has to be confirmed.

*Profanity minor, and one incident only*

Happiness Takes Courage by Sparkling_Moonlight

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Sometimes happiness takes more courage than we realize, but it should be worth it in the end, right? In this heart wrenching tale we will really see if Hermione Granger is brave enough to pursue her true happiness. After all, she helped take down Voldemort, this couldn't be much harder, right?


"Hermione, you shouldn't cry in public."

"But no one is here...."

That truth made her senses overwhelm with the grief, the cruelty, of losing him, of him slipping away so easily between her fingers. One after another, un-beautified, loud, painful sobs emitted from her lips, coming from low in her throat and projecting her agony across the area. She stumbled blindly, as if in a drunken stupor, towards the grave, falling down before it and grazing her hands as they caught on the grave stone, clinging to it. She scooted herself closer to it, wrapping her arms around it and holding the cold, icy, cement to her chest, as if her heat would make the body beneath her warm and be well once more.

She had never lost so much in her life as she had done in the last year, losing her dignity, her husband, her love, her happiness, her friends, the support of her family. All had slipped away, everything had gone so wrong, and because of her own actions, which she could have prevented if she had only been brave. She had been a Gryffindor in school, but as cowardly as a Slytherin in affairs of the heart. She thought upon the night that had changed her life forever, the night she knew she would never again be the happily married woman she so naively thought she was. The night that she had finally recognized what lay beneath the surface of exterior and into his soul. The night that Hermione Granger, a world recognized author, acquired the plot for what would be one of the bestselling books of the times.

Heartbeats by MerrryD

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •

They are insane.

They are both in St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. I believe Neville visits them, with his grandmother, during the holidays.

They do not recognise him.

Frank and Alice Longbottom suffered a terrible fate. It is not one to wish on even your worst enemy. Maybe their fate was written in the stars, and maybe it wasn’t. But, before it happened, pre-set or not, they had a life. They shared a story together. You know how it ends. Do you know how it goes?

Poor devils. Better dead than what happened to them.

Here's to The Death of My Heart by CrystalM

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Companion to Torn Between Ice and Emeralds. You don't have to have read it to understand, but having a background story will make some things in this one-shot make more sense.

It's close to Christmas time, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione have been hunting Horcruxes since Dumbledore’s death. Through a glimpse into Voldemort’s mind, Harry finds out that Voldemort intends to pay Hogwarts a visit. The trio attempt to head him off, but while there, Harry anxiously arranges a meeting with Ginny by the lake in hopes of letting her know that she still owns his heart. He will soon find out that another has stolen her love in his absence.

I stared deeply into her russet eyes, willing my Ginny to come back to me. I could see in the tears now rolling down her cheeks that there was something on the tip of her tongue, something that would ruin me.

“I love him, Harry.”

Darkest Side of Me by Fenrir_Confringo

Rated: Professors •
Everyone in Hogwarts is acting a little strange.
There is a new breeze sweeping through the students,
causing unexplained phenomenons and unthinkable happenings.

A gateway has been opened,
to reveal the true colors of the inhabitants of Hogwarts,
whether they be the darkest or the lightest side of them.

"I don't like the way I feel when I get close to him," Hermione whispered.
"Yeah," Ron agreed, looking serious, "he's a weird one, isn't he?"

Note: This fic goes back and forth between p.o.v's and time frames. There is some slight Hr/D romance, my own OC, and a whole lot of wizard angst.
[Still developing...I've only validated the first and second chapter, so bear with me! :)]

Torn Between Ice and Emeralds by CrystalM

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: COMPLETED -- A broken-hearted Ginny Weasley lets go of Harry Potter to let him fight the good fight and starts her sixth year at Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy follows Snape back to Death Eater headquarters after Dumbledore's death to even more danger than he had just left, realising too late that he has made his greatest mistake yet. Is anyone likely to forgive him? Finding himself a refugee within the walls he had conspired against, he witnesses a scene that alters his perception of a concept he had previously found to be a waste of time: Love. This change allows him to grow away from the model Death Eater his father had been sculpting him into in an effort to find out what he really believes in with the help of his new friendship found in the youngest Weasley. Meanwhile, Ginny struggles with her harboured feelings for the man destined to save the Wizarding world, unknowingly losing her affections with every passing day to his childhood enemy.

Compliant with HBP and below.

25,000 reads!!! ::claps for readers:: Please, please leave me a review!!

All the World's a Stage by R_Ravenclaw

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.

William Shakespeare

Throughout his life, Draco Malfoy has encountered many people, but to him they all seem like people in a play. They do exactly what he would expect, and worst of all is his soon-to-be-fiancée, Daphne Greengrass.

When he encounters her sister, Astoria, he doesn't know what to think. Why is she so strange? But most importantly — why does he care so much?

The Legacy of the Elder Wand by Phoenix5225

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Set against the backdrop of the cold, yet proud Durmstrang School, the Tri-Wizard Tournament is about to begin. Sixth-year James Potter is selected as part of a small delegation to travel to Durmstrang, one of whom will become the Hogwarts Champion. Amidst the pleasantry of the Tournament and the new friends that are made, one young man, with the help of his brother, is devising a sinister plot to become the most powerful wizard of the age. All he needs is a wand.

Out of the Darkness by Tim the Enchanter

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: The war against Voldemort is not going well. The Ministry of Magic has fallen and the Order of the Phoenix is scattered. Harry Potter and his friends are ruthlessly hunted by Voldemort and his Death Eaters. There is no end in sight for our heroes…



Nominated for QSQ 2008 Best Humour Story!

For Bitter or for Worse by Kerichi

Rated: 6th-7th Years •

All is not well.

George uses work and Firewhisky to cope with Fred's death until a drink with a friend leads to something that dulls pain better than alcohol. Emotionally torn by grief, he struggles to allow Alicia into his life...and then comes baby....

*Winner of the 2008 Quicksilver Quill Award for Best Dark/Angsty Story*

Gone Fishing by Kerichi

Rated: 6th-7th Years •

Instead of a romantic sail along the coast of Zanzibar with his fiancée, George got a fishing trip with a Slytherin.

*A "honeymoon" missing moment from For Bitter or for Worse.*

Baby Mine by Kerichi

Rated: 6th-7th Years •

Precious to me, cute as can be.... Tonks was supposed to be with Teddy at her mother's. Why couldn't she stand waiting? What caused her to look 'anguished'? Not a deathfic, just a possible explanation of why Tonks 'sped off' to find Remus.

Paint it Black: the Portraits of Phineas Nigellus by Kerichi

Rated: 6th-7th Years •

When widowed Headmaster Phineas Nigellus commissions a private portrait, children and unexpected emotions complicate his elaborate plans for a simple seduction.

*A Victorian romance with a Christmas epilogue*

Moonlight and Shadow by Kerichi

Rated: 6th-7th Years •

Tonks' world has fallen into shadow. Voldemort has returned, the Order of the Phoenix has risen, and Sirius is slowly drowning in memories and Firewhisky. Tonks needs more than determination to fight the darkness. She needs Remus.